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    Default ISTp description from

    I added on to the old ISTp description and edited it. To the SLIs out there, I'm really sorry I made it sound so evil.

    The Enigmatic ISTp

    Jacob R. Zemon [ISTp]

    “To get along with me- don’t increase my tension.”

    ~Ty Cobb

    ISTps may have a cold or distant look to them when you first met them. Their eyes look focused and alert, like they are peering outward from inside a shell. ISTps don’t have big smiles around new people; rather, they give a half, closed-lipped smile. They try to talk a lot with facial expressions; such as the way they furrow their brow or grimace, believing in non-verbal communication as opposed to words.

    ISTps may seem quite laid back and easy going at first, and they might also lack initiative, because they chose comfort and relaxing over actually “getting things done”. In a physical sense, they like to be in harmonious environments. They don’t like others interrupting their peace. This applies while either doing work or spending leisure time with friends. They don’t like to be rushed or live by schedules, and they take their time enjoying their surroundings. ISTps also dislike it when people try and predict what will happen; such as while watching a movie. They prefer to watch and enjoy what happens.

    The ISTps work habits can be somewhat of a mystery to those around him. He might totally ignore or blow off some obligations, but then put a lot of passion into some seemingly meaningless activity. It has a purpose to the ISTp, but it still seems irrational to others. This is because mandatory work for an ISTp seems pointless, but their area of interest is rewarded with much more time and attention then most others would have the tolerance for.

    ISTps care very much about their appearance and the appearances of the objects around them. They might get lazy about what they look like and how they are dressed when no one is around, although when they go out they feel silly and repulsive if they don’t look clean. ISTps pay close attention to people’s facial expressions, smiles, and mannerisms. They can easily recall these, and play back memories in their head. They make connections to people and experiences they remember from the past. ISTps are also very sensitive to touch.

    One problem for the ISTps is that they can be emotionally irritated; and sometimes even be unstable. They might not take teasing or any form of deprecation well. When ISTps feel hurt, or their ethics are judged, they push away and withdraw from others. They can show rude or tactless behavior towards people, sometimes flat out ignoring them. When they either feel harmed or frustrated, their generally placid appearance quickly turns fiery and aggressive. In their aggression, they might hit or throw something to let their energy out. ISTps may also become pushy when they run out of patience.

    ISTps might have some odd behavior around friends or family. Too much emotional drama can be strenuous to an ISTp. Their unsociability may arise from people not being trustworthy and polite to them, and it increases when others start to question them about their poor social skills. When an ISTp does feel welcome in a group of people, they might even be talkative and friendly. Only the fear of not being accepted will restrain them. When an ISTp feels like he is out of the loop, or that others are verbally hurting him in some way, he might say some insensitive, blunt, things, often without thinking about it. This is because it is a programmed defense mechanism they have, and cannot control it. Unexpectedly, the ISTp’s mood will shoot up when they realize that the other people around them weren’t either offended or left the ISTp behind. It may look cruel to people around them, but this is how an ISTp lets people get closer to them. After the initial contact, the ISTp will try to keep you as a friend as long as they can, secretly valuing deep relationships with people.

    In romantic relationships, ISTps care about small, physical communication. Because they are already paying attention to body language and facial expressions when they are interested in someone, they expect that the other person is in tune with these as well. They also enjoy it when emotions are just understood. They feel relieved when people can understand them without invading their personal space. They may also have a hard time letting their feelings out, so even if you declare that you like the ISTp several times they may not return the favor, sometimes leaving their partner feeling less appreciated than they really are. It may look like it is hard to please an ISTp on the outside, but that’s only because they don’t show it when you do please them. Some ISTps may stop caring for love altogether if they were hurt enough in the past. They may even forget about the possibility of caring for someone again, trying to sooth their mind. IN these extreme cases, the ISTp may only show affection towards pets, because pets never judge you.

