Quote Originally Posted by Skeptic View Post
well, socionics relationships cover all sorts of relationships so its hard to be completely accurate for every one of them. For example, we can have a beneficiary parent to child, siblings, friends, spouses, boy/girlfriends; all are going to have a different way of playing out socionics wise and even more disparity will rely on the people involved.

Oh and yes, he seems very LII. Reading on a camping trip is very fun too
Yeah, I had another VI thread up here with a female friend, and people guessed LII. Even though that relationship was very positive, I could understand a way in which it functioned as Benefit.

But as I let it sit, it does seem that LII makes the most sense here. So I can work backward from that to try to understand HOW this relationship was Beneficiary.

I suppose it's true that I have often been perplexed that he seems to find me threatening in some way, because that is pretty unusual in my relationships with men. He always seemed to think I had some kind of agenda with him, which was not at all the case. It was very frustrating. I caught up with him a few months ago at dinner, and even after years of going separate ways and being distant platonic friends, I got the impression he suspected me of trying to seduce him, and was putting up his guard against me because of it, and I soooo was not interested in anything more than seeing an old friend. In fact, I found the whole thing very upsetting and uncomfortable. This kind of confusion underlay the relationship always and is part of why I posted this thread.