Just one thought to add to my description of Fe above, since I did not really write about the Fe dominant types but described Fe as compared to Fi.

Fe dominants - Fe EJ - are keenly aware of the dynamic changes in others' external emotional responses and are proactive in steering them in the direction seen as optimal by the Fe EJ.

However, ESFjs have a here-and-now, tactical, physical, caregiver, short-term approach - a Si approach - and ENFjs have a conceptual, strategic, victimized, longer-term approach - a Ni approach.

The differences, in practice, are these.

The ESFj is concerned with the immediate emotional response of the other person - the mood, if you will. The ENFj is concerned with the longer-term emotional response - the impression the other person has of the ENFj. Again, one is Caregiver, the other is Victim.

Let us imagine two performers on a stage.

The ESFj is like the stand-up comedian who is concerned with everyone having a good time at every moment. They want to see everyone laughing. They are not particularly concerned if the audience thinks that the stand-up comedian is a successful or good person etc. The ESFj performer is focusing on the audience and thinking, "I want you to laugh, give me a laugh!"

The ENFj is like the performer of a one-person show - perhaps a dramatic, philosophical monologue of some sort. The ENFj is not particularly concerned if, during the play, members of the audience doze off or laugh when they should not. The ENFj's concern is that, regarding the play as a whole, the audience will find the ENFj's performance totally convincing.