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Thread: Mindtrackers Personality Test

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    Default Mindtrackers Personality Test

    "Family, friends, colleagues, classmates – they would all describe you differently. The question is...
    Do you know who you are?
    We seek authenticity and direction in our lives, yet we give up, again and again, as something else takes priority.
    It does not have to be this way."


    My Result:



    Hands-on and detail-oriented, Specialists love to create, repair, upgrade, and improve whatever they can get their hands on. They strive to be successful in everything they do, but they don’t shy away from risks—sometimes to the dismay of their colleagues. Specialists think on their feet and occasionally leap before they look. To stave off boredom, they need a steady influx of novel challenges in their lives.

    People with this personality type aren’t content to talk or think about courses of action. They are driven to do: to try, to experiment, and to get their hands dirty. This isn’t to say that Specialists’ actions and decisions are never informed by deep thinking. They simply need to see a practical reason before they fully give their attention to anything. When people talk to them about hypothetical situations or other abstractions, Specialists may get impatient, not seeing the purpose of such a discussion.

    On the job, Specialists produce unique, high-quality work, often becoming experts with the tools they use. They tend to be meticulous, diligent, and determined. While this level of focus is an asset in most workplaces, Specialists need to be careful not to disregard the feelings of their colleagues. Efficiency and objectivity often matter to Specialists more than anything else—including not stepping on anyone’s toes.

    With their bias toward action, people with this personality type don’t like to wait for permission when they see an opportunity. In such cases, rules and standards become secondary considerations. This mindset, unfortunately, can irritate both superiors and coworkers.

    Specialists do best in jobs that are hands-on and not overly structured, allowing them room to work in their own way. While they might do just fine in small groups, their introversion and independence lend themselves better to working alone. Specialists derive much of their self-esteem from their proficiency at their work, and they enjoy receiving praise for it. People with this personality type like to be thought of as competent, and they work hard to develop and maintain that reputation.

    While their feelings may run deep, Specialists can get out of sync with their emotions. They are more likely than any other personality type to ignore—or try to ignore—emotions that they don’t understand.

    Rather than acknowledge and accept how they feel, Specialists often try to stay objectively distant until they can “fix” the problems they see in their lives or their relationships. They often have to process a situation—mentally and practically—before they can access their underlying feelings, let alone attune themselves to how other people might feel. While at times this approach can be practical, at other times it risks being insensitive toward others.

    Even at home, Specialists may still find themselves preoccupied with thoughts about work and their professional success. At times, they may come across as two different people: enthusiastic and engaged at work, but distant and distracted at home. In their family life, they tend to resist expected or traditional roles, and they often end up with more conventional partners who are willing to carry the weight of domestic responsibility.

    Fortunately, Specialists’ trademark perfectionism, practicality, and willingness to experiment can benefit not only their professional lives but also their relationships. People with this personality type are often moved to take positive action the moment they see a way to help out someone they love. Over time, these spontaneous gestures can enable Specialists to demonstrate the affection, generosity, and care they feel toward the people who matter to them.

    I score ROI-S Adventurer too. I fit both guess.

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    Last edited by Hope; 05-12-2017 at 05:02 PM.

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    Researchers are experts at cutting through the fluff to get to what matters. Intelligent, ambitious, perfectionistic, and rare, Researchers strive to improve whatever catches their interest—not to mention themselves. Researchers are success-driven, and when they decide to get something done, they push hard, with a quiet determination that has even their superiors taking notes.

    Researchers prefer to process their thoughts internally rather than brainstorm aloud. They generally avoid the limelight, and in group settings, they won’t speak up until they’ve had a chance to thoroughly vet and consider their ideas. Given enough time, however, Researchers’ cautious yet incisive intellect can assess even the most confusing situations and produce a clear, navigable course of action. By the time a Researcher finally verbalizes a recommendation or idea, it tends to be unassailable.

    Difficult projects and tight deadlines trigger significant stress for Researchers, but these tense situations can also bring out some of their best qualities. Inventive and curious, Researchers have sharp minds, and grand challenges tend to highlight their intelligence, radical creativity, and self-command. That said, Researchers are highly sensitive to criticism, and they fear the prospect of failure. If a team member lets them down or fails to live up to expectations during a time of stress, Researchers might lash out with a mercilessly harsh reaction.

