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Thread: Translated Gulenko Socionics Type Test

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    Default Translated Gulenko Socionics Type Test

    I used a bunch of translators to turn this test into English. Knowing my luck this will have already been done Keep in mind that this is a liberal rewording and at various points I took it upon myself to clarify the language for an American audience(since I'm American). Ask questions or point out mistakes or possible improvements if you wish.

    You can use what's under the spoiler as a guide to follow as you go through the test or you can record your answers and then convert the A's to 1's and the B's to 2's and put them in this link in the place of my 1's and 2's.

    “Test Gulenko”

    1. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I am calm only when all [ambient] problems are resolved.
    b. Calmness is not important; I can only really live when getting new impressions.

    2. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I prefer to be able to stop and think before I do something.
    b. I prefer to dive into a situation or be in a situation where thought is not important.

    3. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I can be inflexible, but I am usually conscientious.
    b. I am very flexible, but not always reliable.

    4. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I am usually a steady worker, day in, day out.
    b. I do not usually have the need/ability to be steady in my actions, but instead my energy rises and falls periodically throughout any given period of time.

    5. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I have a steady mood, unless something obvious ruins or uplifts it.
    b. There does not need to be anything obvious for my mood to be changed: sometimes it happens for no reason at all.

    6. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. In general, I don’t have a problem with being obliged to others, and don’t mind taking their wants into account on a regular basis.
    b. In general, I have a problem with being obliged to others and prefer to organize my activities independently.

    7. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I tend to be attached to my decisions. If a good decision was made, I do not feel that it should be changed for the circumstances.
    b. I tend to easily let go of decisions if I feel they no longer fit the circumstances.

    8. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. If my mood is out of place in a situation, it is because I am usually too tense.
    b. If my mood is out of place in a situation, it is because I am usually too relaxed.

    9. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I am better at explaining things that are pointed out to me than noticing those things in the first place.
    b. I am better at noticing things and anomalies than explaining why they happen or how they work.

    10. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I don’t handle unexpected changes well.
    b. I not only find it easy to handle unexpected changes in plans, but also don’t think twice at creating them.

    11. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I have steady mental focus that makes it easy to follow a schedule.
    b. I lack the ability to focus for too long even when I need too, so following a schedule is not my natural mode of operation.

    12. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I tend to spread out effort for a project/task evenly in time.
    b. I tend to spread out effort for a project/task erratically.

    13. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I tend to be more comfortable with, and/or think of, the environment as something that should be set and then undisturbed.
    b. I tend to be more comfortable with, and/or think of, the environment as malleable to needs.

    14. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I am not, or was not at first, comfortable with multitasking. I prefer to finish one thing before I move on to the other.
    b. I’m comfortable with multitasking or grew into it easily, because I don’t need to complete something before moving to the next thing.

    15. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. My moods don’t have much effect on my work.
    b. I regularly experience inspiration or lack of it, and this affects the quality of my work.

    16. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I am dutiful and disciplined.
    b. I depend mainly on things other than duty and discipline.

    17. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I both reason and perceive, but it is clear that I have a stronger preference for reasoning via interpretations of perceptions (whether they are mine or someone else’s).
    b. I both reason and perceive, but it is clear that I have a stronger preference for interpreting what I perceive.

    18. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I prefer to make the initiative in contacting someone.
    b. I prefer to receive contact from someone absent of my initiative.

    19. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I easily open up to/around others.
    b. It is difficult for me to open up to/around others.

    20. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I tend to create a more and more expansive and diverse life.
    b. I tend to create a more and more specialized and focused life.

    21. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I create a good number of opportunities and plans.
    b. I try to limit what I’m involved in.

    22. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I don’t worry about how much energy I’m using at any one time.
    b. I keep tabs on my energy levels.

    23. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I like to lead a discussion or presentation.
    b. I like to listen to a discussion or observe a presentation.

    24. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I’m open.
    b. I’m discreet.

    25. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I work on many things at a surface level.
    b. I expand after depth is acquired.

    26. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I work most confidently in a group.
    b. I work most confidently while alone.

    27. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I use more information than I commit to memory.
    b. I commit to memory more information than I use.

    28. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. Problems concerning the world are easier to deal with than problems concerning who I am.
    b. Problems concerning who I am are easier to deal with than problems concerning the world.

    29. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I get caught up in inspiration and forget to or don’t want to stop what I’m doing.
    b. I find it easy to stop even if inspired.

    30. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I feel more myself alone than with others.
    b. I feel more myself around others than alone.

    31. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I spend more of my waking hours using energy freely if possible.
    b. I spend more of my waking hours conserving energy and relaxing if possible.

    32. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I can understand why someone else acts better than I understand why I act.
    b. I can understand why I act better than I understand why someone else acts.

    33. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I spend energy more than I save it.
    b. I save energy more than I spend it.

    34. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I have no problems talking with strangers.
    b. Speaking with strangers is a bit of an effort.

    35. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I have no problem in general with doing the work of taking care of myself.
    b. I really dislike any personal maintenance.

    36. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I simply work with my environment to get what I want.
    b. I tend to think instead of act conclusively.

    37. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I am so practical that I can get along anywhere.
    b. I am so impractical that my family has trouble with me.

    38. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. The solutions I offer are based on what is reliable and proven to work.
    b. The solutions are better in situations where there are no reliable methods.

    39. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I worry about the short term and having something in hand today.
    b. I worry about the long term and having something in hand down the road.

    40. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I trust explicit experience.
    b. I trust what is implied and assumed.

    41. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I rely more on my training and gained skills.
    b. I rely more on my ability to come up with ideas and guesses.

    42. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I perceive the capabilities and conditions of my body well.
    b. I am sunken into my own world, and much more attentive to what’s going on in my head.

    43. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I am better with things that have already been specified and brought down to earth.
    b. I am better with new concepts and ideas.

    44. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I act based on what is actual in a situation and is a realistic trajectory for the situation.
    b. I act based on what a situation could bring but is not currently on its trajectory.

    45. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I get more joy out of being physical.
    b. I get more joy out of receiving a sudden insight.

    46. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I build or variate on the old and established.
    b. I build or create the new.

    47. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I see everything going on around me.
    b. I only pay attention to what I want to focus on.

    48. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. My suggestions are likely to work because I know in a very detailed manner what I’m saying.
    b. My suggestions may or may not work.

    49. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I am better at seeing how to achieve a goal than what a goal should be.
    b. I am better at seeing what a goal should be than how to achieve it.

    50. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. If anything is not clear, I first research it or elsewise try to find out about it.
    b. If anything is not clear, I first guess.

    51. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. When talking about something, I do not omit anything because it is uninteresting and/or provocative.
    b. When talking about something, I omit tedious details and/or provocative statements.

    52. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I’m calm.
    b. I feel a lot of emotion.

    53. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior(sorry I don’t really understand this question so the essence may be off from what I’m saying):
    a. The deciding factor for me is that something makes sense.
    b. The deciding factor for me is that something is human.

    54. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior(a feeler will have to tell me a better way to say what I’m trying to say):
    a. I focus more on desired criteria and detached estimations in socially-geared behavior.
    b. I focus more on affections and feelings in socially-geared behavior.

    55. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. First, I respond in a restrained manner, attempting to think.
    b. First, I respond in an emotional manner, either internally or externally.

    56. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I focus on what’s necessary in a situation before what I feel
    b. I focus on what I feel before what’s necessary in a situation

    57. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I live more in the mind than the heart
    b. I live more in the heart than the mind

    58. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. My focus is more naturally on what is logically valid and/or useful about something.
    b. My focus is more naturally on the ethical standing/good and evil of something.

    59. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior(???):
    a. It doesn’t bother me if people are cold.
    b. It bothers me if people are cold.

    60. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. My voice is monotone/not very emotional.
    b. My voice is varying and emotional.

    61. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I react more to information being conveyed in a conversation.
    b. I react more to the tone of the speaker.

    62. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I’m better at communicating thoughts than emotions/moods.
    b. I’m better at communicating emotions/moods than thoughts.

    63. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I’m better at proving what I think than persuading someone of it.
    b. I’m better at persuading someone of what I think than proving it.

