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Thread: CNN producer openly admits Russia story is "bull****"

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    Default CNN producer openly admits Russia story is "bull****"

    For those of you who've been treating this story as real news for the past 7 months I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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    I'm not surprised at all. Most major media is untrustworthy.
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    I guess we don't have too many thoughts.

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    :popcorn: Capitalist Pig's Avatar
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    Not to say one thing or the other about the "Russian thing," but sounds like personal conjecture. Clickbait title.

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    He knows the CEO of CNN and works with him, takes direct orders from him, attends meetings with him on how to run the company... how is that personal conjecture? It's direct experience... you couldn't get any closer. The sources are fake, the evidence is twisted and nonexistent... it's a bullshit story - you heard it directly from the person producing the story. It's for ratings and politics. What more do you need?
    Clickbait is the Russia story, that's the clickbait.
    Last edited by rat200Turbo; 06-28-2017 at 02:04 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat1776 View Post
    He knows the CEO of CNN and works with him, takes direct orders from him, attends meetings with him on how to run the company... how is that personal conjecture? It's direct experience... you couldn't get any closer. The sources are fake, the evidence is twisted and nonexistent... it's a bullshit story - you heard it directly from the person producing the story. It's for ratings and politics. What more do you need?
    Clickbait is the Russia story, that's the clickbait.
    He does not produce the Russia stories. He is a medical producer and expresses his own opinion. CNN has stated he is welcome to do that.

    It's in the news because there are investigations. CNN does not create those.
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    The news created the public outcry and political leverage while the bullshitting politicians pulled the strings for the investigations... The investigations are political cartoon theater along the same lines as the news and have amounted to nothing. This story was over with from the day it began, it was always a nonsense story.
    The CNN producer says that the CEO told him to switch off the climate accord and back to the Russia story. Clearly he's involved. He definitely acts like he's involved and knows what he's talking about... he's only worked there 15 years. I don't believe CNNs public attempt to minimize his statements, sorry. Nothing they say has any credibility.

    What WWE is to real wrestling, CNN is to the news. They put these stories out to increase their ratings, knowing that their batshit audience will tune in and gulp it down...

    There is no evidence. It's all propaganda - misrepresentations, speculations, and inane nonsense. The story is being covered for ratings and politics, not because there is a story.
    Last edited by rat200Turbo; 06-28-2017 at 04:13 PM.

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    There is plenty of evidence (according to intelligence officials). We will just have to wait and see.
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    What intelligence official? What evidence of what? Did you get that from the fake news?
    Lol, apparently the 17 intelligence agencies which "confirmed Russia hacked the election" never even conducted an investigation, they just repeated the info given to them by an unknown 3rd party after they were ordered to. But you took that seriously after CNN treated it seriously... you said "the 17 agencies have confirmed!" like a little puppet, didn't you? It's politics and public relations stunts, every last bit of it...

    Hey look it's another one:
    Last edited by rat200Turbo; 06-28-2017 at 05:28 PM.

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    "There is nothing there you can do." That can mean a lot of things. I will wait for Van Jones' comment on this.

    As for (current and former) intelligence officials:
    Dan Coats, Mike Pompeo, James Comey, Jeh Johnson, James Clapper, Jeanette Manfra, etc.

    We can discuss this until we are blue in the face and get nowhere. It remains to be seen as they are doing the investigations.
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    With you it does seem to get nowhere, which is amazing even after video evidence you're completely unphased. It truly is an amazing thing.
    Lol, you'll wait for Van Jones bullshit PR comment, that's great. It means exactly what we all know - that the Russia story is a big nothing burger, because it is. Lol
    Hey look, a nice impressive list of media drones, political appointees and puppets! Yeah I'm so impressed by the fake news...
    James Comey told the entire country that there was no evidence of intent, that was a lie. Then he misread the law. Another lie.
    Lynch was caught meeting Clinton in private then committing perjury...
    The whole thing is just endless bullshit and lies. Even the news reporters are telling you this. You still don't get it? Sad...

