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Thread: Criteria for assessing preferences in art through the prism of typology

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    Lightbulb Criteria for assessing preferences in art through the prism of typology

    Criteria for assessing preferences in art through the prism of typology.

    Olga Tagemann 11.04.2016

    This article describes the criteria for assessing nonverbal preferences in art, on the basis of which it is possible to successfully identify the type of psychic energy (TPE) and the type of information metabolism (TIM) of a person. These criteria is used along with an assessment of non-verbal preferences in music. Method of Associative Psycho-diagnostics (APD) also includes a list of favourite and least favourite TV programs, movies, associative tests and a questionnaire, which is offered to record the video. In the process of diagnostics is determined the type of personality and namely type and subtype based on TPE – concept, as well as psychodynamic profile, which shows the distribution of types of psychic energy in the human psyche. The new approach ensures highly accurate identification of the personality type, objectivity and accuracy of the conclusions, provided that the client has passed all the necessary stages of diagnostics.

    Key words: type, psychic energy, personality, typology, art, colour, preferences, extraversion, introversion, statics, dynamics, rationality, irrationality, logics, ethics, sensory, intuition.

    How are basic dichotomies and functions revealed in art?

    Rationality – irrationality:
    Parameters: color; meaning - is it clear or not clear what is in the picture; usual or unusual; realistic or does not exist?
    Extraversion – introversion:
    Parameters: color, volume, scale. Large images of objects that occupy the entire space of the picture. Big size, grand design, open space. Alternatively we find a lot of small objects in the picture. Local image.
    Markers: the view to the open space is shielded, obstructed, from under the cover. The person is drawn from the back or sideway, eyes closed, face is not clearly drawn or covered with hands, cloth.
    Markers: Open space, a person is shown in full and in an open position, for example, is widely outstretched hands.
    Statics- dynamics:
    Parameters: color; the presence of (dynamics) or absence (statics) of a large number of small lines; the object depicted in a static state (peace) or dynamic state (moving).
    Markers: The image on the picture can be mentally continue beyond the frame of the picture (sometimes the artist deliberately displays the image beyond the picture frame). The large number of small lines and items drawn in movement.
    Parameters: shape (geometric, sharp and crisp lines, sharp corners); absence of people in the image; sketchy, depersonalized or distorted images of people; as well as the image of the objects that can be attributed to the aspect of logic (machines, equipment, instruments, tools, maps, compasses, etc.).
    Parameters: colour; image of humans and animals through the relationship between them and their emotional states; flowers in nature or in bouquets.
    Parameters: colour; detailed, specific and realistic images of objects, including a nude human body; large, massive forms of the objects that can be correlated with physical strength and power (the aspect of extraverted sensing). As well as refined beauty and harmony of the image, the atmosphere of the painting through the emotions and feelings (eg, water, river, sea, sea world, pond; rain, hovering in the air, the tenderness and sweetness of the depicted objects). Negative ( irrational, logical) sensory can be revealed in distortion of the physical bodies of people or animals (e.g. for example, dissolvement, decay, destruction).
    Parameters: Colour; volume, scale. Not clearly drawn, blurry images of objects and people. The complexity and unusual images. The high degree of imagination and fantasy. The symbolism in the images (roads, stretching into the sky as a symbol of infinity, floating or flying images of people and objects; jumping up or falling down, the stars, sky, universe, and infinity of space. Paintings filled with air and space. The abstract, unrealistic, images of objects and people .

    Colour theory
    The theory of the interpretation of colour semantics and colour combinations was originally described in the article about the Associativie model “Butterfly”:
    When we refer to the notion of a balanced personality we mean a harmony between the opposites such as the mind and heart, the soul and body. On the basis of the unity of opposites within the psyche, the author associates the types of psychic energy (TPE) with socionics’ functions, and those in turn with the colour of chakras. (9). As a result, the sixteen personality types were divided into four groups:

    1.Ego-types – rational extroverts. Extroverted functions: Fe (red) and Te (orange).
    2. Id-types – irrational extroverts. Extroverted functions: Se (yellow) and Ne (green).
    3. Superid-types – irrational introverts. Introverted functions: Ni (blue) and Si (dark-blue).
    4. Superego-types – rational introverts. Introverted functions: Ti (violet) and Fi (purple/pink).

    Picture 1. Association between colors and functions in socionics.

    The colour-functions association described in the Butterfly model points to the link between colour preference as being related to personality types and the four inherent types of psychic energy. In contrast to the theory of M. Lusher (11), the colours do not indicate the current state of mind or the current psycho-physiological state of a person, but reflect on the deeper levels of personality, which refer to stable psychological qualities.

