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Thread: Four elements tests

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    lavos's Avatar
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    Default Four elements tests

    A chatbox conversation with @Director Abbie prompted me to look for these:

    (This ones gives mixed element results, but the first one seems more accurate.)

    (this is one is for females judging from the questions, but seems accurate)

    (also seems accurate)

  2. #2
    WinnieW's Avatar
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    I'm Air in this one.

    As an Air person you are independent, curious and a free-spirit at heart!

    Strengths: Intelligent, analytical, philosophical, kind-hearted, visionary, good communicator, creative, devoted, free-thinking, observant.
    Weaknesses: Fanatical, ungrounded, impractical, socially inept, prone to boredom and depression, perfectionistic, controlling, dishonest.
    Power Stones: Opal, amethyst, fluorite
    Sacred Colors: White, blue

    How the air type can become more balanced: Learn to root yourself to the earth with practicality and present-mindedness. This will stop you from drifting away in impractical, abstract thought.
    Last edited by WinnieW; 04-13-2018 at 11:19 PM.

  3. #3
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    The second seemed okay, but not especially good.
    The Volcanic element combines the will-power, courage, and brilliant vision of Fire with the diligence, stability, and common sense of earth. That is an excellent recipe for success. Lava combines the abstract, big-picture vision of Fire and the detailed precision of Earth to get things done. Lava enjoys setting bold, daring, nearly impossible goals, then slowly but surely making it happen – all perfectly according to plan. Everything in Lava’s life goes to serve The Plan: an extremely complex life-long plan for success that incorporates every foreseeable variable and contingency. Often, Lava begins making The Plan while still a small child and continues to refine it and re-work it across his or her life. Their ability to predict the future is mysterious and can be either inspiring or terrifying depending on whether Lava is a friend or enemy. In some, this predictive power is based on a deep, abstract understanding of the universe and its patterns and meanings. In others, it is due to a keen memory, concrete reasoning, and an ability to predict the future by analyzing past behavior. Lava is also family-oriented; it uses its tremendous energy and consistent devotion to serve and love friends and family. Beneath the fierce, stubborn exterior is a real, genuine, human warmth and a loyal love that will never die. Those lucky enough to be in Lava’s inner circle are blessed indeed. They are fiercely protective of those they love and would do absolutely anything for them. Respect, honor, integrity, and courage matter a great deal to Lava. Such respect is earned, never given.

    Since this Mixed Element combines the two dry elements (Fire and Earth), Lava will tend to be very dry. Here, “dryness” refers to being resistant to change or outside forces – i.e. being decisive, consistent, logical, and stubborn.

    Lava can be made by Fire and Earth in many ways.
    INTJ can be thought of as a cool Fire – just as ambitious, bold, visionary, abstract, and driven, but with a calmer, more patient, more introverted nature. In the alternative, INTJs can be thought of as a more ambitious and much more abstract version of Earth. INTJ may occasionally show up as Ice if the INTJ in question is introverted enough.

    ESTJ can be thought of as Earth heated up – just as practical, diligent, stubborn, and stable, but with much more ambition, drive, and extroversion. In the alternative, ESTJ can be thought of as a much more concrete, practical, and methodical version of Fire.

    ENTJs and ISTJs may occasionally show up as Lava, though they are normally pure Fire and pure Earth respectively.

    Functions: Extroverted Thinking, Introverted Sensing, Introverted Intuition, and introverted feeling

    Enneagram Types: 1, 3, 5, 6, and 8

    Platonic Solid: Pyramid (Tetrahedron) and Cube (Hexahedron)

    Aristotelian Environment: Dry (Either Hot or Cool)

    Temperament: Choleric/Melancholic or Melancholic/Choleric

    Cardinal Virtue: Courage (Fortitudo)

    Yin-Yang: Full Yang and New Yin

    Opposite Element: Mist/Cloud/Rain (Air/Water) – While Lava is the element of law, order, stability, practicality, diligence, tradition, bravery, willpower, liveliness, and long-term vision, Mist is spontaneous, free, adaptable, idealistic, cosmopolitan, caution, compassion, calm, and artistic.

