Quote Originally Posted by Diam0nd View Post
I don't really see my romantic interests in the soulmate sense. To say that someone's "right for you"..what would that even imply in reality? ...people aren't two peices of a puzzle that fit together perfectly and stay together forever - even though alot of people cling to the belief of their soulmate union. This mentality must be inborn and set off by hormones with some perceived emotional lack. Alot of the time it sets the ground for dissapointment and jealousy instead of enjoying the moment and growing spiritually within a relationship. It's given that people will idealize the concept of the duality. I don't know if I can see myself together with one person for the rest of my life... In every person that comes into your life there's opportunity to learn and grow and discover new things about yourself through one another... but no one can really "complete you" people and relationships are not static we're constantly changing, does it matter if it lasts forever? Anyways since learning socionics I for certain have an easier time in the romantic sphere, I know what to look for & why I do. Conflict-wise I've found that I don't take it so personally anymore, which is a relief:.
I had a good long conversation with a friend of mine the other day about this very issue. I don't believe that two people can be "made" for each other, rather that relationships occur more or less out of lucky circumstances where two people's lives just intersect at some point. And I do agree that real fulfillment must ultimately be self-generated. But even so, this really just sounds like the things that "intelligent people" say about relationships, and I don't know if I can have a meaningful relationship with someone that isn't comfortable with the level of interpersonal connectivity and intimacy that I expect. Of course independence is important, and I wouldn't want anybody to consciously give that up for me, but I want something that's more than simply two people who happen to hook up and learn from each other; I can get that from anybody I meet.