I am debating with myself yet again.

Ok, now I am wondering if I am more ENTp or INTj ...

I think I have debated before about this, but I am doing it again because it has been a while.

Another reason is that I have been told by my family that I am sort of "middle-of-road" when it comes to extroversion and introversion like my mother.

In many ways I am like an extrovert ...
-I feel comfortable in crowds.
-I rely on the positive emotions of others to give me motivation
-I actually like speaking in front of hugh numbers of people and feel comfortable [though sometimes nervous] doing so.
-I take the initiative
-I can often be the first person to initiate contact with a stranger
-I like to do many task at once and the quality of one task is not always up to par
-I activelly involve other people with any problems that I might have and I seek out the advice of other people I respect and admire.

In other ways I am like an introvert
-I do not have many friends and I spend alot of time alone
-I do not always take advantage of opportunities to be social
-Sometimes I get caught up in my own thoughts and tune out everything around me
-I have never asked a girl to do anything with me in my life, I have only been involved with girls who display or appear to display immediate high interest. Everything I have done with girls was circumstanial and we would have gone together to the same place anyways.

There are also some weird things I do that can be either extroverted or introverted
- I do not like talking on the phone, I like to talk with people in person
- I do not become close with just anyone, only people who are like-minded and actually understand the way I think and can hold an intellectual discussion with me. I talk with other people, but the conversations get bland and boring.
-Sometimes I do get drained after long periods of socialization with certain people, but other people just flat out motivate me.

Now, I am asking what anyone else thinks ... it is sort of hard to tell over the internet, but we can do our best I suppose.