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Thread: Janis Joplin & Dick Cavvett

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    Default Janis Joplin & Dick Cavvett


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    I thought ENFp too...

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    What about the guy?
    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Holy mud-wrestling bipolar donkeys, Batman!

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    I pity your souls

  4. #4


    I've always loved Dick Cavvet for some reason. There's something really mellow and cool about him. He's a great interveiwer

  5. #5


    another interview between the two (supposedly Janis's last according to the you-tube video)

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr
    His most famous line from this period may have been the following:
    “ I went to a Chinese-German restaurant. The food is great, but an hour later you're hungry for power. ”
    That's great...

    Yeah, he reminds me of this guy I know irl who seems maybe ENxp. Probably ENTp. He drew a card for one of his friends once... it had a blue sky, a green field, a smiling flower and a rabbit. Caption: "I hope you contract streptococcal meningitis."
    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Holy mud-wrestling bipolar donkeys, Batman!

    Retired from posting and drawing Social Security. E-mail or PM to contact.

    I pity your souls

  7. #7


    lol check out the first 45 seconds or so of this interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono... he totally makes an ILE sort of joke/faux pas/awkward moment about Yoko breaking up the band


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    I am going to say that Dick is ENFp and Janis is an Se valuing type (if my understanding of Se is correct).


    first, you have to remember that Janis Joplin was on drugs. But looking at her mannerisms, and how she speaks, compare it with my experience, I would have to say ISFj.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
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    Janis is ISFp for me.
    "I like persons better than principles, and I like persons with no principles better than anything else in the world"

  10. #10


    I actually thought that at first too... there's a honest fun simplicity to her that I identify with. She also seems very at ease and inducing around Cavvett. I could also accept ENFp too though.

  11. #11


    she doesn't seem especially high to me in that first one... the second one though, she's giving off visible "high" or "drunk" waves IMO.

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    Default Janis Joplin, Gloria Swanson and Dick Cavett

    Type them:
    Janis Joplin, Gloria Swanson and Dick Cavett (fragments from 13:30-21:00 and 25:00-29:24 should suffice, so around 12 mins)

    I'm not posting pics on purpose. This video interaction is quite telling imo. What do you guys think?

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    Ok, let's get this thread moving.

    My ideas are: Janis ILE>IEE 7w? sx/so, Gloria EIE? 3w4 not sx-last, Dick EIE-Ni 3w? sp/so.
    Tell me if I'm right/wrong and why... or just plain write what your opinions are?

    Lazies just watch the bit from 25:00 to 29:24.

    @darya, @Suz, @anndelise, @applejacks, @silke, @Aylen, @Ananke, @lemontrees, @FoxOnStilts
    and @ anyone who feels like sharing their opinion

  14. #14
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    I read "Going Down with Janis" like ten years ago. It was written by her girlfriend, so I will have to refresh my memory. I have a feeling she was probably Beta sx/so and her parents were Delta. I used to feel sad for her. I started collecting books on her during one of my "I should have been born in a different time frame" phases of my life. I read mostly about JIm, Pamela De Barres, and Janis then. I have more books than I should about certain famous people of the 60s, ahem... hahah

    The opening line of the book:

    "I was stark naked, stoned out of my mind on Heroin and the girl lying between my legs giving me head was Janis Joplin." - Going Down With Janis by Peggy Casserta
    I remember something about her being so belligerent that Jim Morrison hit her in the head with a bottle or something like that. I will have to skim the book again and see what jumps out at me.

    But what really sealed Janis's fate as a social untouchable was her growing reputation as the school slut. At some point in her junior year, Janis felt compelled to appear promiscuous. Among her friends there is no consensus on how Janis came by her new role. It may have developed because word had it that Janis was sleeping around and she simply decided that, if people were going to call her a slut, she might as well act like one or because Janis was tired of being ignored and threw herself into the one activity that was sure to get a Port Arthur girl talked about. Whatever the reason, Janis certainly knew it wouldn't take much to earn a bad reputation at TJ High. By her senior year, the rumors were flying that Janis Joplin read pornography and was making it with guys right and left. At TJ, like so many other American high schools, "you could do it one time and everyone in the whole school would know and say they'd slept with you," says Path. Once the kids started calling Janis a whore, Patti figures Janis might have said, "Oh fuck, I'll just go ahead and do it." Other friends suspect Janis did go all the way but not nearly as often as many other girls who simply had the sense to keep quiet about their sex lives. And yet several good friends contend that, while Janis did everything in her power to suggest she was loose, she never really "put out." Grant Lyons thinks "it's possible Janis could have played the make-out queen without actually having intercourse." Karleen insists Janis remained a virgin until after graduation. So does her classmate and friend Tary Owens, despite the fact that to this day "every guy down there says they slept with her." As for the porn, Karleen says, "You want to know what it was? Mickey Spillane novels." Whether or not Janis lost her virginity in high school matters less in the end than the lengths to which she went to appear loose.

