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Thread: ETHICS - How socionics should be applied in real life

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    Lao Tzunami's Avatar
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    Default ETHICS - How socionics should be applied in real life

    This thread is dedicated to how we should apply socionics in real life. I have never seen any attempt to develop a working ethic, which is a vital part of every philosophy. Here are a list of questions I feel are important and my answers. If you disagree with any of these, or have you own questions, I invite you to share your own list.

    1. Are all the types necessary?
    - Yes.

    The world is infinitely more complex than any person can understand. To be functional, every person must focus their attention on a section of reality that is simple enough to work with. Once a person focuses their attention, they create unconscious blind spots. Problems attack us from every angle, regardless of if we are prepared for them. Our weaknesses are vulnerable when we are alone, but in society, potentially, we use our strengths to cover for each other.

    What types, besides identity, are the most similar? Mirror? Quasi-Identical? Kindred? Business? Duality? Mirage? Benefit? Conversely, which types are the most different? Conflict? Super Ego? Extinguishment? Duality? Mirage? Business? Benefit? Wait, some of those types are on both lists. As I have thought about this, I have realized that I have something in common and in opposition to every type in the abstract. If you try this exercise honestly, you will eventually put most, if not all types on both lists. They will all be different and similar but not in the same ways, and you will not be able to say which type is the true opposite.

    So if every type has a unique perspective, and not type can fully take on another type's social mission, society needs all types, and missing any would leave a society critically weakened and disabled.

    2. Are all the type equal?
    - Ultimately yes. Situationally maybe.

    If you accept my first point, that all types are necessary, the implication is that eliminating any type (if such a thing was possible) would lead to the collapse of society. If you keep this conviction in mind, you can see even the people that annoy you and you want nothing to do with are serving a vital purpose. Killing them harms yourself.

    A metaphor I have thought of is, if you had to choose to remove one system in your body, would you rather lose your nervous, circulatory, integument, respiratory, muscular, skeletal or lymphatic system? The question, of course, is absurd - losing any one of these would kill you. The only way the body can exist is with all parts working together.

    I also come to this feeling of respect when reversing the intertype relationships. If you are close to someone, think about what they do that you are grateful for, or that annoys you. If you can reduce it to the laws of socionics, then assume the feeling is mutual, and see yourself through their eyes with your emotion. If you look yourself this way, you will realize to your horror that you have just as many faults as everyone else, and to your relief, just as many strengths.

    So from both the societal and relational side, I think you have to say all people have equal worth. However, I don't know how to "prove" this, so let's consider the alternative. Let's say we are not equal, who is better than who? You will probably say your are the best and judge everyone else from your point of view. But everyone will feel this way. Nobody will accept that you have the right to tell them what to do, they will rightly assume they have the correct perspective for themselves. Then, the only way for you to make people submit to your will is to gain power over them and rule them by force. But a government should exist for the people, if you do not serve them, the people become your enemy, and nothing of value that you accomplish will last after your death, only your power structures will remain. The greater the power structures, the more they frustrate the people's natural development, and the more people must either submit, be damaged and less effective in society, or the more they have to be egocentric, pushing back and imposing their will on the world. In either case, you have either stunted the society or created an atmosphere of narcissism. Good job.

    3. Is learning socionics, or Jung's broader theories dangerous?
    - Yes.

    This is a direct quote from the introduction to Jung's Red Book:
    "Jung wrote that it was a difficult task to differentiate the personal and collective psyche. On of the factors one came up against was the persona - one's 'mask' or 'role.' This represented the segment of the collective psyche that one mistakenly regarded as individual. When one analyzed this, the personality dissolved into the collective psyche, which resulted in the release of a stream of fantasies: 'All the treasures of mythological thinking and feeling are unlocked.' The difference between this state and insanity lay in the fact that it was intentional.

    Two possibilities arose: one could attempt to regressively restore persona and return to the prior state, but it was impossible to get rid of the unconscious. Alternatively, one could accept the condition of godlikeness. However, there was a third way: the hermeneutic treatment of creative fantasies. This resulted in a synthesis of the individual with the collective psyche, which revealed the individual lifeline. This was the process of individuation. In a subsequent undated revision of this paper, Jung introduced the notion of the anima, as a counterpart to that of the persona. He regarded both of these as 'subject-imagoes.' Here, he defined the anima as 'how the subject is seen by the collective unconscious.' "

    If this sounds familiar, it should, because I think this is exactly what happened to EJ Areendee, who had the most successful socionics channel on YouTube, but then became convinced he was an old testament style prophet of God after a series of intense visions and dreams. Unlike every prophet in the bible, "God" never gave him a direct prophecy to speak to the people. It was always him ascending to heaven, or that time he spent an entire night driving his motorcycle around in the rain looking for his "wife" (he was not married as far as I know). Or that video where he said he had become all the 16 types at once. Or when he was living with a Christian couple who though he was possessed by demons. Most people made fun of him for his grandiose claims, or said he was schizophrenic (probably why he delete his channel). When I knew him, he was definitely a dick, but he wasn't crazy. I think he just dissolved his persona until he released the unconscious. He should seek out a Jungian therapist who knows how to interpret what he has seen. If any of you guys are still in contact with him, you should pass on this suggestion.