    Because they worry that others will let them down, Researchers strive to be jacks-of-all-trades. Unlike less organized Observant (O) types, however, Researchers are systematic, and they learn for the sake of control. In an attempt to ensure success, Researchers familiarize themselves with every last component of their projects. Their exacting standards, reluctance to trust fate, and unwillingness to delegate often produce a successful outcome.

    These tendencies can also provoke anxiety and run Researchers ragged, however. Researchers are perfectionists, and they push themselves hard to meet their own highest standards—sometimes too hard. For their health, balance, and wellbeing, it’s important for Researchers to loosen their grip and acknowledge their own limitations. Not everything can be predicted or changed or controlled—nor should it be.

    Researchers are highly intuitive and original, and beneath their reserved, stoical exterior lies a quirky sense of humor. Thanks to their ability to make connections between seemingly unrelated things, they come out with unexpected and often hilarious insights. It can take some time to navigate beyond a Researcher’s serious exterior, but for those who appreciate a cutting wit, it’s well worth the effort.

    Researchers’ humor, competence, and seeming confidence protect their greatest secret: beneath it all, they are plagued by emotional turbulence and self-doubt. Their controlling, perfectionistic approach to life may often bring them success, but they’re haunted by their past failures. It is difficult for them to maintain an attitude of exploration, play, or daring in the face of such an intense fear of failure and criticism.

    Researchers may also have difficulties with emotional intelligence. Of all personality types, they are the most likely to say that other people’s emotions confuse them. Because people are motivated by a complex mix of thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, they rarely behave as rationally as Researchers would like. Dramatic outbursts, inexplicable preferences, and snap decisions are all common enough emotional responses, but Researchers struggle to understand this type of behavior in others. They may even become suspicious of someone’s kindness or assistance if they don’t see a reason for it.

    Researchers’ acute sensitivity does have its upsides, fortunately. It spurs them to grow into better people, deliver on their commitments, and connect on a deep level with their values and priorities. It also balances Researchers’ innate ambition with introspection and reflection, providing them with a deeper sense of motivation than many other personality types experience. Because they expect so much from themselves and from life, Researchers are unlikely to settle for anything less than a meaningful, satisfying, purpose-driven existence—and for them, such a life is well worth the turmoil.

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    True to their name, Peacemakers excel at cultivating peace and harmony in their environments. Perhaps the most dreamy and idealistic of all types, Peacemakers never truly rest. Kind, perfectionistic, and acutely sensitive, they want to do whatever they can—or even more—to improve the world around them.

    Peacemakers are deeply complex, and sometimes even they find it difficult to truly understand what drives and inspires them. People with this personality type learn from childhood to shield their sensitive, idealistic hearts from outside judgment and criticism. In order to avoid being misunderstood and isolated, Peacemakers often curb their childlike enthusiasm and insatiable fascination with the world.

    Unfortunately, this repression can trigger significant mood swings: Peacemakers may feel on top of the world one day and consumed with self-doubt the next. They are sensitive to rejection and criticism, and their high expectations for themselves can lead them to procrastinate, feel overwhelmed, or even give up on their ideas. To cope, Peacemakers may indulge in wishful thinking. More than any other personality type, they admit to hoping that a problem will go away if they ignore it.

    Fortunately, Peacemakers have a unique set of tools to make an impact, thanks to their innate creativity and their eagerness to grow into their best selves. People with this personality type care deeply about ethical causes, and they’re unmistakably authentic, making them perfect candidates for any work that involves helping or encouraging others. Peacemakers are highly adaptable and intuitive, constantly scanning their environment for cues that something is amiss. While this trait can trigger anxiety or self-consciousness for Peacemakers, it also enables them to anticipate people’s behavior and make the best of unpredictable situations.

    Creative, even poetic individuals, Peacemakers find deep fulfillment in expressing their thoughts through writing. Fascinated by the worlds that a masterful writer can bring to life, many Peacemakers dream from an early age of becoming authors. These personalities can be perfectionistic, endlessly polishing their articles or novels. But when they do share their work, it’s difficult for their audience not to be fascinated by their rich imaginations.

