I think my ESTP friend is going through a depressive episode . Basically he's become quiet and withdrawn, says that he's begun drinking alone, and doesn't want to do much more than "stick fight" (a type of martial arts which consists of bruising and beating the crap out of one another with wooden sticks). I also asked him how he was doing and he simply said "surviving." Granted we're not close friends, so there probably isn't much I can do, but if there is, what can I do? Based on what I know about ESTPs, they're very self-reliant and reluctant to accept help, so even if I could do something I don't think he'd want me to.
My questions are these: do ESTPs often find themselves experiencing depression? Are ESTPs usually good at pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and getting out of depressive episodes like this? I've always thought so, but maybe my friend is a different story.