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Thread: The Decline of NC

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    Default The Decline of NC

    Last edited by blackburry; 07-27-2018 at 03:38 PM.

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    The state has the fifth-highest unemployment rate in the country,

    Wow, I didn't realize unemployment in NC was so high.

    We're seeing a continued decline in jobs here too, now that the coal industry is tanking. As if this place wasn't barren and sad already. Coal is pretty much all we have.

    Although I have to say, it makes me sad to read articles like this that blame problems on one political party or the other. I'm afraid our country has become so "us" vs "them", that it's blinding our capability to look at the issues objectively, and then trace these decisions to an individual leader, and not just a collective group.

    Also, I usually never comment on political things as I find it difficult to have a civil conversation without someone getting heated / emotionally involved / hurt, etc. So go easy on me : )
    And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won't he more surely care for you?- Matthew 6:30

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    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    Yea, NC's turning terrible, as is most of the south. Who cares if it's biased, politics is about taking sides if only temporarily, I'm sure most of NC's citizen will not enjoy the higher sales taxes and lower taxes on the rich bankers in Charlotte.

    I think you can blame almost all of it on the new regime since they're the ones that pass all this crap with the majority they got in every branch of government. They're also killing voter rights for groups of people they know will vote against them to keep their power. Ultimately one group of people have taken a side in the battle that is occurring currently and they will stop at nothing to disenfranchise whoever than can to keep their power.

    Trying to stay unbiased just means you'll get steamrolled by the machine when they decide you're a threat to their power.

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    Quote Originally Posted by applejacks View Post
    Wow, I didn't realize unemployment in NC was so high.

    We're seeing a continued decline in jobs here too, now that the coal industry is tanking. As if this place wasn't barren and sad already. Coal is pretty much all we have.

    Although I have to say, it makes me sad to read articles like this that blame problems on one political party or the other. I'm afraid our country has become so "us" vs "them", that it's blinding our capability to look at the issues objectively, and then trace these decisions to an individual leader, and not just a collective group.

    Also, I usually never comment on political things as I find it difficult to have a civil conversation without someone getting heated / emotionally involved / hurt, etc. So go easy on me : )[/FONT][/COLOR]
    Unfortunately politics is basically war, and there are sides. Looking at the problem objectively is nice and all, but getting things done requires power. The republicans are very cognizant of this as are many democrats, that's why they've been able to survive in the 2 party system that exists in the US. The republicans have consolidated power in NC and have enacted very recently many regressive policies, I don't know if you can blame anyone but the Republicans in the current events. They have the power, they passed the laws, they get the blame. A lot of people are pissed.

    The Republicans are also trying to tighten their grip on power and keep people marginalized and not voting, so they can keep a strangle grip on government. I'm not sure how to make a perfect world or whatnot, but right now it's important for a lot of individuals to get these Republicans out of power.

    Also politics is

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckr View Post
    This article just reads like a biased political hitpiece.
    I agree. The first issue they bring up is cutting length of unemployment benefits from 6 1/2 months to 3 fucking hoo. If you're self-employed or an entrepreneur(i.e., someone who creates jobs for people) you get ZERO unemployment benefits FOREVER. In 2008, or what I like to call the Year the Banks, Bush, Obama and Congress Fucked Everyone, the only people who didn't get two fucks from anyone were people who were trying to start businesses or who were already owners of small businesses. No one gave out free money unless you were a wage slave. When I was unemployed for lengthy periods of time I subsisted on the occasional odd job or the temporary min. wage jobs I could get from temp agencies. The problem isn't that they aren't getting enough unemployment welfare, it's that a lot of them aren't even looking or considering other options. They aren't thinking of ways to get out of the shit holes they're stuck in. Ofc, if we didn't have over 10 million illegal workers here, maybe some of these people go cut some grass or clean some hotel rooms, but no, they're all like, wellll, we need the mexicans b/c we don't want to do the work, we just want to sit on our fucking asses and collect unemployment as long as possible, b/c fuck this is kinda like paid vacation.Also, not everyone is like that, but there's plenty of people who should start considering other kinds of jobs that they falsely believe to be below them. Unemployment benefits are starting to seem like food stamps and public housing, once you get them you never get off. Why have aspirations when you can get free food and cheap housing and work at a convenience store 4 nights a week.