    ISTps are also a poor judge of time. They can lose track of how much time has past when they are doing something they are interested in. They might also ignore necessary obligations, because they are too busy taking care of themselves and their comforts and conveniences instead of thinking about the problems of the future. These can eventually catch up with the ISTp, and either his workload piles up or he lets deadlines pass. ISTps can become overly-anxious about being late while going somewhere, so sometimes they will be early just so they don’t have to worry about it.

    ISTps can get lost in and enjoy both craft and sport. They love to practice a particular sport, over and over again, until they feel they have perfected it. They get energized by it and can even work themselves into fatigue, but the fatigue is generally satisfying.

    ISTps usually develop a growing skepticism over time. This comes from the mistakes they made in the past. Sometimes, the whole idea of “believing” in something becomes so shaky in the mind of an ISTp that they stop believing everything. After this, they become nervous inside, wondering whether or not what they ever believed in was true.

    ISTps always attempt to be fair and objective. They try to see what is actually there, and see things in terms of facts and evidence. They don’t like to accept something just because it is a commonly held belief. ISTps are good at accumulating several sources of knowledge, and they use it. Once they have gathered enough evidence and knowledge on a subject, they feel justified in defending their principles.

    Comments and critisicm are welcome.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Default Re: New ISTp description [from]

    ESTjs can behave the same way ...

    ISTps are also a poor judge of time. They can lose track of how much time has past when they are doing something they are interested in. They might also ignore necessary obligations, because they are too busy taking care of themselves and their comforts and conveniences instead of thinking about the problems of the future. These can eventually catch up with the ISTp, and either his workload piles up or he lets deadlines pass. ISTps can become overly-anxious about being late while going somewhere, so sometimes they will be early just so they don’t have to worry about it.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: New ISTp description [from]

    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    ESTjs can behave the same way ...

    ISTps are also a poor judge of time. They can lose track of how much time has past when they are doing something they are interested in. They might also ignore necessary obligations, because they are too busy taking care of themselves and their comforts and conveniences instead of thinking about the problems of the future. These can eventually catch up with the ISTp, and either his workload piles up or he lets deadlines pass. ISTps can become overly-anxious about being late while going somewhere, so sometimes they will be early just so they don’t have to worry about it.
    uh oh, this may be a delta tendancy then cause time just wips past me too.


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    This sounds SO MUCH like my husband it's amazing. I don't think it sounds evil at all.

    He drag races. He LOVES it. We had a really large garage built so he can weld and work with his machining tools and work on the engine and build stuff all winter, and then drag race and fix things all summer. He can spend hours on end in the garage working, but isn't at all interested in finishing the basement, work that needs to be done.

    The rest sounds like him too but particularly the part about working on craft and sport, and losing track of time.

  5. #5
    Creepy-an ixtp@cafe


    Oh, my hidden agenda...where are you?

    "Time" of should be forgotten when descriptions are written. Do you think the people with in 1st are really masters of punctuality? Additionally, the 3rd function is considered to often work typically to hide its weakness. If strongly relates to punctuality, ISXps must not be late habitually.
    And I think this memory thing is only your case.

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    ESTJ losing track of time?


    structure structure structure
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    welcome back. did you bring back some contraband for me?

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    lol negative.

    all I have to say is the military is made for ESTJs.

    There are a lot of ISTPs also, but I think the fact that there is always new courses is quite appealing to them. I dont know if the ISTPs tend to make long term careers out of it as the ESTJs seem to do.
    {♠x<º))))><¸.·´¯`·.¸IcEPiCk¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>x♠ }

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    That description sound like most of my ISTP's friends. Hiya and welcome back IcePick

  10. #10


    Hi Taz...

    This description is fairly accurate.

  11. #11
    Creepy-enfp rosie

    Default Does ISTPs New Description Appeal to ENFPs?

    ISTPs are supposed to be the ENFP's dual but to me (an ENFP) it sounds only semi appealling. I like people who are sporty, good with their hands and quite sensual but I don't think I could handle another relationship with someone who cannot express affection and deal with emotion. As an ENFP we are emotionally intense, so why would we want to be in a relationship with an ISTP? The only thing that I can think of is that I enjoy guys who are into extreme sports because it means they live life for intense experiences and are willing to take risks - both things that I admire and relate to!

