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Thread: Member Questionnaire (photon)

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    Default Member Questionnaire (photon)

    Member Questionnaire 1 (photon)
    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is something awe-inspiring that brings out admiration. There are many things that could be called beautiful. To me a beautiful thing is usually a person, an aesthetic, an form of art, things like that. Love is either when you care about someone a lot or you feel very attached to something. I saw quote once saying "love people not things" but why not both? Anything is worthwhile if it makes us happy (unless you are harming someone else of course).
    What are your most important values?
    I value honesty and respect for others a lot. In others I appreciate kindness and thoughtfulness of others. But I also prefer those who are direct, realistic and to the point. I don't like passive behaviour, where people don't say what they mean. I also dislike a lack of respect for a persons boundaries and personal space. I'm somewhat of a perfectionist, so I appreciate it when others are hardworking and put effort into a projects or tasks. I know everyone has their own skill ceilings so I try not to hold high expectations of others.
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I'm definitely an atheist. I am a science student after all (I know those with beliefs can also believe in science) - but for me I don't hold a religious belief because I can't believe in something I cannot see. Science has concrete value and sometimes even evidence that it is true. I wasn't raised by a spiritual family either. People who follow religions have said to me that if you have committed a "sin" it doesn't mean that their god won't accept you. Perhaps they thought I might see myself as unworthy of god, but that wasn't it. I just cannot put my faith in something so spiritual, it's like trying to follow something that clearly doesn't exist. Scientific facts can't exactly be proven either - we can't see tiny particles that construct material - but this understanding seems to produce useful procedures in the industry, and in experimental observation their are signs that the theory is true. I respect that people have a religion, if this fulfil them, as long they try to make others follow it to be honest. People accept their beliefs so they just respect atheism as well. My apologies if this all seems rude or offensive, it's just what I think.
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    I don't understand how the military works, but it must be necessary to protect a country from potential threats in other countries. However I don't always approve, some of the political threats I see on the news just come off as arrogance to me. Power shouldn't belong to an immature or immoral person. To have it means you should use it or enforce it in a beneficial way to people - to protect them, defend yourself, to improve a society or community, and so on. If someone has the power to do something, they should make sure they are doing it for the greater good and not their own selfish reasons. There are many people i've come across or grew up with who have taken advantage or their power or authority, and I've always disliked that.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    Long conversations are rare but great when it happens. They're usually about something conceptual perhaps, have spend ages talking to the meanings and symbolism in a film, game, or whatever. Also talked about people, why they might be prone to a certain type of behaviour, trends and what everyone likes/relates to. Quite vague maybe but topics are can be broad. I like to listen to someone talk, about an experience or whatever.

    Just the usual interests really - pop culture, books, health and well being. I like fiction because of it's escapism and imagination, especially with good story telling. It's fun to theorise or see interesting characters. Reading gives me an idea of the author as well, or the create, which is cool (their culture, values, the intertwining of their personal life experiences with their writing). I'm interested in health but I don't know why - to prevent being unhealthy and unhappy I suppose. Obviously interesting in science because I want to understand how things work and just use my brain basically. If I have the ability then why not learn it if I can and want to? It would be a waste not to, never learn anything or develop as a person through studying and life experiences.
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Yes. In fact I'm studying science because I want to work in the biomedical field. I might change my mind on this ambition, but its my goal because I'm interested in health and how the human body works. I would say I'm pretty focused on my body. For example the reason I exercise is to feel physically better. When I haven't managed to exercise I will start to feel awfully sluggish. I try to be healthy too because I know that it makes me feel better both physically and emotionally. In the long term to, as it lowers the risk of illnesses.
    What do you think of daily chores?
    We have to do them for a reason. I'm not really bothered by them. It's worse when people don't do chores. The people I live with are very messy, let the rubbish pile up in the kitchen and never did the dishes. It's disgusting to live in, not to mention the pest and poor hygiene. It;s best to clean up after yourself so it doesn't pile up into a much worse problem. Saves time and effort to do chores, and they're not all that bad.
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I recently completed a game called The Wolf Among us, and I absolutely love it! It tells a story and has dialogue choices. I liked how it took the classic fairy tales and put a dark yet realistic twist on the stories. It involved finding a serial killer but there is such a focus on detail and clues in the surrounding which was really interesting. It's quite an eccentric game too, has a comic book aesthetic and as player it lets you theorise and predict things on your own instead of outright telling you what is going on, and making you go along with the character and story. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys RPGs.

    I like films with interesting and artistic visuals, that aren't CGI heavy. LotR, The dark knight, and John Wick are a few examples. Books I enjoy a focus on the abstract or fantasy. It's not interesting to read something about the materialistic, mundane things, as we can simply experience that ourselves. The Harry Potter books are probably the best fiction I've read so far. Rowling is the most wealthy writer in the world for a reason.