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat1776 View Post
    With you it does seem to get nowhere, which is amazing even after video evidence you're completely unphased. It truly is an amazing t hing.
    Lol, you'll wait for Van Jones bullshit PR comment, that's great.
    Hey look, a nice impressive list of media drones and puppets! Yeah I'm so impressed by the fake news...
    James Comey told the entire country that there was no evidence of intent, that was a lie. Then he misread the law. Another lie.
    Lynch was caught meeting Clinton in private then committing perjury...
    The whole thing is just endless bullshit and lies. Even the news reporters are telling you this. You still don't get it? Sad...
    One news reporter expresses his opinion. The Van Jones comment might be out of context, but even if it isn't, it's not evidence against Russian meddling. Take out Comey if you want, you still have a number of people who have confirmed there was Russian meddling. Flynn resigned for a reason. We will see if he works with the FBI or not.

    This is not evidence, deal with it.
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    It doesn't seem like evidence because your brain has been destroyed by the media.

    No, the CIA / FBI do not claim to have proof, they simply referenced a 3rd party anonymous source.. Meanwhile everyone meddles in everyone elses elections all around the world and has for decades, everyone agrees that the vote was not changed, nothing was achieved... we have seen no proof. No evidence, no proof, case closed.

    The most likely reason Flynn resigned is he was aligned with more establishment republicans and working against Trump on foreign policy matters during the campaign without being completely fourthcoming with him. Trumps nationalist policies natural harmonize with Russias agendas in Ukraine, this is a critical point of dissension... this is why you saw John McCain come out against Trump and in support of sending more weapons to Ukraine... it was a much larger concern before the election and after he was first elected... but probably is also a big reason why so much political leverage and controversy has been intentionally focused on Russia - in case Russia were to push into Ukraine, the establishment needs to cement its political support for Eastern Europe and the European Union.

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    I'm not sure if the "ratings" are the complete answer as to why they're doing it. It seems more like there are decisions from the top, from the editors, from various intimidations, which lead to self-censorship... Many journalists nowadays would complain about how they can no longer report on things that they want to report on, because of not being approved by the editors to having the risk of being fired.

    I really don't think that the liberals should be cheering on. It seems like the FBI directors Mueller and Comey were helping the neocon agenda during the 9/11 George W Bush era.

    Retired FBI special agent Coleen Rowley (she's critical of Trump, too) speaks up:

    No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren’t Heroes:

    Mainstream commentators display amnesia when they describe former FBI Directors Robert Mueller and James Comey as stellar and credible law enforcement figures.

    Although these Hoover successors, now occupying center stage in the investigation of President Trump, have been hailed for their impeccable character by much of Official Washington, the truth is, as top law enforcement officials of the George W. Bush Administration (Mueller as FBI Director and James Comey as Deputy Attorney General), both presided over post-9/11 cover-ups and secret abuses of the Constitution, enabled Bush-Cheney fabrications used to launch wrongful wars, and exhibited plain vanilla incompetence.
    A few months later, when it appeared he was acceding to Bush-Cheney’s ginning up intelligence to launch the unjustified, counterproductive and illegal war on Iraq, I took Mueller up on his offer, emailing him my concerns in late February 2003. Mueller knew, for instance, that Vice President Dick Cheney’s claims connecting 9/11 to Iraq were bogus yet he remained quiet. He also never responded to my email.

    Beyond ignoring politicized intelligence, Mueller bent to other political pressures. In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, Mueller directed the “post 9/11 round-up” of about 1,000 immigrants who mostly happened to be in the wrong place (the New York City area) at the wrong time.
    For his part, Deputy Attorney General James Comey, too, went along with the abuses of Bush and Cheney after 9/11 and signed off on a number of highly illegal programs including warrantless surveillance of Americans and torture of captives. Comey also defended the Bush Administration’s three-year-long detention of an American citizen without charges or right to counsel.
    Mueller didn’t speak the truth about a war he knew to be unjustified. He didn’t speak out against torture. He didn’t speak out against unconstitutional surveillance. And he didn’t tell the truth about 9/11. He is just “their man.”

    Last edited by Singu; 06-28-2017 at 06:11 PM.

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    They are even going after Jill Stein with a Russia connection now. It was so pathetic. She destroyed them and was a lot nicer about it than I would be.