    Core Strengths: Lava is brave, bold, ambitious, strong-willed, energetic, charismatic, honest, loyal, just, honorable, dedicated, stable, practical, orderly, structured, fair-minded, patient, rational, respectful, and dependable.

    Possible Weaknesses: When immature, Lava might be arrogant, angry, harsh, bitter, jealous, greedy, stiff, callous, have judgmental tendencies, bossy, excessively competitive, and too focused.

    Fire Summary:
    Fire is the element of will-power, courage, and vision. Fire is an active, focused, goal-oriented element. It is courageous, bold, strong-willed, passionate, ambitious, and fiercely dedicated. Fire insists on always moving onward and upward, always boldly going somewhere. It needs a goal, a direction, a dream to pursue. When given a noble goal, nothing is more majestic than Fire as it breaks through all obstacles, transcends all boundaries, and forges ahead through all hardships to make dreams into reality. Fire has a strong sense of justice, honor, and integrity. Fire is the spark of inspiration, flashes of deep insight, and bold visions for the future. It is creativity, plans, goals, intuition, patterns, archetypes, and the sense of a cosmic driving purpose. Fire is passion, so apathy is a foreign concept to it. Fire has strong opinions and beliefs about pretty much everything. This passion carries over into all areas of life, whether it is work, school, hobbies or personal relations. There is no more fiercely dedicated friend, lover, or enemy than Fire. Fire can be the warm-hearted fireplace to give warmth to the weary, the torch to give light and direction in darkness, the Sun that brings life and light to the world, the Promethean Fire that inspires invention and science, the forge that drives industry onward, or the raging fire that annihilates every enemy in its path. It has such tremendous mental and emotional energy that other elements often feel overwhelmed. However, just like physical fire without fuel turns to ash, so Fiery people sink into deep, restless depression when they lose their drive and have no dream and no goal to pursue. Also, Fire’s single-minded zeal can at times turn into arrogance and a tendency to belittle and devalue anything or anyone that stands in the way of Fire’s Goal. Immature Fire can also have issues with anger, harshness, being judgmental, bossiness, hasty decisions, and being excessively competitive.

    Earth Summary:
    Earth is the element of stability, law, and order. It is the most closely tied to the physical reality. It is also the most enduring. Earth people are known for their steady, patient strength – enduring all hardship, weathering all change. They are strong and stable, honest and loyal, fair-minded and rational, orderly and reliable. Under stress and pressure that would break anyone else, Earth still stands. It can be the tall, strong, majestic mountain; the nurturing soil that makes things grow; the stone wall that withstands the enemy’s fire; the castle that protects those within; the cave that shelters from the storm; the precise, organized, and beautiful gemstone; the deep canyon; the brick and stone that make up mighty towers and humble homes alike; or the caverns of the deep that guard the earth’s riches. Earth is a practical element and enjoys building things and helping things grow. Earth is common sense, memory, organization, details, patience, maturity, and perceptiveness. It is also known as the most family-oriented of the elements and frequently takes on a parental or big sibling role when dealing with younger people. Connected with that is a deep respect for the elderly, for tradition, and for anything that has withstood the test of time. Earning respect is key to earth. Because of its stability and desire for permanence, a close relationship with an Earthen person is likely to last a lifetime. Earth’s greatest strength and weakness lies in its inertia: it changes very slowly and resists all outside influences. This gives it its great strength, stability, and calm, but it also makes it rigid, inflexible, and extremely stubborn. For good or ill, Earth is what it is and that is unlikely to change.

    The third is clearly pretty bad.
    You're bubbly, out-going, and very friendly. Though sometimes people can make you irritated, you get over it quickly. Your biggest weakness might be getting on other peoples nerves.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  4. #4
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    As an Earth person you are reliable, honest and good-natured.

