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Thread: Interesting articles thread

  1. #401
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    Don't Play Video Games

    OK, that's one of my life's mottos, not the real title, but you still have to read that if you've ever done so much as play Bejeweled...

  2. #402

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    Interesting passage (lmao at "nerdy", he probably meant smart):

    So looking at real human beings, there are no “alphas”. We often encounter these aggressive individuals. But nerdy and effective individuals are more likely to do well in the world. Aggression is a liability and results in poor outcomes and bad relationships.

    It’s one of those belief systems which people adopt, because they think it flatters them. It helps them feel good about themselves. It convinces them that shouting, bullying, poor impulse control is something to be admired. But notice how quickly they become frustrated when reality fails to comply and people laugh at their posturing.
    Or, they end up in prison or hospital when it goes too far.

  9. #409

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  11. #411
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    the truth of women and beer: witches

    The big pointy hats, the cats, the broom, the six pointed star, the cauldron... Trademarks of brewers

  12. #412
    &papu silke's Avatar
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  14. #414
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    These articles are ridiculous. I was looking for sources to link on the effects of various herbs (herbs are pretty useful, and wackos like Dr. Mercola should stop tarnishing legitimate and often powerful uses of herbs by trying to make every herb cure everything and just being Dr. Mercola in general) and instead I got the weird mix of laughter and crying you often get from these sort of categorically anti-modern-medicine people.

    Garlic – The Most Amazing Herb On The Planet

    Garlic Breath

    If you stink when taking garlic, this is only your body getting rid of toxins: garlic + toxin = stink.
    When the toxins are all gone, so is the stink.

    It is very beneficial when your eyes water while cooking with garlic or onions. The properties that make your eyes water actually cleanse and kill eye infections. Garlic is great for just about every condition.
    Personally, I take a different approach to receive the same results. To maximize the effectiveness of garlic, try chewing it for at least one minute, while breathing in and out of your mouth. Chew for as long as you can, continuing to let the air in as you go.
    The Garlic Game

    When everybody in the house is sniffling, coughing and blowing their noses constantly, its time to play the garlic game. First you get the game materials together. Every player needs: one large glass of water and a handful of peeled garlic cloves. Spin a clove to see who goes first. The first player puts one clove of garlic in their mouth and chews as fast as he or she can, then swallows it down with a sip of water. Player 2 does the same. The first one to refuse garlic loses and has to eat 3 cloves or stay sick as a penalty.

    Who ever eats the most garlic wins. Anyone who eats an entire bulb is the ultimate winner. However, I do recommend you have some food in your stomach before playing this game, as raw garlic on an empty stomach can cause nausea and vomiting.

    You may think that chewing raw garlic is intense and hard to do, but try it. It’s not as bad as you think, and it’s nowhere near as intense as our chili pepper contest.
    Cayenne and Capsaicin, Natures Miracle Medicine

    Shillington’s Herbal Snuff

    For sinus infections, toothaches, gum disease, and migraines, this recipe works wonders. All ingredients should be ground and dried. Mix seven parts goldenseal root powder with seven parts bayberry bark powder, one part cayenne pepper powder, and one part garlic powder. Apply directly to infected tooth, gum infection, or sniff hard for sinus infections, deep infections within the jaw, or migraines. Now hold on for dear life.

    Most of the crying is from other articles that these link to. Modern medicine is good, and herbs/proven traditional medicine is good, but the promoters of both tend to be pretty corrupt and sketchy people. Probably because medicine is sort of the ultimate business model under capitalism, but that's another topic.

  15. #415
    I sacrificed a goat to Zeus and I liked it
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    These articles are ridiculous. I was looking for sources to link on the effects of various herbs (herbs are pretty useful, and wackos like Dr. Mercola should stop tarnishing legitimate and often powerful uses of herbs by trying to make every herb cure everything and just being Dr. Mercola in general) and instead I got the weird mix of laughter and crying you often get from these sort of categorically anti-modern-medicine people.

    Garlic – The Most Amazing Herb On The Planet

    Garlic Breath

    If you stink when taking garlic, this is only your body getting rid of toxins: garlic + toxin = stink.
    When the toxins are all gone, so is the stink.

    It is very beneficial when your eyes water while cooking with garlic or onions. The properties that make your eyes water actually cleanse and kill eye infections. Garlic is great for just about every condition.
    Personally, I take a different approach to receive the same results. To maximize the effectiveness of garlic, try chewing it for at least one minute, while breathing in and out of your mouth. Chew for as long as you can, continuing to let the air in as you go.
    The Garlic Game

    When everybody in the house is sniffling, coughing and blowing their noses constantly, its time to play the garlic game. First you get the game materials together. Every player needs: one large glass of water and a handful of peeled garlic cloves. Spin a clove to see who goes first. The first player puts one clove of garlic in their mouth and chews as fast as he or she can, then swallows it down with a sip of water. Player 2 does the same. The first one to refuse garlic loses and has to eat 3 cloves or stay sick as a penalty.