    Also, the amount of money spent on schools does not mean better scores, better education, better jobs:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legerdemain View Post
    Unemployment benefits are starting to seem like food stamps and public housing, once you get them you never get off. Why have aspirations when you can get free food and cheap housing and work at a convenience store 4 nights a week.
    I know plenty of people who have gotten off of food stamps and unemployment, actually it's impossible to stay on unemployment for more then 6 1/2 month these days even before it was 3 months.

    Let's be very clear about unemployment, people pay for it, in general employers pay unemployment insurance for their workers.

    Also if you're making minimum wage part time job or a temp job, you aren't going to get unemployment, nobody's paying for it and you're not eligible.

    Let's make this 100% clear, unemployment is not welfare, it's unemployment insurance which has been paid for by the employers.

    Those people you think are cashing unemployment checks, they aren't because they've never had a job that had a employer pay unemployment insurance.

    Those people you think have unemployment, they don't because they have to be laid off and not fired or quit to get unemployment.

    It's a royal pain to get unemployment, and very difficult to keep, there are probably some people that abuse the system but most workers on unemployment were working a long term full time job before they were laid off. These are basically middle class hard working folks that got shafted.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckr View Post
    Another factor is that unemployment benefits hamper the creation of new jobs, given that employers must partially fund these benefits; real wages would actually be much higher were it not for all the implicit embedded costs of employment.
    The real reason why the jobs have disappeared in NC isn't anything to do with unemployment benefits.

    It has to do with NC being a huge banking center, the 2nd biggest on the east coast, and headquarters for some of the largest banks in the world. When these banks took a dive, a lot of things were cut, houses stopped being bought and built, and everything that revolved around these banks and the housing market disappeared. This left a huge vaccum where there is nobody lending money to start new businesses, people have no money to buy new products or services and essentially there is no money to do anything for anyone. The banks are making record profits, as are many companys in many sectors, yet they don't hire anyone or create any new jobs. NC got hit especially hard due to it's dependency on the financial sector, which might not recover for a decade or more. North Carolina jobs aren't coming back for a long time, the Banks are very cautious about giving out loans these days and many individuals who have lost their jobs have lost their credit as well.

    Unemployment benefits is meaningless to the basically permanent loss of a market based in essentially hype and fraud and financial malfeasance. Reduction in unemployment benefits and likely cost to employers is just going to get record profits for big business, and their stakeholders. I guess it's time to buy Bank of America.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    I know plenty of people who have gotten off of food stamps and unemployment, actually it's impossible to stay on unemployment for more then 6 1/2 month these days even before it was 3 months.
    I know plenty of people who use or have used food stamps and unemployment temporarily while they are actively seeking new employment, actively continuing their education or actively attempting to start their own business. These are not the people I have an issue with.

    Let's be very clear about unemployment, people pay for it, in general employers pay unemployment insurance for their workers.
    Yes, employers pay for it, for way too long. Luckily for some employers, there are ways to circumvent this cost(by classifying employees as subcontractors, for example). In only a few states do employees actually pay an unemployment tax.

