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Thread: Blood elves, most beta race in WoW

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    Le roi internet Bluenoir's Avatar
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    Default Blood elves, most beta race in WoW.

    Highly theatrical in their clothing and architecture . They are aristocratic as hell, and are obsessed with obtaining personal and collective power . The social order is very hierarchical and formal, and they are very attracted to study and use of the arcane .

    Blood elves have a dislike for the more down to earth and egalitarian races such as the tauren. (Who I think are delta) But have a respect for the forsaken, who are a mix of gamma and twisted alpha.

    Last edited by Bluenoir; 05-31-2011 at 07:12 PM.
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    You dink the trolls be alpha mon'?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Crispy View Post
    You dink the trolls be alpha mon'?
    GREETINGS MON! How ya doing, mon? Talk to me. Don't be shy.


    ... ehem... anyway. Yes, the trolls are definitely Alpha. Laid-back, easy-going and carefree, great love for... addictive pleasures.

    And I'd definitely agree with BE being Beta and Tauren being Delta. Not sure about the Forsaken...

    Love the topic though, Neotropic!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Good evening Mister Kettle. Looking very black yourself, might I say.
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    These are the general vibes I always got when I used to play.

    Humans: Gamma

    Night Elves: Beta/Gamma

    Dwarves: Delta

    Gnomes: Alpha

    Draenei: Alpha/Delta

    Worgen: Beta

    Orcs: Beta

    Undead: Beta/Gamma

    Trolls: Alpha

    Tauren: Delta

    Blood Elves: Beta

    Goblins: Alpha

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    Not bad dj.

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    I think orcs are pretty Beta. I was an orc shaman and I had a spiritual connection with that dude.

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    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe View Post
    These are the general vibes I always got when I used to play.

    Humans: Gamma

    Night Elves: Beta/Gamma

    Dwarves: Delta

    Gnomes: Alpha

    Draenei: Alpha/Delta

    Worgen: Beta

    Orcs: Beta

    Undead: Beta/Gamma

    Trolls: Alpha

    Tauren: Delta

    Blood Elves: Beta

    Goblins: Alpha
    I suppose this cements that one friend of mine as being Delta ST as opposed to Beta ST (one cannot simply big-and-loud their way into Beta)

    His main dude is a Dwarf, he plays Humans and Draenei also, he thinks Tauren are big and dumb but doesn't have a huge thing against them, and he hates the living shit out of elves - especially Blood Elves! He'll camp the living hell out of a Blood Elf and just make things hell for the person, due to them being a Blood Elf...
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    Idk about that woofl. But my ESI friend loves the dwarves and thinks the horde is inferior. I really like playing as a blood elf, night elf or worgen, even if they're supposedly Beta, as well as trolls, tauren and dwarves.

    The ones I don't like are gnomes, draenei, orcs and goblins. Not really much of a pattern.

  10. #10
    Le roi internet Bluenoir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crispy View Post
    You dink the trolls be alpha mon'?
    I would agree with the Darkspear as alpha irrational, certainly. I also appreciate that double entendre, if that was intentional.

    Love the topic though, Neotropic!
    Thanks I was reading some socionics theory, then started thinking about blood elves for some reason.

    Humans: Gamma

    Night Elves: Beta/Gamma

    Dwarves: Delta

    Gnomes: Alpha

    Draenei: Alpha/Delta

    Worgen: Beta

    Orcs: Beta

    Undead: Beta/Gamma

    Trolls: Alpha

    Tauren: Delta

    Blood Elves: Beta

    Goblins: Alpha
    I think this list is pretty good. The undead give me very mixed signals. The Apothecary society is NT, I will say that much.

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    I actually like the Forsaken as Gamma, that makes a lot of sense. They're the most civilised and widespread horde race (barring the original horde races). The Royal Apothecary Society is definitely a mix of NTs, with some of them being very twisted Alphas (like the real-world Angel of Death). I think their old-world focus on actually developing a plague speaks of Te though. I'm out of the loop with post-cataclysm Forsaken culture.

