What I'm specifically doing in this thread is demonstrating the existence of the variations in INTjs due to the existence of exertion type.

Starting with my own combination, INTj-ENFj.

This type seems to be poorly represented. These are the only examples I've found so far.

Bible Black Gaiden's protagonist (the one on the left)

Calm, collected... and driven, although I'm not sure drive correlates to type.... Suffice to say, she's the closest I've yet come to a fictional correspondent to myself. Definitely an INTj-ENFj who feels in control, and who is determined to defend what she knows to be true.

This character from Langrisser III

I know little about this character because I've not played the game. I'll try to get a script that's been translated into English from the original Japanese.


From Bleach:
Uryū Ishida

Uryū operates on a moral ethic known as the "Pride of the Quincy" and has a strong sense of justice. He has also shown to be very chivalrous, stating that he enacts justice on men who abuse or treat women badly. He demonstrates this at multiple points throughout the series, such as when he tried to defend Rukia Kuchiki from Renji Abarai when he and Byakuya Kuchiki came to the real world to take her, or when he defends Orihime Inoue at multiple points throughout the Soul Society arc. Uryū also has a tendency to not use lethal force in battle, especially if he can win without doing so. Instead, he will simply incapacitate his opponent.


Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex's Motoko Kusanagi
(the original movie's Motoko is ISFp)

Major Motoko Kusanagi's formal introduction in the first season comes during the first episode, when Section 9 is called in to resolve a hostage situation at a Geisha house. Throughout the series, The Major maintains her signature commanding presence and authority. Unlike other members of Section 9, The Major could best be described as a lone wolf, relying very little on outside help to accomplish her goals. Among the various members of Section 9, Kusanagi is usually the one Chief Aramaki singles out to accompany him on official and off the record business.