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Thread: The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Instinctual Stackings

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    Lightbulb The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Instinctual Stackings

    There is commonly the assumption that the instinctual stackings are ordered from the strongest to weakest instinct; the first instinct being the strongest one, and the last being the weakest one. However, that is not exactly accurate. Yes, the last instinct is commonly the weakest, but the first instinct is technically not the strongest!

    The first instinct is the strongest in terms of what instinct the individual cares about the most; but in terms of proficiency, it is the second instinct that is the winner. How is that so? Why isn’t the first instinct the strongest?

    The first instinct is the most self-conscious; it is the person’s Kryptonite.
    If it goes wrong, the individual experiences profound distress. In that manner, the first instinct is restricted. It does not have the space to develop as well as one would assume.

    “There is certain rigidity to this instinct—it is non-negotiable; its needs must be satisfied. Dominant instinct will grip your attention, cause sleepless nights, it is where your buttons get pushed, where you may start compensating. One may conceal the needs of this instinct and instead put the secondary instinct on display, since primary instinct serves as a greater source of anxiety than the secondary instinct.”
    In contrast, the second instinct is not constrained by a neurotic overemphasis.

    “It is much less self-conscious than the dominant instinct. There is more flexibility to it—people generally do not stress as much about this area. While [the] primary instinct is constantly monitored and held in check, the secondary instinct is allowed to roam freely.“
    The second instinct is also valued (albeit less than the first one), and if the individual shifts their focus from their first to their second instinct more regularly, they will be able to reach great proficiency in that area; greater than in any other. There is a natural effortlessness and lack of self-consciousness when employing the second instinct, all of which typically leads to the second instinct to be(come) the strongest.

    The last instinct is both the least valued and hence usually the weakest; that is also why it is called the blindspot.

    “The third (last or bottom) variant in the stack can be called one’s “blind spot”—it is akin to an unused muscle that on occasion feels sore. One believes that this area is uninteresting and unimportant, that one can do without it. At the same time, there is shame associated with the ‘blind spot’ variant – a sense of deficiency. One constantly feels like one is lacking skills and refinement in the areas pertaining to your last instinct.”
    So when it comes to determining someone’s or your own instinctual stacking, going by assessing the strengths or weaknesses in each instinctual domain (without knowing the aforementioned) could lead to a wrong result. Same for assessing someone’s preoccupations with certain instinctual issues over others; many people, myself included, start out mistyping their blindspot as their second instinct, because after their first instinct it is the area they worry the most about or feel the most deficient in. The second instinct is often times not part of the person’s consciousness, because it comes easily and does not carry too many issues with it, so it is commonly mistyped as someone’s last instinct.

    There is a metaphor that can further illustrate the strengths and experiences of the instinctual stackings.
    For the sake of simplicity, I’ll call it the bucket analogy.

    The last instinct is like a bucket with a hole at the bottom.
    It can never get full enough. Most people will not bother much with that bucket, for they know it can never get full anyways. They see the bucket as inefficient and of lower value, so they preferably use other buckets.

    The first instinct is akin to a bucket that also cannot ever get full enough.
    Not because there is a hole at the bottom, but because any liquid you put into it transforms into your favourite beverage, and you cannot get enough of it. You drink and drink, and are never fully satisfied. When someone else takes this bucket away from you, you experience serious withdrawal symptoms. You are addicted to the magnificent beverage it produces.

    The second instinct is the bucket that is just right.
    It has no holes, nor does it transform the liquids into a beverage you cannot get enough of. In that way, it does its job just right. There are no illusions or deficiencies with that instinct, it can assess the reality of situations the most accurately. This bucket is not as precious as the one that makes all liquids taste wonderful, but if you grow to realize its use you will gain great benefits from it.

    Following that, it becomes apparent how strong or weak each instinct according to someone’s stacking truly is:

    The Hidden Strength of people is their secondary instinct, not their first one.
    And if you emphasize the self-consciousness and insecurity aspects of the first instinct, you could go so far as to claim the first instinct is the Hidden Weakness. The blindspot tends to be much more one-dimensional for most people; for most, it remains grossly underdeveloped, and is therefore an obvious weakness.