    I had the Blood Elves as being Gamma SF due to the whole "don't piss off the wrong people", but that works better as being Beta if I think of it in terms of Ti+Se and Aristocracy.

    I don't see how Goblins could be contested as Alphas. I think the Trade Princes are caricatured Gammas though. (Money! Power! Politics!)

    Horde leader-wise:

    Baine Bloodhoof: ?

    Thrall: IEI. Duhhhh.

    Garrosh Hellscream: SEE? Fascist son of a bitch, oozes Se, but I don't necessarily see much Ti except in how rigidly he organises the new Horde as opposed to Thrall's egalitarian and very loose style. By that token he could work as an SLE I guess.

    Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: ESI. Completely single-minded focus on vengeance while Arthas was still alive. Broody. Now that Arthas is gone, she's back to sorting her people out.

    Vol'jin: ISXx. Has that whole "immovable object" thing going. Cautious in making decisions too. The way he deals with Garrosh's antics as Warchief is not necessarily inconsistant with Si-dominance. I could accept him as SEI, just based on my own experiences with being hyper-loyal to causes independent of the people involved. I kind of think LSI.

    Lor'themar Theron: does he even have much of a presence in-game?

    Trade Prince Gallywix: ? Similar problem to above. All I could guess is a really silly version of SXE based on how self-advancing he is and totally devoid of any kind of moral scruples. Typical Goblin.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat King Cole View Post
    Thrall: IEI. Duhhhh.
    Either that or EIE.

    I never liked WoW (older Warcraft is ok), but the Lore always interested me. Especially Thrall.. it's pretty original, for an orc.

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    Quote Originally Posted by stray View Post
    Either that or EIE.
    Iunno, the whole way he used to try and keep the world from tearing itself apart at the seams politically strikes me as being pretty typical of IXFps. He had a similar role to Jaina, though I know nothing about anything about the Alliance.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat King Cole View Post
    Lor'themar Theron: does he even have much of a presence in-game?
    He has a lot of backstory though. On the one hand, very overtly proud, has the whole Elven arrogance thing about him. On the other, seems very humble in that he's a genuinely committed statesman. He still styles himself "Regent Lord" and considers Quel'thalas to be without any rightful king, with the loss of Sunstrider.

    I would put him as LSI. I would then shift Vol'jin to SLI.
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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    Do you guys ever read a newspaper?
    Why do you always go out of your way to proclaim your non-geekiness? What is this.. the 1980s? Gonna don a highschool letterman jacket and call us "dead meat" and "ass wipe" too?

    Besides, I'm not sure this is even fringe enough to bother about. Even Mr. T plays WoW, I think.

    To answer your question, not really. I listen to a lot of NPR, I guess.

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    Quote Originally Posted by stray View Post
    Why do you always go out of your way to proclaim your non-geekiness? What is this.. the 1980s? Gonna don a highschool letterman jacket and call us "dead meat" and "ass wipe" too?
    I'm possessed of post-geekiness at best. Although I've played games like this I lost all interest in doing so around age 14. Friends who continue to game have invited me to take part and I've considered doing so as a lark, but it's nothing I'm enthusiastic about and in fact it's a bit embarrassing that they're still into it. Oh well, different tools for different fools. And you're probably referring to some dumb movie I've never bothered to see because it chronicles the sort of people who wore letterman jackets and called me dead meat and ass wipe back in highschool.

    Besides, I'm not sure this is even fringe enough to bother about.
    Why would I care about negligible phenomena? I'm taking a poke at the widespread profusion of gamers who've made strong personal identification with pixelated fantasies and who often have little awareness of/interest in real-world events or recent history. Even if the fairies and dragons were swapped out for more personally pleasing cyborgs and aliens, I couldn't see myself making such an investment into MMORPGs (although an argument could be made that this forum and other venues for mental masturbation are my preferred equivalent). And in any case I'd still spend a fair chunk of time each day reading non-trivial news.