    64. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I’m more sensitive to absurdity and illogical statements.
    b. I’m more sensitive to rudeness and ingratitude.

    65. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior(awkward wording sorry):
    a. I seem to make friends with people I can trust rather than people I can feel with.
    b. I seem to make friends with people I can feel with over people I can simply trust.

    66. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. Emotions do not seem to affect me deeply.
    b. Feelings and emotions are always a part of what I do.

    67. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I like to analyze and organize more than to communicate with loved ones.
    b. I like to communicate with loved ones more than I like to analyze.

    68. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I begin by forming an analysis of the situation.
    b.I begin by establishing good relations.

    For the result, if you have chrome it will auto-translate, but if you need a translator just stick the bolded words under the blue bar(on the result page) into this website
    Last edited by ouronis; 02-18-2015 at 11:18 AM.

  2. #2
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    This test would be better if it focused more on model A functions and/or quadras rather than dichotomies.

    I scored ILI on this.

    E/I 4/13
    S/N 4/13
    T/F 11/6
    j/p 8/9
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    I challenged myself and didn't read the spoiler. Gave me a bit of a headache but I got through it. I have to admit it was hard working out what it was asking in parts. May take again another time with the help of your translation.

    Personality type Yesenin (Intuitive-ethical, IEI)

    Basic dichotomy Rationality 5 - The irrationality of 12 5 Extraversion - Introversion 12wheelchairs 6 - 11 Intuition Logic 5 - Ethics 12

    Written description - psychologist Elena Zamanskiy

    Yesenin often gives the impression of a man with one hand in the clouds, detached from the outside world, but on the other - an incredibly contact, responsive, experiencing cardiovascular and deeply. Mystery of Yesenin mystery attracts many, but open Esenins elected, a small circle of close friends who are close or important volatile movements of their soul. Esenina can be called an idealist, a collector and oberegatelem spiritual ideals of different eras. And it's ideals filled experience, a deeply personal response to occur and occur once the event. Little things of everyday life in the perception Esenina recede into the background, and the main, fundamental, are internal, hidden currents own psychic life. In response to what is happening around the senses, from a young age experiencing profoundly happening inside Esenins see the feelings and emotional experiences of others can recognize them by the slightest manifestations and predict.The least practical of all other types, Yesenin live completely different, not everyday, not household life, all the subtleties and complexities that is understood only by him and those with whom they want to share. Usually Esenins easy and agreeable, they follow the customs, accepted in society, do not tend to stand out, to be seen, but for myself always reserve the right to private inner life, the right to assess people on their inner values, inner same laws and morals that Yesenin creates himself, during his lifetime, based on feelings and observations. The time events and the people in them - this is the domain of attraction Esenina interests. Life dramas, tragedies, comedies, farces, occurring on a daily basis and there is always the very first steps of mankind, events, connecting people and keep them together, the vicissitudes of fates, the change of epochs, mentalities, the authorities - in this mixmaster the stream of history and real life Yesenin perfectly oriented .Shadows of the past do not interfere, but rather help to see the present and the future, create the background hidden meaning of existence. It is easy detachment from reality, Yesenin loves to dive in an irrational world of dreams. Gorgeous themes for such travel gives him art, literature first.Following in his imagination for literary heroes, Yesenin empathizes enriches your life experience, decorated with a rough reality elegant beautiful scenes. Cinema, literature, art or psychology - it's a good excuse for Esenina to broaden and deepen the range of their sensory experiences. Culture events, works of art are perceived them deeply personal, information is received, first of all, the heart and the imagination. And, of course, is of great importance, the environment in which a person develops representatives of this type, there is enough appreciated in this environment, spirituality, is it possible to break away from purely domestic side of life. Yesenin given the ability to anticipate and anticipate. He is in contact with the invisible mood of society, separating them from their own. Maturing of events leading to the changes the dynamics of such events Yesenin can feel very accurately. Especially fine he perceives approximation crises. And usually warn their loved ones about this. Reports that the danger is close and it is time to act. And he knows how to avoid and get in trouble, not analyzing events and feeling them. Or wait, wait for the right moment, then to act quickly. Esenins often soft, thoughtful, careful in his statements, prefer to adapt to the other without creating conflicts, confessing the principle of "live and let live." But at the same time Yesenin stand by my opinion or in its flow of feelings and thoughts. And at the same time - open and receptive to new information, changing their views, if necessary on the situation. Willingness to change, the ability to easily change plans to solve pressing problems and change the future for themselves, to include others in your inner rhythm - it's strengths Esenina. Most people that Tim complement introspective everyday life and the pursuit of self-knowledge, self-improvement. Self-understanding, the answer to the question "Who am I?" - A very important part of life Esenina.Moreover, this question arises again and again throughout their lives, and the question itself, as well as the feelings, the emotional response that this issue is more important than the precise, clear and reasonable answer definitively. More important to be in contact with the internal changes, feel them. A feeling mentally directed to the future, in "fine so far," because the future is optimistic Yesenin, tuned to the fact that it is lighter. And others believe it helps a bright future, which is especially important in troubled times, when there is no clear answer to what to do here and now.By the actions required in certain situations, Yesenin surrounding encourages emotional impact on them. He is able to influence the mood of the people, but not words, not by persuasion and emotional outburst. Yesenin emotes at precisely the moment when they can be and should be manifest. And it is often not so much reaction, the answer to what is happening, namely active effect. When to cry and when to laugh - in conscious control Esenina. Feelings will be completely sincere, but the right moment (and this may be the highest intensity of feelings, and can be a situation in which existing feelings become active) Yesenin wait. Staying in touch with the feelings of a loved one, until the penetration into the innermost parts of his inner peace, or feeling emotional group Yesenin able to create the mood of people - relatives and distant. Do not hesitate showing others his feelings, it can infect the mood of others, contributing to their emotional liberation. We would like to mention a very important quality Esenina - the ability to take the emotional life of a loved one for what it is. And only gradually, gently and gradually try to harmonize it, to make more socially acceptable. Himself as a man of intense emotions and a wide emotional range, Yesenin empathizes with the feelings of others and provides spiritual and emotional support, understands and accepts the partner. And it may even justify some negative impulses, based on its internal system of values, his understanding of morality and their vision of the future dynamics of change for the better in man. In a supportive environment, in a friendly company Yesenin sparks emotions, a lot of jokes, causing laughter of others. He appreciates humor and is able to see the humor in everyday situations, in everyday life, eye for detail and a lot of funny moments like to share them with friends, picking them up. The mood of the people Yesenin sees perfectly. And differs from the true social mask, the present state of mind. In dialogue refers precisely to this state. Can encourage, inspire optimism, set to fighting mood. Despite the fact that he - nature is dreamy and lyrical, have fun on all cylinders, too peculiar to him. But the true feelings of Esenina for many remain a mystery, as he perfectly knows how to create an image that fits the situation and allows you to hide your mood. This happens largely because Yesenin lives tense emotional life, much of which takes place inside, and wants oberech their mysterious inner world from the encroachments from the outside. This world is so thin, fragile, elegant and vulnerable, that Yesenin even being in the spotlight, can selectively keep a distance with not very nice people currently not able to accept the sublime and delicate feelings. And this invisible border sometimes almost impossible to overcome, if he does not want to keep away the person closer. All the more so to predict people's behavior for Esenina easy. Pronounced attraction Esenina to the beautiful manifests itself not only in his relationships with people, interest in the arts, literature and poetry, but also in an effort to look decent. The external appearance and clothing in particular has a lot to him. Clothing is also a component of the image, a reflection of the inner world and good taste. Yesenin tries to dress elegantly, and although things as it is quite difficult to understand, the style is usually chosen correctly. Even fashion or norms accepted in society, Yesenin necessarily makes a part of his personality. A lack of ability to create comfort and coziness home he is more than redeems the other - the ability to maintain emotional comfort, attention to the man, tactful and wise understanding of the other. It is equally difficult Esenina to business activity. Practicality - is not his strong quality, business often depends on the mood. And Yesenin very overjoyed, if there will be a man purposeful, with business acumen and stand firm on the basis of the material. The man who will do and instead explain how. Help not recommendations, and concrete help. And I must say that Yesenin attracts people strong, powerful, decisive. He brings to their lives optimism, the ability to create a fun atmosphere, life is filled with the spirit and feeling, smooth conflicts and anticipate trouble. Next to a man Yesenin able to manifest the maximum foresight. Equally comfortable Yesenin would feel if any during his life will direct strong-willed and active partner, which many need and more desirable. Penetrating active and assertive approach to life, a legitimate right to their own desires, Yesenin feel much more confident and stable. It would be better to understand their needs and find its way to implement them. He will do whatever is necessary for such an important and valuable person, try to his fate was more successful as possible, so that life was not fresh, uniform, and was filled, and spiritually, and emotionally. The ability to awaken in others the spiritual principle, apply for the best in them, to win over, to evoke sympathy, encourage a strong and beautiful deeds - this is what representatives generously endowed by nature such as Yesenin.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    The sleeping beauty Velvet's Avatar
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    Hmm I got IEE:
    Rational 6 - Irrational 11
    Extra 9 - Intro 8
    Sensing 2 - Intuition 15
    Logic 4 - Ethics 13

