A thread about IEI manipulation and Zero anecdotes thus far? Shame on you thread.

So I was playing Poker at Ds house. We had a big group that night. M, K, P, and me all showed up. We were the usual. B, B2, U and J played too. This was rare for any of them. And lastly S was there with his girlfriend A and her friend C. A & C were super fine and that's all that's really relevant to this story.

So we got like 12 people inside this little ass side room sitting around a poker table. I realize everyone still has on their sweaters, but it's viscerally uncomfortable enough in the room no one is noticing or comfortable enough to take off their sweater. It's also getting hot from so much body heat.

So. I have an idea. I take off my sweatshirt and my top shirt. A couple minutes go by and I say, you guys are crazy. How does everyone one of you still have your layers on, aren't you hot? And that's that.
A and C seem to ring it over in their head until it occurs to them that they're sweating bullets. They take off their sweaters and cleavage galore. Boobies all popping out. Everybody is super close because of the room.

Half the room looks at me like I'm the Messiah. I leaned over and said that's how you win a battle.

The game presses on. The girls can feel the stares and they're getting thrown off, the guys are starting and getting thrown off, and everyone is playing terribly until it's just me and S left. I say split the pot? We agree and I whisper, that's how you win the war. S is IEI too, he knew what was going on.

And that's how we both came up a hundred bucks.