    Gentle and altruistic, Peacemakers are irreplaceable wherever a situation requires positivity and healing. Their quiet enthusiasm, empathy, and curiosity can sometimes accomplish much more than another personality type’s strident, rational approach. Provided they quiet their self-doubt enough to commit to their visions, Peacemakers are capable of great things. As Eleanor Roosevelt famously said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

    The other time I took the test, I got Counselor (VOE-S).
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    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

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    Your personality type:


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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    Peacemaker (VOI-S)

    I was thinking of you when I read the description.

    I think it applies better to you than to me, but there are some similarities indeed. ^^
    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
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    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

  6. #6
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Defender (RDI-M)

    66% realistic
    61% diligent
    52% introverted


    The supreme protectors of all they see as good and true, Defenders bring order to their worlds. They are motivated not by control or rigidity, but by a drive to meet the needs of the people around them. People with this personality type stick to proven methods and time-honored ways of doing things. Although they can be set in their ways, Defenders are passionate and truly well intentioned in their efforts to preserve security, harmony, and tradition.

    Thanks to their kindness and reliability, Defenders are generally well liked. People turn to them for help with logistical or administrative matters, which Defenders handle with great energy and efficiency. Their preference is to work independently or in small groups, and they have no problem tackling difficult or repetitive jobs by themselves. Many Defenders can be found in fields that require focus and diligence, such as medicine, education, or counseling.

    Defenders are motivated by a strong sense of duty rather than a desire for praise or recognition. As a result, they tend to work behind the scenes, and they may have difficulty when it comes to self-promotion. They expect other people to behave in a similar manner: going about their duties without seeking glory. That said, Defenders do feel energized and pleased when they receive unexpected praise.

    Defenders value social ties and family connections, and they put vigorous effort into building and maintaining these relationships. In their free time, Defenders enjoy staying home with the people who are dearest to them. Lovers of simple pleasures, they don’t need much stimulation or excitement to have a good time.

    As Introverts (I), Defenders need time alone to recover and replenish their energy. Sensitive to societal norms and expectations, they may feel pressured to be outgoing and social, particularly in Western cultures. It may take them years or decades to learn to honor their Introversion and reserve time and energy for themselves.

    Given their mission to create and preserve order, Defenders take rules seriously. They value propriety and decorum, and they even curse less often than any other personality type. At work, Defenders respect chains of command and established hierarchies, and they are careful to operate within these systems. Rules and protocols provide Defenders with quiet comfort in their day-to-day lives. In fact, if they’re not careful, they can end up deferring their personal decisions to external rules and expectations.

    In their approach to just about everything, Defenders are hardworking, meticulous, and practical. They may come across as sticklers for detail, but they are driven by an inward conviction that they’re acting in the best interest of everyone around them. Their loyalty and dedication is impressive, and people with this personality type typically stick with employers or organizations for a long time. This dedication extends to their personal and romantic lives as well.

    Defenders appreciate tradition, and they look to history and the past to inform their actions. Anything too abstract or avant-garde tends to clash with their worldview. They may lose interest or even become a bit defensive when conversations veer toward hypothetical situations or new ways of doing things. Given a choice, Defenders will always stick with the tried and true in their efforts to maintain an orderly, efficient, and peaceful world.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Decent test design & the monkey is cute. My personality is well-reflected in the result.

    Something I noticed... I got the feeling that the questions went from "Intuitive or Sensing?" to "Enneagram 8 or 2?"

    So should I find some RDI-S or RDI-P for collaboration?


    Cheerful and enthusiastic, Campaigners never go unnoticed. In turn, they observe other people astutely. Extraordinarily intuitive and perceptive, Campaigners are always scanning their surroundings and absorbing information—not facts and figures, but clues about people, their emotional states, and their motivations. People with this personality type believe that everything happens for a reason, and they are very interested in discovering exactly what those reasons are.