    Strengths: Groundedness, firmness, conscientiousness, practicality, stability, patient, goal-orientated, hardworking, present-orientated, perseverance, down to earth, good humored, loyal.

    Weaknesses: Rigidness, laziness, pessimistic, jealousy, scornfulness, superficiality, indifference, workaholism.

    Power Stones: Hematite, agate

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    "As a fire person, you are a trailblazer who likes to walk to the beat of your own drum!

    Strengths: Inspirational, dominant, passionate, confident, fun, innovative, charismatic, willful, energetic, persistent.

    Weaknesses: Stimulation-seeking, aggressive, hostile, easily bored, bad tempered, lustful, obsessive, self-righteous.

    Power Stones: Citrine, amber, carnelian

    Sacred Colors: Red, yellow, orange

    How the fire type can become more balanced: Learn to balance passion with reason.
    This will help you to make smarter choices and it will help you to keep the peace in interpersonal communications."

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    Water type pokemon

    Strengths: Empathetic, sensitive, intuitive, caring, nurturing, good at listening, open-minded, accepting, mystical, artistic.
    Weaknesses: Self-pitying, moody, unreliable, unpredictable, resentful, illogical, weak-willed, addictive personality.

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    Ice. Surprisingly accurate description.

    You are Ice! (Water/Earth or Water/Fire)

    Ice is cool, calm, collected, logical, and abstract. It combines the calm, serenity, insight, adaptability, and wisdom of Water with the order, consistency, loyalty, and practicality of earth. They are creatures of cold, crystalline beauty – elegant and unapproachable. They are deep, mysterious, and inscrutable – yet they see the rest of the world with astounding clarity. They have a big-picture view of life and tend to be meticulous planners. Ice is also generally a very good judge of character, so long as Ice does not give in to pessimism or cynicism. That is one of Ice’s great internal struggles – the conflict between an intense inner idealism and pessimism about how corrupt the world is. Ice is exceptionally perfectionistic. Ice is also known for its subtly determined nature. Instead of trying to break through barriers, Ice finds another way. When the barrier is weak or if Ice finds just the right angle, it breaks through with the force of a massive iceberg. Yet against stronger or more aggressive forces, Ice adapts, melts, flows around boulders, through piles of debris, over dams, and even through the smallest cracks. When it finds such small opening, it freezes – expanding and cracking the barrier apart. Ice plans everything meticulously in advance and can be seen as opportunistic since it never lets any opportunity go to waste. Ice is very independent and often stubborn, but not aggressive or bossy. Rather than try to force the world to conform to itself, it bends and moves to suit the circumstances, subtly influences the world from the shadows, or else it simply leaves. Ice knows when to withdraw and leave a hopeless organization, pointless debate, or harmful relationship. Solitude is natural and comfortable for Ice, so it very capable of leaving toxic situations behind and not looking back. This tendency to choose an isolated lifestyle may be in reaction to past hurt or betrayal or it could just as easily stem from being highly introverted. It often views society as a whole as being cruel, stupid, chaotic, or threatening. Ice is very structured, orderly, rational, and logical. They are punctual, organized, detail-oriented, planned, and are excellent at either creating or running vast, complicated systems – whether for business, politics and other practical concerns or for philosophy, religion, science, or other more abstract pursuits. They have both the creativity and wisdom to create as well as the practicality and diligence to administrate. They are strong and stable, honest and loyal, fair-minded and rational, orderly and reliable. Under stress and pressure that would break anyone else, Ice still stands like an ancient, unconquerable glacier. This ability to think well in both abstract and concrete ways makes Ice a natural planner.