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    Becuase ENFps (suppossively?) enjoy coaxing ISTps out of their shells and opening up. It's possible, and I've heard ENFps say that they enjoy it. Unless of course you are actually an ENFj and like everything to be blatant instead of hidden.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Becuase ENFps (suppossively?) enjoy coaxing ISTps out of their shells and opening up. It's possible, and I've heard ENFps say that they enjoy it. Unless of course you are actually an ENFj and like everything to be blatant instead of hidden.
    This can be enjoyable but only to a point. If an istp keeps a wall up, eventually the enfp will get bored and move on. Istps can open up and relax for short periods but then close down again very quickly retreating into dark silence and cool behavior. This back and forth action can drive people away from istps who get confused by this seeming moody behavior. Enfps are bewildered too but it encourages them to once again draw the istp out of his/her cave. Enfps can forget the past if the promise of the future seems attainable. If the istp withdraws for too long then the enfp will become hurt and move on. Once in a new realtionship, they may even be friendly to the old person and probably chuck the experience up to "Oh well, it just wasnt meant to be" or "Well, they just have limitations and cant be open. What a waste" .
    Unless both parties can compromise it will not work. The biggest problem is comminication. But many istps are not big on that so thats a barrier to closeness. On the enfps part, they would have to learn to show restraint and trust.
    Honestly, I havent worked out how this relationship can exist in the long term. I hope by gaining knowledge on this forum I can gain more insight into what istps would want and would respond to. comments?

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Topaz View Post
    This can be enjoyable but only to a point. If an istp keeps a wall up, eventually the enfp will get bored and move on. Istps can open up and relax for short periods but then close down again very quickly retreating into dark silence and cool behavior. This back and forth action can drive people away from istps who get confused by this seeming moody behavior. Enfps are bewildered too but it encourages them to once again draw the istp out of his/her cave. Enfps can forget the past if the promise of the future seems attainable. If the istp withdraws for too long then the enfp will become hurt and move on. Once in a new realtionship, they may even be friendly to the old person and probably chuck the experience up to "Oh well, it just wasnt meant to be" or "Well, they just have limitations and cant be open. What a waste" .
    Unless both parties can compromise it will not work. The biggest problem is comminication. But many istps are not big on that so thats a barrier to closeness. On the enfps part, they would have to learn to show restraint and trust.
    Honestly, I havent worked out how this relationship can exist in the long term. I hope by gaining knowledge on this forum I can gain more insight into what istps would want and would respond to. comments?

    I find this so accurate. Especially the part that ENFps would learn restraint and trust.
    I have found that the best way to let an ISTp open up is to not give him so much attention... That way they would initiate conversations and they'll show their friendly and caring side. There was this time, when an ISTp was cold with me for months, I felt hurt and told him about it... but it was normal for him. But then I noticed if I don't talk to him, he would act so friendly with me. it confuses me so much and probably everyone around him.
    I think even if they close down, they would try to keep that person, I guess by just what they answer, they will leave you hanging (like should I move on or no?), so you will always not be sure of what they're thinking... I think they're full of contradictions.

    And about it being enjoyable at first, the ISTp I guess will find the ENFp interesting, mysterious even and not available... (I think ENFps wouldn't notice ISTps at first) it's like the ENFp slip away and run away from the ISTp, and I think ISTps enjoy that... because ISTps will feel bored i guess and will act cold in close distances. ENFp will feel hurt and start doubting the ISTp, they will feel that they idealized the ISTp so much, they would be like children seeking attention from ISTps (here I noticed it will become the other way around). The ENFp will think of moving on, but i guess what is needed here (like it was mentioned) is to trust ISTps.
    ENFps will go and be their cool self again, focusing on whatever grabbed their attention... but the ISTp is always in the back of their mind (like it was at first).
    Almost every ISTp I met is just so in love with the ENFp they know.
    So I wonder if the same thing will repeat itself again...and again...
    This duality is so interesting and complicated, it's hard yet I find it beautiful and so deep.
    Oh this can be all just one situation of many so I'm not sure if it's always like this (as many other things interfere here)... I think i've heard of an IEE-SLI duals and their relationship was easier though idk the details of it.