    If the primary danger is releasing your unconscious, the second danger is accepting other people's crazy ideas, and incorporating them into your worldview. The socionics community attracts strange people and produces weird ideas. I think the main culprit is the alpha researcher who see the world in terms of socionics and tries to assimilate everything into it, like a B movie blob monster. Two good example that I know of are Gulenko and Churumov. In his own academic journal, Gulenko wrote how Timothy Leary's eight circuit model of consciousness correlates directly to the eight horizontal and vertical blocks in model A. HAHAHA, until Gulenko, show me how taking DMT or reaching the final stage of enlightenment is the same as my 5+8 block, or the beneficiary and semi-dual relation, I'm calling bullshit on this gem of insight. Churumov, who I believe is currently estranged from the academic community, has the equally batshit but more subtle idea that ILE is the original consciousness and is the closest to God.

    The third danger is a loss of balance. Socionics is an abstraction of reality. This doesn't mean the laws in socionics are false, only that if you are trying to simulate reality, you have to have all laws, perfectly defined and integrated to get the right output. For example, only knowing about the law of gravity, you would think that a penny dropped off a skyscraper would accelerate to the speed of a bullet and kill pedestrians or embed itself in concrete upon impact. Even though the math totally checks out, this does not happen in reality because the air resistance causes the penny to reach terminal velocity fairly quickly and float the rest of the way to the ground. If it hit your in the head, it wouldn't even hurt that much. So do this prove the law of gravity is false? NO! It just proves there are other forces acting in the system.

    In the same way, do I think that the socionics laws are correct? Yes, I think the Russians have done a great job, even if there is more work to be done. But do I think that socionics is a holistic model of being? Absolutely not. Since I know it is just a piece of the truth, I take it with a grain of salt. My LII dad has this saying, no doubt validated from a lifetime of experience, that "logic is a way of going wrong with confidence."

    I try to balance the short comings of socionics by learning about it from real people. I have shattered many of my biases and stereotypes I may have formed in the initial stage of learning socionics from type descriptions by getting to know a few people who are very difference but still undeniable the same type. Unlike a model, all people are whole and complete - if you use them as your true source, and socionics as just a map, you avoid many of the pitfalls of abstraction.

    Even so, actively applying socionics, even from rich experience, has its own dangers, which I will address in the next few sections.


    ...Will edit and add more later. Here are some more questions, I'm thinking about. I might change them when I answer them.

    In what circumstances can socionics be applied?

    How do you avoid stereotyping and bigotry?

    Should you treat someone differently if you know their type?

    Should you make dating / marital decisions based on socionics?

    If you are married and you believe you have major issues based on clashing personalities, is this grounds for a divorce?

    Should you make educational or career decision based on socionics?

    Is it better to not share your type with strangers?
    Last edited by Lao Tzunami; 07-06-2017 at 07:25 PM.

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    1. Are all the types necessary?
    Absolutely. I believe that if just one type where missing, maybe hunted down and killed for some reason, the society would not develop in the same way.

    2. Are all the type equal?
    Yes, but all humans are not for other reasons.

    In what circumstances can socionics be applied?
    Probably in matchmaking, spaceprograms, marketing etc.

    How do you avoid stereotyping and bigotry?
    Learn more about the person, easy.

    Should you treat someone differently if you know their type?
    Maybe, in some ways if im dealing with what seem to be LSE type I might give extra responsebilitby to that person in areas which they should be strong. But if I do and it do not work out I am myself to blame. But not in terms of worth.

    Should you make dating / marital decision based on socionics?

    If you are married and you believe you have major issues based on clashing personalities, is this grounds for a divorce?
    Depends, if you married someone you have accepted them and their type. It would be shady.

    Should you make educational or career decision based on socionics?
    Not really.

    Is it better to not share your type with strangers?
    Well, are they interested?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerfadder View Post
    How do you avoid stereotyping and bigotry?
    Learn more about the person, easy.
    haha, I wish more people were like you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerfadder View Post
    Should you make dating / marital decision based on socionics?
    Have you tried do this, and if so, how is it going?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerfadder View Post
    Is it better to not share your type with strangers?
    Well, are they interested?
    lol, most people are definitely not interested, but I mean in online in typology forums. I think it is fun and I like the shortcut, but I also feel like some people put you in a box. Automatically knowing someone's type, especially if that is all you know about them, is not natural.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sindri View Post
    haha, I wish more people were like you.