    Campaigners are confident yet sensitive, and they see emotions as integral to our identity as human beings. They believe that the core of someone’s personality comes from the heart, not the head. Firm in their convictions, Campaigners dislike inauthenticity and all impositions of control, whether direct or indirect. This independence and bold self-determination can put Campaigners on a collision course with people or institutions that are rooted in tradition or convention.

    Campaigners’ radical authenticity, combined with their empathy and enthusiasm, makes them very inspiring individuals. Open-minded and optimistic, they enjoy meeting different people and encountering novel situations. Despite their intensity and sensitivity, Campaigners rarely lose their calm, and they are generally happy and satisfied with their lives. Thanks to this innate confidence, Campaigners often attract people who look up to them or are outright dependent on them. Free spirits that they are, Campaigners find such situations stifling.

    While Campaigners are certainly willing to work hard on something that excites and inspires them, they are by no means perfectionistic, nor are they status-conscious or beholden to materialistic goals. People with this personality type see life as something to be enjoyed, not wasted away slaving for something empty or artificial. More than any other personality type, they aim to live as if there’s no tomorrow. As a result, Campaigners would gladly sacrifice job security, impressive titles, or material wealth in favor of the opportunity to express their creativity, choose their own path, and be appreciated for who they truly are.

    For all their social skills and drive, Campaigners can become surprisingly withdrawn and introspective in certain situations. People with this personality type care about integrity and motivations. If an aspect of their own behavior or someone else’s rings untrue or seems inauthentic, Campaigners may withdraw to process their doubt and reflect on the situation. If they can’t find an explanation, they may end up unsettled or confused.

    Campaigners can be moved to withdraw by other types of situations as well. Thanks to their highly developed intuition, they periodically need time to let their minds relax and process everything they’ve absorbed. These quiet, meditative spells can surprise even Campaigners’ closest friends, who are used to their bubbly, cheerful energy. These periods of withdrawal are always temporary, however: Campaigners’ work is never done, and they emerge with new focus and drive.

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    Look at these adorable animals (Snatched from the Personality Type section they have)

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Hmm, some of it is ok. I like the karmic bit. I don't really have "causes" but when I have one it is pretty personal and small scale, like a person, in my immediate sphere of influence.

    Advocates are a rare personality type. Beneath their quiet, stoical exterior, Advocates’ minds and hearts hum with the force, energy, and mystery of the universe. Their tenacity, strength of character, and self-confidence shouldn’t be underestimated, even though these traits may not be immediately obvious.

    Advocates run deep. They cherish authenticity in everything they do, and they hold themselves to strong ethical principles. Among all personality types, they’re the least likely to take something that doesn’t belong to them, accept credit for other people’s work, or keep excess money from a cashier.

    Seemingly superficial motivations like money or fear of embarrassment seem petty to Advocates, compared to the prospect of making a difference in the world. Advocates are passionate about good causes, but they don’t stop there. They also take decisive, concrete actions aimed at making a difference, helping people and animals through volunteer work, philanthropy, and aid whenever possible.

    Advocates are rarely satisfied by simply helping out, however. Instead, they aim to understand and address the root causes of suffering, inequality, and injustice. Creative and determined, Advocates are often able to come up with new insights and solutions, and their intuition and empathy help them understand people’s problems and influence them for the better.

    Advocates can be very persuasive, sharing their vision and intentions through humane, sensitive, and relatable language. While they may not expect any tangible reward for their efforts, Advocates do tend to indulge in a little karmic satisfaction, hoping that the good turns they do for others will one day be returned.

    Advocates must be cautious, however: they are susceptible to getting caught up in their causes, spreading themselves too thin, and burning out. Even when they’re hard at work, Advocates may experience a constant, nagging awareness that more needs to be done. They can become so engrossed in their activities that they neglect food and sleep to keep up with their obligations. Advocates may be more resistant to stress and emotional upheaval than many other personality types, but they’re still human, and they must learn to attend to their basic needs—both physical and emotional.

    To avoid being overwhelmed, Advocates would do well to prioritize one or two worthy causes and just a few meaningful relationships. With their love of deep connections and soulful conversation, most Advocates naturally gravitate toward a small, tight-knit social circle. The anonymity of a crowd may appeal to them from time to time, but too much noise, chaos, or superficiality can drown out Advocates’ finer sensibilities.

