OK, I really am curious about this one. Hitta, why don't you think you're ISTp?

You seem to have the stubborness of an ISTp, and the sort of logic that although it's right, it's still wrong from a socialising Fe POV.

I think you're far too rebellious to be INTj, also, although you've got good logic, you don't construct fully functional Ti systems with your arguments and ideas like INTj's do. You've got holes in them and they are more dynamic, they seem to be able to change whenever, depending on situation or discussion.

You seem to care much more about your own principles more than what others think, and you defend these logically, like ISTp's can do. You don't seem receptive to Fe at all.

It seems like you need someone like an ENFp who understands you and..work with your weaker points, probably through that.

Or maybe i've missed something, and you've re-typed as SLI.