    Have you tried do this, and if so, how is it going?

    lol, most people are definitely not interested, but I mean in online in typology forums. I think it is fun and I like the shortcut, but I also feel like some people put you in a box. Automatically knowing someone's type, especially if that is all you know about them, is not natural.
    Yea well, it is kind of my private life. I once did not continue to date a LSE partly because of type. For me type is not a singular thing but is build into the person, it is undistinguishable from the person. It is a general description of preferences or whatnot. I find benefit highly acceptabel. Dual is the rabbit you can chase forever but never get. Semi-dual is hard but acceptabel. Supervision should be avoided I think. Mirage can work but might end up in boring. The list is constantly changing. Tbh conflict might not be that bad for just looking over each other but being really close it might be bad. Just some thoughts. Benefit is probably the best.

    People are different. Some people probably cried their eyes out when questioned of their type. If the receiver can just accept it for what it is, the persons own understanding of self, I have no problem with sharing it. But a true pro should have some idea anyways if you share it or not!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerfadder View Post
    Should you make dating / marital decision based on socionics?

    Should you make educational or career decision based on socionics?
    Not really.
    Great input. A question came up, why the former and not the latter? Yeah the strength of socionics is intertype relationships but the IE also say a lot about people's talents and what type of information they might have problems with in a certain profession. Like I should never go into accounting with my PoLR
    I personally would use it in the career realm unless the person is already fully qualified and sees fun in what they do even if it's not that compatible theory-wise. Or in cases where you just need money of any kind if it's really bad. Then, socionics won't help but the next best job will.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Great input. A question came up, why the former and not the latter? Yeah the strength of socionics is intertype relationships but the IE also say a lot about people's talents and what type of information they might have problems with in a certain profession. Like I should never go into accounting with my PoLR
    I personally would use it in the career realm unless the person is already fully qualified and sees fun in what they do even if it's not that compatible theory-wise. Or in cases where you just need money of any kind if it's really bad. Then, socionics won't help but the next best job will.
    Well. Tbh I think the best direction in line of work is money, ease on body+mind and legal/acceptable of society.

    edit: if that means you become a cop, you become a cop.

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    @Andreas lol, what's with the a water fixation?

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    Quote Originally Posted by sindri View Post
    "Jung wrote that it was a difficult task to differentiate the personal and collective psyche. On of the factors one came up against was the persona - one's 'mask' or 'role.' This represented the segment of the collective psyche that one mistakenly regarded as individual. When one analyzed this, the personality dissolved into the collective psyche, which resulted in the release of a stream of fantasies: 'All the treasures of mythological thinking and feeling are unlocked.' the difference between this state and insanity lay in the fact that it was intentional.
    I don't understand, how does analysis of the persona result in it dissolving into the collective psyche/into the unconscious?

    The third danger is a loss of balance. Socionics is an abstraction of reality. This doesn't mean the laws in socionics are false, only that if you are trying to simulate reality, you have to have all laws, perfectly defined and integrated to get the right output. For example, only knowing about the law of gravity, you would think that a penny dropped off a skyscraper would accelerate to the speed of a bullet and kill pedestrians or embed itself in concrete upon impact. Even though the math totally checks out, this does not happen in reality because the air resistance causes the penny to reach terminal velocity fairly quickly and float the rest of the way to the ground. If it hit your in the head, it wouldn't even hurt that much. So do this prove the law of gravity is false? NO! It just proves there are other forces acting in the system.

    In the same way, do I think that the socionics laws are correct? Yes, I think the Russians have done a great job, even if there is more work to be done. But do I think that socionics is a holistic model of being? Absolutely not. Since I know it is just a piece of the truth, I take it with a grain of salt. My LII dad has this saying, no doubt validated from a lifetime of experience, that "logic is a way of going wrong with confidence."
    The problem is, I think everyone knows this, but until you show them the other laws/forces, how can they know when Socionics shouldn't be applied?

    My answer btw is that the Socionics model is not applicable on any real bits of information about a person. I view it as a general draft of some trends that do not point to anything directly, just to the trends.

    I try to balance the short comings of socionics by learning about it from real people. I have shattered many of my biases and stereotypes I may have formed in the initial stage of learning socionics from type descriptions by getting to know a few people who are very difference but still undeniable the same type. Unlike a model, all people are whole and complete - if you use them as your true source, and socionics as just a map, you avoid many of the pitfalls of abstraction.
    This is a good point.

    Even so, actively applying socionics, even from rich experience, has its own dangers, which I will address in the next few sections.