    This may all seem a little heavy, but Advocates would hardly have it any other way. Whatever circumstances, setbacks, or injustices they might face, they never forget their personal mission: connecting with others, doing the right thing, and making a difference.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Oh there was: Supporting
    Come here and I turn your life from riches to rags. YAM (Yet Another MBTI) spin off.
    Seriously, I'd totally give bit harsh energetic and spastic supporting problem solving thingy. Not really what it means.
    I think true type should be VOE-C
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 05-12-2017 at 06:52 PM.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

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    Innovator (monkey with a clipboard to report your misdemeanours hohoho.)
    Reason is a whore.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slugabed View Post
    Put the link you lazy...

    Oh geez, I'll do it for ya...after all just look how cute you are…

    Orangutan definitely wins the cuteness competition out of all apes

    but is also deviously smart like oiking up locks

    or doing some electrical engineering
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 05-13-2017 at 06:39 AM.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

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    Your personality type:


    Though bordered on...

    (VDE-M) Personality

    I read them both with husband and we agreed that both types had many parts which fitted me.
    Last edited by Hays; 05-13-2017 at 09:55 PM.

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    Virtuosos love to dig in and get their hands dirty, literally and figuratively. Tactile, hands-on learners, they live to tinker, experiment, and work with tools. With their unique blend of spontaneity and rationality, people with this personality type thrive on taking things apart—and putting them back together better than they were before.

    Virtuoso men may outnumber Virtuoso women by as much as three to one. Women Virtuosos often defy gender stereotypes. They may be labeled “tomboys” as children, and they often forge their way in predominantly masculine roles and careers. Whatever their gender, many Virtuosos find fulfillment in expressing their physicality, often by working with their hands or by undertaking athletic pursuits.
    In crisis situations, Virtuosos maintain a level head and steady hands. Almost any job that requires intense engagement and skillful execution in the present moment can be a fit for them. They do well as mechanics, engineers, athletes, pilots, first responders, law enforcement, firefighters, or military personnel.

    People with this personality type excel at their work, and the accolades they receive only reinforce their commitment to their careers. They are less skilled, however, at projecting into the future or picturing eventualities. Virtuosos live in the present moment, and long-term planning is not among their core strengths. They may need to collaborate with or hire people who can help them with strategic planning or even personal matters such as saving for retirement.

    Many Virtuosos find it difficult to access their emotions. Their logic takes the lead in interpreting situations, and their feelings may need time to catch up. On the plus side, this trait makes Virtuosos resilient and relatively immune to other people’s opinions. Virtuosos are less bothered than any other personality type when someone they like doesn’t like them back.

    That said, other people’s emotions and emotional behavior often baffle Virtuosos, who value rationality and efficiency. When people turn to them for support, Virtuosos often make the mistake of trying to fix the problem rather than offer empathy. Virtuosos would do well to hold back their suggestions and their can-do attitude when a friend or partner simply wants to vent about a problem.

    Self-disciplined, intense, and independent, Virtuosos often chafe at the confines of commitment, preferring to keep their options open. This can be disturbing to personality types who value commitment and security. In practice, Virtuosos are perfectly capable of staying loyal to a job or a relationship, but even so, they sometimes give off the impression that they may bail at any time. As a result, they often need to reassure their employers and partners that they intend to stick around for the long haul—if this is in fact the case.

    Virtuosos are people of few words, but they can be surprisingly talkative when it comes to their career or their professional craft. As a result, people with this personality type may seem more focused on work than on their home life or their relationships. This disparity can upset Virtuosos’ partners, family members, or other important people in their personal lives.

    The truth, however, is that for Virtuosos, actions speak much louder than words. Even if they talk more about work than anything else, they are capable of deep affection for others. They show this affection not by talking about it, but by investing time and energy in the people who matter most to them.
    Last edited by Muddy; 05-13-2017 at 11:12 AM.

