Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean
^ Wow, the man knows his stuff - I've been listening to a lot of Eno later (I have musical cycles) - I'm trying to find 'Mother Whale Eyeless', which is quoted in my sig at the mo, but this will do for now.

[video width=300 height=80:e58e036afd]http://media.imeem.com/m/5CWW9qYrPu/aus=false/[/video:e58e036afd]
Yeah, from what I've heard Eno is pretty cool. Also cool: he's doing the soundtrack for Spore (the video game by Will Wright).

Quote Originally Posted by Wikipedia
The music for the game is being designed by Brian Eno, an artist famous for his work with ambient music. Eno has worked with Kent Jolly and Aaron McLeran to implement a simple piece of software in Spore called "The Shuffler", which procedurally generates fragments for the soundtrack from a number of samples.

Which should be great! ...If it ever comes out.