    The warm colour range, which possesses greater powers of extraversion (red, orange = Ego block; yellow, green = Id block), is opposite to the cold colour range of introversion with much less power (pink/ light purple, violet, white = Superego; block and blue, dark-blue, black = Superid).
    The “rational” colour range of the Ego and Superego is opposed to the “irrational” colour range of the Id and Superid on the basis of the presence or absence of the nuances of the colour red. Red is associated with the power of emotions (Fe), where the emotions are considered as one of the instruments of self-control as well as control over other people.
    The “static” colour range of the Id (yellow, green) and the Superego (white, pink, violet) does not possess an obvious colour contrast. The absence of a sharp contrast in the combination of colours refers to the element of stability and characterizes a mental state that is predominantly static. By contrast, the combination of bright warm and dark cold colours, for example, of red and dark-blue, indicates quick and sharp changes in psychological states, which refer to the dynamic element of the psyche: Ego (red/raspberry, orange) and Superid (blue, dark-blue, black).

    1. Tangemann O.B. The Associative model. “Psychology and Socionics of Interpersonal Relationships.” 2009, N1, p. 38 – 52
    2. Tangemann O.B. The Associative typology. “Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology. ” 2010, № 4, p. 65 — 70; № 5, p. 77 – 82.
    3. Tangemann O.B. Method of associative psycho-diagnostics. [Electron. resource]. – Mode of access:
    4. Tangemann O.B. Theory about sub-types. [Electron. resource]. – Mode of access:

    Olga Tangemann 2016 © Associative socionics
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    ILI – Balzac


    Photographer Erik Johansson is known for his surreal stories. His collages – this whole unreal worlds, philosophical picture that can be viewed for hours. For his new work called “the Impact” Eric used about 17 square meters of mirrors, pre “cut” his long splinters. In addition, he made a detailed video, which filmed every step: from idea to realization.
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    Hi Olga
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Hi, Maritsa! Thank you for support!

    More information and pictures have been added for better understanding and differentiation of the criteria.
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    From the pictures, I seem to prefer ILI. Introvert, intuitive, logical, irrational, dynamic.

    I've received various results on the Associative Socionics test. ILI was one of them. I also got IEE and ILE on other testings.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Hi Olga. It's good to see you well and developing your theory further. Alongside my usual comments on how I'd do the test with pictures you use on your site, I've further questions:

    What about colours that aren't listed there? What about Amber / Ochre, Pine Green, Teal, Brown and such colours? Because I am not exactly a fan of pure colours like #FF0000, but something like #800000(maroon) is nice though.

    edit: The only colours which I truly don't like are the colours which "sting" the eyes-blazing <whatever> really. I am more of a rich in their fulness within their subdued hues type of guy. The only bright colours I indeed like are the Amber / Ochre and Orange spectrum.

    What does that say...?
    Last edited by nondescript; 04-30-2016 at 11:16 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    From the pictures, I seem to prefer ILI. Introvert, intuitive, logical, irrational, dynamic.