    Who ever eats the most garlic wins. Anyone who eats an entire bulb is the ultimate winner. However, I do recommend you have some food in your stomach before playing this game, as raw garlic on an empty stomach can cause nausea and vomiting.

    You may think that chewing raw garlic is intense and hard to do, but try it. It’s not as bad as you think, and it’s nowhere near as intense as our chili pepper contest.
    Cayenne and Capsaicin, Natures Miracle Medicine

    Shillington’s Herbal Snuff

    For sinus infections, toothaches, gum disease, and migraines, this recipe works wonders. All ingredients should be ground and dried. Mix seven parts goldenseal root powder with seven parts bayberry bark powder, one part cayenne pepper powder, and one part garlic powder. Apply directly to infected tooth, gum infection, or sniff hard for sinus infections, deep infections within the jaw, or migraines. Now hold on for dear life.

    Most of the crying is from other articles that these link to. Modern medicine is good, and herbs/proven traditional medicine is good, but the promoters of both tend to be pretty corrupt and sketchy people. Probably because medicine is sort of the ultimate business model under capitalism, and brand loyalty is more effective for generating revenue than having the product actually be effective, but that's another topic.

  16. #416
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    On correlations between personality and music preference:

    And the paper itself:

    Maybe not perfect, but interesting.

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  20. #420
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  21. #421
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    Quantum common sense

    aka Deepak Chopra can shut up now

  22. #422
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    Be a barbarian conqueror and go to college

    ...That is not the real article title, but it's basically saying that conspicuous consumption is being replaced with college, and since conspicuous consumption was the sign of barbarian conquerors to Veblen, you should be a barbarian conqueror and go to college and subdue the meek (this is pretty much what Veblen thinks the upper classes are, minus the singing and very British humor). I should be the one who writes these titles...

    Also, Veblen > Marx all the way

  23. #423
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    Manet Almost Forgotten, Monet's Popularity at an All-Time High

    More alternate titles. This one could be done a lot of different ways.

    Also, I'm sure the reason "contemporary art" is so overwhelmingly popular is because billionaires can buy it, but the Mona Lisa is off limits to filthy rich 1% hands.

  24. #424
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    The Nazis as occult masters? It’s a good story but not history

    ...This whole article makes me cringe, but the comments are interesting and you have to read it to get them. The Nazis were definitely interested in "the occult", because people in general then were interested in "the occult", as a lot of people now seem to be. Historians who actually know about this area know that people like to turn to alternative beliefs in times where their old worldviews and religions are destabilizing, and things as light and happy as New Age don't tend to cut it when you're face to face with an actual harsh reality, unless you have a superhuman capacity for dissociation. Paganism is by far the fastest growing religion now by proportion in all of the Western world, and that's pretty much the same kind of belief system that was popular throughout Europe after the first World War. ...Someone is going to take that and say Wicca will turn us all into Nazis.

  25. #425

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    Relationships: Avoidant Style

    People with an Avoidant Attachment Style can feel overwhelmed by the closeness that a partner seeks, especially when the newness of a relationship wanes. Also, as a relationship matures, increased closeness is necessary for it to continue thus challenging the Avoidant’s comfort zone. Their insecurity is more about how relationships will be too demanding and that they won’t have enough "space" in the "relationship.” Out of their history, they don't have the expectation that their wishes, needs, feelings, etc. will be recognized and important. Hence, they often don't have the skills to present their wishes, needs, feelings, etc. to their partner so they keep these inside until they get to a boiling point or to the point of feeling the need to distance to get "space." They are the folks that "close the door" which often inspires their partners to "knock harder" on the door they have closed. Once this has happened, the Avoidant can interpret their partner's escalation as excessive neediness or out of control anger, thus justifying their withdrawal and completely miss the point that their withdrawal is the point of origin. Research indicates that getting the Avoidant person to open the door and step back into the relationship is the only way to shift this dynamic.
    However, our Attachment Styles are pretty resilient. We need conscious effort to change them (...).
    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
    Celebs [x] Theory [x] Tumblr [x]

    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

  27. #427
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    Ten Aspects of the Big Five in the Personality Inventory for DSM–5

    The methods here could probably be used for Socionics (and enneagram). It seems like some of the aspects they're measuring would already correlate with certain functions or groups in Socionics.

    Their experimental big-5 model seems somewhat messy, though, and they say they're still working on it.

