Many newbies might find it hard to get started with the Socionics at first so I am here to sum it up a bit to get to the juicy stuff. So there is Thinking, Feeling, Sensing and intuition. In Socionics there is Efficiency and Logic which are the two Thinking elements, Expression and Relation which are the two Feeling elements, Sensing and Force which are the two Sensing elements and Intuition and Time which are the two Intuition elements. What really differ the two from each element is that one is applied internally and one is the objective thing, for example Sensation is what the person receive with their senses which can only be experienced by the individual person and force is that which is happening in the sensing world.

Thinking and Feeling elements are making Judgements so there some classification going on within these, Sensing and Intuition is Perception and are dealing with what is there or not.

Each of these elements have an additional dimension to them which is spin. There are 16 variation in total of elements with spin, all the 8 elements and a positive or negative spin on each. If a person lead with a positive spin of Sensation than this person will avoid all negative sensations, smells etc, and only to highest degree focus on the positive ones, scents. If negative spin however than the person will have less of a good/bad relation to sensations and find that he or she can thrive on the negative side of this element.

Visual Identification of type is heavily based in pattern recognition. Until you have observed enough to have pattern recognition of time, sensing or other element of perception, you can not rely on VI. In terms of time it can be that a person wears a specific type of clock, share interest and other factors that is based in the time we are living match up with two other persons you know or so. Than you can start making connections between them and may and may not link it to type. Other factors or sensation would be how the person is moving or what flavour they enjoy. In pattern recognition really there is no need for initial logic to match up and the patterns can seem to be out of place and not relevant. To some degree most, if not all, people do not have brains to understand everything there is about people and their motivations.

Model A is the ruling model where you put these elements. Each type got 8 functions and each function got a description. It rely on the fact that each individual have use of all the 8 functions. There is one which are described as ignoring and that is since the leading function take all the glory. There is the hierarchy of dimension in the elements. 4D Is the benchmark of excellence.

Areas to lookup: Quadras, Clock of Socion, Model A.