    Sorry for any grammar mistake.
    Last edited by Kernel; 01-13-2018 at 01:02 PM.

  15. #15

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    Quote Originally Posted by daisyshadow View Post
    Sorry I revived this old post...but I found this so accurate. Especially the part that ENFps would learn restraint and trust.
    I have found that the best way to let an ISTp open up is to not give him so much attention... That way they would initiate conversations and they'll show their friendly and caring side. There was this time, when an ISTp was cold with me for months, I felt hurt and told him about it... but it was normal for him. But then I noticed if I don't talk to him, he would act so friendly with me. it confuses me so much and probably everyone around him.
    I think even if they close down, they would try to keep that person, I guess by just what they answer, they will leave you hanging (like should I move on or no?), so you will always not be sure of what they're thinking... I think they're full of contradictions.

    And about it being enjoyable at first, the ISTp I guess will find the ENFp interesting, mysterious even and not available... (I think ENFps wouldn't notice ISTps at first) it's like the ENFp slip away and run away from the ISTp, and I think ISTps enjoy that... because ISTps will feel bored i guess and will act cold in close distances. ENFp will feel hurt and start doubting the ISTp, they will feel that they idealized the ISTp so much, they would be like children seeking attention from ISTps (here I noticed it will become the other way around). The ENFp will think of moving on, but i guess what is needed here (like it was mentioned) is to trust ISTps.
    ENFps will go and be their cool self again, focusing on whatever grabbed their attention... but the ISTp is always in the back of their mind (like it was at first).
    Btw I noticed that the ENFp may hurt the ISTp, maybe because of lack of attention? But the ISTp usually forgives them, they value them so much. Almost every ISTp I met is just so in love with the ENFp they know.
    So I wonder if the same thing will repeat itself again...and again...
    This duality is so interesting and complicated, it's hard yet I find it beautiful and so deep.
    Oh this can be all just one situation of many so I'm not sure if it's always like this (as many other things interfere here)... I think i've heard of an IEE-SLI duals and their relationship was easier though idk the details of it.

    Sorry for any grammar mistake.
    Oh this post was awesome. Your grammar is just fine. Where are you from?

    I don't identify as IEE but I've known a disproportionate amount of SLIs. I briefly dated a guy who was SLI and it was interesting how lenient he was with me in comparison to other girls, which wasn't very lenient at all, if you compare his behavior to the average person. It wasn't until later that I found out thru our mutual friends how uh... caring he was? (for lack of a better word) He invited me over to his place, encouraged me to sleep over, drove me to work even though I told him it wasn't necessary, and he'd always tend to me when I got sick, quietly and unobtrusively. he was very sarcastic, I kinda bantered back but I toned it down a lot because he was surprisingly vulnerable. he didn't break down crying or anything but he was slightly taken aback whenever I took the teasing too far. he was emotionless (on the surface) so I'd always do stupid things to make him laugh and he'd crack a smile every now and again but he'd always deny it afterwards. I wonder if this matches up with your own experiences? There's a lack of sentimentality in their speech but they make up for it thru their actions, some may describe them as cold but in their presence I always felt warm. As for my platonic SLI connections, one of them messaged me recently with, "What up you fucking retard" because we haven't spoken in a while and it was like sweet honey to my ears.