    Also if you're making minimum wage part time job or a temp job, you aren't going to get unemployment, nobody's paying for it and you're not eligible.
    I never said I should've received unemployment for this kind of work, the point is that people who started a business or own a small business don't have a safety net. They have to find a job immediately and most do, even if they have to take a pay cut or change fields. I was providing an example of how people go about paying bills and surviving by taking on whatever work they can find, at least in the case of middle class and lower class beneficiaries. Millionaires on unemployment would probably just sit at home or go hang out at the yacht club or some such thing.

    ne way, I was specifically referring to the housing bubble, after which construction workers and tradesmen were disproportionately affected by the housing bubble and recession, for which they had no employer paying insurance. By classifying long-term employees as subcontractors or using illegal labor, many large companies were able to avoid paying for unemployment insurance, leaving many to fend for themselves. Compounding this problem was the significant drop in home values and the resulting disappearance of trillions of dollars. Due to the lowered value of homes and deflated investments, homeowners spent considerably less on remodels and home repair, they put off things like roof, floor, window and door replacements, they decided against building new homes. New construction workers were now competing with tradesmen and remodeling/home repair companies for a shrinking number of jobs. In other times, it was possible for someone to switch from construction to landscaping or even something as shitty as washing dishes at a restaurant but, due to an influx of illegal aliens since the last real estate bubble, many of those jobs are not available. (In other words, people who were making a living in the construction of new homes and in the repair of existing homes had significantly fewer employment options this time around, which makes them much more deserving of a bailout than the megabanks.),

    Let's make this 100% clear, unemployment is not welfare, it's unemployment insurance which has been paid for by the employers.
    Unemployment benefits that last for six months is definitely a form of welfare paid for by the employers.

    Those people you think are cashing unemployment checks, they aren't because they've never had a job that had a employer pay unemployment insurance.

    Those people you think have unemployment, they don't because they have to be laid off and not fired or quit to get unemployment. Depends on the state.....
    Those people who I think have unemployment do have unemployment because that's all they talk about. They boast of their paid vacations loudly and obnoxiously, it's like a thousand local bums who won the lottery(albeit, a much smaller jackpot than powerball). It makes me so happy to see people pull up beside me at my favorite bar, where a cheap beer is $5, and complain about not having a job and then gloat about how they're working on their tan on their former employer's dime. Not classy.

    It's a royal pain to get unemployment, and very difficult to keep, there are probably some people that abuse the system but most workers on unemployment were working a long term full time job before they were laid off. These are basically middle class hard working folks that got shafted.
    Basically these were all classes of people, including the upper class:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legerdemain View Post
    Those people who I think have unemployment do have unemployment because that's all they talk about. They boast of their paid vacations loudly and obnoxiously, it's like a thousand local bums who won the lottery(albeit, a much smaller jackpot than powerball). It makes me so happy to see people pull up beside me at my favorite bar, where a cheap beer is $5, and complain about not having a job and then gloat about how they're working on their tan on their former employer's dime. Not classy.
    Hang around different people.

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    NC has never had great opportunities, nor has any state in the south. Simple as that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by blackburry View Post
    ...McCrory isn't a scapegoat, him and all other old, Republican and Democrat, white and black and hispanic, male and female authoritarian politicianannies are the problem.
    I know right?

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckr View Post
    For all I know the dude may be a complete and utter dickwad, but a lot of the measures mentioned just sound like he's doing what he can to rein in the state's unaffordable budget.

    Regardless of how much I personally consider voting to be a folly, there's nothing objectionable about expecting people to ID themselves in order to verify against voter fraud. It's mind-boggingly stupid that this is even debated.

    I also don't see why people should be getting tax deductions if their kids vote at college instead of within their hometown. In many places it's deemed illegal as electoral fraud to pay someone to vote (even if they aren't told which way to vote), and a tax deduction is most certainly an equivalent to giving people money.

    I disagree with restricting early voting—unless they're just trying to minimize voting fraud loopholes in lieu of sane voter ID protocols.

    In a more sensible world there'd be methods in place for secure electronic voting that could be done quickly and conveniently online, with the vote verified for eligibility in seconds against forms of unique personal ID such as SS#, etc. Online banking is conducted securely with cumulative $billions in transactions at stake everyday, so there's no pragmatic reason why online voting shouldn't have been a reality years ago. But nobody comprising the powers that be is actually serious about voter enfranchisement—all they care about is attempting to rig the electoral process to exploit any possible leverage in their own favor.