    Everything in Ice’s life goes to serve The Plan: an extremely complex life-long plan for success that incorporates every foreseeable variable and contingency. Often, Ice begins making The Plan while still a small child and continues to refine it and re-work it across his or her life. Their ability to predict the future is mysterious and can be either inspiring or terrifying depending on whether Ice is a friend or enemy. Ice generally uses its towering intellect to solve problems, express deep truths, create inventions, or unravel the mysteries of the universe rather than make money or get fame. Fame is of very little interest to Ice. Ice often has a strong creative and artistic streak, loving music, literature, philosophy, and the arts. The Icy person often has a natural and effortless gift at creating pristine, elegant beauty – whether in artwork, abstract systems, or even in the clothes she or he wears. Yet all of these tremendous strengths do come with weaknesses. Ice is extremely introverted and cautious. If Ice is ever surprised and has no plan at all for the current situation, Ice often freezes up entirely – unable to act. Ice may be adaptable, but improvisation is very difficult. Ice does not like surprises and is often stubborn. Further, Ice is very emotionally withdrawn. While Ice usually has a rich, complex internal world of emotions, Ice is very poor at expressing those emotions to others – and some Icy people may even have difficulty reading the emotions of others. Ice tends to be distant, remote, and very difficult to read - often having a constant poker face or unintentional icy death glare. Even when emotions are expressed, getting the right words out with the right vocal tone is frustrating. This often tends to push away the very people Ice wants most to get close to. This over-abundance of caution, difficulty improvising, and difficulty expressing emotions are Ice’s three great weaknesses. Yet for anyone who manages to get close enough to Ice to make a real emotional connection, they will find Ice to be very loving, devoted, and absolutely loyal. As a general rule, anyone who earns the love or friendship of Ice will enjoy lifelong, unbreakable commitment and they will get the rare treat of enjoying the warm and compassionate heart at Ice’s core.

    Intellectually, Ice seeks understanding and efficiency. Water asks both “why” and “how.” It is holistic and sees everything in the universe as being connected with everything else. Ice is drawn to everything deep, abstract, and complex. It intuitively sees the connections between ideas and between cause and effect. It builds up complex networks of information with each bit connected in its mind with all the other bits that compare and contrast with it. Yet it also has an intense drive to make sense of things. Ice creates order out of chaos, efficiency out of waste, and elegant systems out of aimless wandering. Budgets, long-term plans, engineering, and business management are second nature to Ice. It misses no detail no matter how small and excels at innovation and gradual improvement in general. While everything fascinates Ice, it’s logical, orderly systems that are most interesting. Put together, this makes Ice well-suited for the humanities, sciences, and business – at least in theory. One of Ice’s intellectual weaknesses is its tendency to become lost in its own mind. This can be due to going down rabbit trails on related subjects, getting distracted, or simply getting so absorbed that it never even gets to make the decision in question. The other is making the assumption that all people behave logically. Ice can easily misread a situation by failing to take into account the more emotional and chaotic elements of human nature, often missing subtleties and social cues. However, no element is more intelligent than any other. It is merely a different pattern of thinking.

    Emotionally, Ice is the most introverted of all the elements or element combinations. Ice has strong feelings and ideals, but has great difficulty expressing them. Due to the fear of an embarrassing emotional outburst, Ice generally suppresses unwelcome emotions like anger, sadness, or fear. Ice may express positive emotions, but even then usually in a controlled way. This can cause negative emotions to build up and churn inside, magnifying them over time. Sadness, fear, and bitterness tend to be especially strong. If not deal with in a healthy way, this can lead either to sudden outbursts releasing days, weeks, or even years of frustration all at once. Ice’s wrath is rare, but terrible - especially if Ice believes the object of its anger deserves it. However, Ice may just internalize their emotions even further, withdrawing into themselves until they begin to view all the world as a hostile, threatening “other.” Sadness, fear, and bitterness are Ice’s negative emotions.

    MBTI: INTP is the perfect example – though INTJ and INFJ can work as well. Occasionally, ISTPs may show up as Ice (though they are normally Earth/Air).

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    Icy ISTP, 9, phlegmatic/melancholic, melancholic/choleric are my results often, so spot on. My fav element is air, however.

    Accurate in general, this is not true, though: They are punctual, organized, detail-oriented, planned, and are excellent at either creating or running vast, complicated systems, this and the part of planning which I dont do more than superficially.

