This is a post I had saved on my computer before the threads were deleted

I was talking a while back with Sarah about subtypes and ENTps and comparing Qwerty and myself. She said my vibe seems to be more "active" and my statements appear more active while Qwerty's seem more chilled-out. She envisioned Qwerty as having a faraway look in his eyes. She said the way I come across is similar to the way Nicholas Cage comes across, who is an ENTp-T. When I thought about him it just clicked and seems to make sense. I looked at some of my pictures and it seems to match his vibe. Then it made me think of some other ENTps I would consider T subs and they have the same vibe.

Take a look at the similarity in vibe of each subtype.

ENTp T subs:

Here's Nicholas Cage:

Michael McDonald from MadTV:

Jon Stewart:

Albert Einstein:

Wheras here are some ENTp-Ns:

Here are some people Sarah typed as ENTp-N:

Bill Murray:
Charlie Sheen:

And here’s some I think are ENTp-N:

Norm MacDonald: