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    Default Type Questionnaire

    Tell me about yourself.
    I'm flexible and a mix of opposites. This questionnaire isn't sufficient for typing me, so ask questions. Test my abilities.

    What are your values, and why?

    Unconditional positive regard, compassion, and sensitivity to individual feelings.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them? What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    For me, people consist of those I am drawn to and all the rest. I can be drawn to someone regardless of their values and even if they don't like me or we don't get along. If I am not drawn to someone, interacting with them just feels dull and lifeless. 100% of the people I've been drawn to have been Se/Ni types, almost all Gammas.

    I tend to get along a bit better with Ne/Si types, there tends to be no conflict when we interact and we tend to agree on things. But for whatever reason, I haven't yet encountered one I'm drawn to.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    Conflicts are rare and there doesn't seem to be any pattern.

    How would your friends describe you?
    I've been described as quiet, calm, deep, and analytical. I keep getting compared to Yoda for some reason, not sure how I feel about that. I've also been told me I'm a good listener and give good advice.

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    I tend to be objective, rational, and analytical. I point out flaws in logic and tend to use analogies. I'm open-minded and hold multiple perspectives and interpretations. I keep the future in mind and I'm aware of possible consequences. I'm not afraid of change or the unfamiliar, which can lead me to be untraditional and adventurous. I am empathetic and understanding of others' feelings. I am able to be tactful, so I usually feel confident to handle confrontations.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Poor health, lack of charisma, forgetfulness. Without conscious effort, I can neglect to pay attention to how I'm coming across. This can sometimes lead to poor communication or people not liking me much. Feedback in this area can be valuable.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I seem able to manage all areas well enough.

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    I dislike obligations and enjoy leisure. All my interests are mental.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    I have specific plans for my survival that involve organizing my life around my health conditions so that I can recover.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    I would focus on my health.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    I might like a trait in one person but dislike the same trait in another, so I think it's more about the whole person.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    I bought a nice looking container once for aesthetics. I preferred to buy to something useful over something that looked nice but would take up space and serve no additional purpose.

    I don't do daily chores. Cleaning happens every once in a while/as needed.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    I will confront them without being pulled into their fight. If you fight back, you are reacting to their provocations and letting them control you, which ultimately isn't good for either person. At the same time, if you run away or don't respond, you will look weak. My approach is to neither attack nor defend, but stand my ground and assert myself.

    Respect and tact are important as well. To me, the only way to "win" is with kindness, and then "winning" is irrelevant because it isn't about that. Conflict is not a game.

    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.
    Most people don't recognize bias too easily and as a result end up swayed by social constructs and the media. They will believe that things are good or bad because it's what they've heard or what the people around them think. This can lead people to have misconceptions about what is good or bad. At worst, they may become prejudiced and hateful.

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    This questionnaire is only sufficient for typing you if you give detailed answers and answer all the questions (!).

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    In that case, here's another one:
    (still, I don't like the idea of being typed by questionnaires alone)

    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is the property of being pleasing to the senses. It entails subjective evaluation by definition. Love is the feeling of being emotionally close to someone, which typically entails caring for their wellbeing as if it were one's own. It is the opposite of indifference. The quality of love varies, some forms possess the person while trying to assimilate them to one's own values. Others walk next to the person and incorporate the others' feelings, needs, and values into their evaluations.

    What are your most important values?
    I value understanding and accepting people as they are. Being respectful and sensitive to people's feelings and not being prejudiced or hateful.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I am unable to hold beliefs. I've tried and couldn't do it. It feels dishonest to me, because the honest answer would be that I don't know. I cannot convince myself of something without sufficiently strong reason or evidence.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    No opinion.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    My long conversations often involve theories, understanding, and explanation regarding a select few interests. Introspection is one of my few interests. I'm interested in personality and understanding what makes me different from others. I have no idea how some people seem able to have an endless fascination with everything in the universe, not that it's bad or anything, I just can't relate. I guess it's just one of my quirks that I seem to focus on just a few interests. I also enjoy the role of listener, asking people questions to help them clarify their understanding, feelings, or goals about a situation.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Yes to both, because I have chronic illnesses and have spent time reading about symptoms, conditions, and cures.

    What do you think of daily chores?
    I don't have daily chores. Every once in a while I get around to cleaning a bit. No fixed schedule, it's when I feel like it.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I like Lord of the Rings because of the dark mood or atmosphere. Other than that I mostly prefer non-fiction or reality shows.

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I avoid showing much emotion and get annoyed when people point out that I'm smiling. When people try to read my expressions they are usually wrong, so it's especially annoying when they then announce what they think my face is showing.

    I explore my feelings through daydreaming and allegory. For example, the stories that I daydream will revolve around emotional themes, which allows me to deepen my understanding of my feelings and explore the unconscious.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    I don't know what that means.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I've been told I can be monotone and lack warmth. I dislike showing positive emotion such as excitement. People say that I'm too quiet. I also never know how to dress normal. And although I may collect a lot of information about a few interests, I'm never going to be very knowledgeable about the world and society around me. Learning seems to be what people do out of some kind of fascination or passion, out of being interested in things. It's not that I don't value knowledge, but that the motivation is different. I actually spend a large portion of my time (almost inclined to say most of my free time) researching questions for specific purposes, but learning things like random trivia, literature, philosophy, physics, etc. that have no relevance to my life and goals feels very pointless to me. I'm also likely to miss out on things like events or better deals because I don't actively explore and observe the world much. And I have difficulty with relaxation, I'm always mentally focused on something and don't like to slow down. It's hard to see any point in the sensory pleasures others describe such as going for a walk in the park.

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    I am open-minded and aware of possibilities and interpretations. I'm always aware of potential consequences of actions. I am always well-informed regarding health conditions that I have, as I tend to do a lot of research/reading articles. I easily see through social constructs and biases. I tend to trust my own judgment and logic over that of supposed experts and authorities. I'm not a perfectionist and don't get super upset over issues or setbacks, so things tend to stay simple and don't become harder than they need to be. I'm very nonjudgmental. I can be analytical. I've been told I'm eloquent when it comes to explaining phenomena. I can be innovative and ambitious. I've been told I'm insightful and notice underlying phenomena that others don't notice. I've also been told I give good advice.

    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I can't really think of any areas where I could use help.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    My whole life is a rut, there's not much to do. When I finish school and start earning money I imagine I'll have the means to do more. I also have a lot of fatigue, so even when I have time I don't always have the energy to do much.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    While I get along with most people, I tend to only be drawn to gammas. I seem to dislike too much silliness and tend to prefer more serious interactions that focus on sharing information and ideas relevant to goals or deepening understanding.

    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I have no idea what qualities I want in a partner. I don't know if it works that way, where you can just list qualities and someone who has those is going to be someone you're drawn to. It seems to be something more implicit, like how qualities are expressed. For example, two people could be kind and caring, but maybe one is that way more in a caregiver, motherly way, while another is that way in a genuine, sympathetic way (I've preferred the latter). And then, even though I might really like kindness in some people, I might encounter someone who doesn't seem particularly kind but who I still like.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I don't want to ever have kids. But if I did, the most important thing would be to value their individual feelings and emotional needs, such as what they like and enjoy. I would show them unconditional positive regard, which means I don't always agree with them or what they do but I always respect who they are and care about them. I would make it safe for them to communicate their feelings and express themselves, and would encourage them to be themselves and develop their own values.

    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Depending on what it is, I may confront them about it and challenge their belief. Depending on my relationship to the person, I might want to avoid them, seeing no point in friendship when there is strong disagreement in values.