    You are Ice! (Water/Earth or Water/Fire)

    Ice is cool, calm, collected, logical, and abstract. It combines the calm, serenity, insight, adaptability, and wisdom of Water with the order, consistency, loyalty, and practicality of earth. They are creatures of cold, crystalline beauty – elegant and unapproachable. They are deep, mysterious, and inscrutable – yet they see the rest of the world with astounding clarity. They have a big-picture view of life and tend to be meticulous planners. Ice is also generally a very good judge of character, so long as Ice does not give in to pessimism or cynicism. That is one of Ice’s great internal struggles – the conflict between an intense inner idealism and pessimism about how corrupt the world is. Ice is exceptionally perfectionistic. Ice is also known for its subtly determined nature. Instead of trying to break through barriers, Ice finds another way. When the barrier is weak or if Ice finds just the right angle, it breaks through with the force of a massive iceberg. Yet against stronger or more aggressive forces, Ice adapts, melts, flows around boulders, through piles of debris, over dams, and even through the smallest cracks. When it finds such small opening, it freezes – expanding and cracking the barrier apart. Ice plans everything meticulously in advance and can be seen as opportunistic since it never lets any opportunity go to waste. Ice is very independent and often stubborn, but not aggressive or bossy. Rather than try to force the world to conform to itself, it bends and moves to suit the circumstances, subtly influences the world from the shadows, or else it simply leaves. Ice knows when to withdraw and leave a hopeless organization, pointless debate, or harmful relationship. Solitude is natural and comfortable for Ice, so it very capable of leaving toxic situations behind and not looking back. This tendency to choose an isolated lifestyle may be in reaction to past hurt or betrayal or it could just as easily stem from being highly introverted. It often views society as a whole as being cruel, stupid, chaotic, or threatening. Ice is very structured, orderly, rational, and logical. They are punctual, organized, detail-oriented, planned, and are excellent at either creating or running vast, complicated systems – whether for business, politics and other practical concerns or for philosophy, religion, science, or other more abstract pursuits. They have both the creativity and wisdom to create as well as the practicality and diligence to administrate. They are strong and stable, honest and loyal, fair-minded and rational, orderly and reliable. Under stress and pressure that would break anyone else, Ice still stands like an ancient, unconquerable glacier. This ability to think well in both abstract and concrete ways makes Ice a natural planner. Everything in Ice’s life goes to serve The Plan: an extremely complex life-long plan for success that incorporates every foreseeable variable and contingency. Often, Ice begins making The Plan while still a small child and continues to refine it and re-work it across his or her life. Their ability to predict the future is mysterious and can be either inspiring or terrifying depending on whether Ice is a friend or enemy. Ice generally uses its towering intellect to solve problems, express deep truths, create inventions, or unravel the mysteries of the universe rather than make money or get fame. Fame is of very little interest to Ice. Ice often has a strong creative and artistic streak, loving music, literature, philosophy, and the arts. The Icy person often has a natural and effortless gift at creating pristine, elegant beauty – whether in artwork, abstract systems, or even in the clothes she or he wears. Yet all of these tremendous strengths do come with weaknesses. Ice is extremely introverted and cautious. If Ice is ever surprised and has no plan at all for the current situation, Ice often freezes up entirely – unable to act. Ice may be adaptable, but improvisation is very difficult. Ice does not like surprises and is often stubborn. Further, Ice is very emotionally withdrawn. While Ice usually has a rich, complex internal world of emotions, Ice is very poor at expressing those emotions to others – and some Icy people may even have difficulty reading the emotions of others. Ice tends to be distant, remote, and very difficult to read - often having a constant poker face or unintentional icy death glare. Even when emotions are expressed, getting the right words out with the right vocal tone is frustrating. This often tends to push away the very people Ice wants most to get close to. This over-abundance of caution, difficulty improvising, and difficulty expressing emotions are Ice’s three great weaknesses. Yet for anyone who manages to get close enough to Ice to make a real emotional connection, they will find Ice to be very loving, devoted, and absolutely loyal. As a general rule, anyone who earns the love or friendship of Ice will enjoy lifelong, unbreakable commitment and they will get the rare treat of enjoying the warm and compassionate heart at Ice’s core.