    Having said that, there are certain Enneagram fans who claim it is good for someone’s development when they try to improve their last instinct. You can try to work at your blindspot, and it will temporarily ease your obsession with your first instinct, which can be soothing in the short term:

    Concerns of the ‘blindspot’ instinct counterweight those of dominant one. When one is feeling anxious, depressed, or frustrated due to inability to satisfy the needs of the primary instinct, temporarily devoting one’s attention and efforts to the third instinct may alleviate anxiety and compulsive behaviors prompted by fixation on the primary instinct.”
    However, you will never reach a truly strong and satisfying ground with your last instinct, for it is inherently deficient and uninteresting. Crucial information will always fall through the cracks somehow, even though you may try your hardest to get better at this domain.

    Based on my personal experiences and observations, as well as what I have described above, I do not urge people to focus all their efforts on their last instinct. After a while, it can turn into just as an unhealthy obsession as focusing on the first instinct at unhealthy levels. Temporarily focusing on your blindspot can be beneficial, but if you do so at the expense of your first instinct, you will end up feeling more stressed out and unhappy than before. Never turn your back against your first instinct, for its well-doing is crucial to your personal happiness.

    Because of the “preciousness” of the first instinct, most people focus most of their attention and efforts on it instead. That usually results in a person who is approximately of average/medium strength at both their first and second instinct (the former being slightly better than average), with a stereotypically weak last instinct.

    On the other hand, people who come to focus more on their second instinct will discover their true strength.
    This leads to a strong second instinct, an average first instinct, and a weak last instinct. This set up is the most beneficial, because employing one’s second instinct is best for dealing with complex challenges and advancing in your career, for you can develop great proficiency at this domain, which can put you ahead of your competitors.

    For example, So/Sp and Sx/Sp individuals can make the best nutrition or fitness coaches, or become impactful environmental or political activists. Sp/Sx and So/Sx can make the best relationship coaches, or create intense art or write the best love stories or poems. Sx/So and Sp/So can be the best revolutionaries, visionaries, or politicians.

    At last, people who for some reason feel compelled to focus more on their last instinct will at best end up with a stacking where all instincts are closer to average/medium strength. But typically, they’ll just end up with a stacking where their first and last instinct are of similar strength which is somewhat weaker than average, and the second instinct is average.

    Consequently, if you want to be around average at every instinct, then developing your last instinct is the way to go. If you want to excel in life, employing your second instinct more is the way to go. If you want to be like the average person who has your stacking, continue focusing on your first instinct.

    To summarize:

    • The true capacities for strength are not determined by the instinctual stacking order or vice versa; the stacking order does not describe someone’s strengths exactly, but rather how much they value and care about the instincts.

    • The second instinct has the most capacity for being truly strong.

    • The first instinct has the capacity to be of slightly above average strength at best.

    • The last instinct has the capacity to be of slightly below average strength at best.

    • If you want to truly excel at something in life (especially when it comes to your career), focus on employing and expanding upon your second instinct.

    • If you desire more balance or help in your blindspot domain, consult or interact more with someone who is strong at that instinct.
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    ^ This was taken from my blogs here and here.
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    100000000%%%%%% Chae approved

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    I completely agree with everything you've written.

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    It helps a lot with retyping.

    I did the thought experiment of switching my blind spot and secondary instinct. It worked, I didn't regard SO at all and erroneously placed it in the last position. My concerns are all SX and SP-centered. That's how I know SX/SO is really a much more accurate shot when you use Cassandra's elaboration. My addiction is the SX bucket. The SP bucket is the one I don't want to have, I feel insecure about it. Because my SP-first parents alleviated to burden from me, so I am not proficient, developed SX and being ego to get their attention instead.

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    I guess this means I'm back to SO first. That's the biggest source of my neurotic complexes.

    I'm not sure of SO/SP or SO/SX.

    SP is something I feel that I'm good at but it's something I wish I didn't have to think so much about because it's not the most interesting. But if I am physically unsafe, it affects everything else in my life.

    SX, I used to think I didn't focus on much but that's not true. My intensity manifests in ways other than relationships.

    So SO/SX/SP could be possible too. Also syn-flow > contra-flow.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    I guess this means I'm back to SO first. That's the biggest source of my neurotic complexes.

    I'm not sure of SO/SP or SO/SX.

    SP is something I feel that I'm good at but it's something I wish I didn't have to think so much about because it's not the most interesting. But if I am physically unsafe, it affects everything else in my life.

    SX, I used to think I didn't focus on much but that's not true. My intensity manifests in ways other than relationships.

