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Thread: Enneagram Passions & Counterpassions

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    Default Enneagram Passions & Counterpassions

    For anyone who is interested (I think this came up a little while ago, and I talked about it, but couldn't find the thread. Someone found it for me.):

    People are expressing their counterpassion if they are:
    • Living in their passion
    • Not conscious of their passion and denying it openly
    • Behaving in a manner contrary to the attitude which would be induced by their passion
    • Attaching a positive value to these behaviors. They may confuse counterpassion and integration, especially if they know the Enneagram and assume these behaviors resemble the virtue aspect of their type

    Some brief examples of the counterpassions of the nine Enneagram types:

    Type 1: Renouncement
    The passion of Ones is anger. The counterpassion of Ones is a caricature of the virtue of patience; in these moments, Ones want to be tolerant, neutral, and objective. They let others get away with errors. They think they are indulgent, magnanimous and understanding of others. Nevertheless, Ones notice errors, which shows that they are still being judgmental. Anger bubbles up inside them even if they are not aware of it. Ones' counterpassion is close to, if not equivalent to, its principal defense mechanism, reaction-formation, and consequently is one of the most thoroughly discussed counterpassions in classic type descriptions.

    Type 2: Self-effacing
    The passion of Twos is pride. The counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of humility. In these moments, Twos want to keep themselves in the background and say that they are nothing much. For example, they might affirm that their assistance was only a small act of helpfulness among many others. They can also insist that what others bring to them is richer than their contribution, or that the love they give does not come from them, that they are merely a channel for love. Pride is there, of course, and the Twos did nothing but refocus the attention: it is not about being proud of the assistance that they bring, but of their false humility.

    Type 3: Self-restraint
    The passion of Threes is deceit. The counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of truth in which Threes try to appear reserved and discrete. When in counterpassion, Threes do not exhibit their achievements or they down-play them; they center their attention and their interest on the other. Threes may consider themselves shy, or others may perceive them as shy. In reality, this reserved approach regarding success and competence is an unconscious action to lower expectations and thereby avoid failure, or minimize its possible effects.

    Type 4: Self-sufficiency
    The passion of Fours is envy. The counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of contentment. At that time, Fours want to appear self-sufficient. They claim to be satisfied with who they are and what they have. What others have that they lack is hence useless, devoid of interest and they are happy to do without. In French literature, there is a famous fable, by Jean de La Fontaine, that describes the counterpassion of the Four and reveals a transparent haughtiness and the persistence of envy.

    Type 5: Extravagance
    The passion of Fives is avarice. The counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of unselfishness. Then Fives want to appear generous. They will give an enormous amount of information about their subject of interest, holding mini-conferences about almost any situation. Avarice is there, however, because they manage to give this information to people who do not desire it and, thus, inevitably will not understand it or use it. Sometimes Fives unconsciously give subtly incomplete or veiled answers.

    Type 6: Temerity
    The passion of Sixes is fear. The counterpassion is a overcompensation from fear. In these situations, Sixes are harsh; they aggressively face dangers. This is the counterphobic Six so often described in Enneagram literature.

    Type 7: Austerity
    The passion of Sevens is gluttony. The counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of sobriety or temperance. Sevens may then practice excessive self-control. They want to appear to be serious. They don't allow themselves any joy or rest. They limit their mental capacities, by either underusing them or focalizing them too much. They are proud of this seriousness that gives them a sort of masochistic happiness. The passion of gluttony appears as an excess of control. More is better: the battle cry of Sevens is still present, only now its focus has changed.

    Type 8: Waryness
    The passion of Eights is excess and the counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of simplicity. In which case, Eights want to appear careful, measured and decent. They are reticent, hold back their anger; and may choose an ascetic way of life. However, even in these circumstances, Eights continue to go to extremes. An excess of simplicity is still excess. In Eights, the passion-counterpassion duality resembles Ichazo's term for the Eight's dichotomy, hedonist-puritan.

    Type 9: Hyperactivity
    The passion of Nines is sloth and the counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of activity. Nines are then hyperactive, perpetually agitated and overloaded with tasks. Although they often produce quantities of work effectively, idleness is still present: these activities are practical but have the effect that the more Nines do, the more they forget themselves. This counterpassion is one of the first we observed, and we interpreted it at the time that these Nines use work and activities as a means of narcotisation (their principal defense mechanism).

    An even more subtle form of Nine's counterpassion is a hyperactive pursuit personal development. Such Nines devour books, workshops, therapists, and gurus. They profess to thirst after self-knowledge; however, they end up spinning their wheels, changing nothing.

    N.B. No doubt you will have encountered the Six's counterpassion; it is counterphobia. Clearly someone has decided that all types, not just the Six, have two different elements to them.

    Originally published at
    English translation at

    The Story of the "Counter-slothic" 9

    "Anyways, I smoked some tonight and had a flood of insights about how I'm a 9 and all things that relate to 9. The thing I realized was that the descriptions are completely inaccurate for me, and I have to flip them 180 degrees for them to make sense in relation to me. I've come to the realization that I'm a particular kind of 9 that is not described at all in the literature, which I have given the term "counter-slothic nine." It is exactly as you described. Counter-slothic 9s focus so much on being aware, and fear not being aware of themselves, that they over-indulge in introspection to the point that they actually become asleep to themselves and living their lives. Introspection becomes a substitute for actually living their lives and showing up and drawing attention to themselves.