    Even Mr. T plays WoW, I think.

    To answer your question, not really. I listen to a lot of NPR, I guess.
    That's probably not the worst media source but hopefully you'll branch out to take in less- or differently-slanted news to develop a more comprehensive picture.

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    Why would I care about negligible phenomena? I'm taking a poke at the widespread profusion of gamers who've made strong personal identification with pixelated fantasies and who often have little awareness of/interest in real-world events or recent history. Even if the fairies and dragons were swapped out for more personally pleasing cyborgs and aliens, I couldn't see myself making such an investment into MMORPGs (although an argument could be made that this forum and other venues for mental masturbation are my preferred equivalent). And in any case I'd still spend a fair chunk of time each day reading non-trivial news.
    I do read news papers, almost daily. My prefered paper is the Age.

    I do care about the world around me. Especially when it comes to Australian politics and the ever increasing government interventionism into the lives and liberties of the populace. However issues concerning selling uranium to India, are also high on my radar.

    I play bass guitar, and dabble in poetry.

    I also do a lot of reading and study of various topics ranging from socionics, history and science. To matters of philosophy and religion and even paranormal phenomena.

    But dam it! I don't have a lot of friends to "get a life" with. I'm sorry if having an outlet of escapism such as WoW, makes me a two dimensional geek in your eyes.
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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    I'm possessed of post-geekiness at best. Although I've played games like this I lost all interest in doing so around age 14.
    Pardon the history lesson, but these particular type of games didn't really exist that long ago (they're not really like RPGs exactly). I don't like them myself for the fact that most aren't doing a good job of being games. They're more like whack-a-mole grinds, with lots of drudgery, and sparse on actual puzzle solving or storytelling. You can get most of the story by reading elsewhere. The thing that distracts players from seeing just how bad it is are the virtual carrots they drag in front of your face (i.e. gaining better "loot"). It's never about the thrill of the moment, like a good game is. It's about goals. It's not much different than flipping burgers.

    That said, I'll take your critique as being tired of games in general. I don't really make a huge divide fantasy and reality myself. It's all good.

    Oh well, different tools for different fools.
    Fair enough. That's all I think too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by stray View Post
    these particular type of games didn't really exist that long ago (they're not really like RPGs exactly).
    Elves are elves. Boardgames, MMORPGs, books, cosplay, it's all the same to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neotropic View Post
    I do read news papers, almost daily.

    I play bass guitar, and dabble in poetry. I also do a lot of reading and study of various topics ranging from socionics, history and science. To matters of philosophy and religion and even paranormal phenomena.
    Very cool.

    I'm sorry if having an outlet of escapism such as WoW, makes me a two dimensional geek in your eyes.
    Not necessarily. As stated I've got some history with this kind of thing too, but I stepped away from it at an earlier age than some (in fact when I tired of fantasy games and literature I sunk myself more deeply into computer programming, so within the domain of social stereotypes I didn't make a particularly distant leap). Hence my bemusement at seeing people old enough to buy their own cigs and beer who continue to roll the dice and click their way through scripted adventures.

    Enjoy your conversation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    Not necessarily. As stated I've got some history with this kind of thing too, but I stepped away from it at an earlier age than some (in fact when I tired of fantasy games and literature I sunk myself more deeply into computer programming, so within the domain of social stereotypes I didn't make a particularly distant leap). Hence my bemusement at seeing people old enough to buy their own cigs and beer who continue to roll the dice and click their way through scripted adventures.