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    Interesting, so far everyone has a clear preference for all dichotomies but one, but they are different per person. Yeah, as a dichotomy test it does suffer from the usual problems.

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    Personality type Gabin (Sensory-logical introvert SLI)

    Basic dichotomy
    6 Rationality - Irrationality 11
    8 Extraversion - Introversion 9
    9 Sensor - Intuition 8
    11 Logic - Ethics 6

    Oh snap.

    I still don't think these quizzes differentiate between Te and sensing well enough yet.

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    I took the Meged quiz too. I need Rosetta Stone.

    Socionic club "Quadra"

    Test Meged-Ovtcharova on bioaccents type

    The test result Meged-Ovtcharova
    This test is designed to detect accents, ie gain sotsionicheskikh functions. The emphasis with the highest number of points - the main runner - extra. According to the authors of the test sometimes two additional read descriptions and determine whether they are suitable for you.

    ROMANTIC (E - ethics of emotions) 29 Romantic - friendly, but very vulnerable, emotional and self-contradictory man. Depends heavily on communicating with others from their own likes and dislikes, and related experiences, but tries to hide it from others. It can have a strong influence on other manifestations of strength and depth of their feelings. Is able to raise their spirit and mood, inspire any idea, but this behavior he is not a deliberate tactic. Romantic does not seek power, rarely sets the specific goals of a practical nature. Often disappointed in the objects of their sympathy, but can not live without internal ideals. Suffers from frequent mood swings and lack of confidence.

    Forecasters (T - intuition of time) 26 forecaster - a man with a developed intuition, which enables it to penetrate the thoughts of the past or the future and predict the outcome of certain events. It is characterized by dissatisfaction with reality and the desire to change it.Therefore, it tends to self-improvement and is never pleased with the progress. Hence - increased demands for self and others. In search of the elusive harmony is internally inconsistent and prone to persistent doubts, because of what often turns his attention distracted by new ideas or things.Interested phenomena of the world, trying to understand its patterns and predict future developments. Is prone to reflections about the laws of the universe, is interested in the moral and philosophical or religious issues, the search for truth and harmony in the world. It's pretty original person, but because of the amorphous temperament, unpredictability and uncertainty in the performance of their obligations often causes polar assessment of his personality.

    Dreamers (I - intuition of possibilities) 25 Dreamer - it is very curious, inwardly rebellious people. Ardently defends its intellectual beliefs, but compliant and othodchiv practical or material matters. Has a strong associative and imaginative perception. Full
    of ideas and proposals are not very practical.
    Smart and resourceful. Quickly notice the relationship between externally different phenomena.Always see a lot of options to solve problems and to solve them can be quite unexpected for others ways. Quite impulsive, despite the obsession with any new idea, it does not always have the patience to bring the follow through and it often prevents the achievement of life goals. Aversion to monotony, routine, templates and regulations. Is always in opposition to the existing order, is reluctant to compromise that principle for him, but may lose interest in the situation, if it is not resolved quickly, and switch to another.

    WINNER (F - force sensing) 18 Winner - energetic, active , agile man in practical terms. Quickly focused in critical situations. Hardy, able to overcome obstacles, not complaining about the difficulties. Characterized by violent, straightforward and uncompromising character. Is able to insist on his own. Unyielding and pragmatic, he goes to his goal no matter what. Demanding and picky, internally problematic, often quarrelsome. He lacks tact and diplomacy in dealing with others. It's pretty sharp, assertive and intolerant people. Has few friends.

    Peacemaker (R - the ethics of relations) 16 Peacemaker - tactful person who is not peculiar ambition. Peace-loving, sentimental and sensitive. Kind and compliant. Is able to smooth out misunderstandings and to maneuver in relations. He is well versed in humans and easily install the necessary distance in dealing with them. Establishes or modifies the relationship, guided by the interests of others more than his own. It's pretty forgiving of other people's weaknesses and inclined to compromise for the sake of good relations, so often abused his kindness. Suffer because of a lack of willpower, perseverance and initiative.

    PROFESSIONAL (P - business logic) 14 Professional - a good specialist, continuously improve their business competence. He is hardworking, energetic and conscientious. It can rely on throughout. Respects primarily benefit the appropriateness, quality, accuracy, and precision in the order of things. Stubborn and consistent.Because of this, it is often necessary to finish someone else's work. Trust only experience, as well as the facts and verified information. Needs a certain distance in communication, to avoid the emotional relationship to the partner. Not inclined to compromise, but can not stand the conflict, so in extreme cases can go on temporary assignment in the affairs or relations. Have difficulty in expressing their feelings, so communication may look dry or cold person.

    LOGICS (L - structural logic) 11 Logic - a person with a strong analytical thinking. Appreciates logical arguments. Tends to order around, organizing, structuring and categorization. He skillfully planning their affairs, make plans and schedules. Very patient, conscientious, scrupulous and meticulous in their work. This is - a methodical man, balanced, everything prefers to prepare in advance. He needs a quiet, private setting for reflection. Inclined all be analyzed. Do not trust assumptions not supported by facts and figures. Lives more reason, is not inclined to give in to feelings at the expense of expediency and common sense. Quite inflexible in relationships.

    epicurean (S - sensory sensations) 10 Epicurean - realistic, confident person. Configured to receive from a life all its joys and pleasures. Gourmet, esthete, not indifferent to the quality of things. This - nedemonstrativny leader. Active and energetic. Knows how to please people, carries them away. Knows what she wants and always achieves its goals through the power of will, tenacity and perseverance. In a relationship often stubborn and do not like objections. All inclined to hold as it is convenient. Do not always take into account the interests of others, but can be diplomacy and courtesy, if necessary. His power is manifested softly. Good sense of physical and material needs of others and knows how to take care of everyone. Insufficiently self-critical and does not like criticism. Not averse on occasion to emphasize its advantages. You can get a free consultation about the test results from the authors under their consultations Sotsioforume

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    I used a bunch of translators to turn this test into English. Knowing my luck this will have already been done Keep in mind that this is a liberal rewording and at various points I took it upon myself to clarify the language for an American audience(since I'm American). Ask questions or point out mistakes or possible improvements if you wish.

    You can use what's under the spoiler as a guide to follow as you go through the test or you can record your answers and then convert the A's to 1's and the B's to 2's and put them in this link in the place of my 1's and 2's.

    “Test Gulenko”

    1. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I am calm only when all [ambient] problems are resolved.
    b. Calmness is not important; I can only really live when getting new impressions.

    2. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I prefer to be able to stop and think before I do something.
    b. I prefer to dive into a situation or be in a situation where thought is not important.

    3. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I can be inflexible, but I am usually conscientious.
    b. I am very flexible, but not always reliable.

    4. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I am usually a steady worker, day in, day out.
    b. I do not usually have the need/ability to be steady in my actions, but instead my energy rises and falls periodically throughout any given period of time.

    5. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I have a steady mood, unless something obvious ruins or uplifts it.
    b. There does not need to be anything obvious for my mood to be changed: sometimes it happens for no reason at all.