  17. #17
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    Your personality type:

    Commander (VDE-C)








    Logical and outspoken, Commanders are famed for their ability to lead and manage others. They love a good challenge, and they’re more confident in their abilities than any other personality type. Commanders can be intimidating, given their strict rationalism and unyielding focus, and they’re hardly known for their gentle warmth. That said, they are able to galvanize people and achieve great things, thanks to their sheer force of will and their conviction that nothing is impossible if they just try hard enough.
    Stable, intelligent, and charismatic, Commanders have a balanced center of gravity that draws people to them. Commanders have enough interpersonal skills to get what they want, and their goals have a way of becoming everyone’s goals. The result is that Commanders’ plans and determinations often turn into self-fulfilling prophecies.
    Commanders can be chillingly ruthless in pursuing their aims, which may lead them to dismiss other people’s opinions, feelings, or best interests. That said, Commanders tend not to burn important bridges, and they’re too rational to be vindictive. People with this personality type may not always be agreeable, but they can’t be accused of shortsightedness or pettiness.
    Brilliant entrepreneurs and debaters, Commanders are a force to be reckoned with when it comes to business and negotiations. They advance their points with great conviction, emphasizing the unshakeable logic and superior efficacy of their argument. Commanders risk alienating themselves if they appear domineering, but they usually have the foresight and self-control to avoid such issues. In many cases, their opposition may end up agreeing or just giving up.
    Commanders’ stability and confidence tend to attract people who need support, advice, and reassurance—much to Commanders’ chagrin. After all, empathy and sensitivity are not among their strengths. Commanders believe in “survival of the fittest,” and they respect forceful, independent thinkers. As a result, they have little patience for people they see as needy, lazy, or incompetent.
    Fortunately, Commanders have no trouble recognizing others’ talents and strengths, and they give credit when it’s due. Even though Commanders couldn’t care less about sensitivity or diplomacy, they understand that their success rides on the ability and willingness of others to work with them. This combination of high standards and interpersonal pragmatism is what makes Commanders so effective at managing organizations.
    This description might make Commanders sound dour or joyless, but the truth is that they enjoy interacting with others. In their own way, Commanders even take pleasure in helping friends with their shortcomings—although this help may be accompanied by some uncomfortably accurate teasing. Commanders have a great time getting together with friends and colleagues, as long as their company is fairly thick-skinned. Even when Commanders do misspeak or come across too strong, their energy and charisma have a way of smoothing over their social missteps and carrying them through to another victory.

    ...This comes off like Big Five types repackaged with some culturally-appropriated dreamcatcher radar what even logo. I'm not sure why I should care. I got the same type name as the Big Five too, but like what are these tests actually measuring as introversion vs. extraversion, self-confidence? There were a ton of questions about comfort with leadership and attention, but not about how you spend your time (except for one about "physical vs. mental" hobbies that I thought was pointless since those aren't even vaguely mutually exclusive. Something like art or mechanics is both, and something like playing iPhone games is neither).

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    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Reformer (VDI-S)

    60% Visionary
    77% Diligent
    81% Introverted

    Deeply moved by altruism, kindness, and generosity, Reformers long to play their part in making the world a gentler place. Though few and far between, Reformers possess a unique combination of steadfast idealism, decisiveness, perfectionism, and insight that allows them to not only dream big, but also make those dreams into reality.

    Thanks to their extraordinary empathy, Reformers are able to feel what others feel and think how others think. They instinctively shift their own moods to mimic those of the people around them—an ability that enables them to make deep connections with others. If there is one thing about other people that Reformers don’t understand, it’s selfishness. Reformers feel guilty about putting themselves first, and from their perspective, what’s good for someone else is ultimately good for you too.

    Eager to help, Reformers take pleasure in other people’s success, and they’re glad to contribute their efforts to a worthy cause. They tend to excel more at big-picture endeavors than nitty-gritty details, however, and routine tasks often lose their interest. Reformers want to feel as if they’re making a difference, not shuffling papers or dealing with red tape. That said, when Reformers make a commitment to complete a project or help someone out, they have the skills and the drive to set appropriate goals, reach the necessary milestones, and deliver.