    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I don't particularly feel like a part of society, and don't normally pay much attention to it. A prevalent social problem is hate and discrimination.

    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I don't choose, they either just happen or they don't. I typically have a formal communication style and sound like a textbook. I'm quiet and only speak when I have something to say, which seems to be a matter of how my mind works. Purely social communication never comes to mind.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    I don't think my behavior is different around strangers.

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    Quote Originally Posted by isptn View Post
    In that case, here's another one:
    (still, I don't like the idea of being typed by questionnaires alone)
    Other methods of typing include VI (post some pictures or some videos of yourself) and, I happen to believe, an avatar picture. Pick something that you like, or that you think means something to you.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 05-28-2017 at 09:26 PM.

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    Realized there were more questions from the first questionnaire.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?
    Making it through the mountain of work that is grad school.

    What is something you regret?
    I regret causing myself a physical injury that may not have ever fully healed. But generally I don't do regret as I don't find it useful.

    Who do you admire, and why?
    I admire the people I like or feel drawn to, it's impossible not to respect them. There isn't any reason for it.

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
    I am worried about the future, my health and wellbeing, whether I'll be able to get a job, and whether I'll have the energy for it. I've been not as productive this past week as I'd hoped to be, I'm apparently exhausted.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
    I contemplate my own spiritual ideas and thoughts about the nature of the universe, that can be hard to articulate in words, but I don't form any beliefs. I prefer not to share my ideas.

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    I've been very busy with school and haven't had the time to invest in politics. But I would tend toward political beliefs that fit my values, such as compassion.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    I have plans to do so. My role is behind the scenes, creating and connecting resources to buyers. My approach will allow for minimal investment of costs, time, and energy. I prefer not to go into more detail.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    I don't like to work for anyone else, I feel most alive and most myself when I'm doing my own work for myself. I also work best unscheduled because my energy is inconsistent. I don't do well with routine work and need work that is mentally stimulating and creates change or progress.

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
    I liked foreign languages, particularly the grammar and structure. And I liked that language could be applied to anything. It wasn't some obscure topic that you just learn but have no way to use. If I wanted to, I could write all my class notes in a foreign language, or find a language exchange friend to speak with in that language.

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
    I don't really blame myself or others for anything. If people make mistakes, it's understandable. If people behave in self-defeating ways, that's also understandable, but change and action should be encouraged. I find a lot of people tend to attack others or be otherwise insensitive, calling someone lazy or blaming them for their problems. I don't find that helpful. Not only is blaming unkind, but it also usually doesn't work, and would more likely cause the person to shrink away and deflate, when what they really need is to be empowered.

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?
    I can't remember my last vacation.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
    I was the same as I am now, I don't think I've changed much. My communication style has changed a lot though. I used to use emoticons and would be kind of silly sometimes. I cringe looking back at it. But my communication style is always changing, even now.

    What was your high school experience like?
    Fairly positive. I can't think of much to say about it though.

    Talk about a significant event from your life.
    This question is really hard for me because I have almost no autobiographical memory. My memory around life events is mostly too hazy to describe.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    I don't like kids who are wild and all over the place. I don't mind calm and quiet kids. I wouldn't want to have kids because I don't think I have the energy to be responsible for another human being, given the state of my health.

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I don't particularly trust people these days. Most people don't seem to have much empathy, even if they think they do.

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?
    I don't have any one consistent approach. If one approach doesn't work, I switch to another. Anything that is likely to work in a given situation. If I truly want something, I don't usually give up if it is difficult, I will look for another way it can be done.

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?
    I am comfortable taking leadership roles in areas of my own work, where I'm not working under anyone in a formal setting. I need to have a lot of autonomy. That way I'm able to access my full abilities and my own intrinsic motivation. I tend to have a democratic and casual leadership style. Although I'm leading, I see others as having equal power.

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?
    I rarely get angry. Things that can make me angry are unfair accusations, hate and prejudice, and spreading wrong information.

    What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?
    I got to pet a cat.

    What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?
    I made almost no progress toward finding a job for after I graduate.

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
    Haven't found anything yet. Still looking.

    What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?
    Arches National Park was interesting because you could explore and hike wherever you wanted. You weren't required to stay on trails.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    I try to dress normal but I'm not very good at it. Fortunately, it usually doesn't occur to me that I don't look normal.

    Do you like surprises?
    I have no idea if I would like them.

    Is there anything else important about you that we should know?
    Will add more if I think of anything. I don't really expect much of this thread but some people have requested that I make one.

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    I should add that I've been in an Ethical phase lately, which has influenced my responses. I seem to alternate between Logical and Ethical mindsets, but usually feel more myself in the Logical mode.

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    Let me know if this is still not enough. I know my answers are short, I have a hard time giving long/detailed answers.

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    IEE. Don't have the time or energy to present an argument here but feel free to PM me if you want

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nehtaro View Post
    IEE. Don't have the time or energy to present an argument here but feel free to PM me if you want
    I could see Ne and Fi ego. There are a few issues though, and in order to be convinced of IEE I would need to know if/why they don't matter:

    -I'm very introverted (I don't mean shy/anxious), and more focused on my inner world than the outer world. The first thing people notice about me is that I'm very quiet, and it's a matter of general temperament rather than a situational thing.
    -4D Fe would seem odd, considering I can be kind of monotone and not very good at controlling tone or expressing emotion such as excitement or enthusiasm. The only explanation I could think of is that perhaps this would only be a strength for Fe blocked with Si, whereas Fe-Ni might ignore the physical expression of emotion and focus more on the emotional significance of words, events, and contexts. I wouldn't know if this is the case, though.
    -1D Ti would seem odd as it seems to be an area of strength for me. When someone says something that doesn't make logical sense, it can be hard for me not to comment on it. Ti-heavy subjects like math and linguistics have always been some of my strongest subjects. I would not pay attention in those classes because they were too easy and slow-paced for me. When studying foreign languages, the part I most enjoyed was the grammar or structure, and it was easy for me to keep track in my head of things like case and word order. I liked to play around with the grammar and make unrealistically complex and confusing sentences with multiple clauses.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nehtaro View Post
    I'll get back to you with something more comprehensive, but for now:
    Focus on 'the inner world' does not define an introvert in socionics. By inner world, you mean ideas, abstractions, connections, juxtaposing concepts, etc. right? Your mind is constantly moving, calculating, not limited by reality or practicality, right? (although you likely have area(s) of focus that you prefer. Socionics is not picking which type description matches, but understanding how you process information, not how sociable or talkative you are, although there are trends.
    Actually, not really. I tend to have an introspective focus in my daily life, focusing on things that are relevant to myself and how I'm experiencing things. In my daily life I mostly pay attention to my mood, internal sensations, and time (Harmonizing?). (I have difficulty with the first one and seem to have some degree of alexithymia.) I rarely think about things that are outside the scope of my daily life and self-awareness. For instance, I would not think about things like space travel or philosophy. When I read, hear, or experience things, I'm interested in my own reactions to them and what that can tell me about myself, my preferences, etc.

    That you 'can' be monotone means little here. If you can't, at will, imitate excitement or enthusiasm, even as a joke, or make a big grin at will... then that would be unexpected, assuming you are not suffering depression. Regardless, 4D Fe doesn't mean you necessarily have an expressive voice, but something else entirely (some great articles on here about dimensions). For instance, an IEE might frequently (and automatically) anticipate their own emotional reactions to potential events.
    I think you might be taking for granted something that perhaps comes easy to you. Not everyone is able to control their emotional expressions and use them to generate or infect others with excitement, for instance. It takes a certain personality to be able to do that. I'm sure you can imagine a lot of people who are fully capable of feeling emotions but don't seem to have much ability to express them through their tone beyond the very basics like smiling or laughing.