    I realized that I am fundamentally connected with my mother, and my psyche has crystallized around the state of merging with mother. My psyche has not fundamentally developed beyond this point. My father represents the world, and was abusive, so my experience is that I could not integrate or relate to the world, so there becomes a retreat into and attachment towards the mother. In my case, this is a strong attachment to the spiritual world, and an avoidance of the material world. The world is viewed as highly threatening to spiritual enlightenment and the peace thereof. There is a tremendous fear of the world at point 6, and the desire to not show up as a full human being at point 3.

    I have a deep seated rage and anger, but this rage is directly experienced towards my father, and therefore the world. I was rejected by my father and the world, and thus I also reject the world, directing all my hatred towards it. This is actually unconscious, and I don't express it except through passive aggression of showing the world how empty it is by becoming an equally empty person. 9s don't ever develop a real personality... their fundamental identification is with the nothingness that is the core of the ego. 9s feel that they hardly exist, and so too does the world come to feel that it hardly exists, and has no value.

    It's interesting that my father is a 3, because symbolically this portrays how the world of humanity which is also my father is related to my fundamental rejection of showing up as a human being, and becoming a fully formed pearl. The pearl itself rejected me. Perhaps I embodied the pearl at such a young age that my father couldn't handle it and had to destroy my humanity.

    I embody the passion of sloth very strongly. I am extremely aware of the things that I need to do, that are necessary and helpful to my growth and enlightenment, but I am fundamentally too lazy and afraid to muster up the action. This is because I am fundamentally afraid of confronting my own nothingness. Becoming awake to my true needs would mean having to confront all the pain of feeling as if I'm not even alive - as if I was a ghost in a shell. I know I need to meditate, to eat better, take care of myself physically, but I don't want to because I feel like I literally am a piece of [blocked due to guideline #4 violation] inside. For me this is very tied in with the sexual instinct, so I feel like I am the most ugly worthless piece of [blocked due to guideline #4 violation] that ever existed. I can't attract the one I need for my completion, and so thus I am fundamentally garbage.

    Around the time I was idealizing that girl in high school was exactly the same time that my spiritual ardor was so strong. When I finally realized that I couldn't connect with this unattainable and distant woman whom I believed to be my soul mate, my entire world was crushed. I came to believe that if I can't unite with my soul mate - the other half of my soul - then my life is fundamentally not worth living and I will forever be an empty shell of a person. A hollow fake pearl.

    Another element of sloth is that I've maintained an extremely strong connection to the essential realm. I've had deep imitations of the ultimate nature of reality, and the experience on mushrooms revealed to me the ultimate truth of existence, the boundless dimensions, non-duality, quintessence, and the fundamental suchness, oneness, unity, and interconnectivity of the universe. Even though I have these incredibly deep insight into true nature, I'm too lazy to actually live according to my truth. Perhaps this is because I have to fundamentally confront my lack of having a pearl.... the identification that I am not a human being, I am not my body, I am not this existence. I have to confront the nullity of who I am and my entire life, and I'm fundamentally too attached to sex and food and music and movies and video games to realize my true nature. I would prefer to live this relatively comfortable life than to have to face the ultimate pain at the core of my ego. This is a state of complete and utter deficiency - that my soul itself is not good enough to deserve to exist. I don't deserve to be human, I'm not good enough to exist. It is like being the ugliest most wretched being in the universe, with a complete lack of value.

    I would actually say that I am hyper aware. Most 9s are described as being the least people aware on the Enneagram. But due to counter-slothia, I am actually the most highly aware type, the one most fundamentally connected to spirit. Counter-slothic nines are afraid of not being aware. They will do anything within their grasp to become more aware of themselves, except they neglect actually taking action in their lives. Action can be put off till later, as long as introspection and navel gazing is maintained. That's why 9s can be extremely aware and yet avoid what needs to be done. Counter-slothic 9s problems is not a lack of awareness, but an overabundance and over-focus on awareness. They fall asleep to their body, their actions, drawing attention to themselves, and fall asleep to life in general. The problem they have is difficulty taking action in the world and becoming a real person instead of a disembodied spirit.

    Counter-slothic 9s focus so much on how they are different from others rather than on the similarities, because of their alignment to their inner world and the rejection of the outer world. The focus is on disconnection, not relating, not merging, and the frustration of not belonging in the universe. Specifically there is the object relation of how much more awake they are than other people, not seeing how ineffectual and asleep they actually are. There is an identification with the self-image of being aware which is in direct opposition to the actual lack of awareness of their true nature - who they really are.