    In what circumstances can socionics be applied?
    Just to get that rough general draft.

    How do you avoid stereotyping and bigotry?
    Same answer. (With the general draft of trends you don't get stuck on details making up a stereotype.)

    Should you treat someone differently if you know their type?

    Should you make dating / marital decision based on socionics?

    If you are married and you believe you have major issues based on clashing personalities, is this grounds for a divorce?
    Only if the clashes are real and unsolvable. Regardless of how you categorize them.

    Should you make educational or career decision based on socionics?
    No but it can help with discovering some aspects of how you think which can be relevant.

    Is it better to not share your type with strangers?
    For me it's better.

    Edit: I can see now that you meant strangers on typology forums. Then no problem. My type is in my profile. I don't care if someone puts me in a box based on it.

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    1. Are all the types necessary?
    No one likes alphas and apparently they live in a cocoon so no.

    2. Are all the type equal?
    Not according to the type stats tally ("Don't be LII").

    3. Is learning socionics, or Jung's broader theories dangerous?
    Stay in school. Don't do Jung. There are better things to do, like drugs, or art. It's dangerous but not for the reason sindri said. It's dangerous because any framework comes with a sort of whittling down of reality regardless of whether you agree with it or not just by thinking about it, because you're only thinking of things in terms of what the system says and the opposite of that. The more all-encompassing it's supposed to be, the worse. It's like black and white being opposites: they have basically everything in common. If you're thinking about colors, you're not going to be thinking about other things. If the basis if your reality is colors and you match things to them, you've lost a lot of other things just by doing that. And Jung's philosophy is centered around the two worst objects of thought to lose out on, religion and people. He himself said he was turning spirit into matter through alchemy, so I'm not sure anyone can really be considered not warned. I don't think systems should be used without a clear goal for that reason, since you need the goal to justify why you'd want to whittle down reality in the first place, and to go to a different view when it's necessary. There's no all-encompassing system. That'd be God as a system, basically. Frankly, that sounds like what Jung's system is supposed to be, which is my problem with it in the first place.

    4.In what circumstances can socionics be applied?
    Wherever you want, if Gulenko's neo-Aristotelian philosophy is to be accepted as socionics. Should you is a different question.

    5. How do you avoid stereotyping and bigotry?
    You can't, when types literally are stereotypes, and people subconsciously evaluate one thing as better and another as worse as soon as they realize there's a difference.

    6. Should you treat someone differently if you know their type?
    I thought that was the whole point of socionics. How does it make any sense to supposedly have this information and do nothing with it? I think the subconscious would take care of that for you even if you tried to not do anything with it.

    7. Should you make dating / marital decision based on socionics?
    Aushra said so.

    8. If you are married and you believe you have major issues based on clashing personalities, is this grounds for a divorce?
    People do this anyways, and I'd say an irreparably dysfunctional marriage is grounds for divorce in general.

    9. Should you make educational or career decision based on socionics?
    Aushra said so. That's kind of what the system was based on in the first place (that some old socionists felt lonely and wanted to use the system to get a date as well is just extra).

    10. Is it better to not share your type with strangers?
    If VI is real, you don't have an option. VI is one of the bases of socionics, since a lot of the data that the theory depends on was collected that way. Therefore, you don't have an option.
    Last edited by Pallas; 07-06-2017 at 07:05 PM.

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    Like a lot of things, socionics can be used as a tool in your tool box in dealing with the people in your life.

    For me personally, it helps me be more patient with my friends and family.

    Example, when I'm pressing my INFj friend (in a Se way) to hang out with me, and he doesn't want to hang out, I'm a lot more understanding. A lot of other people may see him as "weak" and "lame", but having a general understanding of his personality helps me see things in a more forgiving/positive light.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee View Post
    Like a lot of things, socionics can be used as a tool in your tool box in dealing with the people in your life.

    For me personally, it helps me be more patient with my friends and family.

    Example, when I'm pressing my INFj friend (in a Se way) to hang out with me, and he doesn't want to hang out, I'm a lot more understanding. A lot of other people may see him as "weak" and "lame", but having a general understanding of his personality helps me see things in a more forgiving/positive light.
    I couldn't agree more. Socionics has made me a very accepting person too. I've realized how almost everyone has something good about them as well as the futility of trying to override their own perspective and path with your own. Like in the Tao Te Ching, if you do not impose yourself on others, they become their best selves. Socionics has also taught me how to appreciate people I didn't before.
    Last edited by Lao Tzunami; 07-06-2017 at 07:48 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sindri View Post
    I couldn't agree more. Socionics has made me a very accepting person too. I've realized how almost everyone has something good about them as well as the futility of trying to override their own perspective and path with your own. Like in the Tao Te Ching, if you do not impose yourself on others, they become their best selves. Socionics has also taught me how to appreciate people I didn't before.
    I agree! It is like people go from being people to be people with superpowers ready to be unlocking their 4D demonstrative element.