    As Janis's reputation grew, so did the ostracism. Every year the local country club threw a dance for high school seniors. Karleen belonged to the club, but her classmates excluded her from their planning meeting because of her friendship with Janis. "I found out later that I had not been invited because they said I would invite Janis to the dance and that would just totally ruin it." A decade later, Janis would complain about the "country club" girls in the pricey front-row seats—often the only girls she could really see at her concerts. "Sometimes they think they're gonna like you. And then you get out there and you really damage and offend their femininity. You know, `No chick is supposed to stand like that.' I mean, crouching down in front of the guitar player goin' `uuuuhhhn!' You know, lettin' your tits shake around, and your hair's stringy, and you have no makeup on, and sweat running down your face, you're coming up to the fuckin' microphone, man, and at one point their heads just go `click,' and they go, `Oooh, no!' ... and the expressions on their faces are of absolute horror. The girls are going, `Oh, my God, she may be able to sing, but she doesn't have to act like that!'"

    It seems almost inconceivable that Janis would have embarked on this strategy of deliberate provocation had she known how vicious the backlash would be. Students spat on her and threw pennies at her in the hallways. Tap/Owens recalls that their senior year "it got really bad because there was a group of guys—future fraternity guys who made up stories about her and called her a pig. Of course, most of them now say they loved her and she was just wonderful." One reason the harassment was so relentless, Owens says, was that the guys wanted to "get a rise out of her, get her to say, `Fuck you'—and she often took the bait." After these confrontations, he says, Janis would "be hurt and she'd show it through anger mostly." She'd also seek solace with a group of kids who were as disaffected as she was.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  15. #15
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    Why do you think ILE>IEE for Joplin? Gloria is defiantly EIE I would agree with you.

    Not that this matters to you, but Gloria is exactly like a personal freind of mine, an older women whose kids I used to babysit before the grew up. She shacked up with a ranch owner and they built this amazing home and huge shop and guest house on their property. She often joked about how she had hit the "jack pot", but it was never in a pompous way. She is also a huge believer in the underdogs in life, and always took a special interest in me. I ride her horses for her. Interesting to me at least about EIEs is how firm their convictions when they share.

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    @wacey I just think she's pretty clearly Fi-PoLR and it's just that she's so colourful and relatable in some way, very simple reasoning on my side here really. I just feel like I can get inside her head in a way when watching interviews. I can be wrong but it's just one of those things that were more of a vibe...
    Oh and the stuff you wrote is interesting, I like learning what stands behind other people's typings

    @Aylen she might be Beta, but which type then?
    it's interesting info you posted. Doesn't exclude ILE imo though. It just sounds Fi-PoLR xLE 7w8 sx/so to me.
    And given Janis did a ton of drugs her confrontation level was likely lowered.
    But I can def be convinced she's another type - just which?
    Last edited by aisa; 03-15-2015 at 11:36 AM.

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aisa View Post
    @wacey I just think she's pretty clearly Fi-PoLR and it's just that she's so colourful and relatable in some way, very simple reasoning on my side here really. I just feel like I can get inside her head in a way when watching interviews. I can be wrong but it's just one of those things that were more of a vibe...
    Oh and the stuff you wrote is interesting, I like learning what stands behind other people's typings

    @Aylen she might be Beta, but which type then?
    it's interesting info you posted. Doesn't exclude ILE imo though. It just sounds Fi-PoLR xLE 7w8 sx/so to me.
    I will say my first thought was SLE for her. Mostly because she was a brawler but I was too. She was also very emotional and controlling in some ways. I am guilty of that too but I don't think she was as good at changing the emotional atmosphere for others.

    I did not go through the stage that she did (where she was perceived as unattractive and even ugly by her peers) but I did get the reputation of being a "weird witchy slut" in 6th grade because boys from school liked to hang out at my house, after school, and on weekends. Only my very close female friends were invited. We played spin the bottle, and 7 minutes in heaven, kind of games but it did not go further than that at that age. I ended up going to alternative school, where everyone was some kind of weird slut, because I did not fit in at the public schools and got in too much trouble. Then had to spend time in group homes and detention centers.

    The weird witchy slut label never wore off in certain groups. I am pretty sure they would still say that now if asked about me. In fact I know they still do because my sister keeps up with old friends on facebook. They got an impression of me at age 12 that has never been changed. Mostly because I found a group where I fit perfectly, and totally disappeared those who hated on me from my reality. It was in the music scene and I got all caught up in the lifestyle for years and forgot that I was once an outcast in my part of town. It is funny to know that people (from grade school) still talk about me and I don't even remember most of them. I guess they didn't make much of an impression on me. My sister said it isn't all bad though. Now that they are adults some people think I was "really cool" for doing the things I did.

    I imagine I did many of the same things Janis did but I was perceived as a softer gentler version of Pamela De Barres. lol I thought of writing a book about it once but then thought I would not want that kind of attention put on my mis-adventures. I was mostly worried about my family knowing all my secrets. They know most now but the desire to do it is at 0%.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    P. S. What type do you think Bill Murray is? There's sth similar in the way they VI to me...

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aisa View Post

    P. S. What type do you think Bill Murray is? There's sth similar in the way they VI to me...
    Damn, first thought is he is alpha. Just vibes that way to me and probably ILE but I don't know anything about him. She has an edgier, more aggressive vibe than Bill.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I'll watch some more later, but on quick glance Janis Joplin seems 9w8 (7w8?), Cavett 3w4 and Swanson something tougher, gutsier, like 7w8 (she's not soft enough for heart triad).

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