    These 9s have strong intuitions, intimations, visions, and imaginations of objective reality. The problem is they focus more on their imagination of ultimate truth than the action it takes to embody that and live that. They believe they can get there by imagining it more intensely, which takes the focus off of having to take action. The idea is: the more I imagine enlightenment, the more enlightened and transcendent I can be, and then I don't really have to exist in the world. 9s become satisfied with their imagination of ultimate existence and fail to actually experience it in an embodied, human way. To take action would be to draw too much attention to themselves, causing them to feel how ugly, unlovable, incapable, decrepit, and worthless they are.

    Part of the highly withdrawn, isolating, elitist quality is due to their strong attachment to their inner world and their image of themselves as being superior to the exterior. All the hatred is directed towards the exterior. They then equally experience the world as hateful towards them and their spiritual sensitivity.

    Implicit in all this is the 9s soul child at 3. The deep spiritual narcissism, the belief that they are on a higher level than others, the idea of being special, exempt from the rules of everyday life due to their spiritual sensitivity is all a way to absent themselves from living and connecting to the world. 9s don't want to feel how narcissistic they actually are, and so they present the image of not being a person at all, having no identity except for their openness to the universe.

    My sexual 9ness is very clear to me now. My desire for ultimate union with the divine is channeled into my sexual instinct. I want a partner to merge with, and I imagine that soul-mate to break open the dawn of living daylight, allowing my to reclaim my connection with the absolute awakening of being.

    9s specifically represent the fear of something themselves by maintaining the status quo. On a subconscious level, 9s are aware of their true nature. Due to the sleep of humanity, 9s buy in to this ignorant status quo, and forget who they truly are in order to get along with the ignorance of humanity. These 9s are quite aware of true nature, but are afraid of embodying this and showing it to others, for fear of hurting them, and for fear of disturbing the spiritual ignorance of humanity. 9s would rather pretend that they are less aware of the ultimate nature of reality than they actually are, in order to not draw negative attention to themselves, so they can connect with others and feel as if they are not spiritually alone in a dark and blind world.

    There's much, much, more... but I'll stop there for now."

    "... The first type of 9 is that which is commonly describe in the literature. This is the externally oriented person who is caught in mechanical automatic behavior, going through life on auto-pilot, and giving little attention to their inner life, and the development of their individual thoughts and feelings. Life is lived in a mundane, physical way, and very little thought is given to the deeper dimensions of life. Bob Ross would be an exemplar of this type of 9.

    The second type of 9 is one which is more internally oriented. Attention is directed towards the intellectual and/or emotional life and away from the physical. Being more intuitive, ethereal, and dreamy, this type of 9 may have more trouble with embodiment and spacing out. They often have psychological, intellectual, esoteric, symbolic, mythological, or mystical interests. These types of 9s develop such an interest in the psychic-etheric dimensions of existence that they become out of touch with physical reality. Carl Jung would be an exemplar of this type of 9.

    I would term these the somatically and psychically oriented 9, respectively. Or, alluding to the dichotomy within type 6, the slothic and counter-slothic. This is not to say that the second type of 9 is necessarily any "better" or more "advanced" since these 9s can and often do end up going in circles, because the underlying fixation is still running the system.

    What both of these 9s share in terms of their character structure is an underlying tendency to not fully embody themselves and the fullness of their being. As if they were one-dimensionally themselves instead of embodying their consciousness in its full dimensionality. There is an "asleepness" to themselves as a fully present individuated being, due to an unconscious identification with being insignificant, worthless, inferior, lacking, and unlovable."
    Last edited by silke; 12-17-2017 at 02:46 AM.

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    these are GREAT! They are so right-on. Several people I know (including myself) regularly express themselves through these. I know a 9 who bikes nearly 10 miles to work and 10 miles home every day, ostensibly to save gas but he's like running himself into the ground to prove he's not lazy. And there's me lately to husband "you're so lucky to have me because I don't want all these toys that other wives want, I'm happy with our house, I don't need a fancy car, big diamonds, nothing like that, aren't you pleased that I'm so content and happy?" blah blah blah. rotfl!
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    Mmmm yes I can see how it has been valid in some times of my life.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allie View Post
    Why are the six descriptions always so oversimplified?
    It's not oversimplified; it's just that people know about counterphobia, hence why the paragraph is shorter. I'd say Six descriptions were the most complex out there.

    Actually, I think R&H explain that the reason why Six descriptions are often so vague is because there are so many different breeds of Six; that is, it's the most common Enneagram type, because it's a part of the human condition.

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    ILE - ENTp 1981slater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allie View Post
    Why are the six descriptions always so oversimplified?
    Because the whole world has built a coalition against you!
    ILE "Searcher"
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    To learn, read. To know, write. To master, teach.

  6. #6


    An even more subtle form of Nine's counterpassion is a hyperactive pursuit personal development. Such Nines devour books, workshops, therapists, and gurus. They profess to thirst after self-knowledge; however, they end up spinning their wheels, changing nothing.
    OH SNAP.



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    The Nine description here I relate to the most. But as these are's actually very difficult for me to determine what my counterpassion is. The Nine counterpassion sounds quite like Ti HA doesn't it?