    6. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. In general, I don’t have a problem with being obliged to others, and don’t mind taking their wants into account on a regular basis.
    b. In general, I have a problem with being obliged to others and prefer to organize my activities independently.

    7. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I tend to be attached to my decisions. If a good decision was made, I do not feel that it should be changed for the circumstances.
    b. I tend to easily let go of decisions if I feel they no longer fit the circumstances.

    8. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. If my mood is out of place in a situation, it is because I am usually too tense.
    b. If my mood is out of place in a situation, it is because I am usually too relaxed.

    9. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I am better at explaining things that are pointed out to me than noticing those things in the first place.
    b. I am better at noticing things and anomalies than explaining why they happen or how they work.

    10. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I don’t handle unexpected changes well.
    b. I not only find it easy to handle unexpected changes in plans, but also don’t think twice at creating them.

    11. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I have steady mental focus that makes it easy to follow a schedule.
    b. I lack the ability to focus for too long even when I need too, so following a schedule is not my natural mode of operation.

    12. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I tend to spread out effort for a project/task evenly in time.
    b. I tend to spread out effort for a project/task erratically.

    13. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I tend to be more comfortable with, and/or think of, the environment as something that should be set and then undisturbed.
    b. I tend to be more comfortable with, and/or think of, the environment as malleable to needs.

    14. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I am not, or was not at first, comfortable with multitasking. I prefer to finish one thing before I move on to the other.
    b. I’m comfortable with multitasking or grew into it easily, because I don’t need to complete something before moving to the next thing.

    15. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. My moods don’t have much effect on my work.
    b. I regularly experience inspiration or lack of it, and this affects the quality of my work.

    16. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I am dutiful and disciplined.
    b. I depend mainly on things other than duty and discipline.

    17. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I both reason and perceive, but it is clear that I have a stronger preference for reasoning via interpretations of perceptions (whether they are mine or someone else’s).
    b. I both reason and perceive, but it is clear that I have a stronger preference for interpreting what I perceive.

    18. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I prefer to make the initiative in contacting someone.
    b. I prefer to receive contact from someone absent of my initiative.

    19. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I easily open up to/around others.
    b. It is difficult for me to open up to/around others.

    20. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I tend to create a more and more expansive and diverse life.
    b. I tend to create a more and more specialized and focused life.

    21. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I create a good number of opportunities and plans.
    b. I try to limit what I’m involved in.

    22. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I don’t worry about how much energy I’m using at any one time.
    b. I keep tabs on my energy levels.

    23. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I like to lead a discussion or presentation.
    b. I like to listen to a discussion or observe a presentation.

    24. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I’m open.
    b. I’m discreet.

    25. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I work on many things at a surface level.
    b. I expand after depth is acquired.

    26. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I work most confidently in a group.
    b. I work most confidently while alone.

    27. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I use more information than I commit to memory.
    b. I commit to memory more information than I use.

    28. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. Problems concerning the world are easier to deal with than problems concerning who I am.
    b. Problems concerning who I am are easier to deal with than problems concerning the world.

    29. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I get caught up in inspiration and forget to or don’t want to stop what I’m doing.
    b. I find it easy to stop even if inspired.

    30. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I feel more myself alone than with others.
    b. I feel more myself around others than alone.

    31. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I spend more of my waking hours using energy freely if possible.
    b. I spend more of my waking hours conserving energy and relaxing if possible.

    32. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I can understand why someone else acts better than I understand why I act.
    b. I can understand why I act better than I understand why someone else acts.

    33. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I spend energy more than I save it.
    b. I save energy more than I spend it.

    34. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I have no problems talking with strangers.
    b. Speaking with strangers is a bit of an effort.

    35. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I have no problem in general with doing the work of taking care of myself.
    b. I really dislike any personal maintenance.

    36. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I simply work with my environment to get what I want.
    b. I tend to think instead of act conclusively.

    37. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I am so practical that I can get along anywhere.
    b. I am so impractical that my family has trouble with me.

    38. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. The solutions I offer are based on what is reliable and proven to work.
    b. The solutions are better in situations where there are no reliable methods.

    39. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I worry about the short term and having something in hand today.
    b. I worry about the long term and having something in hand down the road.

    40. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I trust explicit experience.
    b. I trust what is implied and assumed.

    41. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I rely more on my training and gained skills.
    b. I rely more on my ability to come up with ideas and guesses.

    42. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I perceive the capabilities and conditions of my body well.
    b. I am sunken into my own world, and much more attentive to what’s going on in my head.

    43. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I am better with things that have already been specified and brought down to earth.
    b. I am better with new concepts and ideas.

    44. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I act based on what is actual in a situation and is a realistic trajectory for the situation.
    b. I act based on what a situation could bring but is not currently on its trajectory.

    45. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I get more joy out of being physical.
    b. I get more joy out of receiving a sudden insight.

    46. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I build or variate on the old and established.
    b. I build or create the new.

    47. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I see everything going on around me.
    b. I only pay attention to what I want to focus on.

    48. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. My suggestions are likely to work because I know in a very detailed manner what I’m saying.
    b. My suggestions may or may not work.

    49. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I am better at seeing how to achieve a goal than what a goal should be.
    b. I am better at seeing what a goal should be than how to achieve it.

    50. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. If anything is not clear, I first research it or elsewise try to find out about it.
    b. If anything is not clear, I first guess.

    51. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. When talking about something, I do not omit anything because it is uninteresting and/or provocative.
    b. When talking about something, I omit tedious details and/or provocative statements.

    52. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I’m calm.
    b. I feel a lot of emotion.

    53. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior(sorry I don’t really understand this question so the essence may be off from what I’m saying):
    a. The deciding factor for me is that something makes sense.
    b. The deciding factor for me is that something is human.

    54. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior(a feeler will have to tell me a better way to say what I’m trying to say):
    a. I focus more on desired criteria and detached estimations in socially-geared behavior.
    b. I focus more on affections and feelings in socially-geared behavior.

    55. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. First, I respond in a restrained manner, attempting to think.
    b. First, I respond in an emotional manner, either internally or externally.

    56. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I focus on what’s necessary in a situation before what I feel
    b. I focus on what I feel before what’s necessary in a situation

    57. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I live more in the mind than the heart
    b. I live more in the heart than the mind

    58. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. My focus is more naturally on what is logically valid and/or useful about something.
    b. My focus is more naturally on the ethical standing/good and evil of something.

    59. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior(???):
    a. It doesn’t bother me if people are cold.
    b. It bothers me if people are cold.

    60. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. My voice is monotone/not very emotional.
    b. My voice is varying and emotional.

    61. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I react more to information being conveyed in a conversation.
    b. I react more to the tone of the speaker.

    62. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I’m better at communicating thoughts than emotions/moods.
    b. I’m better at communicating emotions/moods than thoughts.

    63. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I’m better at proving what I think than persuading someone of it.
    b. I’m better at persuading someone of what I think than proving it.

    64. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I’m more sensitive to absurdity and illogical statements.
    b. I’m more sensitive to rudeness and ingratitude.

    65. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior(awkward wording sorry):
    a. I seem to make friends with people I can trust rather than people I can feel with.
    b. I seem to make friends with people I can feel with over people I can simply trust.

    66. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. Emotions do not seem to affect me deeply.
    b. Feelings and emotions are always a part of what I do.

    67. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I like to analyze and organize more than to communicate with loved ones.
    b. I like to communicate with loved ones more than I like to analyze.

    68. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I begin by forming an analysis of the situation.
    b.I begin by establishing good relations.

    For the result, if you have chrome it will auto-translate, but if you need a translator just stick the bolded words under the blue bar(on the result page) into this website
    Ouronis thanks for the translations, they helped a lot. I do know Russian though and you did add some unnecessary things to a bunch of questions though that made things confusing. E.g. question #8:

    Your version:
    8. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. If my mood is out of place in a situation, it is because I am usually too tense.
    b. If my mood is out of place in a situation, it is because I am usually too relaxed.

    "if my mood is out of place in a situation" was not part of the choices. The actual question read:

    8. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I tend to be more tense.
    b. I tend to be more relaxed.

