I worked for an Illusionary ESTP manager once at a very simple job during a period of underemployment. Oh man my customers were so look happy and said so, but he was always bitching and saying he doubted I could do the job. He couldn't cite anything specific though because the fact was my work was sufficient enough. I only got positive feedback from customers and improved their moods too. Meanwhile the INFp there, who I otherwise liked working with well enough, would leave these horrible messes everywhere in the workplace for customers to see while her dual acted as if she could do no wrong. Then I had to clean up and create a little So pleasantness so I wasn't feeling too bad in my body to work. He is the only person who ever fired me and he stated no reason, making the INFP do it for him. His general department reminded me of a 3rd world gangster.

Naturally I choose Activity relation over Illusionary.