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    I know a 7 who seems very self-aware and unashamed of the negative parts of who he is. for example, he'll say things like "I could eat an entire meal of donuts" and "I have to mix pleasure with work at every opportunity" etc. He almost seems kinda pleased with himself. Yet I find it refreshing that he's so honest about it and accepting.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    ILE - ENTp 1981slater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post

    "I could eat an entire meal of donuts"
    Homer Simpson?

    "I have to mix pleasure with work at every opportunity"
    He should become a porn star
    ILE "Searcher"
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    Enneagram: 7w6 "Enthusiast"
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    To learn, read. To know, write. To master, teach.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 1981slater View Post
    Homer Simpson?

    He should become a porn star
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    I kind of wanted to be a 3, but when I read this it didn't make sense. I guess I have to accept that I'm a 7...even though that type sounds so scattered and too much like Cameron Diaz for my taste...she kind of annoys me.

    redbaron, I've said a lot of things similar to that donut comment. It is weird but I do like to let people know that I will eat an entire box of candy or something. I think it's also a thing about not liking to be controlled, so it's like a smoker saying how much they love cigarettes, to prevent you from trying to change their behavior.

    About the counterpassions though....interestingly, I just decided to do one of those super healthy 30 day diet things where you eat all of these fruits, veggies, whole grains, olive oil, beans, nuts, soy, and NO meat, dairy, candy, alcohol, etc, and I've been sort of enjoying being somewhat obsessed w/ it. I've never done any diet at all before so it's interesting (you can eat however much you want w/ this, it just all has to be healthy non-junk food). It's only been a few days, so we'll see...

    But usually I can be gluttonous in that depending on my mood I will grab candy on my way somewhere, coffee, and I'll drink way too much if I'm into going out w/ friends, dancing, or just wanting to let lose for a bit (particularly when stressed). I usually go through phases though.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    I kind of wanted to be a 3, but when I read this it didn't make sense. I guess I have to accept that I'm a 7...even though that type sounds so scattered and too much like Cameron Diaz for my taste...she kind of annoys me.

    redbaron, I've said a lot of things similar to that donut comment. It is weird but I do like to let people know that I will eat an entire box of candy or something. I think it's also a thing about not liking to be controlled, so it's like a smoker saying how much they love cigarettes, to prevent you from trying to change their behavior.

    About the counterpassions though....interestingly, I just decided to do one of those super healthy 30 day diet things where you eat all of these fruits, veggies, whole grains, olive oil, beans, nuts, soy, and NO meat, dairy, candy, alcohol, etc, and I've been sort of enjoying being somewhat obsessed w/ it. I've never done any diet at all before so it's interesting (you can eat however much you want w/ this, it just all has to be healthy non-junk food). It's only been a few days, so we'll see...

    But usually I can be gluttonous in that depending on my mood I will grab candy on my way somewhere, coffee, and I'll drink way too much if I'm into going out w/ friends, dancing, or just wanting to let lose for a bit (particularly when stressed). I usually go through phases though.
    My mom's an ENFp 7 also but what's annoying about her is that she berates herself constantly for not being more disciplined or focused or whatever. So this ESTp 7 I know seems refreshingly honest I guess, by comparison. I admire him for liking himself and not being afraid to reveal qualities that some would consider gluttonous or unnecessary or immature. But upon further thought, I'm pretty sure he doesn't reveal this stuff to everyone. Just those he trusts. So I guess he trusts me. I think he can sense that I understand and I'm not going to criticize. I'm pretty amused by it and he can tell.

    That 30 day diet thing sounds interesting... I'd probably need to do it with a friend though. Otherwise I doubt I'd make it the whole way. lol
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    and btw, I'm totally the four on this one. In fact, my husband has told me numerous times that my most obvious quality (to him) is my independence. Apparently he used to find it attractive and now, not so much so.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    According to that list, I'd be most like One.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Oh I don't think counterpassions are a great idea to be honest. They give too much variance to an already-difficult typing process. However, perhaps, they have some usefulness when a person is already certain of his own e-type, for a better understanding of psychological patterns.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  17. #17


    I think the counterpassions are especially useful for the (super-ego)compliant types...1s...2s...and 6s.

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    this is very interesting... and possibly helpful for discovering your EType rather quickly....
    did you come up with this or has it already been thought of?

    i haven't heard of this.

    i've been reading a lot about the enneagram lately though.
    "If you can find out little melodies for yourself on the piano it is all very well. But if they come of themselves when you are not at the piano, then you have still greater reason to rejoice; for then the inner sense of music is astir in you. The fingers must make what the head wills, not vice versa."- Robert Schumann

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    ascetic huh... that's interesting, because I'm constantly listening to buddha bar and playing make believe zen master. I've always thought that was just an Ni beta thing and not so much enneagram.

    Last edited by Azure Flame; 12-11-2012 at 03:30 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    There was a discussion here some months ago about how each enneagram type has a counterphobic variant. This article on counter-passions ties into that.

    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    ascetic huh... that's interesting, because I'm constantly listening to buddha bar and playing make believe zen master. I've always thought that was just an Ni beta thing and not so much enneagram.
    Sixes integrating to Nine do that sort of stuff
    Ni is frequently confuzzled with proclivity to mysticism, but since there are Si/Ne people who are into taromancy, palmistry, and other methods of divination that association doesn't hold up very well against a reality check.