    That's it. Short but sweet. Your translation inadvertantly changed the question.
    Last edited by Suz; 02-18-2015 at 03:35 PM.
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    Another one ---

    Question #9
    Your version:
    9. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I am better at explaining things that are pointed out to me than noticing those things in the first place.
    b. I am better at noticing things and anomalies than explaining why they happen or how they work.

    The actual question:
    9. Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. I'm better at explaining than noticing.
    b. I'm better at noticing than explaining.

    Thats it. None of that excess prose. it changes the intent of the question.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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    Actually most of the translations are off. I dont have time to fix them all.

    Question #13:
    Choose the answer that is most similar to your general behavior:
    a. People around me consider me consistent
    b. People around me consider me flexible.

    as a side note i find this question difficult to answer because people around me consider me both.
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    Question #14:

    a. I dont start something new until i've completed the previous.
    b. I start several things at the same time.

    Question #15:
    a. Bad mood has little effect on my work
    b. I depend a lot on my internal biorhythms.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    Question #14:

    a. I dont start something new until i've completed the previous.
    b. I start several things at the same time.

    Question #15:
    a. Bad mood has little effect on my work
    b. I depend a lot on my internal biorhythms.
    I reworded several I thought were poorly composed and that I found vague.

    I have trouble answering some of these questions because they aren't specific enough for me, so I tried to compare what the question was saying to what I'd personally need to see to understand it and produce something that satisfied both conditions.
    Last edited by ouronis; 02-18-2015 at 04:14 PM.

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    1 Rationality - Irrationality 16
    9 Extroversion - Introversion 8
    2 Sensing - Intuition 15
    6 Logic - Ethics 11
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebird View Post

    Rationality-12 / Irrationality-5
    Extroversion-4 / Introversion-13
    Sensing-3 / Intuition-14
    Logic-9 / Ethics-8
    So, at best we can be confident you are Ne creative, right?

    (Edited to add: er, according to this test)
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    Got Sensory-logical extrovert, SLE

    Rationality 7 - 10 Irrationality
    Extraversion 10 - Introversion 7
    Sensory 15 - Intuition 2
    Logic 14 - Ethics 3

    Lol about the extreme ST preference and less clear preference between IJ/EP and this does describe how I am

    Btw. Translation for questions 17, 27 and 30 are wrong & Suz's suggestions for simplifying are also very good

    a. Think/reason more than perceive
    b. Perceive more than reason

    a. Use information more than save it
    b. Save information more than use it
    (better word instead of save? but the point is, the question is about using information more, not "use more information"; and vice versa)

    a. I feel more myself around others than alone.
    b. I feel more myself alone than with others.
    (was switched around)
    Last edited by Myst; 03-22-2015 at 07:34 PM.

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    Thanks for translating.

    Got that:


    6 Rationalität - Irrationalität 11
    7 Extraversion - Introversion 10
    Sensor 13 - Intuition 4
    Logic 11 - Ethik 6

    In my opinien the test is pretty good because the questions are pretty easy to answer. With most other tests i have the problem that I could choose this and that and am not so sure about my choices in general.

  17. #17


    Personality type

    Balzac (Intuitive-logical introvert, OR)

    The basic dichotomy

    Rationality 4 - The irrationality of 13
    8 Extraversion - Introversion 9
    Sensor 5 - 12 Intuition
    Logic 9 - Ethics 8

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    Personality type Maxim Gorky (Logical-sensory introvert, LSI)

    11 - Irrationality 6
    Extraversion 4 - Introvestion 13
    Sensor 9 - Intuition 8

    Logic 12 - Ethics 5

    His description doesn't fit. I'm not egalitarian. I don't act "as accepted". I'm not an authoritarian leader.
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    Socionic type of Don Quixote (Intuitive-logical extrovert, ILE)

    Basic dichotomy Rationality 6 - Irrationality 11 12 Extraversion - Introversion 5 Sensor 4 - 13 Intuition Logic 10 - Ethics 7

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    Yesenin (Intuitive-ethical, IEI)

    The basic dichotomy

    Rationality 7 - 10 Irrationality
    6 Extraversion - Introversion 11
    Sensor 1 - 16 Intuition
    Logic 1 - Ethics 16

    Written description - psychologist Elena Zamanskiy

    Yesenin often gives the impression of a man with one hand in the clouds, detached from the outside world, and with another - incredibly contact, responsive, experiencing cardiovascular and deeply. Mystery Yesenin mystery attracts many, but open Esenins elected, a small circle of close friends who are close or important volatile movements of their soul.

    Esenina can be called an idealist, a collector and Preserver of spiritual ideals of various eras. And it's ideals filled experience, a deeply personal response to place and there was once an event.

    Little things of everyday life in the perception Esenina recede into the background, and the main, fundamental, are internal, hidden currents own psychic life. In response to what is happening around the senses, from a young age experiencing profound way what is happening inside Esenins see feelings and spiritual experiences of others can recognize them by the slightest manifestations and predict.

    The least practical of all other types Esenins live completely different, not humdrum, everyday life is not all the subtleties and complexities that are available only for understanding themselves and those with whom they want to share.

    Usually Esenins easy and pleasant to communicate, they follow the customs, accepted in society, do not tend to stand out, to be seen, but always leave yourself the right to a private inner life, the right to assess people on their inner values, inner same laws of morality that Yesenin creates himself, during his lifetime, based on feelings and observations.

    Time, events and people in them - this is the domain of attraction of interest Esenina. Life drama, tragedy, comedy, farce taking place on a daily basis and there is always the very first steps of humanity, the events that connect people and keep them together, the vicissitudes of fate, the change of epochs, mentalities, the authorities - that the mixed stream of history and real life Yesenin perfectly focused . Shadows of the past will not hinder, but rather help to see the present and the future, create the background hidden meaning of existence.

    Easy detachment from reality, Yesenin loves to dive into the irrational world of dreams. Gorgeous scenes for such trips gives him arts, literature first. Following in the imagination of literary heroes, Yesenin empathizes enriches your life experience, adorns the rough reality of elegant beautiful scenes.

    Cinema, literature, art or psychology - it is a good excuse for Esenina to broaden and deepen the range of their sensory experiences. Events culture, art perceived them deeply personal, information is received, primarily the heart and imagination.

    And, of course, is of great importance, the environment in which a person develops representatives of this type, is enough appreciated in this environment, spirituality, there is an opportunity to break away from purely domestic side of life.

    Yesenin given the ability to anticipate and foresee. It is invisible in contact with the mood of society, separating them from their own. The maturing of events leading to the changes the dynamics of such events Yesenin can feel very accurately. Especially fine he perceives the approach of crises. And usually warn their relatives about it. Reports that the danger is close and it is time to act. And he knows how to avoid and bypass the trouble, not analyzing the event, and feeling them. Or, wait, wait for the right moment, then to act quickly.

    Esenins often soft, thoughtful, careful in his statements to prefer to adjust to the other without creating conflicts, confessing the principle of "live and let live." But it remains Yesenin in his opinion or in its flow of feelings and thoughts. And at the same time - an open and receptive to new information, changing their ideas if it is necessary for the situation. Willingness to change, the ability to easily change plans for the solution of urgent problems and to change the future for themselves, to enable others to their internal rhythm - it strengths Esenina.

    Most people that complete the daily life of Tim self-contemplation and a desire for self-knowledge, self-improvement. Understand yourself, the answer to the question "Who am I?" - A very important part of life Esenina. Moreover, this question arises again and again throughout their lives, and the question itself, as well as the feelings, the emotional response that this issue is more important than the precise, clear and reasonable answer definitively. It is more important to be in contact with the internal changes, feel them. A feeling mentally directed to the future, in "Beautiful far" as to the future with optimism looks Yesenin, configured to ensure that it was light. And others believe it makes a bright future, which is especially important in troubled times, when there is no clear answer to what to do here and now.

    By the actions required in certain situations, Yesenin surrounding encourages emotional impact on them. He is able to influence the mood of the people, but not words, not persuasion and emotional outburst.

    Yesenin emotes precisely the moment when they can be, and you have to be. And it is often not so much a reaction response to an event, namely an active influence. When the cry and when to laugh - in the conscious management of Esenina. Feelings will be quite sincere, but the right moment (and this may be the highest intensity of the senses, and can be a situation in which existing senses become active) Yesenin wait.