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    If anyone wants to know why the mainstream media produces fallacious stories and is untrustworthy, the evidence is quite clear:

    It's not too hard to put the pieces of the puzzle together once you find out there are 6 corporations controlling the major media outlets. They all have an agenda to uphold and the mainstream news reflects it. You're better off doing your own research rather than watching the mainstream media nowadays if you want the truth. There's a lot of nonsense at alternative news sources too, but that depends on your ability to filter out the good from the bad.
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    Good story (in every way you can comprehend it).

    Modern media described in one word: click-bait.

    Let's sell the truth. That's sad. I ignore sensational news automatically. True or not. People never focus on right things.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    There is plenty of evidence (according to intelligence officials). We will just have to wait and see.
    If you have to "wait and see", then you have no evidence -- it's as simple as that, and please don't try to twist this as I practically know you will.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    I'm not surprised at all. Most major media is untrustworthy.
    I felt the same. "Duh"

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat1776 View Post
    He knows the CEO of CNN and works with him, takes direct orders from him, attends meetings with him on how to run the company... how is that personal conjecture? It's direct experience... you couldn't get any closer. The sources are fake, the evidence is twisted and nonexistent... it's a bullshit story - you heard it directly from the person producing the story. It's for ratings and politics. What more do you need?
    Clickbait is the Russia story, that's the clickbait.
    Ok, but I can deduce this without having half of the connections this guy has. There is a lot of fake shit in the news right now. There's speculation that some of it could even be planted by Russia. As long as the Internet operates on the merits of user participation and clicks pay for advertising, there's going to be bullshit circulating in the media. The mainstream media has been full of it for a long time, and in a weird way I can sympathize with Trump's efforts to alienate the "free" press. But I don't condone him, the media, or any other parties involved. Politics is smoke and mirrors.

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    Author and journalist Max Blumenthal:

    RussiaGate Drowns Out U.S.-Kremlin Tensions & Voters' Concerns:

    Max Blumenthal: ... the whole Russian narrative's falling apart. CNN for the first time, CNN being the central neo-con narrator, has actually retracted one of countless bogus stories about Russian collusion, mainly because it appears that they risked legal action from Jim Scaramucci, who was accused of secretly colluding with Russian business interests.

    It looks like the three reporters behind the story were suspended. CNN management executives have asserted their power and said that all Russia reporting has to go through them and be vetted. And that's because Scaramucci was able to actually respond and threaten CNN. Russian officials can't respond. There's so many other people CNN has gone after and accused of Russian collusion who don't have the same ability to hold the reporters accountable.

    Tim Ryan, the representative from Ohio, has openly questioned the political efficacy of the Russian narrative, and said, "Why the hell are we talking about Russia all the time? We just lost this special election in Georgia and we're not talking about jobs. We're starting to see push back from Congressional Democrats about the use of Russia as a political tool."

    Then you have Jeh Johnson's testimony, the former Department of Homeland Security Director, who ... it's amazing the Democrats have managed to make Trey Gowdy the grand inquisitor of Bengazi look sensible. Gowdy absolutely destroyed Johnson when he asked ...

    After Johnson said that it is an absolute fact that Putin ordered the hacking of the DNC, Gowdy asked, "Have you ever seen the servers? Why didn't the DHS or the FBI, which operates under DHS umbrella, demand the servers for the DNC?" And Johnson just couldn't answer, and he said, "Yeah, we've never had access to the DNC's email servers."
    Aaron Mate: On the point of Russiagate being out of touch with voters' concerns, there was just a poll done by Harvard-Harris which found that 64 percent of voters said the investigations into Trump and Russia are hurting the country. An even bigger number, 73 percent, said they're concerned the Russia probes have caused Congress to lose focus on the issues important to them.
    Max Blumenthal: So I think we're going to start to see this narrative fall away. But what the Washington Post has done is basically served as a megaphone for John Brennan, the former CIA director, and really revealed Brennan as the ringleader of the leaks and the whole Russia campaign. It's actually Brennan, former CIA director, former director of Obama's global drone wars, who stimulated the so-called resistance, the organized liberal grassroots against Trump, with these leaks, which is really troubling.