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    Quote Originally Posted by siuntal View Post
    There was a discussion here some months ago about how each enneagram type has a counterphobic variant. This article on counter-passions ties into that.

    Sixes integrating to Nine do that sort of stuff
    Ni is frequently confuzzled with proclivity to mysticism, but since there are Si/Ne people who are into taromancy, palmistry, and other methods of divination that association doesn't hold up very well against a reality check.
    Hmm. The only real "overcompensation" that I exude on the daily is my need for space. My apartment feels cramped, I hate being indoors, my dream house is going to have a lot of windows and almost no walls so I can feel "free." In essence I can never have enough space, so I'll actually cram myself into a very small living space as a way to overcompensate for this insatiable need for space, I'm giving myself the middle finger. Its why I have dreams of experiencing zero-g and weightlessness. Freedom from the senses, essentially, as I can feel pressure exuded from every object around me at all times. School cafeterias make me autistic because everything is wet, shit food is flying through the air... its a shitstorm, its crampt, and its wet. Enneagram 8 seems to capture this when it describes "lust" but at the same time its rather vague as to what that means, because many Exxp's have a grass is greener attitude.
    Perfect<------------------------------------------------------------------------------>Loops and Tings

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    Article in op is no longer there but I found the rest of it, I think.

    Passion and Counterpassion

    Is Type Six different from the others? Or do other types portray similar dualistic characteristics?
    Fabien and Patricia Chabreuil

    When learning the Enneagram, many people are surprised to discover that, unlike other types, point Six has two expressions of personality: phobic and counterphobic. This phenomenon is often perceived as an anomaly. It is difficult to understand why only point Six has two distinct versions. One begins to wonder whether this dualistic approach may be applied to other types. Some existing Enneagram literature does suggest a two entity approach to all the types, not just Six.

    In the May 1996 issue of Enneagram Monthly, Claudio Naranjo attributed the difference between the two forms of Six to its subtypes. He affirmed that it was possible to generalize this approach to all the types. For example, the sexual subtype of Four, Competition, he described as "competitive and hateful," the social Four was "shy and melodramatic;" and the Self Preservation Four looked very much like a One and was more self-contained or "counter-dependent" and didn't look like a Four at all. [1]

    Admittedly, people of the same type can appear extremely different due to their subtype. For example, there is a strong connection between the phobic-counterphobic duality and the Six subtypes: the Self-preserving (warmth) and the Social (duty) Six are more often phobic and the Sexual (strength-beauty) Six is usually counterphobic. However, the duality of the Six seems to have another aspect: the subtypes are different ways of living the emotional passion. Whereas the Six's phobic and counterphobic duality centers on the awareness or the denial of fear. Similarly, the sexual Four cited by Naranjo doesn't deny his passion of envy; he knows he wants to have something that someone else has and is competitive in order to acquire it.

    Another approach consists of remembering that the difference between phobic and counterphobic Sixes is only a different way to name what Oscar Ichazo called the dichotomy of the Six: pushy-surrender. Ichazo assigned a dichotomy to each type. Thus, in theory, the Six duality echoes Ichazo's standard. By using dichotomies, we could consider two distinct versions in each type. [2]

    However, here again, the phobic-counterphobic duality of the Six differs from other points. Ichazo's dichotomies define each type's two ways of living in what he calls one of the nine domains of consciousness (Feelings; Health and security; Creativity; Intellect; Social; Work, activities and leisure; Power, hierarchy and rank; Law and moral; Spirituality). These domains are indirectly connected to each type's passion.

    To further illustrate this train of thought, we'll analyze with more precision the phobic and counterphobic duality of Six.

    Phobic and Counterphobic Sixes
    Three concepts are central to understanding the phobic-counterphobic duality of the Six:

    1. The duality of the Six is in direct relationship to its passion: fear. In both cases, fear (like the other characteristics of the type) is present. Phobic Sixes know that they're afraid and show it. Counterphobic Sixes also are afraid; however, they deny their fear and seek to prove to others, and themselves, that they can distroy the danger.

    2. Counterphobic Sixes often believe that they're practicing the virtue of their type: courage. However, counterphobia is severe and cutthroat.

    Some Sixes, and even other types, may find this difficult to admit because the passions in the triangle (3-6-9) are universal emotions. Many people tend to believe that courage is needed to control fear. In fact, fear is the passion of Sixes, the chief feature of the emotional center of their egos; whereas, courage is the virtue of the type, the function of the higher emotional center of their essence. Thus, as long as there is the passion of fear, there is ego. This is sometimes easier to understand in relation to other types. For example, Ones can easily admit that patience does not consist of feeling the anger, then repressing it, and behaving patiently. This is not virtue, it is reaction-formation, the Ones' principal defense mechanism. True patience is immediate, not preceded by anger. [3]