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    @peteronfireee, I also agree that socionics is a single tool in your tool box. I should add to the OP that another way to balance socionics is to have other perspectives and theories to consider. When all you have is a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail. But if you have a box of tools, you tend to see the problem more realistically.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sindri View Post
    @peteronfireee, I also agree that socionics is a single tool in your tool box. I should add to the OP that another way to balance socionics is to have other perspectives and theories to consider. When all you have is a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail. But if you have a box of tools, you tend to see the problem more realistically.
    @sindri Exactly!!!

    There's so much in the world of psychology and it's all so fascinating!!! There is just SO much out there but I'll share one with you.

    I'm currently watching Cesar 911, a show basically about a dog trainer. At first glance, one would probably just see it as entertainment, "it's just about dogs" after all but..

    If you watch it through a psychology lens, you can learn *interesting* things not only about animal behavior, but human behavior, handling both men and women.

    There is actually a significant amount of overlap between what Cesar teaches with dogs on mindsets/beliefs/methods/rewards/punishment that can be applied to humans.

    There are so many resources out there, you just have to keep an open mind like you said

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    1. Are all the types necessary?
    No. Although no one type is more necessary than any other, missing IEs can be replaced by other types. For example, if ILEs stopped existing, IEE, SLE, LIE and LII would be able to replace ILE.

    2. Are all the type equal?
    Yes. Except ESIs.
    3. Is learning socionics, or Jung's broader theories dangerous?
    Jung's theories are mostly bullshit, but not harmful. The most harmful thing is damaging relationships, and who cares about those? ( PoLR)

    4. In what circumstances can socionics be applied?
    To improve knowledge of yourself and others.
    5. How do you avoid stereotyping and bigotry?
    I don't avoid stereotyping, and I avoid bigotry by using - to focus on each type's equality.

    6. Should you treat someone differently if you know their type?
    Yes. You should try to use their valued functions around them.

    7. Should you make dating / marital decision based on socionics?
    Yes, but it's a minor factor. If there were equally good SEI and ESI partners, I'd pick the SEI.

    8. If you are married and you believe you have major issues based on clashing personalities, is this grounds for a divorce?
    Possibly. If there are no other ways to resolve it (e.g. use the id block more often), then yes.

    9. Should you make educational or career decision based on socionics?
    No. It's shit at that. Use Holland Codes and DISC.

    10. Is it better to not share your type with strangers?
    If they don't give a shit, then don't tell them. If they do, then do.
    cp6w7-3w2-8w7 sx/so ILE--D

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee View Post
    There's so much in the world of psychology and it's all so fascinating!!! There is just SO much out there but I'll share one with you.

    I'm currently watching Cesar 911, a show basically about a dog trainer. At first glance, one would probably just see it as entertainment, "it's just about dogs" after all but..

    If you watch it through a psychology lens, you can learn *interesting* things not only about animal behavior, but human behavior, handling both men and women.

    There is actually a significant amount of overlap between what Cesar teaches with dogs on mindsets/beliefs/methods/rewards/punishment that can be applied to humans.

    There are so many resources out there, you just have to keep an open mind like you said
    Ah the new Skinner


    I'm still curious about how analysis of the persona results in it dissolving into the collective psyche/into the unconscious. Can you say more on this?

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    Very interesting thread! Here are some of my answers.

    In what circumstances can socionics be applied?
    I think @peteronfireee gave a good example as an LSI interacting with an EII friend (I once snapped at an LSI for pushing me to party more ). Another way I've had success with using socionics is picking which friend to hold me accountable, like if I want to be at work by a certain time or try to adopt some new habit. Any type can do this if they try, but I've found it comes effortlessly to an LSE friend. I think socionics also points toward what to compliment people on; even a small compliment on one's use of their suggestive is quite pleasing. It's nice to have more of a clue about why I get along or don't get along with someone so I can play up or down specific kinds of interactions--e.g., I act goofier around Ne suggestives.

    Should you treat someone differently if you know their type?
    I think @Wyrd makes a good point that this is kind of the whole point. The only disclaimer I would add is not to completely dismiss someone just because they are a type you don't like. You might get along with them on the basis of something else like instinctual stacking (like others have discussed in this thread, socionics is just one of many systems/a small part of how the world works). Don't use socionics as an excuse to treat someone poorly, be nice to everyoneee (though that applies to everything, not just use of socionics).

    Should you make dating / marital decisions based on socionics?
    Not in the sense of staying with a dual with whom you don't get along or dumping a conflictor you somehow get along with very well... Sociotype is highly correlated with some dealbreakers/makers for me though...

