Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
Rather, Eagle Scout:

Still, I don't get straight answers on what makes INFj, INTj, ENFp, ENTp different from each other.
I'd give you the temperament thread link, but I ceased to exist. Both EP and IJ are static types (Reinin dichotomy), so I can hardly relate, but I can give you a very general description.

ENxp like change or at least they can cope well with it. They don't like to concentrate on one thing for long. Some say that dominants are the worst at staying put and concentrating on one thing. Their moods change rapidly - true for both ENTp and ENFp. ENxp see the world as a stagnant place and try to break free from the boring routine that they see everywhere around them. Usually I tend to (mis)type all sorts of rebels as EP. Somewhat rapid and disjunct mannerisms.

INxj like things to stay as they are. Like Expat wrote a long time ago, they see the world as a stagnant place and they like it that way. Not likely to become rebels IMO . They really hate it when they are forced to confront people - they hate being pushed around. (everyone does, but they feel smothered, cornered, agitated). Somewhat slow and calm mannerisms.