    The majority of Sixes' fears are unrealistic and do not have to be felt (phobic) or be denied (counterphobic). An integrated Six can occasionally feel fear if:
    - the fear corresponds to a real danger;
    - the fear is not the principal focus of attention;
    - the fear is accepted, but not prolonged, amplified, extended to other circumstances, or projected on other people.
    In that case, fear is a normal emotion, a positive signal pointing out the reality of the environment. The Six's relationship with fear is summarized below:

    The Six is conscious of fear The Six is not conscious of fear
    The situation is objectively dangerous The fear is a normal emotion and is not a manifestation of the passion.
    The virtue of courage is lived or not. Counterphobia
    There is no objective danger Phobia Counterphobia

    Definition of the notion of Counterpassion
    Once this analysis is made, it becomes relatively easy to identify an analogous phenomenon in the other eight types. One of our students, Bénédicte Gasnier, suggested the term "counterpassion" to describe the same emotional quality expressed in two different ways.

    People are expressing their counterpassion if they are:
    1 …living in their passion;
    2 …not conscious of their passion and denying it openly;
    3 …behaving in a manner contrary to the attitude which would be induced by their passion;
    4 …attaching a positive value to these behaviors. They may confuse counterpassion and integration, especially if they know the Enneagram and assume these behaviors resemble the virtue aspect of their type.

    At the same time, this concept does not change the structure of the type: its preferred center, passion or fixation. As with point Six, these structures remain the same whether the person behaves from passion or counterpassion.

    The Counterpassions of Each Type
    Some brief examples of the counterpassions of the nine Enneagram types.

    One: Renouncement
    The passion of Ones is anger. The counterpassion of Ones is a caricature of the virtue of patience; in these moments, Ones want to be tolerant, neutral, and objective. They let others get away with errors. They think they are indulgent, magnanimous and understanding of others. Nevertheless, Ones notice errors, which shows that they are still being judgmental. Anger bubbles up inside them even if they are not aware of it. Ones' counterpassion is close to, if not equivalent to, its principal defense mechanism, reaction-formation, and consequently is one of the most thoroughly discussed counterpassions in classic type descriptions.

    Two: Self-effacing
    The passion of Twos is pride. The counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of humility. In these moments, Twos want to keep themselves in the background and say that they are nothing much. For example, they might affirm that their assistance was only a small act of helpfulness among many others. They can also insist that what others bring to them is richer than their contribution, or that the love they give does not come from them, that they are merely a channel for love. Pride is there, of course, and the Twos did nothing but refocus the attention: it is not about being proud of the assistance that they bring, but of their false humility.

    Three: Self-restraint
    The passion of Threes is deceit. The counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of truth in which Threes try to appear reserved and discrete. When in counterpassion, Threes do not exhibit their achievements or they down-play them; they center their attention and their interest on the other. Threes may consider themselves shy, or others may perceive them as shy. In reality, this reserved approach regarding success and competence is an unconscious action to lower expectations and thereby avoid failure, or minimize its possible effects.

    Four: Self-sufficiency
    The passion of Fours is envy. The counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of contentment. At that time, Fours want to appear self-sufficient. They claim to be satisfied with who they are and what they have. What others have that they lack is hence useless, devoid of interest and they are happy to do without. In French literature, there is a famous fable, by Jean de La Fontaine, that describes the counterpassion of the Four and reveals a transparent haughtiness and the persistence of envy.

    The Fox and the Grapes
    (Book III, fable 11)
    Translated by Norman B. Spector

    A certain Gascon Fox, a Norman one others say,
    Famished, saw on a trellis, up high to his chagrin,
    Grapes, clearly ripe that day,
    And all covered with purple skin.
    The rogue would have had a meal for the gods,
    But, having tried to reach them in vain,
    "They're too green," he said, "and just suitable for clods."

    Didn't he do better than to complain?

    Five: Extravagance
    The passion of Fives is avarice. The counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of unselfishness. Then Fives want to appear generous. They will give an enormous amount of information about their subject of interest, holding mini-conferences about almost any situation. Avarice is there, however, because they manage to give this information to people who do not desire it and, thus, inevitably will not understand it or use it. Sometimes Fives unconsciously give subtly incomplete or veiled answers.

    Six: Temerity
    The passion of Sixes is fear. The counterpassion is a overcompensation from fear. In these situations, Sixes are harsh; they aggressively face dangers. This is the counterphobic Six so often described in Enneagram literature.

    Seven: Austerity
    The passion of Sevens is gluttony. The counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of sobriety or temperance. Sevens may then practice excessive self-control. They want to appear to be serious. They don't allow themselves any joy or rest. They limit their mental capacities, by either underusing them or focalizing them too much. They are proud of this seriousness that gives them a sort of masochistic happiness. The passion of gluttony appears as an excess of control. More is better: the battle cry of Sevens is still present, only now its focus has changed.

    Eight: Waryness
    The passion of Eights is excess and the counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of simplicity. In which case, Eights want to appear careful, measured and decent. They are reticent, hold back their anger; and may choose an ascetic way of life. However, even in these circumstances, Eights continue to go to extremes. An excess of simplicity is still excess. In Eights, the passion-counterpassion duality resembles Ichazo's term for the Eight's dichotomy, hedonist-puritan.

