Some of you that are more adept at typing others please help me here.

I've been here for a while, reading this and that, and trying to make sense of how all this works. Quite honestly it's a swirl of information that I'm trying to assemble in my head into something rational that I can use.

I think that something that may help me to understand better how Socionics works is to make a more earnest attempt to type the people I interact with and pay close attention to their actions and the intertype relations that occur between us all.

Consequently, I find I am in need of a fairly-reliable, yet quick, method of typing others around me. I won't always have the luxury of being able to interact for long periods of time to help with the typing, so this needs to be done quickly, and it needs to be somewhat accurate in order to reduce error.

What are some of the methods that you use to type others around you? Is there a set of questions you ask them or yourself to help you find out their type, or even a set of "tell-tale" behaviors or actions that are dead giveaways?