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Thread: personality type charity

  1. #1
    olduser's Avatar
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    Default personality type charity

    fund me

    i can't stand sitting around and chatting, i never say anything, but if forced into this situation, i just listen in boredom.

    i like doing anything that is physically bold or that requires long stints of concentration. (sports, playing music) I never tire of these things and put my absolute heart into everything i do.

    i'm calm. people often get angry at me for things i say, like "you'll live" "it's alright" "it'll be cool" "ah, it'll be a fun time" stuff like that always

    i think sense of humour is what inevitably bonds all people. i'm somewhat obsessed with being funny and what makes others funny.

    for me the best sort of humour is well acted segments, one-liners, clever titling, irony, etc. example: I was eating lunch with several friends, and we were discussing music, my friend had lent another sort-of friend(makes decent music, but takes self very seriously) his nice synthesizer to record a song about a girl that my friend had a major crush on. during this discussion, another friend made this joke that still kills me(he said it straight face with no emotion, just looking at my friend), "so he stole your keyboard and used it to write the baddest love jam of all time" i like stuff like that. i don't know if that'll translate, oh well.

    i never consult others about my actions.

    i have true disdain for authority and anybody who tries to present it.

    I don't like it when people use tactics to get me to do things, and i always call them on it. my roommate kept going on about how he did the dishes and did this and that. and i said, "i'll do the dishes, just ask, i'd rather be asked then guilted."

    I try my hardest to do anything i do with utmost efficiency, even things like dishes. I try to think of the best way to organize them post wash, etc. But i don't like it when other people are around during this process. I don't like advice, commands, or observations about my work, i just want people to trust my skill.

    I talk to many chicas and have no problems establishing contact. I'm not particularly successful but i try and charm every girl deadly. the only girls i really enjoy tho are those quiet calm types i have to work hard to charm.

    I enjoy substances, but sometimes think too hard about the effect it's having on me mentally.

    Sometimes when i think like i'm having a conversation at another person.

    i'm not close with anyone in my family. my mother is very shy and is concerned only with my material wellbeing, and health. my family avoids emotional conflict at all cost. This has been instilled into my behavior.

    I'm very unsure of my aestetic, but i always try and find a solution(particularly getting fit). It's not a vanity issue where i think i'm great and better, i just don't believe i am normal.

    I'm always moving, climbing, sliding. I'm extremely graceful and have had this commented upon several times, i can weave in and out of crowds at irregular and sometimes life threatening speeds. I also like dancing, and attempting to gyrate my body with equal regularity on both sides.

    i often hear grammatical errors in others speech, and in my own. i secretly scold myself, but am unable to overcome this affliction. I love inventing or reissuing words, phrases, and slang, oftentimes these become standard among my group of friends. When i speak i try to make it interesting, i'm somewhat put off when i hear my own words being repeated, but then i just create new words.

    i enjoy acting and capturing another's voice, but never present this talent. I often do this when alone.

    I don't think i am very well liked.

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  3. #3
    Creepy-an ixtp (probably istp)


    Be careful, "detached" or "sarcastic" is also the middle name of INTx. :wink:
    Well, I think ISTp is the easiest type to imitate since descriptions go only superficial and most of us can't tell what is well.

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  5. #5
    Creepy-an ixtp (probably istp)


    Quote Originally Posted by NFp-
    You are just threatened that there are more and more ISTps entering this site.
    Woo, why did you know it? Is it a dual magic?

    I just made allowance a possibility the first poster emphasised his/her S. I'm not sure it's conscious or subconscious.
    Of course, strong-emphasised functions are not always actually weak. We know some forum members doing it for function fight.

    So I guess IXTx, moderately at present clues. Maybe Hugo will come and ask a dichotomous question.

  6. #6
    Cone's Avatar
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    Quick note:

    I believe he is ISTp, like everyone else. He seems just a bit over-confident on certain things, which may explain why he's not well-liked. High confidence and self-satisfaction are usually ST traits.

    I admit, I did think ESFp for a second there.

    It's comforting to see that people are becoming alot better at typing. We used to have a wide variety of various guesses, but now, everyone seems to agree with only one type.

    Your INTp friend,

    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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