    I've received various results on the Associative Socionics test. ILI was one of them. I also got IEE and ILE on other testings.
    I got ILI on her image test and IEI on the other one. I am not such a big fan of blue though. I like it ok but other colors are more appealing. I like jewel tones. Right now eggplant and scarlet red are appealing but before that it was white, silver, frost colors... and before that gold, amber, etc... It depends on my moods, maybe.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Hi, everyone. Thank you for comments and for sharing information .
    Nondescript, There are different ways in which we can think about colour. If I say - think about the colour as you your environment, you house, or the colours which you like to wear or just the colours of the palette to drew a picture. Or just associate the colour with you mood right now or may be the colours you liked when you have been a child. The answer may be different
    But we don't have to ask those question - just ask for the pictures and the person will instinctively chose what he likes.
    The criteria which I described is primitive and elementary. However it is necessary to know to understand how the conclusion is made. In the pictures you can have different criteria mixed up and we have to decide what is leading. We need to keep in mind all these criteria and think what we see.
    Although for many or shall we say the majority of people the criteria works - for some it does not do the job - precisely showing the type. Nevertheless it will show some of the features vividly. Something that you may not see it just by asking questions. Like statics or dynamics are very hard to pick up in the speech style.
    In art the person may show to us that he is clearly a dynamic type and in music that he is a clearly and introvert and tests may show something else like clearly ethics and so on. All criteria together will lead to a certain type like superid - type - irrational dynamic introvert IEI.
    Your preference tells me that you "inbetween" colours, shades - this is a static type usually. Because shades do not produce contrast combination but gradual. it fits ESI well.
    I also lile the colours you like - they al have sensory shade - yellow is present in al of them.
    So, it is better to choose the pictures because they not only show your colour preference but they will tell much mopre about you and not only your type - your psychological make up too. If we can read and analyse deeper what we see.
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    The whole idea of my work and this article to encourage you to type people by their preferences to see it for yourself. It may be not easy but it is great fun and we can do it together. if you have friends - ask them for pictures that they like to the degree that they would put them on the walls where they live. Something like that.
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    Chips and underwear, are you happy with ILI type for you or not quite? do you know your type for sure?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olga View Post
    Chips and underwear, are you happy with ILI type for you or not quite? do you know your type for sure?
    I'm fairly confident I'm LII. If not LII then EII.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olga View Post
    Hi, everyone. Thank you for comments and for sharing information .
    Nondescript, There are different ways in which we can think about colour. If I say - think about the colour as you your environment, you house, or the colours which you like to wear or just the colours of the palette to drew a picture. Or just associate the colour with you mood right now or may be the colours you liked when you have been a child. The answer may be different
    But we don't have to ask those question - just ask for the pictures and the person will instinctively chose what he likes.
    The criteria which I described is primitive and elementary. However it is necessary to know to understand how the conclusion is made. In the pictures you can have different criteria mixed up and we have to decide what is leading. We need to keep in mind all these criteria and think what we see.
    Although for many or shall we say the majority of people the criteria works - for some it does not do the job - precisely showing the type. Nevertheless it will show some of the features vividly. Something that you may not see it just by asking questions. Like statics or dynamics are very hard to pick up in the speech style.
    In art the person may show to us that he is clearly a dynamic type and in music that he is a clearly and introvert and tests may show something else like clearly ethics and so on. All criteria together will lead to a certain type like superid - type - irrational dynamic introvert IEI.
    Your preference tells me that you "inbetween" colours, shades - this is a static type usually. Because shades do not produce contrast combination but gradual. it fits ESI well.
    I also lile the colours you like - they al have sensory shade - yellow is present in al of them.
    So, it is better to choose the pictures because they not only show your colour preference but they will tell much mopre about you and not only your type - your psychological make up too. If we can read and analyse deeper what we see.
    I usually get like xSI on your test.

    But there aren't enough pictures to say precisely and choosing between some is hell basically. Between some I just can't choose(both are ugly or creepy) and between some both are nice-difficult to choose. What I don't like about typical dynamic pictures is how in the process of contrasts-which is a nice technique by itself, there happens to be a loss of details. The worst culprit would be that boatside picture-I really don't like such. My kind of painting is Baroque painting-nice, precise with matching nice colours. And the obligatory light / dark play.

    If I happened to hate something, that'd be Picasso blue phase-I am fully aware of Pablo's whereabouts when he painted them, but heavens are they FREEZING COLD! Those are...ugh! They lower the room temperature by at least 5 degrees lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    I'm fairly confident I'm LII. If not LII then EII.
    This means to me introverted subtype LII- ILI. Introversion is stronger than rationality and statics. ILI would be a subtype then for you. Based on the picture preference. In music - it may be or not be the case.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Person View Post
    There often seems to be a dualistic effect for preference / ideal rather than a type-for-type preference, if you ask me.

    I connect most to Delta values in art, rather than dichotomal values. As a music enthusiast, Delta originators such as Borodin, Rimsky-Korsakov, and John Williams are my favorites, two of who are ST.
    Hi Person. What do you mean by Delta values in music? Is it a new criteria? Where did you get it and how would it be described?
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    I have recently reorganised my forum. The information about 16 types is presented in 4 TPE quadras. It became easier to access information about non-verbal preferences of different types. However, some of the threads are still empty because I was too busy to post information there. I invite you to register on my forum and add information about your nonverbal preferences.

    The sub-forum "TPE - quadras" is for both - English and Russian speakers. Feel free to write in your own language, please! I will understand you anyway and the others will use Google translate if they want to. smile emoticon

    Just make sure that you are absolutely certain about your type. Or if you decide to post the pictures of your friends or their preferences - you are welcome to do so - just make sure you are absolutely certain about their type too.

    If you wish to take part in this forum project but you do not know your type - you are welcome to go through type -diagnostics. Just add your topics in the sub-forum:,7.0.html

    P.S. while I was reorganising my forum I accidently deleted the archive of IEI diagnostics. I will be thankful to IEI people who will come forward to add the information about their preferences.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olga View Post
    I have recently reorganised my forum. The information about 16 types is presented in 4 TPE quadras. It became easier to access information about non-verbal preferences of different types. However, some of the threads are still empty because I was too busy to post information there. I invite you to register on my forum and add information about your nonverbal preferences.