    And when I read this story, I was expecting some bombshell. I'm not going to totally rule out that Russia had an interest in meddling to elect Trump after Hillary Clinton compared Putin to ******, and after what we did to them in Ukraine. But I couldn't find the bombshell material in this report. All I saw was more leaks and more anonymous officials claiming that Obama hadn't acted strongly enough and that we need to sanction Russia more harshly. We need more brinksmanship and more saber rattling against Russia because the hack was so extreme. And then when I looked for evidence of the hack, you just simply see an assertion of cyber forensics with no evidence.

    And so, there's still so many questions, and meanwhile the Democrats are in a state of complete crisis for having pushed this absurd narrative. We have moved closer to war in Syria, and I think that's a side effect of Russia hysteria. ISIS has been de-prioritized.
    So, how about actually focusing on real issues, and even legitimate criticisms of Trump and his policies? All this is being is nothing a but a giant distraction for serious issues.

    It looks like the CIA director Brennan was leaking stuff to the media, and the media was complying and being the mouthpieces for the neocon agenda. Why? Well who knows why, but that is what's happening...

    It looks like even Obama was swallowed by this whole thing, which Hillary had opposed Obama:

    Max Blumenthal: Right, right. That Obama was supposedly afraid of Putin. There's really no evidence of that, and if you look closely at the language that the Washington Post used about fake news, it's never established that Putin was deploying fake news, so that kind of falls apart.

    But what we have here is Brennan and what you could call the "Deep State" or the national security state expressing the resentment of Obama. Why did they resent Obama? Because the one area where Obama demonstrated some boldness and actually stood up against the Washington playbook was on Syria. He simply refused to abide by the Red Line policy and enact a war of regime change back in 2013. Instead, he cut a deal with Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, to destroy Syria's stockpiles of chemical weapons and to not intervene. And Obama actually described this as one of his wisest decisions.

    Obama has been mercilessly attacked by former intelligence officials ever since, and Brennan is one of them. So this whole story is framed to humiliate Obama. Syria isn't mentioned, but that's the real elephant in the room.
    Aaron Mate: Yeah, Max, and also connecting this also to Russia, he also was vilified inside the foreign policy establishment for refusing to send lethal arms to the fighters in Ukraine who were taking on Russia-backed forces.
    Max Blumenthal: That's a great point. That is a great point. Obama saw that sending more arms to the Ukrainian military, which were then being funneled to the militias, including neo-Nazi militias, literal neo-Nazi militias like the Idar battalion, the Azov battalion, were leading to a counter escalation and that more arms would flow into Russian separatists, and this would increase not only tensions but casualties and misery for the civilian population in the Donetsk region.

    So it was a wise decision. It was a decision that was opposed by the arms industry. Hillary Clinton, who was supported by the arms industry at a much greater rate than Trump, opposed Obama's decision and supported sending arms to the Ukrainian military.

    And Obama has been ... he'd pretty much given the national security state everything else they wanted, but you can see how aggressive they are and how they won't relent. And it's John Brennan who's really sort of the face of the radical elements within the national security state that still want more saber rattling against Syria, against Russia, and would probably favor escalation in Ukraine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    If you have to "wait and see", then you have no evidence -- it's as simple as that, and please don't try to twist this as I practically know you will.
    Right, I don't have evidence because I am not part of the intelligence community. We will have to wait and see for the investigation to go on and for people to assess information we don't have access to.
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    All news is opinion until fact shows it's ugly head. Most things in science are theories that can be supplanted by new theories as new information/perceptions becomes available. Too many viewers are gullible relying on media sources to do their thinking for them. A weakness with any democracy is that half the voters have an IQ of less than 100.

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    Well! What else is there to say.

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    The elites are battling each other for wealth, status, and power. Let them destroy each other like the demons in Doom before cleaning up the messes they have created.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    Right, I don't have evidence because I am not part of the intelligence community. We will have to wait and see for the investigation to go on and for people to assess information we don't have access to.
    What gives you the idea that there is any information? We have no reason to believe there is. I don't even know what information you think they're accessing. You don't know the first thing about the investigations - who started them and why, what they're even investigating... you know nothing.

    Comey in his recent testimony more or less confirmed that there was no evidence of Russian collusion, lol.
    Last edited by rat200Turbo; 06-29-2017 at 04:48 PM.

