Hi everyone.

In this thread you can talk about when, how and why your "Socionics Life" began.

Personally, after 2/3 months spent on MBTI "theory", I was quite tired of it, in the sense that I had too little info to decide whether I was INTP or INTJ. Stereotypes made it even harder, so I started to look for something different. I went to the MBTI Wikipedia page and looked at the "See also" section. Among all the acronyms, what attracted me more was the word "Socionics", which is kind of what I was looking for. As soon as I opened the page, I got so excited to see a lot of new words (Model A, Information Elements, Intertype Relationships). I was like "I can't wait to learn all of this". It was March 4th 2016 or, at least, that's the day when I took my first Socionics test.

Share your experiences!