    The sub-forum "TPE - quadras" is for both - English and Russian speakers. Feel free to write in your own language, please! I will understand you anyway and the others will use Google translate if they want to. smile emoticon

    Just make sure that you are absolutely certain about your type. Or if you decide to post the pictures of your friends or their preferences - you are welcome to do so - just make sure you are absolutely certain about their type too.

    If you wish to take part in this forum project but you do not know your type - you are welcome to go through type -diagnostics. Just add your topics in the sub-forum:,7.0.html

    P.S. while I was reorganising my forum I accidently deleted the archive of IEI diagnostics. I will be thankful to IEI people who will come forward to add the information about their preferences.
    I just wanted to see what you think about this way of association typing:

    It's manual and it is slow, but the accuracy should shoot right through the roof. The idea is to show a set of paintings to a subject and then evaluate what he likes / does not like about the paintings. Specific colours, arrangements, dynamism blur...hell it could be anything. And then when you get the pattern / gist of what a subject could and most likely does like, you narrow it until you finally come to the conclusion(= you see the pattern of choices). The downside is it's manual and I have NO IDEA how anyone would automate this version. Meaning it'd be extremely accurate, but would tax the evaluator as well.

    I can't shake the feeling that colour / word etc associations hold greater meaning than behaviorism-behaviorism could be used to test S.Ego functions / IEs imo. Meanwhile, pictures, music, words and association thereof SHOULD* provide a gateway into subconscious and hence give the full picture. Or if not a full picture, it could access the S.Id functions, which is amazing in itself-seeing how weak 5th is and not only that, but blocked by conscious 3rd as well. There sure is potential in this and I think that a lot of fathers of psychology would agree with me-Jung / Freud etc especially.

    Now, the specific meaning of associations is a whole another ocean, but let's not drown ourselves, shall we?

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    Thank you, nondescript, for sharing your ideas. This approach can be easily added to existing one.Of course it is possible and some people thin this is the must - to ask for comments from the client to analyse them too. Comments could have very valuable information.
    But there could be also some negative effects too - some noise which can divert the mind of the expert from what is actually in the pictures. Plus it is time consuming. I prefer to separate verbal from non verbal parts of diagnostics. I see it is a brilliant achievement when the client actually make the video of his thinking about the type qualities and tries to find arguments for and against. I think it is more obvious and visual. But what you have suggested about the interview - does not contradict my method. I would still suggest to go through the full diagnostics - all parts - in order to give a solid evidence. As you know with the time people forget the arguments and tend to doubt.
    Do you practice diagnositcs here on the forum? do you love doing it? Was it easy for you to find your type? have you done my tests? Do you know my approach or just heard about it?
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    I remembered that I still owed you those answers:

    1. I do them sometimes. I often just watch unless someone directly asks me, I am bored or someone is acting none at all like their type.
    2. I guess. There are far worse things out there.
    3. In all reality, no it was not. Because I've a blindspot when it comes to me myself. And I don't necessarily have the will to notice such things when I am out and about. I'd rather just live
    4. How else would I know such details otherwise?
    5. Yes, I believe I do. But it was some time since I read it, so I could've forgotten something.

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    So going down by each preference individually:

    Slight introversion perference
    slight dynamic preference
    strong logic preference
    moderate intuitive preference

    So ILI basically. Black actually is is my go to color when wearing clothes, I love its ninja-ness. Blue is good too a guess though I also like brown. Black-brown and is my favorite color combo in clothes.

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    Red should be Force, in my opinion.

    Also, all grotesque pictures such as the ones with the girl's body with lace holes, the one with dead people, and the one with the mechanical eyeball should all be non-Fi/Ne/Si/Te related.

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    Red is a force as much as Fe is a force. When we type art we take into account not just colour and colour combinations but many other factors. It is not straight forward matter. If yo have read my article about the criteria - you could see more complex.
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    Friends, if you follow my research, I just made a small adjustment to the article on the website to of rationality - irrationality and added some information at the end of article on how to conduct the diagnostics.
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    How much important is the contrast(of any kind-be it red / black or counterpoint in music) to dynamic scale?

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    Hi, it is important if it is a strong one, it is a characteristic of a rapid change from hot to cold. But it can be a growing tension from small to huge slowly - also dynamics. Tiny changes and movements but constant and stable - more to introverted dynamics. Extraverted and introverted dynamics can mix and it is all part of dynamic process.
    The book is in the process of correction and then it will be translated.

    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    How much important is the contrast(of any kind-be it red / black or counterpoint in music) to dynamic scale?
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