    Should you make educational or career decision based on socionics?
    I don't know. My gut says that it's silly to tell, e.g., an ethical type kid not to do math/science just because they're an ethical type. But I also feel like my type is a disadvantage in my field. Perhaps that is another danger of socionics--it can be an excuse, an external thing to blame, a way to avoid responsibility for your own characteristics that can be improved.

    Is it better to not share your type with strangers?
    If we're talking about online, I believe that my posts are more helpful and interesting when they have the context of what type I am. I think examples are really useful when dealing with something as theoretical as socionics. People mean all sorts of different things even when they say the same words, because they have different frameworks in their head. Telling you my type gives you a better idea of what framework I'm using, so you can better understand what I actually mean beyond the literal words. I think that outweighs the potential bias that might be generated. Though, it's important to remember to take others' self-typings with a grain of salt until you read enough of their posts that their type becomes clear.

    It's also just practical to publicize one's type. At least for me, I like asking EII-specific questions, which are hard to ask without people knowing I'm EII. And, I think socionics is not fully developed, so by publicizing your type and posting, you contribute to others' understandings of that type (since not everything can be understood through pure theory).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Economist View Post
    Is it better to not share your type with strangers?
    If we're talking about online, I believe that my posts are more helpful and interesting when they have the context of what type I am. I think examples are really useful when dealing with something as theoretical as socionics. People mean all sorts of different things even when they say the same words, because they have different frameworks in their head. Telling you my type gives you a better idea of what framework I'm using, so you can better understand what I actually mean beyond the literal words. I think that outweighs the potential bias that might be generated. Though, it's important to remember to take others' self-typings with a grain of salt until you read enough of their posts that their type becomes clear.
    That's exactly the problem with telling people your self-typing for me. I tried to be as neutral about my self-typings in any system for the longest time then off and on while I still believed it because I noticed everyone had a different system and no one referred to the same thing. It doesn't help that people also have objectively different perceptions of the same person, sometimes to ridiculously contradictory extremes (which I don't think would happen off the Internet). Typology seems like a bunch of people gesturing wildly at nothing about nothing to themselves and pretending that other people are communicating with them. All the warm feelings of interacting without the pains!

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    The only "ethics" that is required is that for it to be objectively, and scientifically validated... which that Socionics is simply not. If you're going to be seriously applying Socionics to real life, and start making big claims, and not just "for fun", then it would be considered to be pretty unethical since you have no way of proving that anything that you say or any claims that you make are even correct. You are going to be making claims on pretty shaky grounds, which you aren't even really sure that is correct in any way. For all we know, we could be talking about complete crap that has absolutely no relation to reality whatsoever.

    One problem that I have with Socionics is that everything seems to be totally subjective. You could say, "In my experience, LIEs are like this...", and then you could have another person say, "No no no, you are completely wrong! LIEs are like this!". And then we have two people looking at the same person, but there could be a disagreement: "This person, he is clearly an LIE" "No no no, he is not an LIE! You have typed him wrong!". So which person is right? For all we know, nobody knows because there is no real objective criteria for determining a type.

    You could say, "Well at any rate, Socionics works for me, because I am an ESI and this person is an LIE, and the description of duality describes our relationship perfectly well. Socionics works!". But then you have another person saying "No no no, you have typed wrong! You are clearly not an ESI! In fact, you're an SLI and it is a relation of supervision!". Again, there is a conflict and there's no way of knowing who is even correct. It just goes on and on like this and it simply becomes absurd.

    You might be tempted to think, "Well, at any rate, I think my own typings are correct, my understanding of Socionics is sound, other people don't know what they're talking about or they simply haven't studied Socionics deeply enough, and if it works for me, then that is good enough for me". So it becomes a system of total subjectivity. Everybody becomes right in their own subjectivity, which is another way of saying that nobody is right. It is a system of absurdity.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    You might be tempted to think, "Well, at any rate, I think my own typings are correct, my understanding of Socionics is sound, other people don't know what they're talking about or they simply haven't studied Socionics deeply enough, and if it works for me, then that is good enough for me". So it becomes a system of total subjectivity. Everybody becomes right in their own subjectivity, which is another way of saying that nobody is right. It is a system of absurdity.
    Isn't it fine as long as it used to recognize that other people have different preferences and to be more accommodating of them? Even if each person's subjective system is different, as long as it's useful in a positive way, I think it should be used. Objectivity is a nice characteristic for a system to have, but it's not necessary for the system to be useful.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Economist View Post
    Isn't it fine as long as it used to recognize that other people have different preferences and to be more accommodating of them? Even if each person's subjective system is different, as long as it's useful in a positive way, I think it should be used. Objectivity is a nice characteristic for a system to have, but it's not necessary for the system to be useful.
    Well, that's exactly what I'm talking about. It's just another way of saying, "Well I'm right, my typings are correct, my understanding of Socionics is correct". Which is saying, "Everybody is right in their own way". Which is another way of saying that nobody is right.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    Well, that's exactly what I'm talking about. It's just another way of saying, "Well I'm right, my typings are correct, my understanding of Socionics is correct". Which is saying, "Everybody is right in their own way". Which is another way of saying that nobody is right.
    Sure, I agree with you that that's a characteristic inherent to socionics. I think we just disagree on how bad this characteristic is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    One problem that I have with Socionics is that everything seems to be totally subjective. You could say, "In my experience, LIEs are like this...", and then you could have another person say, "No no no, you are completely wrong! LIEs are like this!". And then we have two people looking at the same person, but there could be a disagreement: "This person, he is clearly an LIE" "No no no, he is not an LIE! You have typed him wrong!". So which person is right? For all we know, nobody knows because there is no real objective criteria for determining a type.
    All made easier by refering to functions when typing, rather than "my uncle's, postman's, long lost brother is an ESE and..."