    Gotta get back to work, but 1D Ti doesn't make you stupid. That last paragraph reminds me of myself soo much.
    I never claimed it did. You don't have to be good with structure, logic, and hierarchy, or with Ti-heavy subjects to be intelligent. I've known plenty of intelligent people who would not be able to do what I described, but would have other strengths.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nehtaro View Post
    Totally, totally... introspection != introverted.
    You're going to have to define introversion, or this isn't going to go anywhere. I never claimed that introspection = introversion, I was describing my focus as it wasn't what you claimed. But suffice to say, I have never read any introversion/extroversion description or definition anywhere, in any system, where I would not be classified as an introvert.

    Can you describe your mood over the past day? Was there anything that happened that improved or negatively affected your mood?
    I was irritated because there were no parking spots anywhere, and cars and people were stopped or moving slowly, keeping me stuck in the aisles. I was frustrated that it made me late. I noticed that the doctor seemed tired, and I felt sympathetic. As I was driving home, I noticed that I felt like sighing, and I recognized the feeling as frustration. The last one is something I would not normally have noticed, but I'm working on paying more attention to my feelings and more subtle shifts lately.

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    Sure, the original author of Socionics, Aushra, defined it as a focus on fields (and extroverted as a focus on bodies/objects). SSS define it as a focus on the ratio/relations between, rather than a focus on the essence, the thing in itself.
    That's pretty good. You not only are able to recall your emotions and their antecedents, but you are also aware of your awareness ('this is something I would not normally have noticed'). Nothing definitive of course, but Fe-PoLR for instance IME cannot give much of an answer to that question.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nehtaro View Post
    You didn't answer my question either--are you able to put a big grin on your face and then take it off? In private if you don't want to try in public.
    Not sure how useful this question is. Of course I have working facial muscles.

    How does a friendship begin? Are there different kinds of friendships? How does a friendship change?
    There is no specific way friendship must begin. There are as many kinds of friendships as there are people, you have a unique relationship to each of them. Friendship changes as you see more of the person and have more experiences with them. A friend who has lied to you is never the same from that point on. Which is not to say you can't forgive them and move on, or that you can't be friends with them anymore, but you know that they aren't perfect. You can't undo knowledge.

    Can you describe some techniques one might use to accomplish their goals? When approaching a new problem, how do you decide which technique or approach to use?
    Generating ideas, conceptualizing the problem, looking at the problem in a different way, changing your mindset, focusing on the goal, imagining yourself achieving that goal, using a mantra, creating a plan, using checklists, having good organization, eliminating clutter (physical and mental), having good self-care, rewarding yourself for small accomplishments, breaking the task down into smaller parts, focusing on the present, focusing on the future, dealing with mental blockage, self-compassion, encouragement, setting time limits, getting motivated, self-discipline/willpower, support, asking for help, relaxation/stress management, focusing on your strengths, having self-confidence, using or acquiring resources, educating yourself, forming a strategy, using your time and resources efficiently, networking, planned happenstance, redefining the goal, examining your priorities, time management, persistence, understanding the situation, looking at alternative routes and finding the best one, thinking about what seems most realistic or likely to work, imagining a miracle situation and then imagining what could have brought it about, having well-defined and specific goals, gathering information, observing yourself or the situation, taking advantage of trends, being innovative, taking risks, examining your beliefs, practice and refining skills, gaining experience, creating a path where there are none, etc.

    I tend to use most of them where applicable and likely to help when approaching a new problem.

    Is there a halfway point between knowledge and ignorance, or is it a discrete binary change? Elaborate.
    I don't think it matters which way you perceive it. But my thinking right now is that insights often appear sudden when in actuality it takes a lot of information gathered over time, as well having the right experiences and mental processes, in order to form insight. A scientist once discovered the ring shape of the benzene molecule after having a reverie of a snake eating its own tail. Would he still have made that discovery on that day if he had never seen a snake or any pictures of one before? He probably would have eventually discovered it anyways, but in a different way and at a later time. But if there is a process through which insight or knowledge is formed, how would you determine the halfway point? Halfway in amount of resources? Halfway in time? Or the feeling of having a half-formed insight that needs elaboration? Like I said, I don't think it matters which way you look at it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nehtaro View Post
    Sure, the original author of Socionics, Aushra, defined it as a focus on fields (and extroverted as a focus on bodies/objects). SSS define it as a focus on the ratio/relations between, rather than a focus on the essence, the thing in itself.
    At this time I see myself focusing more on fields. If you can identify and point out evidence to the contrary, or parts of my posts where you see a focus on objects, I would be open to that.

    That's pretty good. You not only are able to recall your emotions and their antecedents, but you are also aware of your awareness ('this is something I would not normally have noticed'). Nothing definitive of course, but Fe-PoLR for instance IME cannot give much of an answer to that question.
    This seems unlikely to me. I would expect even Fe-PoLR types to have some awareness of their emotions, and to be honest I'm not sure how much awareness of one's own feelings would have to do with socionics type, I could see it being largely unrelated. I would like to hear from ILIs/SLIs.

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    I see Te valuing

    honestly, I almost never like ILIs so I wouldn't be surprised if you were one

    one time you responded to me in really classic victim form which was something to the effect of "why are you attacking me??" as if someone not liking you is incomprehensible (posing an "invitation" to debate someone into not not liking you is characteristic of ILI and ILE)... it was low D feeling in any case and likely low D sensing, since I think anyone in possession of those faculties would have reacted completely differently

    very hard for me to buy IEE
    Last edited by Bertrand; 05-30-2017 at 11:44 PM.

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    Last edited by Nehtaro; 07-16-2017 at 11:49 PM.

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    The questionnaires show a consistent trend of Irrationality, a general relaxedness, and not wanting to judge too much, changeable/inconsistent energy, dislike of routine.

    Full of Si valuing, Fi valuing and delta values.

    Some quick examples:

    1D Ne: "I have no idea how some people seem able to have an endless fascination with everything in the universe, not that it's bad or anything, I just can't relate."

    Fe PoLR:
    "I avoid showing much emotion and get annoyed when people point out that I'm smiling. When people try to read my expressions they are usually wrong, so it's especially annoying when they then announce what they think my face is showing."
    "I've been told I can be monotone and lack warmth. I dislike showing positive emotion such as excitement."
    Last edited by Myst; 06-22-2017 at 08:55 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post

    The questionnaires show a consistent trend of Irrationality, a general relaxedness, and not wanting to judge too much, changeable/inconsistent energy, dislike of routine.

    Full of Si valuing, Fi valuing and delta values.

    Some quick examples:

    1D Ne: "I have no idea how some people seem able to have an endless fascination with everything in the universe, not that it's bad or anything, I just can't relate."

    Fe PoLR:
    "I avoid showing much emotion and get annoyed when people point out that I'm smiling. When people try to read my expressions they are usually wrong, so it's especially annoying when they then announce what they think my face is showing."
    "I've been told I can be monotone and lack warmth. I dislike showing positive emotion such as excitement."
    Thanks for the input!

    It seems like for each IE, there are parts that I'm strong in and parts I'm weak in. For example, while I don't really do the physical expressions of Fe, I easily understand emotional/relationship dynamics and can manipulate them, correct others' ethical mistakes, offer advice, etc. When it comes to Si, I'm aware of internal sensations throughout the day but typically ignore sensations like hunger until I start to feel weak and need to eat something immediately. For Fi, I understand relationships and can be very empathetic, but I generally have no personal sentiments.