    Reformers are among the most humble personality types, and they tend not to draw attention to themselves or display their strengths in social settings. That said, they are masters of the written word. Drawing on a sense of poetry, Reformers write with smooth, evocative language. Their empathy enables them to connect with their audience, while their creativity and imagination make them uniquely persuasive. Many Reformers are drawn to writing as an effective and personally fulfilling means of organizing their thoughts and communicating their ideas and ideals to the world at large.

    Exceptionally sensitive to other people’s opinions, Reformers don’t welcome debates or feedback about the things they hold dear. Reformers are highly vulnerable to criticism, and they may worry constantly about saying the wrong thing, letting people down, or even being abandoned by their friends.

    Emotionally charged situations make people with this personality type deeply uncomfortable. Reformers are more likely than any other type to change the subject if a conversation gets heated, and they’ll often suppress their own needs or opinions in order to avoid conflict. On those rare occasions when Reformers do lose control of their emotions, they tend to judge themselves harshly for their outbursts.

    If they overwork themselves, spread themselves too thin, or outsource their self-esteem to other people’s good opinion, Reformers can experience significant stress. On top of this, Reformers are very private, and they need time alone to recharge. Their energy is drained quickly by social activity—especially if it’s contentious. Unless Reformers pace themselves, allow themselves alone time, and develop strategies for mitigating stress, they’ll be forced to withdraw entirely, hermit-like, until they recover.

    Reformers’ empathy is both a gift and a curse, and therein lies their greatest challenge. On the one hand, Reformers can see into others’ souls and give them just the help they need. On the other hand, Reformers’ exquisite sensitivity can send them lurching about emotionally, desperate for other people’s approval. Fortunately, if they learn to manage their anxieties, people with this rare, genuinely altruistic personality type stand to carry out their ideals and make a true difference in the world.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slugabed View Post
    Put the link you lazy...

    Oh geez, I'll do it for ya...after all just look how cute you are…

    [me being cute]


    So,let's see what we have in here…
    *Reading* Uh…oh...wait what?!

    Oh I knew it!!! You arrrr evilll!!!
    [Sluga reveals her real self]
    [have a throat sweet ]
    How the hell did you not notice that I am evil*? What does this say about you?

    But wait…mi..mis…misdemeanor? is that what you call all that massive destruction the deceased Janice, a simple misdemeanor?

    I'm not in charge of misdemeanours; you'll have to speak to the Redundancy Department Of Redundancy, subsection Confessions Of Intent, subsubsection Does Not Get What Holograms Are.

    I'm offended.
    [Eww, you look it.]

    Get used to it.

    *Terms and delusions may apply.
    Reason is a whore.

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    I wonder if there's a correlation between DCNH (Dominant, Creative, Normalizing, Harmonizing) and "Identity" (Motivating, Supporting, Challenging, Perfecting). I got "Counselor" (VOE-S) and apparently I'm a cute little space monkey holding a juice box. They have yet to give me a starting salary.

    If one personality type could be proclaimed the master of emotions, it is the Counselor. Highly intuitive and sensitive, Counselors are fascinated by people’s dreams and desires, their motivations and concerns. For a Counselor, life is a never-ending quest to understand themselves and others.

    Counselors are curious, idealistic, artistically inclined, and even somewhat mystical. They value independence and self-determination, steadfastly believing that no one has a right to tell anyone else what to do. Rather than controlling other people, Counselors tend to inspire by example, often unwittingly. They simply live as they see fit, spearheading new initiatives and forging their own path, and it’s perplexing to them when other people see this independence as bold or unusual.

    Authenticity is a core value of this personality type. Few things excite Counselors more than the prospect of being true to themselves, and few things frustrate them more than suffocating routines or rules. Although they’ll devote themselves to causes that matter to them, they resist taking on work that doesn’t align with their key goals and values, regardless of the potential rewards.

    For Counselors, emotional expression is necessary for a full, authentic life. Sensitive to their environment and the moods of the people around them, they can experience a range of emotions in a short amount of time, with the pendulum swinging from apprehension to exuberance, pity to inspiration. Counselors fall in love perhaps more easily than any other personality type, and their creativity and artistic output usually stem from the realm of feeling and sensibility rather than logic or rational thought.