    Staying in touch with the feelings of a loved one, until the penetration into the innermost part of his inner world, or feeling emotional group Yesenin able to create the mood of people - relatives and distant. Do not hesitate showing others his feelings, it can infect the mood of others, contributing to their emotional liberation.

    We would like to mention a very important as Yesenin - the ability to take the emotional life of a loved one for what it is. And only gradually, gently and gradually try to harmonize it, to make more socially acceptable. Sam, being a man of intense emotions and a wide emotional range, Yesenin empathize feelings of others and provides spiritual and emotional support, understands and accepts the partner. And it may even justify some negative impulses, based on their internal value system, their understanding of morality and their vision of the future dynamics of change for the better in people.

    In a supportive environment, in a friendly company Yesenin sparks emotions, a lot of jokes, causing the laughter of others. He appreciates humor and is able to see the humor in everyday situations, in everyday life, eye for a lot of funny moments and loves to share them with friends, picking them up.

    The mood of the people Yesenin sees perfectly. And differs from the true social mask, the present state of mind. The communication was drawn to this state. It may encourage, inspire optimism, set to fighting mood. Despite the fact that he - nature is dreamy and lyrical, fun on all cylinders it is also typical.

    But the true feelings of Esenina for many remain a mystery, as he perfectly knows how to create an image that fits the situation and allows you to hide your mood. This happens largely because Yesenin lived intense emotional life, much of which takes place inside, and wants oberech their mysterious inner world from the encroachments from the outside.

    This world is so thin, fragile, graceful and vulnerable, that Yesenin even being in the spotlight, can selectively keep distance with not very pleasant people currently not able to accept the sublime and subtle feelings. And this invisible border at times almost impossible to overcome, if he does not want to keep off man closer. All the more so to predict the behavior of people is not difficult for Esenina.

    Esenina pronounced inclination for beauty is evident not only in his relations with people interested in art, literature and poetry, but also in an effort to look decent. The appearance and clothing in particular is of great importance for him. Clothing is also a component of the image, a reflection of the inner world and good taste. Yesenin tries to dress elegantly, and even though as things it is difficult to understand, the style is usually chosen correctly. Even fashion or norms accepted in society, Yesenin necessarily makes part of his personality.

    A lack of ability to create comfort and coziness home he is more than redeems the other - the ability to maintain emotional comfort, attention to man, tact and a wise understanding of the other.

    No less complicated for Esenina business activity. Practicality - is not his strong quality, business often depends on the mood. And Yesenin very overjoyed, if there will be a man purposeful, with business acumen, and stand firm on the basis of the material. The man who will do and instead explain how. It helps not recommendations, and concrete help. And I must say that Yesenin attracts people strong, powerful, decisive. He brings to their life optimism, the ability to create a fun atmosphere, filled with life and spirit feeling smooth conflicts and anticipate trouble. Next to such a person is able to show Yesenin the maximum foresight.

    Equally comfortable Yesenin would feel if an arbitrary course of his life will direct a strong-willed and active partner that you need, and much more desirable. Penetrating active and assertive approach to life, a legitimate right to own desires, Yesenin feel much more confident and stable. It would be better to understand their needs and find its way to implement them.

    He will do whatever is necessary for such an important and valuable person, try to be like fate was possible successfully to life was not fresh, uniform, and was filled with both spiritually and emotionally. The ability to awaken in people a spiritual principle, apply for the best in them, have to themselves, evoke sympathy, to encourage strong and beautiful deeds - this is what representatives generously endowed by nature such as Yesenin.

    * * *

    As a child Esenins are very different. From the shy, humble and obedient to the willful, capricious and audacious. Much depends on the home environment and parenting style of parents. But with the whole spectrum of emotions parents just have to meet, as long as the child develops their own feelings and experiences feelings of others strength. It combines style children Yesenin and the huge interest in everything new, great curiosity towards life. These children love to help parents who are authoritative in the eyes of a child. A small Yesenin its charm is able to melt the heart of the strict parent.

    The school Esenins usually learn well, though rarely one of them has very high ambitions with regard to knowledge. Many study diligently so as not to upset parents. Prefer humanities. Early start to get involved in literature: poetry, adventure novels and books about love.

    They have a lot of friends, socializing with peers is a great pleasure. Having fun with everyone involved in a variety of pranks, but come away with not getting penalties and accusations from the teachers. Often pets are teachers, but the relationship with his classmates because it does not spoil.

    And they themselves becoming parents behave with their children gently sympathetic to the desires of children are able to create a warm and close relationship. But see to it, that freedom does not turn into permissiveness. For foreign softness of parents hiding inner stubbornness by which they peacefully but firmly carry out their educational policies.

    Attaching great importance to the cultural values, such as Yesenin's parents seek to awaken in their children craving for beauty. They do love literature, art, music, history and create the right atmosphere at home, where it is impossible to pass by the spiritual part of life, do not touch the delicate aesthetic experience. Encourage children's interests and hobbies, are proud of their success. Many Esenins very fond of nature and instill in children the same love.

    Yesenin's often the soul of a small company. Many children still retain the friendship, carrying her through life. A gathering with friends in the company, Yesenin downright sparkles charm, tells funny stories, jokes with ease, paying attention to the funny side of events. He himself likes to chat, interesting people, their stories, news. He listens attentively and with interest, is one of those people who can lift the mood, and listen carefully to all that is in the soul.

    Attract people Esenina extraordinary, unusual, bright, capable of beautiful deeds. And while he waits for the other to take the initiative, all the conditions for its manifestation creates himself, sometimes ingeniously using small tricks.

    Yesenin - a special note that carries the entire contents of our national mentality. The value of the feelings and culture, relationship with history and tradition, a mysterious soul that can not understand Western pragmatic mind - all close and familiar to everyone who lives in Russia.

    Yesenin as is away from the beaten track to success, from the triumph of technology, rationalism of Western culture, but it does not remain in the past and is its particular way, relying on intuitive feeling, not afraid of uncertainty and change. Yesenin knows that his street will be a holiday, believe in a good future, no matter how tragic it was no past. More than any other note Socion Yesenin feel the power of our roots, depth and richness of our culture, feels their inextricable link with the traditions of Russian national spirit.

    That is almost certainly the most one-sided I've scored on Intuition & Ethics...I'm somewhat surprised, as I thought there was a realistic chance of me scoring LII. Not sure what happened there.

    I found the earlier questions especially difficult to answer. I don't especially like tests with two options per question: there should be a don't know/skip option. The test was at least sufficiently novel for me to feel able to answer it without feeling like I was gaming it in any way.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Yesenin (Intuitive-ethical, IEI)

    The basic dichotomy

    Rationality 7 - 10 Irrationality
    6 Extraversion - Introversion 11
    Sensor 1 - 16 Intuition
    Logic 1 - Ethics 16

    Written description - psychologist Elena Zamanskiy

    Yesenin often gives the impression of a man with one hand in the clouds, detached from the outside world, and with another - incredibly contact, responsive, experiencing cardiovascular and deeply. Mystery Yesenin mystery attracts many, but open Esenins elected, a small circle of close friends who are close or important volatile movements of their soul.

    Esenina can be called an idealist, a collector and Preserver of spiritual ideals of various eras. And it's ideals filled experience, a deeply personal response to place and there was once an event.

    Little things of everyday life in the perception Esenina recede into the background, and the main, fundamental, are internal, hidden currents own psychic life. In response to what is happening around the senses, from a young age experiencing profound way what is happening inside Esenins see feelings and spiritual experiences of others can recognize them by the slightest manifestations and predict.

    The least practical of all other types Esenins live completely different, not humdrum, everyday life is not all the subtleties and complexities that are available only for understanding themselves and those with whom they want to share.

    Usually Esenins easy and pleasant to communicate, they follow the customs, accepted in society, do not tend to stand out, to be seen, but always leave yourself the right to a private inner life, the right to assess people on their inner values, inner same laws of morality that Yesenin creates himself, during his lifetime, based on feelings and observations.

