I'm a pretty lazy secondary school "at home" student. I have an idea for those who can't learn socionics on an official teaching place. Many would want and can't...

I think of a socionic virtual school. There would be "at home" students to which we'd provide high quality documentation, who can do exercices and tests (and eventually be certified), and ask teachers for help.

Let's do an analogy : I'm student on an organisation called CNED (Centre National d'Enseignement à Distance). When I subscribed to that school, I recieved :

1. Course Manuals of French, English, German, History-Geography, Mathematics, Management of Organisations, Information & Communication, Information & Administration. They contain courses and exercices.

2. Test Manuals of the same subjects ; they total approximately 50 tests. I'm supposed to write those tests and send them via mail or internet (I chose internet) and to receive them back when corrected, with marking.

Let's suppose there is a school called "Remote School of Socionics" :

1. The student connects to the internet, visit the School's website, and subscribes.

2. The student will be able to download or read some sort of socionic documentation (in higher quality than those on socionic websites, though). This documentation will be ordered in easy-to-read modules. They shouldn't take more than 30 minutes each to read. There could be a rich and well-varied documentation with easy-to-read text, tables, pictures, videos, etc.

3. The student can do further, some exercices. They could be corrected automatically by a program or manually by a teacher.

4. When he reaches a sufficient level to do tests, he can choose to do them. They could be less numerous (like only 4-5) but longer to do.

These courses can either be free or be paid with a little fee. (A way to open a marketplace and make money ?)