    Actual doctors and other medical practitioners in the free market should be the ones establishing regulatory norms for clinic operations—not stupid ill-informed politicians and appointed state bureaucracies.

    Oh right, let's just racialize the issue.

    Yes, all of your points are great suggestions.
    But they're not happening.

    What is merely happening now is just a part of a Republican agenda to win Christian voters and be declared a "hero" (which according to fucking facebook posts...McCrory is being referred to as such for trying to "save" fetuses...all the whilst also attempting to cut welfare and medicaid ( extremely intelligent considering most unwanted children are being born to people on welfare and medicaid who either can't afford contraception or don't care enough to purchase/take it..)

    so"should be" statements while better solutions, are fairly useless without a politician pushing behind them.

    and yes. let's racialize it- the majority of Republicans are old, white "Christian" folks.. I have a problem with that, apparently you do as well but with me stating it.

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    Ashton and leger's propaganda is so trolly. It's kind of like, "I agree with you, but let's do nothing about it and sit her wallowing in our own self-pity..."

    Pretty retarded.

    Basically slave morality BS, the government has kept us down so that means by doing nothing we're morally right and better..

    Nice fantasy bro..

    That's why they don't care about the vote, or many of the things which are there to keep people from being coerced economically by people much stronger than them into abusive relationships to survive and provide for their family. The Republican party like many groups before them have chosen a path of endarkenment instead of enlightenment, they use propaganda and laws which disenfranchise people either politically or economically. They then prey on their fears and hate of things like immigrants, the poor, gays, women, minorities, and whatever group would appeal to their voters in order to protect the greed of a few.

    It's not like this hasn't happened over and over again for hundreds and thousands of years. Same story different world. It's kinda of sad that people like Ashton and Leger would willingly promote a message of essentially powerlessness and weakness and try to say it's somehow better.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AbsurdEnough View Post
    What solution do you propose?

    I haven't really read every post in this thread. But I just see you're attacking the "do nothing" idea in favor of doing something, but I don't see anything suggested to actually do. Sorry if you mentioned it in a previous post, that I just didn't see.
    Get the republican party out of power, they're the ones passing these laws, raising sales tax, disenfranchising the poor, closing abortion clinics, eliminating benefits and various other regressive krap.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckr View Post
    I think most people aren't fond of big government nor especially the taxes it entails… yet they also don't want moralizing religionist prigs telling them what they can't do. Hence why I tend to believe most Americans are actually Libertarians at heart, but just don't know it yet (or vote in favor of the party they hate least / Turd Sandwich v. Giant Douche dilemma)..

    Americans are pretty libertarian, but most self-professed Libertarians aren't very libertarian. They're insecure people who want the freedom to be giant assholes to everyone around them, and try to rationalize it with a "don't tread on me" mentality, as if people not wanting to be treated like krap was somehow a huge burden for them to bear. These often self-professed victims of the system who basically act badly and often uses the system to harm others.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckr View Post
    Not sure where you extracted self-pity from anything I said. Obviously I'm engaging discussion with you/others over these things, which is something. Ideas propagate and evolve vis-a-vis one mind to another, yeah?

    I dislike the two prevailing choices, so I abstain from voting for them. Nothing more.

    Hyperbolic demagoguery, exaggerated ahistorical narratives…

    “The discussions of every age are filled with the issues on which its leading schools of thought differ. But the general intellectual atmosphere of the time is always determined by the views on which the opposing schools agree. They become the unspoken presuppositions of all thought, and common and unquestioningly accepted foundations on which all discussion proceeds.”
    Wishy washy dithering... stop whining, all you got is your head in the sand. Lots of big words, but no substance or anything or worth in this post.

    It's simple, protect choice, keep people from being disenfranchised, keep the sales tax from being raise and keep the taxes from being lowered on the fat cats.. If you can't agree with this and think your problems will be solved by you sitting on the sideline with your intellectual masturbation, nice fantasy bro...