    It's probably like this for everyone, but other people seem not to mind defining themselves in ways that capture one side of them while leaving out others. I'm not sure if it makes sense to do that. Why should I place myself in a category that is only sort of accurate, and ultimately only an illusion? I wonder if this points to any weak IEs on my part, that I can't seem compromise in this area. It can be difficult for me to make generalizations, to split the gray into black or white.

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    Quote Originally Posted by isptn View Post
    Thanks for the input!

    It seems like for each IE, there are parts that I'm strong in and parts I'm weak in. For example, while I don't really do the physical expressions of Fe, I easily understand emotional/relationship dynamics and can manipulate them, correct others' ethical mistakes, offer advice, etc. When it comes to Si, I'm aware of internal sensations throughout the day but typically ignore sensations like hunger until I start to feel weak and need to eat something immediately. For Fi, I understand relationships and can be very empathetic, but I generally have no personal sentiments.

    It's probably like this for everyone, but other people seem not to mind defining themselves in ways that capture one side of them while leaving out others. I'm not sure if it makes sense to do that. Why should I place myself in a category that is only sort of accurate, and ultimately only an illusion? I wonder if this points to any weak IEs on my part, that I can't seem compromise in this area. It can be difficult for me to make generalizations, to split the gray into black or white.
    Interesting observation there in general. I don't really buy the model A as is either. I just used it to spot trends for your typing. Type to me is just that, a very rough and general draft of a collection of some trends about cognition.

    I agree about not sticking to categories if they don't actually work. I don't think that on its own points to weak IEs as defined by the model.

    I think the trend of what I said is Irrationality (and of course introversion, so Ip) is quite consistent for you so at least that's something.

    Si too, if you are conscious of those internal sensations and easily manage them. Your decision to ignore the hunger doesn't have to mean weak Si.

    And hmm, how do you manipulate emotional/relationship dynamics without doing any Fe expressions?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Si too, if you are conscious of those internal sensations and easily manage them. Your decision to ignore the hunger doesn't have to mean weak Si.
    What does it mean to easily manage sensations?

    And hmm, how do you manipulate emotional/relationship dynamics without doing any Fe expressions?
    It's all about how you communicate (i.e. expressing sincerity, warmth and responsiveness, respect, compassion, empathy and sensitivity to others' feelings, etc.). The way you communicate affects people and influences how they then respond to you. It's not difficult for me to anticipate how specific individuals would react (emotionally) to information. I tend to communicate somewhat tactfully and like to handle difficult interpersonal situations like delivering bad news in a sensitive way, both protecting the person's feelings and protecting the integrity of the group (so we don't look like jerks). I tend to feel calculated and almost manipulative at times when I interact, it feels almost like acting even though the "act" may be rooted in real feelings or genuine good will.

    I tend to focus on how I word things, what I'm communicating, and how it may affect others, rather than on physical expression of emotion. I'm pretty phlegmatic. I tend to smile but don't express high energy emotion (excitement, anger, etc.) much at all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by isptn View Post
    What does it mean to easily manage sensations?
    OK that was a bit abstractly worded lol. It just means you take the sensation naturally and you naturally adjust stuff (if needed) according to the sensation.

    It's all about how you communicate (i.e. expressing sincerity, warmth and responsiveness, respect, compassion, empathy and sensitivity to others' feelings, etc.). The way you communicate affects people and influences how they then respond to you. It's not difficult for me to anticipate how specific individuals would react (emotionally) to information. I tend to communicate somewhat tactfully and like to handle difficult interpersonal situations like delivering bad news in a sensitive way, both protecting the person's feelings and protecting the integrity of the group (so we don't look like jerks). I tend to feel calculated and almost manipulative at times when I interact, it feels almost like acting even though the "act" may be rooted in real feelings or genuine good will.

    I tend to focus on how I word things, what I'm communicating, and how it may affect others, rather than on physical expression of emotion. I'm pretty phlegmatic. I tend to smile but don't express high energy emotion (excitement, anger, etc.) much at all.
    Hmm, going by socionics definitions, it's very easily possible that a lot of this is rooted in Fi. That is, you emphasize words like tact, sensitivity, protectiveness of feelings of the person, sincerity and respect. This emphasis would coincide very well with how Fi is defined in socionics. Just smiling instead of conveying much dynamic emotionality would be pretty much Fi>Fe, too. Also, some things in emotional/relationship dynamics just can't be affected without high energy emotions but this is also dependent on the person whether that's all that important to them. If this makes sense. All in all, this to me sounds like a case of Fi covering for weak Fe (or at least Fi being valued over weak Fe superego), but of course it can't cover for it fully.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    OK that was a bit abstractly worded lol. It just means you take the sensation naturally and you naturally adjust stuff (if needed) according to the sensation.
    What does it mean to take sensation naturally and naturally adjust? I can't think of how I would adjust beyond eating when hungry, which every living thing does. And I apparently don't do that very well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Hmm, going by socionics definitions, it's very easily possible that a lot of this is rooted in Fi. That is, you emphasize words like tact, sensitivity, protectiveness of feelings of the person, sincerity and respect. This emphasis would coincide very well with how Fi is defined in socionics. Just smiling instead of conveying much dynamic emotionality would be pretty much Fi>Fe, too. Also, some things in emotional/relationship dynamics just can't be affected without high energy emotions but this is also dependent on the person whether that's all that important to them. If this makes sense. All in all, this to me sounds like a case of Fi covering for weak Fe (or at least Fi being valued over weak Fe superego), but of course it can't cover for it fully.
    What would make it weak Fi though? I mean, if I'm able to handle even difficult situations fairly easily and help others with Fi. I also wonder what would make my Te strong as opposed to weak. I don't feel like I'm particularly weak in either Ethics or Logic, so I've been stuck on that one. Like, what can a Logical type do that an Ethical type would find very difficult, and vice versa?

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    Quote Originally Posted by isptn View Post
    What does it mean to take sensation naturally and naturally adjust? I can't think of how I would adjust beyond eating when hungry, which every living thing does. And I apparently don't do that very well.
    Which part is unclear - what's a sensation other than hunger? All the examples I found for what these sensations and themes for them would be, from your questionnaires:

    - leisure
    (the sensations related to that)
    - nice looking container for aesthetics
    - (Beauty is the property of) being pleasing to the senses
    - No fixed schedule, it's when I feel like it
    (can just be Irrationality, depending if focusing on how the body state feels)
    - don't get super upset over issues or setbacks, so things tend to stay simple and don't become harder than they need to be
    - I also have a lot of fatigue, so even when I have time I don't always have the energy to do much
    - Making it through the mountain of work that is grad school
    (if focusing on how it felt)
    - I regret causing myself a physical injury that may not have ever fully healed
    - I'm apparently exhausted
    - My approach will allow for minimal investment of costs, time, and energy
    (this part is with strong Te)
    - I don't do well with routine work
    (*if* this is from a sensations standpoint, as to how it feels)
    - Arches National Park was interesting because you could explore and hike wherever you wanted. You weren't required to stay on trails
    - cars and people were stopped or moving slowly, keeping me stuck in the aisles
    (if you focused on how this felt)
    - I noticed that the doctor seemed tired

    - and your avatar

    This part is out of place tho', noticing it now: "And I have difficulty with relaxation, I'm always mentally focused on something and don't like to slow down. It's hard to see any point in the sensory pleasures others describe such as going for a walk in the park".