    So SO/SX/SP could be possible too. Also syn-flow > contra-flow.
    Yes. It's pretty clear. If you say SO is the biggest neurotic spot, you disregarded SX while it does manifest, and SP is unwanted/uninteresting + it overwhelms you, SO/SX is the real deal.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Yes. It's pretty clear. If you say SO is the biggest neurotic spot, you disregarded SX while it does manifest, and SP is unwanted/uninteresting + it overwhelms you, SO/SX is the real deal.
    But do we disregard our second more than our third? That seems confusing?

    I don't really disregard SP but I wish I could. I just know the consequences that could happen if you disregard SP so I rarely do that.

    I can get overwhelmed by having to attend to too much SP needs, but too much SX intensity would also easily overwhelm me. So would having to attend to too many social norms and expectations as a matter of fact.

    It should also be said I'm an enneagram 6, and I could be mistaking SP for enneagram 6. Both have a strong need for security.

    Because I'm an enneagram 6 and more of a phobic than counterphobic 6, I am easily overwhelmed and stressed out in general, so maybe it's not surprising I can potentially find all of the instincts overwhelming to some degree.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Hmmm, I'd say Sx is the only instinct I care about, not sure of So or Sp comes second. I don't care about saving up for emergencies as I feel more then capable of dealing with things as they come, but neither do I feel the need to be part of some stupid community.

    Anyway nice passage @Cassandra, I always find your threads to be interesting and fun to read.

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    @chips and underwear

    We disregard it because it functions just fine without our conscious attention. We disregard it because the first and last instinct are much more troubling, the auxiliary is caught chilling out in between thriving so to say!

    Read these passages again:

    Quote Originally Posted by Cassandra's OP

    In contrast, the second instinct is not constrained by a neurotic overemphasis.

    It is much less self-conscious than the dominant instinct. There is more flexibility to it—people generally do not stress as much about this area. While [the] primary instinct is constantly monitored and held in check,
    the secondary instinct is allowed to roam freely.

    There is a natural effortlessness and lack of self-consciousness when employing the second instinct
    Exactly, you want to get rid of SP, that's the blind spot. As SX/SO I practically desire the same. For instance, I wish I wouldn't have to sleep or eat. Sounds extreme but that's what the neurotic dominant SX causes the blind spot to feel.

    You say you'd get overwhelmed by too much SX because your secondary instinct is dosing itself correctly.

    Good thought, 6 and SP are close together. I think determining the most unsettling one helps affirm the primary instinct. Probably SO because you say it's the social norms and expectations that get you going.

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    if we could all have chips together in our underwear my life would be complete
    [Today 07:57 AM] Raver: Life is a ride that lasts very long, but still a ride. It is a dream that we have yet to awaken from.

    It's hard to find a love through every shade of grey.

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    breathing out poo

    breathing in

    [Today 07:57 AM] Raver: Life is a ride that lasts very long, but still a ride. It is a dream that we have yet to awaken from.

    It's hard to find a love through every shade of grey.

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    [Today 07:57 AM] Raver: Life is a ride that lasts very long, but still a ride. It is a dream that we have yet to awaken from.

    It's hard to find a love through every shade of grey.

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    @Muddy exit h0le
    [Today 07:57 AM] Raver: Life is a ride that lasts very long, but still a ride. It is a dream that we have yet to awaken from.

    It's hard to find a love through every shade of grey.

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
    if we could all have chips together in our underwear my life would be complete
    Sounds kinky.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    Hmmm, I'd say Sx is the only instinct I care about, not sure of So or Sp comes second. I don't care about saving up for emergencies as I feel more then capable of dealing with things as they come, but neither do I feel the need to be part of some stupid community.

    Anyway nice passage @Cassandra, I always find your threads to be interesting and fun to read.
    That sounds like Sx/Sp.

    "Some stupid community", that is rather SO blindspot talk.
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    @chips and underwear, this may seem counterintuitive, but the SP 6 is the most phobic as well as the most sociable from all the non-SO-instinct combinations, for it finds security in alliances with others in a way.

    From what you have said here, it has become apparent that SO is unlikely your second, most "balanced" or proficient instinct, so the only options would be So/Sx and Sp/Sx.

    The fact that SP blindspot 6s are the least phobic and most contra phobic, while you are apparently not that contra phobic at all but rather typically phobic, makes me think it is possible you are actually Sp/Sx 6w5.