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckr View Post
    I guess I'm just not hungry enough for turd sandwiches. My apologies.
    It's simple, protect choice, keep people from being disenfranchised, keep the sales tax from being raise and keep the taxes from being lowered on the fat cats.. If you can't agree with this and think your problems will be solved by you sitting on the sideline with your intellectual masturbation, nice fantasy bro...

    Anyways, you always show your true colors, which is that you don't really care about women, you don't really care about the issues you say you care about, you're just whining... all talk...

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckr View Post
    Yeah I figured lol.

    I think most people aren't fond of big government nor especially the taxes it entails… yet they also don't want moralizing religionist prigs telling them what they can't do. Hence why I tend to believe most Americans are actually Libertarians at heart, but just don't know it yet (or vote in favor of the party they hate least / Turd Sandwich v. Giant Douche dilemma).

    That's what I immediately surmised too. And yeah, it is ridiculous.

    I understand the sentiment. But I think if you hate someone for being an asshole w/ a fucked up worldview, then it's more empowering to isolate them for that as an individual. Make them own their shittiness instead of diluting their accountability for it into racialism/etc.
    Nahhh.... It's more fun to dislike Republicans in general.

    They suck. He sucks.

    I wish I could make it to the protests but I'm working like every day coming up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by blackburry View Post
    Nahhh.... It's more fun to dislike Republicans in general.

    They suck. He sucks.

    I wish I could make it to the protests but I'm working like every day coming up.

    Your confirmation number is VQFA9B0AFBB8

    I dropped $100 to NCDP.

    I hear that McCrory might veto the bill, hope it happens. I think the protests might be working.

    Thom Tillis seems to be the main ringleader of the bill.

    Also they want a "transvaginal ultrasound of the baby" as a mandate for a abortion, it's a invasive and humiliating procedure they want women to have before a abortion.

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    This is GREAT news! It's awesome that America is literally gutting itself while ascending powers are increasing the power and scope of their state-capitalist institutions.

    Fuck America and the decadent, rentier West in general. I hope I'll live to see the day that Chinese gunboats sail up the Thames to demand tribute. Can you imagine spoiled European-descendants working in sweat-shops? I savor the thought with my whole being.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckr View Post
    Nah, just skeptical of being boxed into a false dilemma to choose between two comparably awful political outcomes.
    I'm just trying to prevent the horrible outcomes that are happening today, I don't really care what you think about the other outcomes or what you do. Just keep sitting on the sidelines whining, you're good at it!

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    Quote Originally Posted by AbsurdEnough View Post
    We all have electricity and food and clean drinking water for the most part. We live in a privileged 1st world society. People have lots of choices. Most millionaires in today's society are self-made. There's still opportunity for those who pursue it.

    People, no matter how privileged they are, will always find things to improve upon & pursue. Have you ever read the novel The Outsiders? It illustrates how money won't make people's problems go away. I think it's dangerous to assume changes in governmental regulation will keep people from being unhappy or disenfranchised.

    I'm against raising taxes. But if you're trying to meet a budget, indirect taxes like sales taxes are better than direct taxes like property. Peter Schiff explains this economic principle very well if you look at his work. Basically, the more you tax something, the less of it you get. Taxing spending destroys incentive to spend, which would lead to more savings & investment, which would lead to more production & jobs long-term in the economy. Spending as a method to fuel the economy, stimulate local businesses, is a short-term approach by Keynesians. The problem is people need to keep spending then to keep those businesses alive, and long-term it leads to debt & destruction of jobs.

    This part I agree with completely. If they really gave themselves tax breaks, while raising taxes on others, that's very unethical.

    Why do always accuse Te egos about not caring for women? Furthermore, when we're having an economic discussion, why make a personal attack on Ashton simply because he disagrees or sees things from a different perspective?
    I'm just telling it like it is, if you don't like it, your problem. I'm just criticizing Ashton's POV which is sideline sitting whining. That's exactly what it is.