    Intellectually, Ice seeks understanding and efficiency. Water asks both “why” and “how.” It is holistic and sees everything in the universe as being connected with everything else. Ice is drawn to everything deep, abstract, and complex. It intuitively sees the connections between ideas and between cause and effect. It builds up complex networks of information with each bit connected in its mind with all the other bits that compare and contrast with it. Yet it also has an intense drive to make sense of things. Ice creates order out of chaos, efficiency out of waste, and elegant systems out of aimless wandering. Budgets, long-term plans, engineering, and business management are second nature to Ice. It misses no detail no matter how small and excels at innovation and gradual improvement in general. While everything fascinates Ice, it’s logical, orderly systems that are most interesting. Put together, this makes Ice well-suited for the humanities, sciences, and business – at least in theory. One of Ice’s intellectual weaknesses is its tendency to become lost in its own mind. This can be due to going down rabbit trails on related subjects, getting distracted, or simply getting so absorbed that it never even gets to make the decision in question. The other is making the assumption that all people behave logically. Ice can easily misread a situation by failing to take into account the more emotional and chaotic elements of human nature, often missing subtleties and social cues. However, no element is more intelligent than any other. It is merely a different pattern of thinking.

    Emotionally, Ice is the most introverted of all the elements or element combinations. Ice has strong feelings and ideals, but has great difficulty expressing them. Due to the fear of an embarrassing emotional outburst, Ice generally suppresses unwelcome emotions like anger, sadness, or fear. Ice may express positive emotions, but even then usually in a controlled way. This can cause negative emotions to build up and churn inside, magnifying them over time. Sadness, fear, and bitterness tend to be especially strong. If not deal with in a healthy way, this can lead either to sudden outbursts releasing days, weeks, or even years of frustration all at once. Ice’s wrath is rare, but terrible - especially if Ice believes the object of its anger deserves it. However, Ice may just internalize their emotions even further, withdrawing into themselves until they begin to view all the world as a hostile, threatening “other.” Sadness, fear, and bitterness are Ice’s negative emotions.

    MBTI: INTP is the perfect example – though INTJ and INFJ can work as well. Occasionally, ISTPs may show up as Ice (though they are normally Earth/Air).

    Functions: Introverted Thinking, Extroverted Intuition, Introverted Intuition, extroverted thinking

    Enneagram Types: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9

    Platonic Solid: Round (Icosahedron) and Cube (Hexahedron)

    Aristotelian Environment: Cold (either Wet or Dry)

    Temperament: Phlegmatic/Melancholic, Melancholic/Choleric, or Phlegmatic/Choleric

    Cardinal Virtue: Wisdom/Caution (Prudentia) and Self-Control (Temperantia)

    Yin-Yang: Yin

    Opposite Element: Lightning – While Ice (Water/Earth) is wise, logical, calculating, self-controlled, dignified, calm, and innovative, Lightning (Fire/Air) is brave, willful, lively, free-spirited, dramatic, and visionary.

    Core Strengths: Ice is calm, imaginative, wise, patient, adaptable, observant, artistic, idealistic, rational, practical, dependable, fair-minded, respectful, honest, loyal, and insightful

    Possible Weaknesses: When immature, Ice might be depressed, pessimistic, passive, indecisive, self-loathing, overly cautious, unsocial, shy, stubborn, bitter, judgmental, callous, excessively serious, or withdrawn from reality.

    I got earth in lonerwolf test two and other and water in the last one.
    Last edited by Hope; 04-14-2018 at 01:28 PM.