    Nine: Hyperactivity
    The passion of Nines is sloth and the counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of activity. Nines are then hyperactive, perpetually agitated and overloaded with tasks. Although they often produce quantities of work effectively, idleness is still present: these activities are practical but have the effect that the more Nines do, the more they forget themselves. This counterpassion is one of the first we observed, and we interpreted it at the time that these Nines use work and activities as a means of narcotisation (their principal defense mechanism).
    An even more subtle form of Nine's counterpassion is a hyperactive pursuit personal development. Such Nines devour books, workshops, therapists, and gurus. They profess to thirst after self-knowledge; however, they end up spinning their wheels, changing nothing.

    Using the Concept of Counterpassion
    The interest in using this counterpassion concept is two-fold and once again, we can apply what we have observed with the examples of phobic and counterphobic Six to all types.

    The first application is educational. As teachers and impassioned lovers of the Enneagram, we want people to benefit from this extraordinary system and, of course, it all starts with identifying one's type.

    Counterphobic Sixes typically have difficulty identifying their Enneagram type. This is normal since counterphobia encourages them to deny the principal characteristic of their type, fear. Sometimes this type is difficult to identify from the outside for the same reason. However, Sixes are not the only ones with this problem. In all other types, there are people who identify with the passion of their respective type or with its counterpassion. Being familiar with this distinction allows people who are more identified with counterpassion to more easily identify their types, and begin the Enneagram path of psycho-spiritual development.

    Understanding the concept of counterpassion decreases the likelihood of misinterpreting our true motives and state of development For example, counterphobic Sixes often believe they are practicing the virtue of courage when they are actually expressing the counterphobic qualities of foolhardiness. Therefore, instead of letting go of their passion, they fight it and try to master it. All the other types may make the same mistake believing they are connected to the virtue of their type while they are actually living out their counterpassion. For example, one of our type Seven students described the way he used this mechanism: "By suppressing the wordplay and mental chatter of Seven, I have become a sinister and haughty individual, without any spontaneity." We know many people who have made the same error, and have not always escaped this tendency ourselves. The discovery of the concept of counterpassion has helped us and we hope it will also help others.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Default Counter-passions

    The Counterpassions of Each Type

    People are expressing their counterpassion if they are:
    1 …living in their passion;
    2 …not conscious of their passion and denying it openly;
    3 …behaving in a manner contrary to the attitude which would be induced by their passion;
    4 …attaching a positive value to these behaviors. They may confuse counterpassion and integration, especially if they know the Enneagram and assume these behaviors resemble the virtue aspect of their type.

    At the same time, this concept does not change the structure of the type: its preferred center, passion or fixation. As with point Six, these structures remain the same whether the person behaves from passion or counterpassion.

    One: Renouncement
    The passion of Ones is anger. The counterpassion of Ones is a caricature of the virtue of patience; in these moments, Ones want to be tolerant, neutral, and objective. They let others get away with errors. They think they are indulgent, magnanimous and understanding of others. Nevertheless, Ones notice errors, which shows that they are still being judgmental. Anger bubbles up inside them even if they are not aware of it. Ones' counterpassion is close to, if not equivalent to, its principal defense mechanism, reaction-formation, and consequently is one of the most thoroughly discussed counterpassions in classic type descriptions.

    Two: Self-effacing
    The passion of Twos is pride. The counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of humility. In these moments, Twos want to keep themselves in the background and say that they are nothing much. For example, they might affirm that their assistance was only a small act of helpfulness among many others. They can also insist that what others bring to them is richer than their contribution, or that the love they give does not come from them, that they are merely a channel for love. Pride is there, of course, and the Twos did nothing but refocus the attention: it is not about being proud of the assistance that they bring, but of their false humility.

    Three: Self-restraint
    The passion of Threes is deceit. The counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of truth in which Threes try to appear reserved and discrete. When in counterpassion, Threes do not exhibit their achievements or they down-play them; they center their attention and their interest on the other. Threes may consider themselves shy, or others may perceive them as shy. In reality, this reserved approach regarding success and competence is an unconscious action to lower expectations and thereby avoid failure, or minimize its possible effects.

    Four: Self-sufficiency
    The passion of Fours is envy. The counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of contentment. At that time, Fours want to appear self-sufficient. They claim to be satisfied with who they are and what they have. What others have that they lack is hence useless, devoid of interest and they are happy to do without. In French literature, there is a famous fable, by Jean de La Fontaine, that describes the counterpassion of the Four and reveals a transparent haughtiness and the persistence of envy.

    Five: Extravagance
    The passion of Fives is avarice. The counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of unselfishness. Then Fives want to appear generous. They will give an enormous amount of information about their subject of interest, holding mini-conferences about almost any situation. Avarice is there, however, because they manage to give this information to people who do not desire it and, thus, inevitably will not understand it or use it. Sometimes Fives unconsciously give subtly incomplete or veiled answers.

    Six: Temerity
    The passion of Sixes is fear. The counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of courage. In these situations, Sixes are harsh; they aggressively face dangers that don't exist or don't need to be confronted. This is the counterphobic Six so often described in Enneagram literature.