    Time, events and people in them - this is the domain of attraction of interest Esenina. Life drama, tragedy, comedy, farce taking place on a daily basis and there is always the very first steps of humanity, the events that connect people and keep them together, the vicissitudes of fate, the change of epochs, mentalities, the authorities - that the mixed stream of history and real life Yesenin perfectly focused . Shadows of the past will not hinder, but rather help to see the present and the future, create the background hidden meaning of existence.

    Easy detachment from reality, Yesenin loves to dive into the irrational world of dreams. Gorgeous scenes for such trips gives him arts, literature first. Following in the imagination of literary heroes, Yesenin empathizes enriches your life experience, adorns the rough reality of elegant beautiful scenes.

    Cinema, literature, art or psychology - it is a good excuse for Esenina to broaden and deepen the range of their sensory experiences. Events culture, art perceived them deeply personal, information is received, primarily the heart and imagination.

    And, of course, is of great importance, the environment in which a person develops representatives of this type, is enough appreciated in this environment, spirituality, there is an opportunity to break away from purely domestic side of life.

    Yesenin given the ability to anticipate and foresee. It is invisible in contact with the mood of society, separating them from their own. The maturing of events leading to the changes the dynamics of such events Yesenin can feel very accurately. Especially fine he perceives the approach of crises. And usually warn their relatives about it. Reports that the danger is close and it is time to act. And he knows how to avoid and bypass the trouble, not analyzing the event, and feeling them. Or, wait, wait for the right moment, then to act quickly.

    Esenins often soft, thoughtful, careful in his statements to prefer to adjust to the other without creating conflicts, confessing the principle of "live and let live." But it remains Yesenin in his opinion or in its flow of feelings and thoughts. And at the same time - an open and receptive to new information, changing their ideas if it is necessary for the situation. Willingness to change, the ability to easily change plans for the solution of urgent problems and to change the future for themselves, to enable others to their internal rhythm - it strengths Esenina.

    Most people that complete the daily life of Tim self-contemplation and a desire for self-knowledge, self-improvement. Understand yourself, the answer to the question "Who am I?" - A very important part of life Esenina. Moreover, this question arises again and again throughout their lives, and the question itself, as well as the feelings, the emotional response that this issue is more important than the precise, clear and reasonable answer definitively. It is more important to be in contact with the internal changes, feel them. A feeling mentally directed to the future, in "Beautiful far" as to the future with optimism looks Yesenin, configured to ensure that it was light. And others believe it makes a bright future, which is especially important in troubled times, when there is no clear answer to what to do here and now.

    By the actions required in certain situations, Yesenin surrounding encourages emotional impact on them. He is able to influence the mood of the people, but not words, not persuasion and emotional outburst.

    Yesenin emotes precisely the moment when they can be, and you have to be. And it is often not so much a reaction response to an event, namely an active influence. When the cry and when to laugh - in the conscious management of Esenina. Feelings will be quite sincere, but the right moment (and this may be the highest intensity of the senses, and can be a situation in which existing senses become active) Yesenin wait.

    Staying in touch with the feelings of a loved one, until the penetration into the innermost part of his inner world, or feeling emotional group Yesenin able to create the mood of people - relatives and distant. Do not hesitate showing others his feelings, it can infect the mood of others, contributing to their emotional liberation.

    We would like to mention a very important as Yesenin - the ability to take the emotional life of a loved one for what it is. And only gradually, gently and gradually try to harmonize it, to make more socially acceptable. Sam, being a man of intense emotions and a wide emotional range, Yesenin empathize feelings of others and provides spiritual and emotional support, understands and accepts the partner. And it may even justify some negative impulses, based on their internal value system, their understanding of morality and their vision of the future dynamics of change for the better in people.

    In a supportive environment, in a friendly company Yesenin sparks emotions, a lot of jokes, causing the laughter of others. He appreciates humor and is able to see the humor in everyday situations, in everyday life, eye for a lot of funny moments and loves to share them with friends, picking them up.

    The mood of the people Yesenin sees perfectly. And differs from the true social mask, the present state of mind. The communication was drawn to this state. It may encourage, inspire optimism, set to fighting mood. Despite the fact that he - nature is dreamy and lyrical, fun on all cylinders it is also typical.

    But the true feelings of Esenina for many remain a mystery, as he perfectly knows how to create an image that fits the situation and allows you to hide your mood. This happens largely because Yesenin lived intense emotional life, much of which takes place inside, and wants oberech their mysterious inner world from the encroachments from the outside.

    This world is so thin, fragile, graceful and vulnerable, that Yesenin even being in the spotlight, can selectively keep distance with not very pleasant people currently not able to accept the sublime and subtle feelings. And this invisible border at times almost impossible to overcome, if he does not want to keep off man closer. All the more so to predict the behavior of people is not difficult for Esenina.

    Esenina pronounced inclination for beauty is evident not only in his relations with people interested in art, literature and poetry, but also in an effort to look decent. The appearance and clothing in particular is of great importance for him. Clothing is also a component of the image, a reflection of the inner world and good taste. Yesenin tries to dress elegantly, and even though as things it is difficult to understand, the style is usually chosen correctly. Even fashion or norms accepted in society, Yesenin necessarily makes part of his personality.

    A lack of ability to create comfort and coziness home he is more than redeems the other - the ability to maintain emotional comfort, attention to man, tact and a wise understanding of the other.

    No less complicated for Esenina business activity. Practicality - is not his strong quality, business often depends on the mood. And Yesenin very overjoyed, if there will be a man purposeful, with business acumen, and stand firm on the basis of the material. The man who will do and instead explain how. It helps not recommendations, and concrete help. And I must say that Yesenin attracts people strong, powerful, decisive. He brings to their life optimism, the ability to create a fun atmosphere, filled with life and spirit feeling smooth conflicts and anticipate trouble. Next to such a person is able to show Yesenin the maximum foresight.

    Equally comfortable Yesenin would feel if an arbitrary course of his life will direct a strong-willed and active partner that you need, and much more desirable. Penetrating active and assertive approach to life, a legitimate right to own desires, Yesenin feel much more confident and stable. It would be better to understand their needs and find its way to implement them.

    He will do whatever is necessary for such an important and valuable person, try to be like fate was possible successfully to life was not fresh, uniform, and was filled with both spiritually and emotionally. The ability to awaken in people a spiritual principle, apply for the best in them, have to themselves, evoke sympathy, to encourage strong and beautiful deeds - this is what representatives generously endowed by nature such as Yesenin.

    * * *

    As a child Esenins are very different. From the shy, humble and obedient to the willful, capricious and audacious. Much depends on the home environment and parenting style of parents. But with the whole spectrum of emotions parents just have to meet, as long as the child develops their own feelings and experiences feelings of others strength. It combines style children Yesenin and the huge interest in everything new, great curiosity towards life. These children love to help parents who are authoritative in the eyes of a child. A small Yesenin its charm is able to melt the heart of the strict parent.

    The school Esenins usually learn well, though rarely one of them has very high ambitions with regard to knowledge. Many study diligently so as not to upset parents. Prefer humanities. Early start to get involved in literature: poetry, adventure novels and books about love.

    They have a lot of friends, socializing with peers is a great pleasure. Having fun with everyone involved in a variety of pranks, but come away with not getting penalties and accusations from the teachers. Often pets are teachers, but the relationship with his classmates because it does not spoil.

    And they themselves becoming parents behave with their children gently sympathetic to the desires of children are able to create a warm and close relationship. But see to it, that freedom does not turn into permissiveness. For foreign softness of parents hiding inner stubbornness by which they peacefully but firmly carry out their educational policies.

    Attaching great importance to the cultural values, such as Yesenin's parents seek to awaken in their children craving for beauty. They do love literature, art, music, history and create the right atmosphere at home, where it is impossible to pass by the spiritual part of life, do not touch the delicate aesthetic experience. Encourage children's interests and hobbies, are proud of their success. Many Esenins very fond of nature and instill in children the same love.

    Yesenin's often the soul of a small company. Many children still retain the friendship, carrying her through life. A gathering with friends in the company, Yesenin downright sparkles charm, tells funny stories, jokes with ease, paying attention to the funny side of events. He himself likes to chat, interesting people, their stories, news. He listens attentively and with interest, is one of those people who can lift the mood, and listen carefully to all that is in the soul.

