Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
The relations where you have a small support are bad.
"expect things from him, which he wouldn't be able to fulfill"

> I expected silly things like him replying me quickly, to prioritize me, etc. Kind of unrealistic expectations

That you perceive your relations as self-centered is bad trait too. It's more like you in the center where the other should to serve your needs. In good relations you lesser think by own needs, but more by the needs of both. If there is no quick reply, then it's not comfortable for him do so - you accept this with compassion. While to "prioritize" you should have closer and more sincere relations, while you seem to be pals, not friends which have serious soul's attraction.
Your IR may be different, but your relations as they are - not good.

I don't know..if this was a romantic interest this would strike my insecurities. However, being the age and stage I am now I wouldn't let it bother me that much, still something would be very *wrong* if I found a romantic interest not responding to me with a generally quick reply (within a couple hours). Compassion isn't free.