I have multiple questions

(1) how do LIIs (and LSI) handle the constant presence of Fe-leads? In particular ESEs. As introverts don't they get exhausted or irritated after some time?

I'm asking because my project partner is ESE. At first we only saw each other once a week for a few hours and she held herself back because we didn't know each other well. Actually she still knows nothing about me but now that I tried to smile and nod politely when she's talking she feels like we're friends or something. She expects me to react of everything she says and it's wearing me out. Which leads me to...

(2) how do I tell an ESE politely to leave me alone (and that bus rides are not for chatting)?

We see each other more often now to finish the project. She constantly tries to show how clever she is (just ESE thing) and how much fun she is having. I don't care. I just don't want to piss her off. (partly because I don't want to be an asshole and partly because we still have to work together smootly for a few weeks)

(3) How do I tell an EIE politely that I can't listen to her complaints and grievances all the time.

I don't want to hurt her or invalidate her feelings but sometimes I feel like she's at war with the world and expects my support. I've already been at this point and it didn't go well. She'll see my lack of concern as an insult eventually. I don't want to put a strain on our relationship but at the moment I'm out of options and I don't want to adjust my behavior on my own expense to make her happy.
At least not all the time. I can accept that compromises are necessary.