    Attract people Esenina extraordinary, unusual, bright, capable of beautiful deeds. And while he waits for the other to take the initiative, all the conditions for its manifestation creates himself, sometimes ingeniously using small tricks.

    Yesenin - a special note that carries the entire contents of our national mentality. The value of the feelings and culture, relationship with history and tradition, a mysterious soul that can not understand Western pragmatic mind - all close and familiar to everyone who lives in Russia.

    Yesenin as is away from the beaten track to success, from the triumph of technology, rationalism of Western culture, but it does not remain in the past and is its particular way, relying on intuitive feeling, not afraid of uncertainty and change. Yesenin knows that his street will be a holiday, believe in a good future, no matter how tragic it was no past. More than any other note Socion Yesenin feel the power of our roots, depth and richness of our culture, feels their inextricable link with the traditions of Russian national spirit.

    That is almost certainly the most one-sided I've scored on Intuition & Ethics...I'm somewhat surprised, as I thought there was a realistic chance of me scoring LII. Not sure what happened there.

    I found the earlier questions especially difficult to answer. I don't especially like tests with two options per question: there should be a don't know/skip option. The test was at least sufficiently novel for me to feel able to answer it without feeling like I was gaming it in any way.
    True, I think multiple choice questions about personality can be done badly. Say if you had 3 or 4 choices born because nobody agreed with the first two, those extra choices have a good chance of being a prima facie good choice, but the result of picking that can lead to a totally wrong conclusion. More so than if the test maker had 3 or 4 choices in mind when they began. At the same time, if it only has 2 choices, there may not be an efficient decision so you also communicate unintentional information. But too many skips and strength of your answers is shit. So it really does fall back on the theory behind the test to get the questions right in the first place. If you can't answer a test question, it's because the theory is bad or that its quality is indeterminate but properties of the theory make simplifying it misleading at best.
    Last edited by ouronis; 07-11-2015 at 05:02 PM.

  22. #22
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    Personality type Yesenin (Intuitive-ethical, IEI)

    Basic dichotomy

    Rationality 4 - Irrationality 13
    Extraversion 8 - Introversion 9
    Sensor 1 - Intuition 16
    Logic 3 - Ethics 14

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    Personality type Robespierre (Logical-intuitive introvert, LII)

    Basic dichotomy

    Rationality 10 - Irrationality 7
    Extraversion 4 - Introversion 13
    Sensor 5 - 12 Intuition
    Logic 13 - Ethics 4

    I dislike basic dichotomy tests, but at least in Socionics, they typically give me the type I have prescribed to myself.

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    Socionic type of Maxim Gorky (Logical-sensory introvert, LSI)

    Basic dichotomy

    Rationality 13 - irrationality 4
    Extraversion 6 - Introversion 11
    Sensor 15 - Intuition 2
    Logic 13 - Ethics 4

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    Huxley (Intuitive-ethical extrovert, IEE)
    Rationality 2 - Irrationality 15
    Extroversion 10 - Introversion 7
    Sensory 4 - Intuition 13
    Logic 6 - Ethics 11

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    Hugo (Ethical-sensory extrovert, ESE)

    Rationality 12
    Irrationality 5

    Extroversion 9
    Introversion 8

    Sensory 11
    Intuition 6

    Logic 7
    Ethics 10

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    I answered the extroversion questions having to do with expending energy in the positive because I was thinking about the stuff I put on my plate everyday which is funny because I was avoiding all that for a bit and recharging energy by sitting here talking this test.

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    smh alphas

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    Бальзак (Интуитивно-логический интроверт, ИЛИ)

    Основные дихотомии

    Рациональность 5 - Иррациональность 12
    Экстраверсия 5 - Интроверсия 12
    Сенсорика 7 - Интуиция 10
    Логика 16 - Этика 1

    ^ Left the moon-speak so you can check it yourself.

    Balzac (Intuitive-logical introvert, OR)

    Basic dichotomies

    Rationality 5 - Irrationality 12
    Extroversion 5 - Introversion 12
    Sensorika 7 - Intuition 10
    Logic 16 - Ethics 1

  30. #30
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    Overwhelming Introvert , Sensorily deprived, Logical-identifying feeler, ... seems about right. Now the question is... what da fuq is my subtype

    Dostoevsky (Ethical-intuitive introvert, EII)

    Basic dichotomies

    Rationality 10 - Irrationality 7
    Extroversion 2 - Introversion 15
    Sensorika 5 - Intuition 12
    Logic 7 - Ethics 10

    The humanist (the Americans "The Foreteller") is convinced that the world is ruled by kindness.

    These people are characterized by altruism, empathy, kindness, empathy. They tend to enjoy the joy of friends. They are the "waistcoat" in which a person close to them can always cry. Very fond of children; there are good psychologists, especially children. They are characterized by increased vulnerability and sensitivity, because of which, at a distant psychological distance, they are indecisive and not demonstrative. They do not like disputes and conflicts. Have a high degree of vision and insight. Sometimes such people can be found among teachers - especially humanitarian disciplines and literature (they are very poetic, like metaphors, have a lot of imagination), but more often they are found among doctors, especially pediatricians, and workers in preschool institutions. They have the gift of a doctor from nature, besides - soft and tolerant people. They can not repulse aggression or expansion - in such cases they are usually either suspended or subordinated. In matters of principle, they defend their position to the end. They need a smart business partner, for whom "like a stone wall." They do not follow their comfort, they do not care about their health. But they are very caring in these matters in relation to others. Possess the weakest of all psychological types of internal energy, because of what can often hurt. They are inclined to criticize others for manifestations of excessive emotionality, they themselves show it only at a very close psychological distance. They strive for harmony of human relationships. With pleasure they are engaged in self-education. They have talents in the field of literature and psychology. They are able to remarkably control time - right up to an accurate time definition without a clock. They know how to normalize work. Sphere of professions: humanitarian-theoretical, culture, literature; psychotherapy (especially diagnostics), humanitarian education, literary criticism, journalism.

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    Have done this one before, but didn't see this thread with the alternative translation.

    Balzac (Intuitive-logical introvert, OR)
    Main dichotomies Rationality 8 - Irrationality 9 Extraversion 5 - Introversion 12 Sensory 1 - Intuition 16 Logic 13 - Ethics 4

    Rational/Irrational dichotomy is obviously contested. Personally I relate more to being a Dynamic type than a Static one. I was surprised at how big the difference was between Logic and Ethics, I assumed that would have actually been closer than otherwise.

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    Gabin (Sensory-logical introvert, SLI)

    Rationality 6 - Irrationality 11

    Extraversion 8 - Introversion 9

    Sensory 11 - Intuition 6

    Logic 11 - Ethics 6

    Even in SHS's website test I usually get SLI
    Souls know their way back home

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    Lol. I'm really going through an introverted phase (but never been too extroverted in any case).

    Socionic type

    Balzac (Intuitive-logical introvert, OR)

    Basic dichotomies

    Rationality 7 - Irrationality 10
    Extroversion 3 - Introversion 14
    Sensory 4 - Intuition 13
    Logic 9 - Ethics 8
    Then, the angel asked her what her name was. She said: "I have none"

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    Socionic type

    Dostoevsky (Ethical Intuitive Introvert, EII)

    Main dichotomies

    Rationality 10 - Irrationality 7
    Extroversion 4 - Introversion 13
    Sensorics 4 - Intuition 13
    Logic 5 - Ethics 12

  35. #35
    in dire need of needing life Fransiskus's Avatar
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    Socionic type

    Don Quixote ( Intuitive-logical extrovert, ILE )

    The main dichotomy

    Rationality 3 - Irrationality 14
    Extroversion 9 - Introversion 8
    Sensorica 2 - Intuition 15
    Logic 11 - Ethics 6

    I've done this test before, but with google translate.
    The E/I dichotomies are really close here, Logic/Ethics comes in second.

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    Zhukov (Sensory-logical extravert, SLE)
    Main dichotomies
    Rationality 6 - Irrationality 11
    Extraversion 14 - Introversion 3
    Sensory 12 - Intuition 5
    Logic 12 - Ethics 5


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