    Seven: Austerity
    The passion of Sevens is gluttony. The counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of sobriety or temperance. Sevens may then practice excessive self-control. They want to appear to be serious. They don't allow themselves any joy or rest. They limit their mental capacities, by either underusing them or focalizing them too much. They are proud of this seriousness that gives them a sort of masochistic happiness. The passion of gluttony appears as an excess of control. More is better: the battle cry of Sevens is still present, only now its focus has changed.

    Eight: Waryness
    The passion of Eights is excess and the counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of simplicity. In which case, Eights want to appear careful, measured and decent. They are reticent, hold back their anger; and may choose an ascetic way of life. However, even in these circumstances, Eights continue to go to extremes. An excess of simplicity is still excess. In Eights, the passion-counterpassion duality resembles Ichazo's term for the Eight's dichotomy, hedonist-puritan.

    Nine: Hyperactivity
    The passion of Nines is sloth and the counterpassion is a caricature of the virtue of activity. Nines are then hyperactive, perpetually agitated and overloaded with tasks. Although they often produce quantities of work effectively, idleness is still present: these activities are practical but have the effect that the more Nines do, the more they forget themselves. This counterpassion is one of the first we observed, and we interpreted it at the time that these Nines use work and activities as a means of narcotisation (their principal defense mechanism).
    An even more subtle form of Nine's counterpassion is a hyperactive pursuit personal development. Such Nines devour books, workshops, therapists, and gurus. They profess to thirst after self-knowledge; however, they end up spinning their wheels, changing nothing.

    (There is an explanation of cp 6 and phobic 6 which ties this all together if you click the link):

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    Yep, I feel thoroughly and negatively exposed. (OP = success)
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    I feel most connection to 5, 9 and 4. More so with 5 and 9, honestly.

    I know this is starting to get old by now, but that's what I feel? I always find myself chasing after self development stuff with a hidden attitude of not really caring underneath.

    Edit: Thinking about it more, 4 might make sense as well...
    Last edited by ApeironStella; 04-17-2017 at 01:02 PM.

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    The Hyperactivity description reminds me of a Type 9 woman who at first typed herself as Type 9, later married a fellow Type 9 man and going through that somehow must have made her want to develop the hyperactivity counterpassion (probably also for the need of 3 integration); now she is convinced she is a Type 3, posts about how 3-like she is on Facebook and that she is always "busy", but what is she actually doing? She's just being a Type 9 after all.

    The Self-restraint description reminds me of those times when my Type 3 dad had the compulsion to drive really old and ugly cars, even though he could afford much better ones. He'd drive me to school in some below-average car, and I'd tell him "Can't you just drive a normal car? Does it have to be so ugly and dirty?" And he'd claim he was turned off by all those guys who drove big cars and were boasting about their status in that way. Mind you, he used to drive a Porsche Carrera GT when I was a kid, and now he's moved on from that phase and is driving an Aston Martin... sigh, haha.

    Personally, I cannot relate much to any of those counterpassions, but it could just be a matter of me not "seeing" myself act in the real world and being unaware of some of my fixations. When I was new to the Enneagram I was shocked to find out my "avarice" was Envy; I had always prided myself on not being envious. That has been my personal counterpassion for a long time; convincing myself I'm not envious, or trying to quickly repress envious feelings or avoid them. Hm, I am ashamed of my envy, I suppose. That is very Social 4 of me.
    Last edited by Olimpia; 04-17-2017 at 01:22 PM.
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    The Wariness descriptions reminds me of an 8w9 who claims to rarely get angry anymore, be controlled, try to avoid cursing too much, not drink, never sleep around, etc. Most of that seems to be more or less true, some of these things are certainly exaggerated, and one of them may be a white lie.
    For instance, someone told me he had been drunk that one time, and I was perplexed: "But he said he didn't drink?" - "Well, I am pretty sure he was drunk when I talked with him." So, I suppose he tries really hard to hold himself back, but still slips up at times.
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    The Temerity description reminds me of Tom Cruise.

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    I'd like to have some of this hyperactivity to finish all the projects that I've to do instead of this severe procrastination.

    I wonder if ADHD would have something to do with this.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slugabed View Post
    I'd like to have some of this hyperactivity to finish all the projects that I've to do instead of this severe procrastination.

    I wonder if ADHD would have something to do with this.
    Do you mean that you have ADHD or that a 9 indulging in his counterpassion has ADHD?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slugabed View Post
    No, I dont think that I've ADHD...since I'm not hiperactive, I've really low energy. But its curious how 9 could tend to, according this stuff, hiper or hipoactivity, that's why I'm asking. But sometimes I'm very distracted and I've problems on focusing (for long periods) and retention (also for long periods), it was specially notorious on school and I can't tolerate for too long over structured environments (school, job etc)... I get depressed. If my kids result like me, I'll do homeschooling for them.
    I think its like, they over focus on things other than what needs to be done (say, resolve a fight with a family member). Like doing sports or something to ignore it. So its not a matter of focus like a person with ADHD has, its trying to ignore things that cause tension in them.

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