    The fact that he just sits there whining and does nothing shows me he doesn't care or give a damn about these issues he happens to be say he cares about. No action means it's all talk, all whining, all for show. .

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckr View Post
    You might as well get into spectator sports or soap operas then if you're merely chasing after feeeeeeelings. Monkey.
    Politics is the #1 spectator sport in the world, it's the one you're really good at watching.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckr View Post
    At least I'm not throwing money at it lol.
    I gave my aid to the causes I support, that's all I can do at the moment and it's easy from my computer and the internet.

    I would protest if I wasn't working and in a different state, but since I'm here making $$$ I guess I should put that money to good use.

    I don't throw money at stuff like big screen tv's and fast cars and stuff like that... wait I DO do that.. maybe internet forums... no do that too...

    It's hard for me to figure out what I don't throw money at, there's gotta be something...

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckr View Post
    You might as well get into spectator sports or soap operas then if you're merely chasing after feeeeeeelings. Monkey.
    Gorilla. Go beat your chest... And mate with females, get them pregnant... In a world with no abortions.


    Not what I'm after.

    At least I'd be willing to actually do something about what I believe in. Even though it wouldn't affect much.

    A friend just sent me this though:
    Last edited by blackburry; 07-11-2013 at 05:34 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckr View Post
    So long as you feel like you're making a difference.
    I know I make a difference, in the people around me, in the people that care for me, in the actions I take. It might be small, but I know I make a difference.

    It's a good thing folks tell me that and affirm this for me, because it makes it easier for me to do things which whiners like you seem to want to trash.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AbsurdEnough View Post
    Yeah. But I think of shifts like this not in terms of countries, but in humanity. The greedy of the generation of the 1930s and 1940s, after Germany was defeated, moved to the United States. When power moves to China, I see the greedy of the US moving there and infiltrating the economic, legal, and political system in the future, over the course of the next couple centuries. Then China will eventually spend too much, and a new power will assume, centuries after that. Just like Spain in the 1500s. History will repeat itself, just like it is doing now.

    Greed is a part of human nature. A need for a guarantee for survival, and a primitive desire for power, control, and the feeling of safety, and respect from others. Long, long-term, perhaps some of these traits will be bred out, so long as the poor are allowed to procreate, and competitive capitalism diminishes, but for now, we live in an unfortunate combination of primitive desires and exponential control through economics.
    You maybe right; after all is said, power does corrupt. Someday, perhaps, the tide will turn. But not today.

    Two years of humiliation shall be visited on the Western powers for every year of humiliation that was visited on the conquered peoples. The foreseeable future belongs to Asia and its allies. Western Europe will be made to revert 1000 years, consigned to the dustbin of history, made to crawl back into the shit it emerged from.
    Last edited by xerx; 07-11-2013 at 05:34 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AbsurdEnough View Post
    This is a direct example from one of my people-skills books of how to NOT make friends.
    I'm not really here in the world to make friends, I'm here to do what I'm going to do and my friends are my friends for various reasons.

    In politics, things are going to get personal, I mean Ashton will just sit there and trash my political donations and think I do it so I "feel" better... Whatever, he just sits and whines because it makes him feel better.. Why aren't you getting annoyed at him attack me or at least attacking Blackburry. She never attacked Ashton.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckr View Post
    I actually do get involved in issues I care about when local opportunities arise.

    Lol… can I facepalm you? <3

    Edit: And how come I'm a vampire bat?

    Nooooo. I edited it. You were supposed to read it after.

    And Noo. My point still stands: still a stupid Christian agenda.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AbsurdEnough View Post
    And there is nothing inherently wrong with that if you choose to live your life that way. But I think as an administrator of a discussion website, people may view you as a facilitator for discussion and prefer that you be relatable or neutral sometimes. It's a position of authority, after all. You're choosing to ban people sometimes. If people notice you deliberately dismissing neutrality and making decisions personally, people won't respect your authority.

