Sometimes PoLR is described as a "big zero" in a person's awareness and behavior...a weakness, an aversion. I wonder if this is the whole story. I have come to notice that sometimes people use their PoLR function in a way that is actually quite noticeable (and even useful and important), especially when in situations that bring out this function. Rather than it showing up as a "big zero," I suspect that it may show up more as a stagnant emphasis, a sort of crutch. In a way, it may be linked to the hidden-agenda function as a sort of "reflection." This tendency may be stronger in some people than in others. I'm curious if anyone else has noticed this.

Here are some possible examples of what I mean:

Te PoLR may involve a hardness used to repel people one doesn't want to talk to. I've noticed this in some IFp types; if they really don't want contact with someone, they put on a sort of "chip on the shoulder" affect that's sort of like simulated Te without the actual logic part. This serves a function to keep away certain people.

Ti PoLR may involve a tendency to focus on what's authoritative; to listen only to authoritative sources; to consider only the most "correct" theory. Here's a good example of how the PoLR may be a certain kind of strength; for example, an ENFp may be better at focusing on the question (and explaining) "what is classical Socionics" than an INTj, whose advanced investigations are more likely to confuse people and quickly lead away from classical Socionics. ENFp's strength here comes precisely from the need to restrict him/herself (in Ti matters) to what is standard or clearly applicable.

Fi PoLR may involve a constantly ironic or sarcastic quality. For example, ETp types may have about them a constant emotion of playful irony.

Fe PoLR may involve a fixed emotion of steadiness, an emotion of objectivity, a constant sweetness, a fixed smile. In ILI, this may show up as putting on a "literary quality" or even playing the role of a highly negative version of an SEI. In this way, the ILI artist makes him/herself relevant to issues involving people's emotions, and disguising his/her highly calculating approach to life.

Ne PoLR may involve an impression (to others at least) of constant openness to inventions and new ideas.

Ni PoLR may involve a strong believing quality, a state of very strong, unshakable conviction.

Se PoLR may involve a constant sense of determination, a constant confidence, a fiery quality. LII types may exude a strong "constant" confidence to make up for the "lack of Se."

Si role or PoLR may involve a constant default awareness of a sort of steady "atmosphere"; a blank slate, a palette, a sense eternity, a respect for nature.

One corollary of this is the possibility of a sort of "confict-duality" effect; that is, in stressing one's super-ego-block functions, one appears outwardly similar to one's conflict type (and naturally guides these functions in part through the id block); in this way, the conflict type becomes a sort of "secondary dual."