Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
I can easily see the difference, but that's hard to describe in writing.


ILI's are extremely logical (Te) and are great future planners (Ni). They secretly want to rule the world from behind the curtain and often relentlessly and unceasingly collect education to do so. They like BMW's (Se-seeking). ILI's tend to think that other people are idiots (Fe-PoLR). Males tend to like party girls who can be sexually dominating (Se-seeking). (Victims).

SLI-Te's can also be very logical (Te), but they place a higher emphasis on physical comfort (Si) and and are attracted to frivolity (Ne-seeking), and they want to retreat from the world, not rule it (Fe-PoLR). They tend to collect material resources that will serve them in their old age (Si), which they think can't come soon enough. (Caregivers).
SLI's tend to think that their lives are terminally boring and live in fear that they will lead a life where nothing ever happens. Males tend to avoid women but they do like women who like to travel and who spring infantile surprises on them.

Both types can be perfectionists and both types can be pretty hard on themselves sometimes.

Just from your chosen name, @superflousman, I'd say you are more likely to be SLI than ILI. SLI's tend to think that the world is passing them by as they stand and watch, and that they are entirely superfluous to the world. It is their duals, the IEE's, who forcefully bring them into an exciting reality. As in this clip:

Thanks for the response. I definitely relate to your description of Si and Ne. I do find myself or rather I prefer to be an obersever than a go-getter or doer. I believe many of my values and interests are indeed superfluous to the greater world.

This is also why I think Ni and Si are similar and perhaps I confused the two. Lot of descriptions characterize Ni as being passive, in the background, not really engaged which I related to. I consider myself an individualist, don't really care about political/civic duties, social pressures, religion, gossip, etc...What I like is enjoying my time through reading, surfing, being with family/friends, traveling and general leisure. It all comes down to healthy and humane living if I had had to state a theme.