Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
Quote Originally Posted by Joy
Honestly, he sounds like a very well-rounded and intelligent ESFj.
He is the most un-F person I know. He pretends not to have any feelings.

ESFjs are the heart-on-sleeve types. He's quite opposite.

He's well-rounded in knowledge. But he's not social in the way ESFjs are. He charming, but he prefers to socialize with only very very intelligent people. And the fact that he draws attention to his knowledge may inadvertently turn others off. That seems pretty anti-ESFj to me (?).

Anyhow, if he comes of as ESFj, that's probably an indication of him being INTj (same axis).
hmm well I just jumped into this topic but correct me if I am wrong, but I've always viewed Thinking and Feeling in a different sense.

I think that Thinkers tend to trust logical coherence over feeling the 'meaning' in something. You could say they trust what makes logical sense.

While Feelers tend to trust the 'meaning' they feel behind something. They will act on motives without reason or rationale, very much unlike a thinker.

This does not mean feelers are nessicarily always emotional, nor does it mean thinker are not.

Emotions are experienced by both types, the key difference is you could say feelers are more confident in appraising the 'true' emotional state they experience and express their sincere emotions and acting with sincere convictions.

However thinkers tend to rationalize their emotions, not in a 'negative' sense. They tend to be more confident in logical and feel falling easily into emotion makes them lose their 'cool', and hamper their ability to appraise the logic behind something. Losing this ability they fear because they trust 'logical truth' over feeling based truth. They tend to express confidence over sincere emotions and act based on a logical conviction which is usually rationalized from emotional axioms.

From this I don't think its a proper usage of the concept to say, pretending to not have feelings means a non-feeler. In some cases I see certain people falter to express sincerity thats non feeler/thinker based. I see the difference as a thinker does so to maintain their calm, cool, collected, confident state. A feeler may tend to falter from sincerity, however its not because they want to keep a cool and collected state, their feelings may be uncomfortable for them to express in a certain situation, they may abstain from anger towards a person they really like at first because they find the conflict uncomfortable. However with feelers you don't get a cool, calm, confident vibe from them, in those cases you can sense they are holding back something for some reason rooted in feeling.

So it really matters in what way the guy pretends to not have feelings.

Is it because he wants to maintain his cool and confident state, thinking he will be 'out of control' when emotional.

Or is it alternatively because he is uncomfortable expressing these feelings in a situation, and hence you can kind of tell he is 'holding back' his feelings on a matter.

Also NF's tend to get really bent out of shape when they falter from sincerity, so they will tend to act extremely stressed when 'holding back', and if probed enough they can break easy and let out what they where 'holding back'. NT's however can usually reamain calm and amuse such probing with witty logic and debate.

In my opinion usually feelers which sometimes 'hold back' sincerity are kind of like dancing on the edge between feeler thinker, but the difference is they get pulled back to feeling.

Very much like thinkers can express emotion passionately at times, except they usually get pulled back to regaining their cool.

Feelers like to feel passionately about things, thinkers like to feel confident and collected. Both experience emotion.