Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
Assuming that mask wears down and all barriers are breached like that of a family or close situation, do you think functions lie beneath? Or a complicated individual who is not defined, but guided by his functions?
Quote Originally Posted by Aiss View Post
But how do functions materialize and 'touch' one another to form a complimentary bond? The way I see it, socionics proposes that it takes place through action, conversation, an exchange essentially. But are these exchanges which are most common, i.e. a conversation exchanging information, guided solely by functions in the ego?
Quote Originally Posted by Trevor View Post
All things being equal: socionics relations work just as they're supposed to.
But all things are never equal. All the things we experience and are born with would necessarily define our 'personality'. Even if archetypes exist, they vary drastically and interact on completely different levels. Though a stereotypical archetypal character may conflict or get along with another based on archetype, these archetypes in real life are bound to be able to find some middle ground upon which to communicate and relate to one another or, by contrast, ground upon which to conflict on.
Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post
But what is a better friendship? How is a better friendship achieved through the functions in your real experience and how does this relate to type? It is my experience that there are real reasons why relationships do or don't go in certain directions, but it is my growing suspicion that these are not due to the functions.