  28. #428
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    North Korea sitting on $7 trillion worth of minerals

    Look wich country suddenly needs some "freedom". Gettit, "freedom"?
    Bombs, I mean bombs.
    Lets invade rescue this country for totally not money reasons C:

    Seriously though. Who makes up these numbers.

  29. #429
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    The Author and his female partner prepare for sex in an unusual ritual: preparing a “homeopathic” contraceptive. While preparing this homeopathic contraceptive, they aim a joke squarely at doubters. “We will be sure to get pregnant now,” the female partner says with ironic glee as she prepares for her upcoming momentary sexual encounter safe in the knowledge that unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are blocked by the remedy.
    The caption then reminds the Reader how effective and easy homeopathic medicine is. So effective that it can completely halt conception; something not even the best modern (and risk-laden) birth control medications and awkward latex sheaths can do. Were the Author and his partner to continue the regimen they would be unable to conceive, effectively removing them from the gene pool and the evolutionary process.
    This comic is a change of pace from the usual science-focused theme, instead focusing on humanist activism. The Author wants to remind us that science, while it has its place in many human endeavors, can in fact be misguided sometimes. There is a wealth of alternative medical treatment that is more effective, more safe, and more accessible to the average person. Many so-called skeptics deny the efficacy of these practices because of methodological differences, doing much more harm than good with their legalism. The Author wants us to remember that human suffering should be addressed even if that means skipping tiresome rigamarole like the expensive (and usually pointless) “double-blind placebo controlled trial.”

  30. #430
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    7 Strange and Mysterious Crackpot Books

    One of them is apparently the oldest Japanese poetry book that someone just decided to write in a made-up script to "prove" to the Chinese that the Japanese invented writing first, which sounds pretty reasonably-motivated to me if you're just getting paid to write a bunch anyways and getting paid more to be more impressive, but it still looks weird.

  31. #431
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    From the Book of Life site:

    Why Our Best Thoughts Come to Us in the Shower

    "The ideas that have been half-forming at the back of our minds, ideas about what the true purpose of our lives might be and what we should do next, keep up their steady inward pressure – but now there is a lot less to stop them reaching full consciousness. We’re not meant to be thinking and so – at last – we can think freely and courageously."

    ...This article lives up to its title. That's all I can or need to say. And this site is supposedly for "developing emotional intelligence".

  32. #432
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    So, basically, "We sequenced all of the human genome except the parts that probably contain all the important stuff like protein formation, aging, and common diseases". They are trying to send us to the dragon of aging then. (Kidding with the dragon of aging bit, but it still reminded me of that.)

  33. #433
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    Trump wasn’t always so linguistically challenged. What could explain the change?

    Reminds me of this old article: Help Us Diagram This Sentence by Donald Trump!

    ...There is kind of no way that's "the normal cognitive decline of aging". Even old people I've known with diagnosed neurodegenerative diseases don't usually speak so incomprehensibly that Lexicon Valley can run a contest to diagram their sentence-paragraphs.

  34. #434
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Jung's foreword to Introduction to Zen Buddhism
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  35. #435
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    On Political Correctness

    Dogma, and the enforcement of dogma, makes for ideological consensus. Students seldom disagree with one another anymore in class, I’ve been told about school after school. The reason, at least at Whitman, said one of the students I talked to there, is mainly that they really don’t have any disagreements. Another added that when they take up an issue in class, it isn’t, let’s talk about issue X, but rather, let’s talk about why such-and-such position is the correct one to have on issue X. When my student wrote about her churchgoing friend, she said that she couldn’t understand why anyone would feel uncomfortable being out as a religious person at a place as diverse as Scripps. But of course, Scripps and its ilk are only diverse in terms of identity. In terms of ideology, they are all but homogeneous. You don’t have “different voices” on campus, as these institutions like to boast; you have different bodies, speaking with the same voice.
    This is a neat article. For some reason it just reminds me of when I thought "classical liberalism" was the most edgy political ideology ever because everyone was either a Democrat, Republican, or something radical to the point radicalism was trite. I was probably right, especially considering my basically-centrist results on the Political Quiz @Medusa posted a while back were pretty uncommon.

    Edit: I was the only person who got "Centrist" on the whole thread somehow, with results like "Social Liberalism" and "Libertarian Socialism" as really common. There was also one person getting "Communism" and someone on the right getting "Nazism"(!).

  36. #436

  37. #437
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    Are you reading this when you should be doing something else?

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    5 Secrets I Know About Women (From Writing Their Weird Porn)

    Found what all the self-typed IEIs are reading...

    Also, someone took "Wolf of Wall Street" a bit too literally:

    Last edited by Pallas; 07-12-2017 at 01:24 AM.

  40. #440

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