    Enjoy your conversation.
    The way I see it, geeking out is probably the healthier social stereotype to fall into, be it fiction or learning C++. I made the distant leap once, and it's overrated imho. I wish I'd been consistently geeky now. I don't consort with any of those people anymore. The last time I hung around I got close to flipping my car off an overpass, just so I could kill everyone with me, and hopefully brace myself enough to survive.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by stray View Post
    Besides, I'm not sure this is even fringe enough to bother about. Even Mr. T plays WoW, I think.
    He plays Night Elf and has a badass mohawk.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cat King Cole View Post
    Iunno, the whole way he used to try and keep the world from tearing itself apart at the seams politically strikes me as being pretty typical of IXFps. He had a similar role to Jaina, though I know nothing about anything about the Alliance.
    I sincerely doubt Thrall as INFp. Thrall's immediate instinct is to attack and aggressively exert his dominance. Some of the early Outland quests in Hellfire Peninsula show this, when he wanted to leave Orgrimmar to help the orcs there, but his advisers cautioned him stay back.

    Thrall is older now and wise, and concerned with bringing the world together, yes. That may seem INFp. But I see this as an age thing, maturity. Thrall's whole life has been riddled with incidents of fighting and aggression, and he is very impulsive and has a quick temper. I'd say ESTp isn't out of the question for Thrall. The INFp-ness just comes with his age, as he's trying to dualize.

    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    I suppose this cements that one friend of mine as being Delta ST as opposed to Beta ST (one cannot simply big-and-loud their way into Beta)

    His main dude is a Dwarf, he plays Humans and Draenei also, he thinks Tauren are big and dumb but doesn't have a huge thing against them, and he hates the living shit out of elves - especially Blood Elves! He'll camp the living hell out of a Blood Elf and just make things hell for the person, due to them being a Blood Elf...
    I don't think this is a great way to type him. I mean, c'mon, what Alliance player DOESN'T hate Belfs? Even most of the Horde players hate them as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    Do you guys ever read a newspaper?
    I try not to, no. The act of reading the news is usually accompanied by an immediate loss of any sense of agency I may have in my life, so it usually turns out to be depressing. That, and, well, the news is just fundamentally uninteresting. Its just the same stuff all the time: natural disasters, people behaving badly, local commercial possibilities, politics as usual, etc. I scour news sites whenever something quote-unquote "big" happens, but other than that, I usually just catch whatever snippets of it I can on the radio.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Knight View Post
    I try not to, no. The act of reading the news is usually accompanied by an immediate loss of any sense of agency I may have in my life, so it usually turns out to be depressing. That, and, well, the news is just fundamentally uninteresting. Its just the same stuff all the time: natural disasters, people behaving badly, local commercial possibilities, politics as usual, etc. I scour news sites whenever something quote-unquote "big" happens, but other than that, I usually just catch whatever snippets of it I can on the radio.
    Reading the newspaper turns you into a Gamma. True fact.

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    I think people have differing reasons for playing WoW. I was less into the RPG elements of fantasy world etc. and more into the MMO elements of trolling in trade/party/guild chat and ganking everyone I came across on a PvP realm. RPPVP realms were my favorite cause I could shout out "Thou be'eth a ******!" when I won duels.

    and Newspapers are boring. Only thing I can read for fun are college textbooks and socionics books. I get most of my news from the interbutts, mostly from random articles or documentaries.

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    I got into it purely for the PvP, but started doing heroics in order to get some decent weapons. Next thing I know, I'm in a guild running Icecrown. From there on, I've been a raider.

    It's only recently that I have been paying attention to the lore. It's very rich if a little convoluted. (Thats half the fun of it though)

    Reading the newspaper turns you into a Gamma. True fact
    I have to retype then. No matter how alpha I appear, I read newspapers so I must face my new found gamma'ness.
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    I always knew you were a Fe-PoLR traitor, Neo. >:{
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    Anyway, can we get back to talking Socionics in World of Warcraft?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat King Cole View Post
    Anyway, can we get back to talking Socionics in World of Warcraft?
    Yeah, it's just I'm not sure where to take this thread now.