    Trust me. I've worked with kids before. Whenever there is an authority figure who is not being congruent in rules or personal judgment, people look at that person and rebel, citing unfairness, rather than looking inward and reflecting on their own behavior.
    I am the administrator of this site, and that has very little to do with my political opinion. There are quite a few moderators(most of them appointed long before I took over this forum, I'm the newcomer to the moderator "tribe") here that help me make decisions although I do make some unilateral ones. What you can be sure of is that I don't punish people that don't break the forum rules. Regardless of whether or not I like them, now you might say some people get away with stuff, but guess what, they haven't been reported so what I am to do about it.

    As a administrator I'm not here to make friends, and that's exactly what makes me able to evaluate things in a objective fashion. It's weird, one minute you're saying I'm not objective then another minute you say I am not making any friends. The point is that I am not here to cater to anyone, but instead administer this forum as per the forum rules which I have outlined. I'm not perfect but I try to be fair and consistent in my judgement and I have many people who help keep me in check. But ultimately I do have final say with what happens on this site. It's impossible for people to be totally objective and impersonal, this is why I need other people to provide perspective and make a more sound judgement, I'm a very stubborn person tho. I'm not going to say it works every-time, but it works pretty good.

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    Hows all those friggin chill'un of yos

    ok, they're really really stinkin cute.
    Last edited by blackburry; 07-11-2013 at 07:03 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    What you can be sure of is that I don't punish people that don't break the forum rules.
    Hey, @Legerdemain, check this out.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    Ashton and leger's propaganda is so trolly. It's kind of like, "I agree with you, but let's do nothing about it and sit her wallowing in our own self-pity..." Pretty retarded.
    Basically slave morality BS, the government has kept us down so that means by doing nothing we're morally right and better..
    Nice fantasy bro..
    That's why they don't care about the vote, or many of the things which are there to keep people from being coerced economically by people much stronger than them into abusive relationships to survive and provide for their family. The Republican party like many groups before them have chosen a path of endarkenment instead of enlightenment, they use propaganda and laws which disenfranchise people either politically or economically. They then prey on their fears and hate of things like immigrants, the poor, gays, women, minorities, and whatever group would appeal to their voters in order to protect the greed of a few.

    It's not like this hasn't happened over and over again for hundreds and thousands of years. Same story different world. It's kinda of sad that people like Ashton and Leger would willingly promote a message of essentially powerlessness and weakness and try to say it's somehow better.

    If you want to know my opinion on what should be done, you could just an adult, or you could continue acting like the average political primate and throw more poop.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legerdemain View Post
    If you want to know my opinion on what should be done, you could just an adult, or you could continue acting like the average political primate and throw more poop.
    If hkkmr wants our opinion he'll dictate it to us because he's a socialist autocrat.

    Regarding NC, well, overblown budgets will bite you in the ass eventually. Did you really think people were going to keep paying for shit you couldn't afford?

    The answer is 'no'.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legerdemain View Post
    If you want to know my opinion on what should be done, you could just an adult, or you could continue acting like the average political primate and throw more poop.
    What should be done and what you're doing are two entirely separate things. I don't care what you think "should" be done, because that's meaningless, it could be a lie or a fantasy. What are you actually doing.

    Adults do stuff, they don't whine and have a tantrum until someone does it for them. I'm not throwing poop, because I'm telling it exactly how it is. What have you done to make it better? Talk is cheap.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    What should be done and what you're doing are two entirely separate things. I don't care what you think "should" be done, because that's meaningless, it could be a lie or a fantasy. What are you actually doing.

    Adults do stuff, they don't whine and have a tantrum until someone does it for them. I'm not throwing poop, because I'm telling it exactly how it is. What have you done to make it better? Talk is cheap.
    I've given people jobs. What have you done?

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