    But all of this is based on the assumption you are actually Type 6.
    Read this article, and try to make sure you are indeed Type 6.

    In that case, again, I find Sp/Sx actually more likely and plausible than So/Sx.

    P.S: Apparently, the Type 6 can be a tricky one to type.
    The SP 6 comes across as more "social" than they actually are; the SX 6 comes across as the least 6-like and down-right like an 8 often times; the SO 6 can come across as a Type 1 because it finds security in social rules and customs.
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    Assuming you are Sp/Sx, @chips and underwear , it appears as if you have been focusing a lot on your blindspot lately, which has resulted in you having Sp and Sx at around average/medium strength, neither instinct being remarkably strong.
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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
    Drunk niffer is iconic wtf She turned into an ILE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
    @chips and underwear, this may seem counterintuitive, but the SP 6 is the most phobic as well as the most sociable from all the non-SO-instinct combinations, for it finds security in alliances with others in a way.

    From what you have said here, it has become apparent that SO is unlikely your second, most "balanced" or proficient instinct, so the only options would be So/Sx and Sp/Sx.

    The fact that SP blindspot 6s are the least phobic and most contra phobic, while you are apparently not that contra phobic at all but rather typically phobic, makes me think it is possible you are actually Sp/Sx 6w5.

    But all of this is based on the assumption you are actually Type 6.
    Read this article, and try to make sure you are indeed Type 6.

    In that case, again, I find Sp/Sx actually more likely and plausible than So/Sx.

    P.S: Apparently, the Type 6 can be a tricky one to type.
    The SP 6 comes across as more "social" than they actually are; the SX 6 comes across as the least 6-like and down-right like an 8 often times; the SO 6 can come across as a Type 1 because it finds security in social rules and customs.
    I don't know if chips makes an SO-last impression on the forum, SP/SX is the most contraflow and counterphobic. SX/SO and SO/SX 6s aren't inherently cp. Rules and customs may be related to and doesn't tackle the 6's actual motivation. 6 SO cares about social safety, rules may be one expression of that indeed. 6 SP cares about personal safety. Chips doesn't tend to the latter at all, there's a sense of collective openness. Yes about 6s being tricky, but her request itself in this thread is already telling.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    I don't know if chips makes an SO-last impression on the forum, SP/SX is the most contraflow and counterphobic. SX/SO and SO/SX 6s aren't inherently cp. Rules and customs may be related to and doesn't tackle the 6's actual motivation. 6 SO cares about social safety, rules may be one expression of that indeed. 6 SP cares about personal safety. Chips doesn't tend to the latter at all, there's a sense of collective openness. Yes about 6s being tricky, but her request itself in this thread is already telling.
    SP Sixes are reportedly in all Enneagram literature the most phobic, whereas SX Sixes are usually the most counterphobic.
    Following that, Sp/Sx and Sp/So Sixes are the most phobic, whereas Sx/So and Sx/Sp Sixes are the most counterphobic.
    In that manner, Sp/Sx Sixes are probably the most "synflow" from the contraflow Sixes. (While Sx/Sp Sixes are the most "contraflow" of the synflow Sixes.)

    With Sixes, looking at the stacking separately from their Enneagram type can lead to mistypings.

    Also, Chips is an Fe-seeking LII, which makes her more open to a "collective openness" despite her stacking.
    Just like ExFx individuals are typically sociable even when they are Social blindspot, because of their strong Fe + extroversion.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
    SP Sixes are reportedly in all Enneagram literature the most phobic, whereas SX Sixes are usually the most counterphobic.

    Following that, Sp/Sx and Sp/So Sixes are the most phobic, whereas Sx/So and Sx/Sp Sixes are the most counterphobic.

    In that manner, Sp/Sx Sixes are probably the most "synflow" from the contraflow Sixes.

    With Sixes, looking at the stacking separately from their Enneagram type can lead to mistypings.

    Also, Chips is an Fe-seeking LII, which makes her more open to a "collective openness" despite her stacking.
    Just like ExFx individuals are typically sociable even when they are Social blindspot, because of their Fe.
    And where would SO/SX be? That's the issue.