    It's kind of more Decisive and/or Rational. So that sounds more like ILI or even LII here (except it seemed like your Fe is PoLR and your Fi is valued instead). Dunno, because overall you didn't seem very Intuitive and I saw zero evidence of Se valuing but maybe ILI-Te is an option to check out too (I guess you already looked at it tho'). This can just be an example of what you talked about tho', about how things are more disparate than always neatly lining up for the function model. The only one thing I can suggest you specifically check out more closely is Se vs Ne suggestive because that's a useful part of the theory, finding if there is something you can complement with/integrate for your Ego and if so, what it is.

    What would make it weak Fi though? I mean, if I'm able to handle even difficult situations fairly easily and help others with Fi. I also wonder what would make my Te strong as opposed to weak. I don't feel like I'm particularly weak in either Ethics or Logic, so I've been stuck on that one. Like, what can a Logical type do that an Ethical type would find very difficult, and vice versa?
    I don't know what "difficult situations" you handle "fairly easily". The best would be if you compared your approach to people who are definitely strong in Fi, Fi leads preferably.

    I personally find it interesting how you come across so neutral to me (in tone), yet you say you are really into Fi - strong Fi I typically sense more easily because of how their tone comes across more "feely" much of the time, if this makes sense. You are instead more impersonal, factually focused, analytical and nearly apathetic in tone.

    And that actually answers your question on how I find your Te (and Ti) strong, you easily focus on the objective/factual side of things. That's all Logic (Te/Ti) is really about. You yourself noted you find the "Logical mode" a bit more natural for yourself so that pretty much answers that part of your question.

    A decent link on what T types would find more difficult vs what F types would find more difficult relatively:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Which part is unclear - what's a sensation other than hunger? All the examples I found for what these sensations and themes for them would be, from your questionnaires:
    The part that's confusing for me is that every type notices sensations sometimes. Everyone gets tired, or hungry, or sick. What's the difference between being "strong" vs "weak" in this area? I don't think it works to take every instance of noticing a sensation as evidence of strong or valued Si, there has to be something more to it. I'd bet that there would be almost no correlation between noticing or commenting on sensations and personality, more likely the people who would notice it the most are the ones who are in situations where it's relevant such as having a chronic illness (as I do) that causes sensations that affect their daily lives.

    - leisure (the sensations related to that)
    - nice looking container for aesthetics
    - (Beauty is the property of) being pleasing to the senses
    - No fixed schedule, it's when I feel like it
    (can just be Irrationality, depending if focusing on how the body state feels)
    - don't get super upset over issues or setbacks, so things tend to stay simple and don't become harder than they need to be
    - I also have a lot of fatigue, so even when I have time I don't always have the energy to do much
    - Making it through the mountain of work that is grad school
    (if focusing on how it felt)
    - I regret causing myself a physical injury that may not have ever fully healed
    - I'm apparently exhausted
    - My approach will allow for minimal investment of costs, time, and energy
    (this part is with strong Te)
    - I don't do well with routine work
    (*if* this is from a sensations standpoint, as to how it feels)
    - Arches National Park was interesting because you could explore and hike wherever you wanted. You weren't required to stay on trails
    - cars and people were stopped or moving slowly, keeping me stuck in the aisles
    (if you focused on how this felt)
    - I noticed that the doctor seemed tired

    - and your avatar
    I've bolded the ones that are related to my illness. Before my illness I used to do homework at around the same time each day, but I can't really do that anymore because it depends on my energy. In the one about getting stuck behind cars in the aisle, I had no awareness of sensations and was focused on time instead. It was irritating to me because time was passing and I knew I was going to be late because of it, which bothered me.

    This part is out of place tho', noticing it now: "And I have difficulty with relaxation, I'm always mentally focused on something and don't like to slow down. It's hard to see any point in the sensory pleasures others describe such as going for a walk in the park".

    It's kind of more Decisive and/or Rational. So that sounds more like ILI or even LII here (except it seemed like your Fe is PoLR and your Fi is valued instead). Dunno, because overall you didn't seem very Intuitive and I saw zero evidence of Se valuing but maybe ILI-Te is an option to check out too (I guess you already looked at it tho'). This can just be an example of what you talked about tho', about how things are more disparate than always neatly lining up for the function model. The only one thing I can suggest you specifically check out more closely is Se vs Ne suggestive because that's a useful part of the theory, finding if there is something you can complement with/integrate for your Ego and if so, what it is.
    It may be one of my weaknesses, I can be pretty out of touch with how I'm feeling. If someone asks about my feelings, for example "Does it feel good to be done with X?", I will typically have no idea. If I'm worried about something in the future and someone says I should do something relaxing, it's hard for me to see the point in that. Even though part of me intellectually understands that it would be better for my health and wellbeing to relax, I just feel like it doesn't matter how I feel in this moment (which will soon pass anyways) because what matters is that the future or whatever problem there is works out. So I end up dwelling on that at the expense of relaxation.

    I personally find it interesting how you come across so neutral to me (in tone), yet you say you are really into Fi - strong Fi I typically sense more easily because of how their tone comes across more "feely" much of the time, if this makes sense. You are instead more impersonal, factually focused, analytical and nearly apathetic in tone.
    True, that's why I tend to feel more like a Logical type.

    A decent link on what T types would find more difficult vs what F types would find more difficult relatively:
    The link doesn't seem to work.

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    Quote Originally Posted by isptn View Post
    The part that's confusing for me is that every type notices sensations sometimes. Everyone gets tired, or hungry, or sick. What's the difference between being "strong" vs "weak" in this area? I don't think it works to take every instance of noticing a sensation as evidence of strong or valued Si, there has to be something more to it. I'd bet that there would be almost no correlation between noticing or commenting on sensations and personality, more likely the people who would notice it the most are the ones who are in situations where it's relevant such as having a chronic illness (as I do) that causes sensations that affect their daily lives.
    I only gave that list as examples beyond just the example of "hunger". Strong Si in ego isn't just a few sensations being noticed, it's more like a way of viewing life. Main focus being on the sensations, sensory needs and things related. This description is decent:

    I've bolded the ones that are related to my illness. Before my illness I used to do homework at around the same time each day, but I can't really do that anymore because it depends on my energy. In the one about getting stuck behind cars in the aisle, I had no awareness of sensations and was focused on time instead. It was irritating to me because time was passing and I knew I was going to be late because of it, which bothered me.
    OK, actually, I do think your illness could be a confounding factor here.

    It may be one of my weaknesses, I can be pretty out of touch with how I'm feeling. If someone asks about my feelings, for example "Does it feel good to be done with X?", I will typically have no idea. If I'm worried about something in the future and someone says I should do something relaxing, it's hard for me to see the point in that. Even though part of me intellectually understands that it would be better for my health and wellbeing to relax, I just feel like it doesn't matter how I feel in this moment (which will soon pass anyways) because what matters is that the future or whatever problem there is works out. So I end up dwelling on that at the expense of relaxation.
    Si ego thinks it matters how you are in this moment. What you said sounds pretty future oriented - do you see anything major not fitting you about ILI?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I only gave that list as examples beyond just the example of "hunger". Strong Si in ego isn't just a few sensations being noticed, it's more like a way of viewing life. Main focus being on the sensations, sensory needs and things related. This description is decent:
    The link didn't work, so I went here instead:

    "SLIs are endowed with an exceptional memory for perceptions and experiences. They readily describe their personal impressions of what they have heard, seen, and lived through, recreating their experiences of colors, sounds, smells, and tastes. (In movies of Andrey Tarkovsky, SLI, the recollection of sound is used as a kind of "sensory symbolism", that is, the relayed experiences carry specific thematic significance.)"