    At least then we know how people are typing, and then we can work it out from there!

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    When betas start to apply alpha models in religious ways it opens several cans of worms.

    Do not trust Gulenko on this. Let's stay out of social design.
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    Sincerely yours,
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    Quote Originally Posted by unsuccessfull Alphamale View Post
    When betas start to apply alpha models in religious ways it opens several cans of worms.
    I feel like Jordan Peterson (LII) is running the risk of this happening to him

    elswhere I typed him as gamma, but I'm starting to think whatever values he has in common with gamma is more anti-delta and incidental to his position which is fundamentally a negativist Ti critique of delta ethicals (he comes off as valuing work to a great extent, but his base value seems to be complex of closed mouth), because that is the dominant cultural force in Canada right now

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrd View Post
    Stay in school. Don't do Jung. There are better things to do, like drugs, or art. It's dangerous but not for the reason sindri said. It's dangerous because any framework comes with a sort of whittling down of reality regardless of whether you agree with it or not just by thinking about it, because you're only thinking of things in terms of what the system says and the opposite of that. The more all-encompassing it's supposed to be, the worse. It's like black and white being opposites: they have basically everything in common. If you're thinking about colors, you're not going to be thinking about other things. If the basis if your reality is colors and you match things to them, you've lost a lot of other things just by doing that. And Jung's philosophy is centered around the two worst objects of thought to lose out on, religion and people. He himself said he was turning spirit into matter through alchemy, so I'm not sure anyone can really be considered not warned. I don't think systems should be used without a clear goal for that reason, since you need the goal to justify why you'd want to whittle down reality in the first place, and to go to a different view when it's necessary. There's no all-encompassing system. That'd be God as a system, basically. Frankly, that sounds like what Jung's system is supposed to be, which is my problem with it in the first place.
    You aren't supposed to use a system in the way you describe with the bolded. That to me seems too black and white, it's not just in terms of what it says vs the opposite of that. To me the territory is much wider, not this black and white binary.

    I don't think Jung's system is supposed to be a God system. I don't think he ever stated such a thing either...?

    I dunno what's meant by "turning spirit into matter through alchemy", even though it sounds interesting. But, if I'm told a warning in such obscure wording, then it doesn't count as being warned to me, sorry.

    I thought that was the whole point of socionics. How does it make any sense to supposedly have this information and do nothing with it? I think the subconscious would take care of that for you even if you tried to not do anything with it.
    You don't have to directly do anything with it, no. For me it gave me some springboard for understanding certain things but a lot of the springboard had to be left behind eventually for a better understanding.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrd View Post
    That's exactly the problem with telling people your self-typing for me. I tried to be as neutral about my self-typings in any system for the longest time then off and on while I still believed it because I noticed everyone had a different system and no one referred to the same thing. It doesn't help that people also have objectively different perceptions of the same person, sometimes to ridiculously contradictory extremes (which I don't think would happen off the Internet). Typology seems like a bunch of people gesturing wildly at nothing about nothing to themselves and pretending that other people are communicating with them. All the warm feelings of interacting without the pains!
    Reminds me of how anndelise described Ne in her article here:

    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee View Post
    Like a lot of things, socionics can be used as a tool in your tool box in dealing with the people in your life.

    For me personally, it helps me be more patient with my friends and family.

    Example, when I'm pressing my INFj friend (in a Se way) to hang out with me, and he doesn't want to hang out, I'm a lot more understanding. A lot of other people may see him as "weak" and "lame", but having a general understanding of his personality helps me see things in a more forgiving/positive light.
    Hm, for me it helped understand my EII sister better in terms of how she lives is not as bad for her as I thought it was, from my own pov. It was distressing to believe that she has a problem and I tried to help her by pushing her for some stuff but it never worked... but now I understand that she just works different from me in some things. So it no longer stresses me.