    Garrosh Hellscream: SEE?
    I concur, the character makes me cringe. Garrosh has threatened my character's life twice. I consorted with the demonic, but only as a means to the end of saving splintertree from being overrun by the alliance. Would not listen to any justifcation for my actions. Weak ? He does not take advice easily either. Two incidents this can be observed is in warsong hold, and in the troll starting quests where Vol'jin shows you a replay of his fight with Garrosh.

    Very soft and relaxed, suggests a ego. Listens to reason, (did not leave the horde, dispite his dislike of Garrosh.)

    The question is, does he value or . I don't really know the character, nor or am confident enough with typing to say anything defintive.

    I'm going on a hunch though, SLI is probably the best typing floating around at the moment. Vol'jin still stuck with the horde, for pragmatic reasons concerning the wellbeing of the Darkspear. Suggests In my opinion.
    Last edited by Bluenoir; 06-02-2011 at 04:42 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat King Cole View Post
    I always knew you were a Fe-PoLR traitor, Neo. >:{
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neotropic View Post
    I concur, the character makes me cringe. Garrosh has threatened my character's life twice. I consorted with the demonic, but only as a means to the end of saving splintertree from being overrun by the alliance. Would not listen to any justifcation for my actions.
    Strong , perhaps. Garrosh has direct experience with the demonic due to his racial heritage as a Mag'har. Notice how the demon in question very nearly tricked you into compromising Splintertree Post. You very nearly got played.

    I think you just got supervised by an NPC

    Quote Originally Posted by Neotropic View Post
    Very soft and relaxed, suggests a ego.
    The way he's absolutely convinced that Garrosh is going to lose the favour of his people strikes me as very characteristically role.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neotropic View Post
    Vol'jin still stuck with the horde, for pragmatic reasons concerning the wellbeing of the Darkspear. Suggests In my opinion.
    Also his loyalty to both Thrall and the Horde. IMO valuing.

    Which is not to imply types are disloyal, just from my experience I'm more loyal to causes and abstract things than to any people that are a part of them.

    Loyalty to people > loyalty to ideals or causes = > .

    By that reasoning, Garrosh's obsession with "honor above all" would then strike me as . If you do Stonetalon Mountains, there's a great quest where he shows the good side of his being a bull-headed warrior type (if you want spoilers, Wowpedia the quest "To be Horde...")

    I actually really like Garrosh, he's such a complex character, very easy to sympathise with once you dig around for his motives and who he is.

    The fact that he cares absolutely nothing about diplomacy or PR strikes me as someone with weak Ethics. I'm going to go ahead and change my typing to SLE.

    What do you think about Baine being LSE?

    Also, any opinions on Hamuul Runetotem? Can he please be SEI?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neotropic View Post
    I have to retype then. No matter how alpha I appear, I read newspapers so I must face my new found gamma'ness.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cat King Cole View Post
    I always knew you were a Fe-PoLR traitor, Neo. >:{

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    I actually have a few ideas for Baine. He values , I'm not sure to what extent.

    However, it's 3:45am and I am tired from my shift. I will give my typings and justifications tomorrow, when I'm fresh and have a mug of coffee in my hands.

    Baine will be hard for me, as I've only done the end quest in Mulgore. He kills the elite Grimtotem. I will give it a shot though, I'm starting to have a lot of fun with this socionics stuff.

    Oh, and Mt Dew. How can you be so suspicious of me as a gamma? Don't I just reek of duality
    The mode of goodness conditions one to happiness, passion conditions him to the fruits of action, and ignorance to madness.

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  34. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Neotropic View Post
    Oh, and Mt Dew. How can you be so suspicious of me as a gamma? Don't I just reek of duality
    Yes you smell great!!! I can sniff out my duals anywhere, and can track your scent, even across the internet!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Knight View Post
    Good evening Mister Kettle. Looking very black yourself, might I say.

    Sig. You are awesome. Enjoy being such.
    Easy Day

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