    I remember the layout and relative locations in space of places and experiences. But I'm unlikely to remember much physical detail like colors, sounds, tastes, etc. Then again, I once met someone who had difficulty imagining what it would feel like to physically interact with objects, such as their texture, weight, etc., which is not something I would have any difficulty with at all.

    "The SLI greatly values the created by him soulful, emotional, and sensory comfort. He tries to avoid any unpleasant, irritating stimuli, that destroy this subjective harmony. Such unpleasant stimuli can be poor aesthetics of someone's appearance, sharp smells or sounds, dim lighting, cluttered interior space, old and worn wallpaper, chipped corners, unpleasant intonations in someone's voice, and so on. Any manifestations of emotional and sensory discomfort has an effect on SLI's mood (sometimes even his potency), evoking in him an inner protest, igniting in him a wish to immediately change his surroundings. The SLI always tries to insulate himself from unpleasant surrounding stimuli. For example, being at home, he can turn off his phone so that nothing would interfere with his pleasant isolation."

    I'm not likely to notice those things, except unpleasant intonations. I have pretty minimal needs when it comes to aesthetics, I rarely pay attention to it and will tolerate poor aesthetics like clutter or messiness for months due to hardly noticing. I never make my bed, for instance, because it would be a rather pointless chore considering it makes no noticeable difference to me whether it's made or not.

    Si ego thinks it matters how you are in this moment. What you said sounds pretty future oriented - do you see anything major not fitting you about ILI?
    The issue I have with ILI is that based on my interactions with ILIs, we don't seem to be the same type. For instance, ILI would ask my opinion on what seemed likely about a person (saying "They think they are X but it seems unlikely that an X would do this or that"), but I was unable to do so and instead simply explained that it was possible for them to be X based on definitions and logic. ILI was unsatisfied because I did not present an opinion. In another case, ILI and I were starting a blog, and ILI wrote in a tone that I felt may be inappropriate or off-putting to some, so I explained to ILI the effect it might have (in terms of making the blog appear less trustworthy and credible as a source of knowledge) and offered suggestions, in case ILI had not noticed. I was not at all surprised when ILI responded that she was not interested in changing it as she wanted it to reflect her authentic self. We are somewhat opposite in the sense that ILI puts herself into everything whereas I never put myself into anything, I have a formal and objective style.

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    Quote Originally Posted by isptn View Post
    The link didn't work, so I went here instead:
    Sorry, I forgot to fix the link from to

    "SLIs are endowed with an exceptional memory for perceptions and experiences. They readily describe their personal impressions of what they have heard, seen, and lived through, recreating their experiences of colors, sounds, smells, and tastes. (In movies of Andrey Tarkovsky, SLI, the recollection of sound is used as a kind of "sensory symbolism", that is, the relayed experiences carry specific thematic significance.)"

    I remember the layout and relative locations in space of places and experiences. But I'm unlikely to remember much physical detail like colors, sounds, tastes, etc. Then again, I once met someone who had difficulty imagining what it would feel like to physically interact with objects, such as their texture, weight, etc., which is not something I would have any difficulty with at all.
    Yeah, I guess example of how these things don't necessarily all go together. Reminds me of how one of the self-typed SLIs on here said she isn't that focused on her body, but she does focus on sensations otherwise. Otoh your not living in the moment does go against Si more fundamentally.

    "The SLI greatly values the created by him soulful, emotional, and sensory comfort. He tries to avoid any unpleasant, irritating stimuli, that destroy this subjective harmony. Such unpleasant stimuli can be poor aesthetics of someone's appearance, sharp smells or sounds, dim lighting, cluttered interior space, old and worn wallpaper, chipped corners, unpleasant intonations in someone's voice, and so on. Any manifestations of emotional and sensory discomfort has an effect on SLI's mood (sometimes even his potency), evoking in him an inner protest, igniting in him a wish to immediately change his surroundings. The SLI always tries to insulate himself from unpleasant surrounding stimuli. For example, being at home, he can turn off his phone so that nothing would interfere with his pleasant isolation."

    I'm not likely to notice those things, except unpleasant intonations. I have pretty minimal needs when it comes to aesthetics, I rarely pay attention to it and will tolerate poor aesthetics like clutter or messiness for months due to hardly noticing. I never make my bed, for instance, because it would be a rather pointless chore considering it makes no noticeable difference to me whether it's made or not.
    Typically they (SLIs) are minimalists.

    The issue I have with ILI is that based on my interactions with ILIs, we don't seem to be the same type. For instance, ILI would ask my opinion on what seemed likely about a person (saying "They think they are X but it seems unlikely that an X would do this or that"), but I was unable to do so and instead simply explained that it was possible for them to be X based on definitions and logic. ILI was unsatisfied because I did not present an opinion. In another case, ILI and I were starting a blog, and ILI wrote in a tone that I felt may be inappropriate or off-putting to some, so I explained to ILI the effect it might have (in terms of making the blog appear less trustworthy and credible as a source of knowledge) and offered suggestions, in case ILI had not noticed. I was not at all surprised when ILI responded that she was not interested in changing it as she wanted it to reflect her authentic self. We are somewhat opposite in the sense that ILI puts herself into everything whereas I never put myself into anything, I have a formal and objective style.
    That ILI sounds close to being an Ethical type. (I can see that happen with ILI-Ni's really getting into their feelings so not trying to retype her.) Which type do you find yourself most on the same page with?

    Still doesn't work, won't load from either. Maybe you can quote it?
    • focus primarily on demands of material, nonhuman world, or world of "things" in one's environment
    • perceive things mainly in terms of correct vs. incorrect, logical vs. illogical (i.e. how objectively true words and deeds are)
    • in communication focus on and study what is done and said, content of speech
    • focus primarily on demands of subjective human world, or world of people and relationships
    • perceive things mainly in terms of right vs. wrong, ethical vs. unethical (i.e. how words and deeds will affect people and their relationships)
    • in communication focus on and study people's feelings and emotional state based on nonverbal signals and how things are said
    • less expressive face and body language
    • more expressive face and body language
    • less outward emotional range
    • have more stable and long-term feelings for others
    • nearly emotionless when communicating with other logical types but able to mirror emotions of ethical types
    • more emotional range and range of facial expression
    • more confident of and able to consciously control their feelings and emotions
    • adapt their emotional expression to those they interact with
    intellectual qualities
    • task-oriented
    • focused on not misleading a person and giving them correct information
    • convincing others using facts and arguments
    • people-oriented
    • focused on enhancing relationships; modifying content and form of speech to match or contradict what others expect to hear
    • use emotions and feelings to persuade
    • dealing with objective (nonhuman) world
    • countering others' flawed logic, actions, and procedures and explaining correct logic and procedures
    • making independent decisions in logical sphere
    • evaluating others' honesty and deeds
    • working with subjective (human) world
    • persuasion
    • adding an emotional, subjective dimension to social interaction
    • making independent decisions in human sphere
    • evaluating others' good will and positive or negative attitude
    • pleasing others and arousing emotions
    typical talents
    • working with inanimate objects and resources
    • technology, equipment, working with mechanisms
    • creating and understanding procedures and instructions
    • creating a good impression on the right people; public relations
    • helping others release emotional tension in individual interaction and social settings
    • being "the life of the party"
    norms or "rules of thumb"
    • try to strictly follow others' ethical norms and rules of thumb for demonstrating emotions and feelings
    • try to use formal logic in discussions and read up on scientific and/or technical literature to increase their self-confidence
    • ethics
    • often feel helpless when forced to deal with others' feelings, emotional reactions, and subjective factors
    • more subject to emotional manipulation and not recognizing others' true feelings and attitudes in time
    • evaluating how much work has been done and how much remains to do
    • opinions more easily influenced by others' logic and arguments
    • more subject to manipulation through dishonest, incorrect, or inconsistent information and deeds
    typical doubts
    • often are unsure of their right to have feelings for others and display emotions
    • often unsure that their partner really has feelings for them
    • often unsure of their ability to work and get things done or whether they have done enough work
    behavior in relationships
    • manage and diversify structure of relationship
    • show their feelings for partner by doing things for them
    • manage and diversify emotional aspects of relationship
    • show their feelings for partner directly through emotions
    Last edited by Myst; 06-24-2017 at 07:52 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    That ILI sounds close to being an Ethical type. (I can see that happen with ILI-Ni's really getting into their feelings so not trying to retype her.) Which type do you find yourself most on the same page with?
    Hard to say, there aren't many types I'm very familiar with. And there seems to be a lot of within-type variation.