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    i've been saying it from day one. (back in February) there is no scandal. there is no collusion. this is simply a narrative thrown in to help impeach trump.

    its like watching a bunch of people finding out the earth is round when it was all along.

    god. lol
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 06-29-2017 at 06:24 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    If anyone wants to know why the mainstream media produces fallacious stories and is untrustworthy, the evidence is quite clear:

    It's not too hard to put the pieces of the puzzle together once you find out there are 6 corporations controlling the major media outlets. They all have an agenda to uphold and the mainstream news reflects it. You're better off doing your own research rather than watching the mainstream media nowadays if you want the truth. There's a lot of nonsense at alternative news sources too, but that depends on your ability to filter out the good from the bad.
    Basically the corporations have gotten embedded in the government processes. The government in turn has convinced people to fix poverty they need to redistribute wealth, reorient the tax system, print money, and give the poor welfare. The more the government does this, the more the middle class erodes and the disparity between being poor and rich grows. Then they basically turn this widening gap into an excuse to convince people that we need even more of the same policies. To put it short, people think that the actual cause of their problems is the cure.

    The government redistributes wealth. People in poverty get money in their pocket and spend this money on the things that they need in order to survive. People in poverty do not have any savings therefore investment is highly unlikely. The money that the poor gets essentially goes right back into the most needed/wanted resources. This in turn pulls money out of the middle and upper middle class and funnels the money back into the top of the totem pole...kinda like playing Jenga. Essentially wealth redistribution works like a battery for the richest of the rich... it keeps their shit going without anything actually changing. Nothing actually changes... there is no increased market mobility for the poor. They stay poor, they just had a few extra dollars to blow on something they needed. Essentially the liberals that are trying to fight poverty are the ones actually causing it.

    The media is just trying to make itself richer by preaching these ideologies.
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    That's kind of interesting... stimulus wards off economic restructuring which keeps the same people in power.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitta View Post
    Basically the corporations have gotten embedded in the government processes. The government in turn has convinced people to fix poverty they need to redistribute wealth, reorient the tax system, print money, and give the poor welfare. The more the government does this, the more the middle class erodes and the disparity between being poor and rich grows. Then they basically turn this widening gap into an excuse to convince people that we need even more of the same policies. To put it short, people think that the actual cause of their problems is the cure.

    The government redistributes wealth. People in poverty get money in their pocket and spend this money on the things that they need in order to survive. People in poverty do not have any savings therefore investment is highly unlikely. The money that the poor gets essentially goes right back into the most needed/wanted resources. This in turn pulls money out of the middle and upper middle class and funnels the money back into the top of the totem pole...kinda like playing Jenga. Essentially wealth redistribution works like a battery for the richest of the rich... it keeps their shit going without anything actually changing. Nothing actually changes... there is no increased market mobility for the poor. They stay poor, they just had a few extra dollars to blow on something they needed. Essentially the liberals that are trying to fight poverty are the ones actually causing it.

    The media is just trying to make itself richer by preaching these ideologies.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitta View Post
    Basically the corporations have gotten embedded in the government processes. The government in turn has convinced people to fix poverty they need to redistribute wealth, reorient the tax system, print money, and give the poor welfare. The more the government does this, the more the middle class erodes and the disparity between being poor and rich grows. Then they basically turn this widening gap into an excuse to convince people that we need even more of the same policies. To put it short, people think that the actual cause of their problems is the cure.

    The government redistributes wealth. People in poverty get money in their pocket and spend this money on the things that they need in order to survive. People in poverty do not have any savings therefore investment is highly unlikely. The money that the poor gets essentially goes right back into the most needed/wanted resources. This in turn pulls money out of the middle and upper middle class and funnels the money back into the top of the totem pole...kinda like playing Jenga. Essentially wealth redistribution works like a battery for the richest of the rich... it keeps their shit going without anything actually changing. Nothing actually changes... there is no increased market mobility for the poor. They stay poor, they just had a few extra dollars to blow on something they needed. Essentially the liberals that are trying to fight poverty are the ones actually causing it.

    The media is just trying to make itself richer by preaching these ideologies.
    Well said. Add in salaries not being able to keep up with inflation and the problem gets exacerbated. I anticipate that in the future, there will be hardly any middle class at this rate IMO. Just a majority of poor at the bottom will remain and a minority of rich on top, which is typical in third world nations nowadays.
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