I think it's time for me to reconsider my type again. Not that I'm convinced that I'm an ESFP or anything, but I'll at least considered it. Hugo made a good point that I seemed to relate more with the ESFP description than the ISTP description. I'll post the descriptions from socionics.com and bold the parts of the two that I think relate to me.

Quote Originally Posted by socionics.com
ESFps usually have a smooth oval facial structure, which is mainly free of projections with the exception of the nose, which can be quite large. Their eyes normally show great alertness and seem to be constantly in motion. They seem to slide over people and objects creating the impression that ESFps are trying to better sense their surroundings. The eyes themselves are almost never deeply set.

The lower part of ESFps faces often seems heavy. When walking or moving some ESFps may create the impression that they are walking through water. Ironically this applies mainly to more slender ESFps. Their larger, heavier counterparts are usually far more agile and nimble.

--> (By the way, this has to do with the body movements I described before. Manny Ramirez is an example of this and it's another reason for me not to think ESFP).

ESFps usually wear original, brightly coloured, eye-catching clothes and accessories in order to attract attention to themselves. This is especially applicable to females. They are often influenced by the latest fashions, but will not wear something if they feel it will not suit them.

ESFps often react with aggression and hostility when others try to impose rules, limits or discipline on them. They also become very irritated when criticised for their caprices or illogical behaviour. They become equally irritated if someone attempts to question their behaviour or prove their irrationality.

When interacting with others, ESFps openly demonstrate their real feelings towards others. However their feelings are very flexible and changeable. For example, after an argument that would end most relationships they may, after sometime, apologise and then behave as if nothing ever happened.

In moments of depression, which are not so rare, ESFps like to complain to others that they are not as people think they are and that this is the reason they are often misunderstood. In situations such as these their eyes can become glazed and distant.

In company ESFps like to provoke positive emotions in others. However they do not like to entertain people by themselves, but will willingly sustain an easy atmosphere. ESFps are normally very talkative and sociable. They often talk about many different subjects. This is one of the reasons their telephones are constantly in use.

ESFps know well how to manipulate people's feelings. They have no difficulty attracting attention to themselves if they require it and they do this openly and without embarrassment. ESFps have an ability to transfer their mood to others, especially at home. If they feel bad, everybody feels bad and vice versa. When in good humour they can behave very unpredictably.

ESFps often have a wide circle of acquaintances. They usually experience difficulties in ending unwanted relationships, and therefore this circle constantly enlarges. ESFps are very realistic people. If a project is unrealistic from their point of view, they will not participate in it. ESFps always try to solve their problems head on, attacking them as soon as they arise. They always look for immediate returns in their projects and in their work. If this does not happen they can loose their desire to continue on the same path.

ESFps find it difficult to do the same thing over a long period of time. They constantly look for challenges. Regardless of their mood they always find something interesting to do. In day to day matters ESFps can be forgetful and careless. They may forget to switch off home appliances etc. When cooking a dish that requires constant supervision, they can often neglect and ruin it. ESFps often demonstrate affection for pets, however they rarely keep them at home, considering this to be unhygienic.
Quote Originally Posted by socionics.com
ISTps normally have a very characteristic passionless facial expression, indeed their whole appearance shows a lack of emotion which may be interpreted as calmness, mystery or inaccessibility. Some ISTps hide their lack of emotion behind the slightly artificial smile of a person who is seeking sensible pleasures. Their facial expressions often show scepticism or mistrust. Their faces are usually oval in shape and get more narrow towards the bottom, however more square faces are not rare.

Their mouth line is often calm, straight and turned slightly downwards at the corners. ISTps have a characteristic one sided smile which when combined with their scepticism can sometimes be interpreted as self-satisfaction. Their teeth are often of equal width and their mouth is usually kept tightly shut even when relaxed. ISTps also have a characteristic springy gait with the knees slightly bent giving them a characteristic surreptitious walk. In many cases ISTps have athletic physical structures. ISTps prefer informal or sporty style clothes which look more comfortable than aesthetic. Clothes usually fit ISTps well.

ISTps are quite sceptical in their evaluations and even more stubborn in their opinions. Often even before the conversation has begun, ISTps opinion is already firm and non-negotiable. Debates with ISTps can go on forever. Even if ISTps seem to agree with you, their opinion is unlikely to alter. ISTps have difficulty in controlling their emotions. When they do loose control, they may become biting, rough and excited, raising their voice and gesticulating fervently. ISTps also like consonant sounds which can make their speech slightly rough and resonant.

ISTps never share their feelings with people they do not know well and will hardly ever share them with their friends. They try to avoid people who make too much effort to get inside their emotional world. They appreciate a spiritual balance very much and therefore they can be interested in all sorts of meditations, etc. Generally ISTps do not like shaking hands, hugging and similar forms of greeting. When outside their territory, ISTps may openly ignore people that they have met before.

Whatever ISTps do, they try to extract a practical use from it. They are definitely not the type who will work powered only by enthusiasm. They may seem a little slow to start new work, but once they are in motion they will try to achieve the maximum possible return. They are very practical people.

ISTps demand complete independence. They only allow people to get close up to a certain point, where they are still out of the range from outside influence. ISTps value their friends and friendships very much. ISTps actively seek excitement and thrive on the rush of adrenaline.

ISTps have their own convictions that they will usually follow, even if they are different from common norms and moralities. This may give the impression that ISTps are not interested in other peoples opinions of them. ISTps also have a great deal of persistence which probably comes from their stubbornness giving them a reputation as obstinate, rebellious people and even delinquents when young.