Why do some people feel entitled to ask me for arbitrary favors and expect that I'll automatically say yes JUST BECAUSE they're good friends or family? This fucking pisses me off. It's like once you've known someone for long enough, you suddenly become a favor vending machine. Fuck you, I don't ask you for any "favors," and if I do, I certainly don't put pressure on you to do them "just because." Now I have to feel bad and/or make up a reason I CAN'T do it, because as long as I imply that I'm not doing it just because I don't want to, you're either going to get offended and pissy, or just keep insisting that I do it. Not the right way to treat someone you care about.

Example: the other day, my mom got out of the shower, and came into my room while I was still half asleep watching TV:

"Can you please fill up the shampoo bottles for me? I've got the big jug sitting right next to the dispenser, so all you have to do is pour it in."
"But I never use your shampoo."
"So how did it get empty so fast?"
"You used it."
"Oh. Well, would you do it anyways?"
"Oh. Well, I'll just leave it there in case you change your mind."

WHAT THE FUCK? This kind of shit makes me want to throw glass objects out of my window and scream at anyone who says anything about it. She took the effort to get the dispensers out of the shower, find the jugs with the refills in them, put them together, take the caps off the dispensers, and then she walks into my room while I'm still in bed and expects me to finish what she started? WAEFk'iwjrg][fougfjAWGRWeshgaweIESFGHJE[HUSHWUHGQAWHGH[O

And yeah, I filled up the fucking dispenser, because I'm a nice guy. But it's so fucking assuming to just take for granted that I want to do things just to make you happy, ESPECIALLY if you're going to get offended if I say no. If I want to do something nice for you, I'll do it, WITHOUT you asking. Doesn't that make it better, more genuine, if I take initiative and do things for you because I WANT to, and not just because you happen to need something and I'm the closest person you feel comfortable asking?