    I like films that are focused on concepts or fantasy bascially, except for Sci-Fi which usually seems more lame to me, unless it has a cyberpunk feel (e.g Ghost in the shell, Blade Runner).
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I smile when someone says something I find amusing, or see someone who makes me happy? Usually cry when someone has been an asshole to me, or late at night when bad memories come back to me.
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    Being surrounded by people with a common interest, being at home, or in a cozy place with nice food and drink.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    My weakness is probably my lack of assertiveness, and awkwardness. I'm most offended when someone takes advantage of me or tells me I have a lack of ability to stand up for myself. I'm also bad at knowing what I'm capable of (might be confidence related) like trying to line up my skills with a role when applying for a job. I dislike my habit of overthinking everyone instead of just letting myself loose, not caring about other peoples opinions and whether i agree with them or not. I don't like my immaturity and childishness, I get angered by things and can't control my contempt.
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    People have said about my strong attention to detail, and thoughtfulness. Also received compliments on what I'm wearing lol, or that I'm smart/good at a subject. Other than that I don't know. I don't possess the typical skills that people should have in my society - good communicator, enthusiasm, charisma.
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I appreciate input on achieving a goal or accomplishing something. I would like help with being more motivated and driven, simply enjoying and living the moment.
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Yes, in several ways. There are many obstacles that I face, usually the main cause being myself and lack of will. I don't want to go out my comfort zone, because I convince myself it won't be worthwhile anyway and nothing will change. Can also feel stuck when it seems like their is no other option or way to live life. I'm afraid of running out of options, having no solutions to my problems.
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    The type of people I get along with are those who are down to earth. I like serious and humorous people about the same. Everyone has different interests and communication styles so I try to adapt to them. I get along with people who are the opposite I get, or at least my best friends in the past have been the opposite of me in some way, more outgoing, loud and forceful (sometimes they've been just like me though, introverted, sensitive, artistic etc). hard to answer because I don't feel drawn to a particular type of person...I like those who seem strong but are still aware of life's hardships.
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I look for someone I can get along with and talk to easily. I would mostly go for someone who is easy to communicate with, shares some interests, but also take the lead in the relationship kind of. I am better suited to someone who takes the imitative, is more gregarious, is very determined and knows what they want, is good at problem solving and finding efficient solutions to seemingly complicated problems. That doesn't mean I want to be the submissive one lol. But in any kind of relationship I prefer not to take the lead. In a romantic relationship I guess I try to offer support. I want them to trust me and reveal their more introverted side.

    I don't like talk about romance in a poetic way because that isn't like it is in reality. They have their ups and downs, sometimes your partner isn't in the mood or something happens that affects the relationship.
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    Everything really. Their health, emotional well being, learning. I would pay attention to their skills, what to do seem good at, their capabilities at school etc. Again I would encourage them to be open with the feelings and talk about things when they need to.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    This happens a lot lol. Usually not with friends, because I would less likely befriend someone who has different beliefs from mine. This happens with friends when they like someone that I hate. It's stupid of me but I have no tolerance for that, it offends me almost. Especially if that person hasn't behaved very decently towards me - them befriending them or being nice to them seem like an insult to our own relationship. It would tell me that they don't respect me and allow people to be indecent towards me, or someone else.
    My outward reaction would be the same, I might show them disapproval or come up with a snide remark like "I told you so" / What did I tell you?" I would try my best to reason with them but if the opinion is more political I would try to shrug it off and avoid discussion of it in future. It would affect how I see them though probably.
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    Due to my upbringing and perhaps personality I can quite distrustful and cynical of reality. I have a love hate relationship with society, as I hate the superficial and maintain stream side of it, but admire the economy that has been build by the people of the last generations existing before us. It's a good thing that we are expected to contribute to society or just the community, but it builds pressure, shows us expectations that we feel we have to live up to. I don't like the competitive side of it because it disregards the individual capacities and uniqueness in society, instead expecting everyone to be the same - e.g. follow a clothing trend according to gender, the shape of your body, your age etc. I'm also wary of technology, as I think it impacts peoples lives to greatly. Why keep developing a new phone when technology advancement could go towards more important things such as technology used in medical treatments? Why invent something that gives us reminders, takes our commands because we're too lazy to do it ourselves, rather than making our homes more safe and convenient? Or just literally anything else, like caring about the environment, preventing pollution and all these things? There's nothing wrong with entertainment but technology being invented can be pointless. It's disgraceful to see children using the internet, playing video games all day or owning a phone. People forget that their is more to life than entertainment through technology.
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I choose friends based on how decent they are and how easy they are to talk to? I would befriend someone who I might foresee having conflicts and fights with. Also their hobbies, ways they like to spend their time I like having movie nights, going to coffee shops, bars and competing in a game together) Somewhere that has pleasant surroundings.
    With friends I gradually open up as we get closer (everyone does) but this is more obvious from me because I very introverted.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    I'm very cautious and don't talk about my feelings a lot. I'm not very expressive and try to withhold my opinions about things. I focus on being objective and slowly getting to know the stranger, rather than acting like friends right away. I prefer to build relationships over time, let it develop if it can.
    I try to clarify my thoughts more, make things clear to them, focus on being polite and do small talk to start with. Just normal I guess. I tend to point out facts a lot, like "well technically..."

    That's about it really.
    now FINALLY I'm done. That took forever.
    Feedback would be appreciated, even just your general impression would help.

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    My general impression is LSI or some kind of ST, like SLI. Eventually it could make a LII but I don't think so much this way.

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    In a video questionnaire I would probably say the exact same things to be honest. (I looked at the vlogger thread! the youtubers I watch are usually Fe valuing types

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    Quote Originally Posted by photon View Post
    In a video questionnaire I would probably say the exact same things to be honest.
    In video you may tell about anything you like. Nonverbal is what is important there. For other there is questionnaire text.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    In video you may tell about anything you like. Nonverbal is what is important there. For other there is questionnaire text.
    I'm really bad at talking in videos

    Is there other way to type myself using non verbal information?

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    Quote Originally Posted by photon View Post
    I'm really bad at talking in videos

    Is there other way to type myself using non verbal information?
    IRL meeting
    photos are not good way

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    Quote Originally Posted by photon View Post
    I'm really bad at talking in videos

    Is there other way to type myself using non verbal information?
    Your avatar picture makes me think you are enneagram type 3.

    I just read over your questionnaire, and I think I see a low-twenties LIE.

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    heros never die

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    Not very knowledgeable of enneagram but I can see why it looks E3. Chose the avatar to match the username, using my ow main.

    I'm not about Si PoLR, never thought of my Si as low dimensional.

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