Quote Originally Posted by Kim
No, she does not sound ESFp. ESFps are not that clingy and they want to be worshipped rather than whorship. They are not dependent. Also, she does not sound like an EP.

yeah, i was thinking she sounds very people-pleasery?

basically i agree w/ you, kim.

finding some criteria: if i had to fit her in some category based on what has been said, i would be more inclined to say alpha. i thought maybe using this, for example, i would want to say ESFj . but i don't know about her being a rational.

anyhow, this:

We fought a lot because I was trying to get away from her and have some time for myself. She would always be chasing me and coming up with reasons why I had to go see her.
sounds like the sort of stuff that causes rifts between my parents all the time. he wants to go out with friends or says he wants to be alone, she starts getting upset. (i think my parents are ESFj/ENTj.)

yeah, i hate to sound critical, too, but she sounds too "sweet" (i can't think of a better word to use here) and not critical enough (or independent enough) to be either ISFj or ESFp.

ISFp maybe could work best. i'll stick with that until i get some evidence of hardcore .