Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
@Aylen what is your feeling about the about if you were the person who was sent shopping and returned without the money or items?
Edit: I think I misread you. Are you asking if someone sent me to the store and I came back without the item and how I would respond to shady's answer? If I were sent to the store and they didn't have the item I would call and tell the person. If I didn't have money on me and needed something I would buy what I needed and give them the money when I got back.

Another question: what is your thought and reaction when you give a significant other money to go to the store to buy a specific item and they don't but return without any item and no money
I would just ask them what happened to the money. If the store didn't have it but they bought something they needed I wouldn't care. If they wouldn't tell me we would have a problem. It also would depend on several factors, like if they had a previous drug or alcohol problem and how long they were gone.