  11. #11
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    First test: Fire
    Second: Ice.
    Third test: Earth
    Fourth test: Air

    Apparently, I'm everything depending on the test. But full disclosure, I have been testing some wine I made. The persimmon is nowhere near as good as the blackberry imo. Potent though.

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    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    As an Air person you are independent, curious and a free-spirit at heart!
    Strengths: Intelligent, analytical, philosophical, kind-hearted, visionary, good communicator, creative, devoted, free-thinking, observant.
    Weaknesses: Fanatical, ungrounded, impractical, socially inept, prone to boredom and depression, perfectionistic, controlling, dishonest.
    Power Stones: Opal, amethyst, fluorite
    Sacred Colors: White, blue
    How the air type can become more balanced: Learn to root yourself to the earth with practicality and present-mindedness. This will stop you from drifting away in impractical, abstract thought.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

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    Got water on the first one and ice on the second. Didn't really feel like doing the others.

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    From second test I got Ice/earth. Eh... very big eh.

    Air is good.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

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    As a fire person, you are a trailblazer who likes to walk to the beat of your own drum!

    Strengths: Inspirational, dominant, passionate, confident, fun, innovative, charismatic, willful, energetic, persistent.

    Weaknesses: Stimulation-seeking, aggressive, hostile, easily bored, bad tempered, lustful, obsessive, self-righteous.

    Power Stones: Citrine, amber, carnelian

    Sacred Colors: Red, yellow, orange

    How the fire type can become more balanced: Learn to balance passion with reason. This will help you to make smarter choices and it will help you to keep the peace in interpersonal communications.

  16. #16
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    (in that order) lol

  17. #17
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    Test 1: air
    Test 2: water
    Test 3: earth
    Test 4: air
    From the four classical elements I think air fits me best.

  18. #18
    Eccentric Neurotic Narcissist andreasdevig's Avatar
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    Water, of course.
    EII-INFj / INFP / Strong E4 and 9 energy / Melancholic-Phlegmatic / Musical-Intrapersonal-Spatial / Kinky-Sensual

  19. #19
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    (This ones gives mixed element results, but the first one seems more accurate.)
    I did it twice and I got the same results in both times

    I got earth

    Functions: Introverted Sensing ( Si ) , Extroverted Thinking ( Te ), Extroverted Feeling ( Fe ), and extroverted sensing ( Se )

    Enneagram Types: 1, 3, 5, 6, 9

    Platonic Solid: Cube (Hexahedron)

    Aristotelian Environment: Cool and Dry

    Temperament: Melancholic/Phlegmatic

    Cardinal Virtue: Self-Control (Temperantia)

    Yin-Yang: New Yin

    ▼⁠・⁠ᴥ⁠・⁠▼ ▼⁠・⁠ᴥ⁠・⁠▼

    Fe is somehow strange honestly but that's okay
    Si's definition here is not the best thing

    I'll talk about Enneagram later

    Temperament was strange somehow, I usually get Sanguine-Phligmatic or Phlegmatic-Sanguine

    I don't know about other typings
    Souls know their way back home

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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    A chatbox conversation with @Director Abbie prompted me to look for these:

    (This ones gives mixed element results, but the first one seems more accurate.)

    (this is one is for females judging from the questions, but seems accurate)

    (also seems accurate)
    Earth to the first one, will update with my other results if I take the other tests.

    -Second: Water.
    -Third: Air.
    -Fourth: Earth.

    Edit 2: I think I took the wrong test from the second link. The result I got from the one with MBTI and Enneagram was Earth.

    Edit 3: I just realized that when you go to the second link, new options appear and it automatically scrolls you down to new options. So I'm not actually sure what the right test is.

    Edit 4: lavos already knows this from a DCNH thread, but I actually identify the most with the element of water. I'm just putting this here for other people reading the thread.
    Last edited by Clarke; 11-17-2022 at 03:14 PM. Reason: Adding more information.

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    (I'll do the other test another time and edit this post accordingly)

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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    (This ones gives mixed element results, but the first one seems more accurate.)

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