    • focus primarily on demands of material, nonhuman world, or world of "things" in one's environment
    • perceive things mainly in terms of correct vs. incorrect, logical vs. illogical (i.e. how objectively true words and deeds are)
    • in communication focus on and study what is done and said, content of speech
    • focus primarily on demands of subjective human world, or world of people and relationships (I would say I mainly notice my energy/sensations, time/future and obligations, and my mood/feelings; where people or animals are involved I focus on empathy)
    • perceive things mainly in terms of right vs. wrong, ethical vs. unethical (i.e. how words and deeds will affect people and their relationships)
    • in communication focus on and study people's feelings and emotional state based on nonverbal signals and how things are said
    • less expressive face and body language
    • more expressive face and body language
    • less outward emotional range
    • have more stable and long-term feelings for others
    • nearly emotionless when communicating with other logical types but able to mirror emotions of ethical types
    • more emotional range and range of facial expression
    • more confident of and able to consciously control their feelings and emotions
    • adapt their emotional expression to those they interact with
    intellectual qualities
    • task-oriented
    • focused on not misleading a person and giving them correct information
    • convincing others using facts and arguments
    • people-oriented
    • focused on enhancing relationships; modifying content and form of speech to match or contradict what others expect to hear
    • use emotions and feelings to persuade
    • dealing with objective (nonhuman) world
    • countering others' flawed logic, actions, and procedures and explaining correct logic and procedures
    • making independent decisions in logical sphere
    • evaluating others' honesty and deeds
    • working with subjective (human) world
    • persuasion
    • adding an emotional, subjective dimension to social interaction
    • making independent decisions in human sphere
    • evaluating others' good will and positive or negative attitude
    • pleasing others and arousing emotions
    typical talents
    • working with inanimate objects and resources
    • technology, equipment, working with mechanisms
    • creating and understanding procedures and instructions
    • creating a good impression on the right people; public relations
    • helping others release emotional tension in individual interaction and social settings
    • being "the life of the party"
    norms or "rules of thumb"
    • try to strictly follow others' ethical norms and rules of thumb for demonstrating emotions and feelings
    • try to use formal logic in discussions and read up on scientific and/or technical literature to increase their self-confidence
    • ethics
    • often feel helpless when forced to deal with others' feelings, emotional reactions, and subjective factors
    • more subject to emotional manipulation and not recognizing others' true feelings and attitudes in time
    • evaluating how much work has been done and how much remains to do
    • opinions more easily influenced by others' logic and arguments
    • more subject to manipulation through dishonest, incorrect, or inconsistent information and deeds
    typical doubts
    • often are unsure of their right to have feelings for others and display emotions
    • often unsure that their partner really has feelings for them
    • often unsure of their ability to work and get things done or whether they have done enough work
    behavior in relationships
    • manage and diversify structure of relationship
    • show their feelings for partner by doing things for them
    • manage and diversify emotional aspects of relationship
    • show their feelings for partner directly through emotions

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    Quote Originally Posted by isptn View Post
    Hard to say, there aren't many types I'm very familiar with. And there seems to be a lot of within-type variation.
    OK, yeah that's understandable.

    As for the stuff you bolded, you bolded task-oriented but you didn''t bold "focus primarily on demands of material, nonhuman world, or world of "things" in one's environment" and "dealing with objective (nonhuman) world". Task orientation is pretty much meant as a focus on the objective nonhuman (=impersonal) world.

    I'm not trying to be nitpicky just wonder if that was some misinterpretation. Since that's pretty much core to the Logic (vs Ethics) dichotomy.

    I hope the comparison table helped you overall, though?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    OK, yeah that's understandable.

    As for the stuff you bolded, you bolded task-oriented but you didn''t bold "focus primarily on demands of material, nonhuman world, or world of "things" in one's environment" and "dealing with objective (nonhuman) world". Task orientation is pretty much meant as a focus on the objective nonhuman (=impersonal) world.

    I'm not trying to be nitpicky just wonder if that was some misinterpretation. Since that's pretty much core to the Logic (vs Ethics) dichotomy.

    I hope the comparison table helped you overall, though?
    It's kind of fuzzy though, hard to make a clear distinction. I focus on tasks as in obligations, what I have to do. But the subjective world is tied to that and can't exactly be separated. I feel that I have to do things because of others who are controlling me. As I'm focused on tasks, I'm also focused on my reactions, feelings, sensations, relationships, etc.

    The table didn't help much, but I've been thinking about the dichotomy in other ways lately as well. It seems there are different ways to make decisions regarding the future and risk. One way is to simply weigh the consequences of each action and go with the one that makes the most sense. Another way is act by ethical principle, following your heart or taking a leap of faith, as you can't know exactly how the future will unfold so you might as well do what you believe is right or what you truly want. Based on that I would be a logical type, as I don't exactly know how to navigate the latter and have mostly felt that I had no choice but to be rational.

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    Quote Originally Posted by isptn View Post
    It's kind of fuzzy though, hard to make a clear distinction. I focus on tasks as in obligations, what I have to do. But the subjective world is tied to that and can't exactly be separated. I feel that I have to do things because of others who are controlling me. As I'm focused on tasks, I'm also focused on my reactions, feelings, sensations, relationships, etc.
    Reactions, feelings, sensations, like? Got some examples?

    The table didn't help much, but I've been thinking about the dichotomy in other ways lately as well. It seems there are different ways to make decisions regarding the future and risk. One way is to simply weigh the consequences of each action and go with the one that makes the most sense. Another way is act by ethical principle, following your heart or taking a leap of faith, as you can't know exactly how the future will unfold so you might as well do what you believe is right or what you truly want. Based on that I would be a logical type, as I don't exactly know how to navigate the latter and have mostly felt that I had no choice but to be rational.
    Yes that does sound like you are a Logical type.

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    I think you're ILI-Ni. I recognize a lot of myself in you. I'll give arguments with help of quotes below.

    Quote Originally Posted by isptn View Post
    I'm flexible and a mix of opposites. This questionnaire isn't sufficient for typing me, so ask questions. Test my abilities.
    Challenging others to meet up to their expectations seems like victim behaviour

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    Ni, maybe Fi

    If I am not drawn to someone, interacting with them just feels dull and lifeless.
    Looking for EP temperament?

