View Poll Results: Vladimir Putin

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    1 2.27%
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  • SLI (ISTp)

    4 9.09%
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Thread: Vladimir Putin

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  1. #1
    EffyCold The Ineffable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Oliver Aaron View Post
    Che Guevara was far more about adhering to the ideology with strictness and bringing discipline against those who fell out of line. Fidel Castro was the EIE providing the emotional motivation.
    Well are you telling me that this was an example of a Dual pair, with the LSI unusually theatrical and inspirational?
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Oliver Aaron View Post
    Al Baghdadi's approach is the very clear extreme literal interpretation of Islam that fits LSI. It sticks to the law in its absolute form and brings about enforcement of the law. It's almost a pastiche of LSI.
    That essentially describes Ne-PoLR; I see no problem with ESI. An LSI normally comes with a consistent impersonal ideology of their own, publicly argumented, when this one has none that we know of, except the adherence to and the repeating mantras of radical Islam. Between the two, it is the ESI actually described inclined to antagonize "us" and "the others", even if apparently this sounds Aristocratic.
    Shock intuition, diamond logic.
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  2. #2
    President of WSS Jack Oliver Aaron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Ineffable View Post
    Well are you telling me that this was an example of a Dual pair, with the LSI unusually theatrical and inspirational?

    That essentially describes Ne-PoLR; I see no problem with ESI. An LSI normally comes with a consistent impersonal ideology of their own, publicly argumented, when this one has none that we know of, except the adherence to and the repeating mantras of radical Islam. Between the two, it is the ESI actually described inclined to antagonize "us" and "the others", even if apparently this sounds Aristocratic.
    Yes, I'd say that they make a good example of a dual pair in the Cuban revolution. While LSIs are capable of being theatrical when surrounded by an already theatrical mood (the suggestive function is very willing to play by someone's lead), they aren't the source of this theatricality themselves. Instead, Castro played that role while Guevara focused on the adherence to the ideology (comparable to Al Baghdadi's insistence on adherence to the literal Islam). One energised the people, the other strictly integrated their actions with Communist ideals. This is the ideal pairing for a cultural/political revolution and similar roles have been played in Black rights (Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X) and the Russian Revolution (Leon Trotsky and Josef Stalin) [I am aware that the latter of these examples later fell apart, but duality isn't always going to work out].

    Regarding Al Baghdadi, it is not merely Vulnerable Ne, as it is specifically a lack of tolerance for ambiguity when interpreting prescribed rules and commands that he has committed himself to i.e The Quaran of Islam. His straightforward, literal interpretation is applied to Ti, with there being little evidence that he applies such an approach to the internal qualities of people (Fi). For an ESI, they would likely be less committed to the letter of the law (The Role function is Contact and Subdued, not Inert and Valued), but instead be committed to their flash judgements of people based on their deeds and actions e.g. "that person hurt my friend, he is a bad person, there's no question he is bad". Just as rigid and literal, but applied to a different area.

    I would add that Al Baghdadi is similar to Putin in that the key to his success is in the bringing of a clear structural organisation to his State. There are divisions, roles and a disciplined adherence to those different roles, from guard patrols on roads, to militia, to propagandists that has never been seen before in an Islamic extremist group. Putin did the same sort of thing with Russia.
    Last edited by Jack Oliver Aaron; 03-25-2015 at 11:17 PM.

  3. #3
    RBRS's Avatar
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    Btw xSTj FLVE?

  4. #4
    Kill4Me's Avatar
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    LSI 6w5 sp/so....1w2s aren't mumblers...LSI even augments the 1's tone of conviction. Mumbling just adds to mess/poop and if there's one thing 1w2s restrict themselves from....its messiness.

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