    "Sociable" does not equal the social instinct, it is determined by other factors how your social skills are. SO shows focus on the social, modality comes through enneagram and TIM. No, SP/SX completely lacks collective openness since they are unaware of it. You can refer to her descriptions herself, all neurosis centers around the SO and SP axis, SO more so than SP. You said she would be focusing A LOT on her blind spot lately - by very nature of the last instinct, that's not possible, nor does it modify instinct strength just because. Don't blame it on Fe-seeking

    And literature doesn't determine reality altogether - compare @Food who's a phobic 6w5 and SP/SX. Have you talked to him once? His behaviour differs greatly from chips', self-preservation is so strong that he wouldn't be atuned even half as collectively to the forum all while appreciating SX contact. Chips, on the other hand, is completely out there.

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    @chips and underwear

    Just to contrast myself to @Chae, wrt weak Si and Sp stacking:
    I also find food and sleep inconvenient, mostly wishing that you could have a bunch of food/sleep and then not need it for a while. However, and I believe that this is a stacking difference, I do actively get enough sleep and food.*

    To illustrate, I do actively pay attention to going to bed not too late, and getting some healthy variety of foods. I have very basic guidelines ('some protein, some plant matter, something fatty (cheese, cream etc.), maybe something filling/fibre (potato, etc.)') which I use to eat enough of everything over one day, and then I stop thinking about it. I care insofar that it got done. If someone were to quote this to give some well-meaning food guidance, I would roll my eyes and ignore it.

    Similarly for quality of lodging, clothing, etc. Treating injuries is a funny case because unless I have seen the problem before and know what to do, I am mostly inclined to throw my hands up in frustration and glare at it until it goes away.** However, I will also not push an injured limb, will rest etc. I care, because injuries are a weakness and a waste of my time (Sp), I just don't know how to fix it (Si).

    'Si' is an inconvenience, but 'Sp' does get taken care of. I just mentally fling it out of the window as soon as it has been addressed

    *No shade to your skills Chae. Iirc you've mentioned mostly wanting to be fed ^_^
    **It doesn't work.
    Last edited by GuavaDrunk; 04-10-2017 at 11:51 AM. Reason: grammar-ing, style-ing
    Reason is a whore.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GuavaDrunk View Post
    @chips and underwear

    Just to contrast myself to @Chae, wrt weak Si and Sp stacking:
    I also find food and sleep inconvenient, mostly wishing that you could hoard a bunch of food/sleep and then not need it for a while. However, and I believe that this is a stacking difference, I do actively get enough sleep and food.*

    To illustrate, I do actively pay attention to going to bed not too late, and getting some (very basic) variety of foods. I have very basic guidelines ('some protein, some plant matter, something fatty (cheese, cream etc.), maybe something filling/fibre (potato, etc.)') which I use to eat enough for everything over one day, and then I stop thinking about it. I care insofar that it got done. If someone were to quote this adding some well-meaning food guidance, I would roll my eyes and ignore it.

    Similarly for quality of lodging, clothing, etc. Treating injuries is a funny case because unless I have seen the problem before and know what to do, I am mostly inclined to throw my hands up in frustration and glare at it until it goes away.** However, I will also not push an injured limb, and will rest etc. I care, because injuries are a weakness and a waste of my time (Sp), I just don't know how to fix it (Si).

    'Si' is an inconvenience, but 'Sp' does get taken care of. I just mentally fling it out of the window as soon as it has been addressed

    *No shade to your skills Chae. Iirc you've mentioned mostly wanting to be fed ^_^
    **It doesn't work.
    All legit! And it shows the twist between SP second and SP last. I am helpless paying attention to these things, but know how to get myself established in a group instead (social instinct), for instance. I actively don't get enough food and sleep but wish I could get a grip ---> blind spot.

    Your comment about Si VS SP - very important.

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    @Cassandra @Chae can you guys do your stacking/enneagram/sociotype fortune telling thing with me and my stacking too?
    [Today 07:57 AM] Raver: Life is a ride that lasts very long, but still a ride. It is a dream that we have yet to awaken from.

    It's hard to find a love through every shade of grey.

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
    @Cassandra @Chae can you guys do your stacking/enneagram/sociotype fortune telling thing with me and my stacking too?
    Bibidibabidibooo~ Yes of course. Can you participate in the Susan Rhodes instinct/ennegram thread first? To give an initial impression about your stacking and main type with reports by you, it's pretty accurate. Then we'll get into questions if you like.

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