    100% of the people I've been drawn to have been Se/Ni types, almost all Gammas.
    This seems to point towards Ni ego

    Conflicts are rare and there doesn't seem to be any pattern.
    So we can rule out Se

    I've been described as quiet, calm, deep, and analytical.
    Points towards Ni, Te as opposed to Ni, Fe (analytical)

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    I tend to be objective, rational, and analytical. I point out flaws in logic and tend to use analogies.
    Thinking type

    I'm open-minded and hold multiple perspectives and interpretations. I keep the future in mind and I'm aware of possible consequences.
    Intuitive, keeping the future in mind is Ni.

    I'm not afraid of change or the unfamiliar, which can lead me to be untraditional and adventurous.
    P temperament, as opposed to J

    I am empathetic and understanding of others' feelings.

    I am able to be tactful, so I usually feel confident to handle confrontations.
    Fe, Se maybe

    lack of charismaWithout conscious effort, I can neglect to pay attention to how I'm coming across.
    Recognize myself in this too. Because of poor Fe. Can easily offend without meaning to/get labeled as angry without being angry?

    All my interests are mental.

    Most people don't recognize bias too easily and as a result end up swayed by social constructs and the media. They will believe that things are good or bad because it's what they've heard or what the people around them think. This can lead people to have misconceptions about what is good or bad. At worst, they may become prejudiced and hateful.
    I just said the same thing to @Myst in my own thread lolz.

    My whole life is a rut, there's not much to do. When I finish school and start earning money I imagine I'll have the means to do more. I also have a lot of fatigue, so even when I have time I don't always have the energy to do much.
    Feel the same, an IJ probably wouldn't feel as bad about being ''in a rut'', because they are rather content with routine, as opposed to IP.

    I typically have a formal communication style and sound like a textbook.
    Weak Fe

    For example, two people could be kind and caring, but maybe one is that way more in a caregiver, motherly way, while another is that way in a genuine, sympathetic way (I've preferred the latter).
    Seems like you like SEEs > ESEs.

    You seem too serious to be an Alpha NT. You even said yourself you like Gammas, it's probably because you're gamma yourself.
    I'm pretty confident you're INTp.
    Obviously Introverted
    Obviously Intuitive
    pretty obviously Thinking type
    What discerns you from INTj is that you seem to not like caregivers, don't show any childlike behaviour and are pretty serious (gamma, as opposed to alpha, who is merry)
    I also barely see any Ne, and a lot of Ni, so INTp becomes clear now.
    I know this is subjective but my last argument entails that I recognize a lot of things you said in myself (as another ILI)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Reactions, feelings, sensations, like? Got some examples?
    -Mood, such as calmness, anxiety, sadness, etc. in the form of sensation
    -Sensations such as being at rest, at ease, freedom, pleasantness, leisure, or busy, hurried, exertion, obligation, stress, overwhelm, etc.

    The negative sensations (busy, hurried, exertion, obligation, stress, overwhelm, etc.) for me are connected to the future as well as present. I am very aware of time, the future, consequences, planning, etc. It can be hard for me to live in the moment and enjoy the present when there are tasks to be done in the near future. For that reason, I mostly ignore sensations and focus on pushing through tasks and getting things done, which is difficult for me due to fatigue (so most of the time I am waiting for my energy to come). I don't find myself adapting or acting on sensations, I am aware of them but mostly ignore in favor of doing whatever I want or have to do. Which can lead to things like staying up late well past the point of exhaustion, ignoring the fact that my whole body aches and my brain is falling asleep, etc. Not sure if that's typical of Si or not.

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    Quote Originally Posted by isptn View Post
    -Mood, such as calmness, anxiety, sadness, etc. in the form of sensation
    -Sensations such as being at rest, at ease, freedom, pleasantness, leisure, or busy, hurried, exertion, obligation, stress, overwhelm, etc.

    The negative sensations (busy, hurried, exertion, obligation, stress, overwhelm, etc.) for me are connected to the future as well as present. I am very aware of time, the future, consequences, planning, etc. It can be hard for me to live in the moment and enjoy the present when there are tasks to be done in the near future. For that reason, I mostly ignore sensations and focus on pushing through tasks and getting things done, which is difficult for me due to fatigue (so most of the time I am waiting for my energy to come). I don't find myself adapting or acting on sensations, I am aware of them but mostly ignore in favor of doing whatever I want or have to do. Which can lead to things like staying up late well past the point of exhaustion, ignoring the fact that my whole body aches and my brain is falling asleep, etc. Not sure if that's typical of Si or not.
    That's interesting, a total mix of Si and Ni there. That list is Si, but then you say you don't really do much with the Si sensations and you inserted some Ni "buzzwords" too.

    Self-typed SLI on this forum before claimed that they don't focus all that much on their body either. Whatever that means.

    You also say earlier that you are focused on these sensations during tasks but now you say they are ignored? Or hm, you just mean, you keep an awareness but you do not give in to them if it would result in stopping the task?

    When the tasks of the near future are done, you are back to enjoying the present?

    A good question to decide between Se vs Si valuing would be, when some external demand comes up do you mind much if you have to respond to it immediately instead of it being on your own pace? (Assume that fatigue from the illness doesn't play a role here.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    That's interesting, a total mix of Si and Ni there. That list is Si, but then you say you don't really do much with the Si sensations and you inserted some Ni "buzzwords" too.
    I don't want to fall into the trap of simply flowing along with whatever your initial impression happened to be. It's important that I not simply agree with what you say but also include the other side in order to give a fuller picture. In other words I am actively working to counter anchoring bias.

    You also say earlier that you are focused on these sensations during tasks but now you say they are ignored? Or hm, you just mean, you keep an awareness but you do not give in to them if it would result in stopping the task?
    Both are true. I am aware of sensations during tasks until I get mentally absorbed in the task. If I am unable to get absorbed in the task (due to some sort of mental fatigue or strong disinclination), then I will not be able to complete it.

    When the tasks of the near future are done, you are back to enjoying the present?
    They are never done, not truly. I may have an anxiety disorder affecting this.

    A good question to decide between Se vs Si valuing would be, when some external demand comes up do you mind much if you have to respond to it immediately instead of it being on your own pace? (Assume that fatigue from the illness doesn't play a role here.)
    I don't know how I would answer if I didn't have fatigue. My guess would be that I would still want to do it at my own pace. But isn't that Ip temperament in general?

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    Quote Originally Posted by isptn View Post
    I don't want to fall into the trap of simply flowing along with whatever your initial impression happened to be. It's important that I not simply agree with what you say but also include the other side in order to give a fuller picture. In other words I am actively working to counter anchoring bias.
    A description of everything about how you are with it without leaving out anything is the best, yeah.

    Both are true. I am aware of sensations during tasks until I get mentally absorbed in the task. If I am unable to get absorbed in the task (due to some sort of mental fatigue or strong disinclination), then I will not be able to complete it.
    OK I see.

    You are definitely focused on Si/Ne aspects over Ni/Se if going by this: "relaxation for Judicious sensing types is a physical sensation/condition—an absence of pressure and stress on the body. Judicious intuitive types primarily feel this certain rhythm, of alternation of opposite states. In other words, relaxation or slackness can be perceived as divergence of attention, while mobilization as focus, as convergence of attention". (

    I don't know how I would answer if I didn't have fatigue. My guess would be that I would still want to do it at my own pace. But isn't that Ip temperament in general?
    It's not simply Ip but Si>Ni because of how it's a directly sensed pace, not the conceptual sense of time which would line up better with responding to external demands.

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    I'm gonna try to type you. Don't believe anyone but me. I'm gonna read your stuffs

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    You're Ni. Te.


    LII - Ni

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