    But the first time we met I thought he hated me. We met via mutual friends and we went to a toy store where I accidentally shot one of those nerf guns in my eye, but then he invited me out later that night. I was like "??!??!? but? ok..." and when he picked me up I rambled on how about how funny it'd be if he was driving me to my own death and he's like "do you always enter vehicles with people you barely know? you shouldn't do that" and I'm like "haha yeah but I'm still alive, aren't I?" and then when he led me down to his bedroom (which was located in the basement) he asked me if I always follow strangers to their basement. Again, he advised me not to do that. He talked to me like this a lot but I never interpreted it as criticism. It just made me laugh, and my responses always made him smirk, so it worked out. Anyway he was an interesting fellow and I still think about him from time to time.

    This sounds like the beginning of a very unfortunate episode of CSI Don't Do That but I promise I didn't die

    As for the bold, I've noticed a very similar pattern with my IEE friends. They're always going on and on about their ISTP (aka SLI) friends.


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    Quote Originally Posted by wasp View Post
    Oh this post was awesome. Your grammar is just fine. Where are you from?

    I don't identify as IEE but I've known a disproportionate amount of SLIs. I briefly dated a guy who was SLI and it was interesting how lenient he was with me in comparison to other girls, which wasn't very lenient at all, if you compare his behavior to the average person. It wasn't until later that I found out thru our mutual friends how uh... caring he was? (for lack of a better word) He invited me over to his place, encouraged me to sleep over, drove me to work even though I told him it wasn't necessary, and he'd always tend to me when I got sick, quietly and unobtrusively. he was very sarcastic, I kinda bantered back but I toned it down a lot because he was surprisingly vulnerable. he didn't break down crying or anything but he was slightly taken aback whenever I took the teasing too far. he was emotionless (on the surface) so I'd always do stupid things to make him laugh and he'd crack a smile every now and again but he'd always deny it afterwards. I wonder if this matches up with your own experiences? There's a lack of sentimentality in their speech but they make up for it thru their actions, some may describe them as cold but in their presence I always felt warm. As for my platonic SLI connections, one of them messaged me recently with, "What up you fucking retard" because we haven't spoken in a while and it was like sweet honey to my ears.

    But the first time we met I thought he hated me. We met via mutual friends and we went to a toy store where I accidentally shot one of those nerf guns in my eye, but then he invited me out later that night. I was like "??!??!? but? ok..." and when he picked me up I rambled on how about how funny it'd be if he was driving me to my own death and he's like "do you always enter vehicles with people you barely know? you shouldn't do that" and I'm like "haha yeah but I'm still alive, aren't I?" and then when he led me down to his bedroom (which was located in the basement) he asked me if I always follow strangers to their basement. Again, he advised me not to do that. He talked to me like this a lot but I never interpreted it as criticism. It just made me laugh, and my responses always made him smirk, so it worked out. Anyway he was an interesting fellow and I still think about him from time to time.

    This sounds like the beginning of a very unfortunate episode of CSI Don't Do That but I promise I didn't die

    As for the bold, I've noticed a very similar pattern with my IEE friends. They're always going on and on about their ISTP (aka SLI) friends.

    I've known one well, I think because of him I became so interested in this sociotype. Before I didn't feel his presence at all tbh, but when i recalled my time with him, I think I never acted spontaneously like that with another person. He was so lenient with me too, he would ask me to lower my use of headphones for example, to get enough sleep, sometimes when I'm in a bad mood, he'd notice and tells me about it, also when I'm stressed, I will find myself venting to the ISTp (unconsciously) and it surprises me because they don't hate it.
    Most of our conversations have been online (In which he sometimes acted cold), in real life we don't communicate much, it's more like our behaviors are what tell us about each other... I never tried to make him laugh, but he often laughs at me, especially when i'm angry.
    Now we're unable to meet unfortunately, but I'm pretty sure I will meet him again someday (and he took my number secretly )

    Haha what you said about him: warning you about not entering stranger's vehicules and all....sounds so much like a story i've written lol (one of the characters was SLI, I tried to imagine how would the ISTp act in different situations.)

    Don't you think that with ISTps, it's like they're lagging computers?... you need to be a very patient person, without it the relationship might not work.
    Last edited by Kernel; 09-23-2017 at 09:54 AM.

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