    Otherwise I don't think it really made me more patient with people in general. I don't use type to excuse stuff from people that are an actual problem in the given situation. It would be too speculative anyway to assume without further evidence that type is the reason for someone saying or doing whatever. With my sister I had a lot of observations so it made sense in her case. But if there's only little data then no good, most situations are too ambiguous for applying Socionics then, too many other possible unidentified factors affecting things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Economist View Post
    Should you make educational or career decision based on socionics?
    I don't know. My gut says that it's silly to tell, e.g., an ethical type kid not to do math/science just because they're an ethical type. But I also feel like my type is a disadvantage in my field. Perhaps that is another danger of socionics--it can be an excuse, an external thing to blame, a way to avoid responsibility for your own characteristics that can be improved.
    Those characteristics where you are actually weak with information processing can be improved only with difficulty, it doesn't mean you can avoid responsibility but it does mean you have to take that fact into account for some decisions, and yes it's good to be aware of it when considering careers.

    Is it better to not share your type with strangers?
    If we're talking about online, I believe that my posts are more helpful and interesting when they have the context of what type I am. I think examples are really useful when dealing with something as theoretical as socionics. People mean all sorts of different things even when they say the same words, because they have different frameworks in their head. Telling you my type gives you a better idea of what framework I'm using, so you can better understand what I actually mean beyond the literal words. I think that outweighs the potential bias that might be generated. Though, it's important to remember to take others' self-typings with a grain of salt until you read enough of their posts that their type becomes clear.
    My problem with this take is that type is really truly just a very general draft that usually will not clarify anything whatsoever for a situation if there's too little data to be sure how Socionics ideas apply to it if at all. So whatever assumptions you make from the other person's type based on the Socionics theory can lead you very astray about what the person actually meant.

    It's also just practical to publicize one's type. At least for me, I like asking EII-specific questions, which are hard to ask without people knowing I'm EII. And, I think socionics is not fully developed, so by publicizing your type and posting, you contribute to others' understandings of that type (since not everything can be understood through pure theory).
    I do like posting stuff as a datapoint for others like that. Even if it results in refuting things about the theory... : p

    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    The only "ethics" that is required is that for it to be objectively, and scientifically validated... which that Socionics is simply not. If you're going to be seriously applying Socionics to real life, and start making big claims, and not just "for fun", then it would be considered to be pretty unethical since you have no way of proving that anything that you say or any claims that you make are even correct. You are going to be making claims on pretty shaky grounds, which you aren't even really sure that is correct in any way. For all we know, we could be talking about complete crap that has absolutely no relation to reality whatsoever.

    One problem that I have with Socionics is that everything seems to be totally subjective. You could say, "In my experience, LIEs are like this...", and then you could have another person say, "No no no, you are completely wrong! LIEs are like this!". And then we have two people looking at the same person, but there could be a disagreement: "This person, he is clearly an LIE" "No no no, he is not an LIE! You have typed him wrong!". So which person is right? For all we know, nobody knows because there is no real objective criteria for determining a type.

    You could say, "Well at any rate, Socionics works for me, because I am an ESI and this person is an LIE, and the description of duality describes our relationship perfectly well. Socionics works!". But then you have another person saying "No no no, you have typed wrong! You are clearly not an ESI! In fact, you're an SLI and it is a relation of supervision!". Again, there is a conflict and there's no way of knowing who is even correct. It just goes on and on like this and it simply becomes absurd.

    You might be tempted to think, "Well, at any rate, I think my own typings are correct, my understanding of Socionics is sound, other people don't know what they're talking about or they simply haven't studied Socionics deeply enough, and if it works for me, then that is good enough for me". So it becomes a system of total subjectivity. Everybody becomes right in their own subjectivity, which is another way of saying that nobody is right. It is a system of absurdity.
    More Ne blobs.

    Quote Originally Posted by neproblems View Post
    All made easier by refering to functions when typing, rather than "my uncle's, postman's, long lost brother is an ESE and..."

    At least then we know how people are typing, and then we can work it out from there!
    Not really, functions are still the same subjective encrypted language of "typology soup" (aestrivex made that phrasing a while ago and I think it's fitting lol).

    Quote Originally Posted by Economist View Post
    Isn't it fine as long as it used to recognize that other people have different preferences and to be more accommodating of them? Even if each person's subjective system is different, as long as it's useful in a positive way, I think it should be used. Objectivity is a nice characteristic for a system to have, but it's not necessary for the system to be useful.

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