    Despite their cheerful, free-spirited attitude, Counselors are quite perfectionistic. Because they are so values-driven, they may conflate their work with their true identity, making them anxious to meet or exceed even the highest standards. Although they can be adaptable, Counselors are vulnerable to stress and anxiety, particularly in challenging situations. Their sensitivity and their interest in others, if taken too far, can also unsettle them. Campaigners need quiet time to work through their thoughts and experiences, and they may surprise their friends by periodically acting like Introverts (I).

    With the right work-life balance and good friends, Counselors can handle occasional rough patches. People with this personality type often bounce back from adversity and use their strong interpersonal skills to encourage and inspire others. Counselors’ characteristic charm and enthusiasm is difficult to resist. It seems as if they truly know what it means to enjoy life, and this trait, combined with their extraordinary intuition, makes them unrivaled motivators.

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    Your personality type:



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    Wow... I honestly did not expect much seeing the link, but the test is awesome. My result is absolutely a spot on! There're really just a few details that I do not agree with, but the overall description is so much me I can't remember the last time something resonated so strongly with me.

    True to their name, Peacemakers excel at cultivating peace and harmony in their environments. Perhaps the most dreamy and idealistic of all types, Peacemakers never truly rest. Kind, perfectionistic, and acutely sensitive, they want to do whatever they can—or even more—to improve the world around them.
    Peacemakers are deeply complex, and sometimes even they find it difficult to truly understand what drives and inspires them. People with this personality type learn from childhood to shield their sensitive, idealistic hearts from outside judgment and criticism. In order to avoid being misunderstood and isolated, Peacemakers often curb their childlike enthusiasm and insatiable fascination with the world.
    Unfortunately, this repression can trigger significant mood swings: Peacemakers may feel on top of the world one day and consumed with self-doubt the next. They are sensitive to rejection and criticism, and their high expectations for themselves can lead them to procrastinate, feel overwhelmed, or even give up on their ideas. To cope, Peacemakers may indulge in wishful thinking. More than any other personality type, they admit to hoping that a problem will go away if they ignore it.
    (LOL this is so me, it's almost funny).
    Fortunately, Peacemakers have a unique set of tools to make an impact, thanks to their innate creativity and their eagerness to grow into their best selves. People with this personality type care deeply about ethical causes, and they’re unmistakably authentic, making them perfect candidates for any work that involves helping or encouraging others. Peacemakers are highly adaptable and intuitive, constantly scanning their environment for cues that something is amiss. While this trait can trigger anxiety or self-consciousness for Peacemakers, it also enables them to anticipate people’s behavior and make the best of unpredictable situations.
    Creative, even poetic individuals, Peacemakers find deep fulfillment in expressing their thoughts through writing. Fascinated by the worlds that a masterful writer can bring to life, many Peacemakers dream from an early age of becoming authors. These personalities can be perfectionistic, endlessly polishing their articles or novels. But when they do share their work, it’s difficult for their audience not to be fascinated by their rich imaginations.
    Gentle and altruistic, Peacemakers are irreplaceable wherever a situation requires positivity and healing. Their quiet enthusiasm, empathy, and curiosity can sometimes accomplish much more than another personality type’s strident, rational approach. Provided they quiet their self-doubt enough to commit to their visions, Peacemakers are capable of great things. As Eleanor Roosevelt famously said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

    The bolded parts are the ones I relate to the most.

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    I got captain. Any correlation to socionics?

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    Your personality type:

    Innovator (VOE-P)

    Nature: 89% Visionary
    Tactics: 56% Observant
    Energy: 63% Extraverted
    Identity: Perfecting

    Innovators love verbal sparring. For them, a heated debate isn’t a stressful or upsetting experience. Instead, it’s a source of intellectual stimulation, entertainment, and enjoyment. People with this personality type don’t have to agree with an idea in order to defend it, and so they often gain a reputation for being devil’s advocates. They enjoy keeping people on their toes, and more than any other personality type, they find it fun to challenge other people’s beliefs.

    As their name implies, people with this personality type are highly innovative, always seeking out new possibilities and intellectual challenges. They don’t shy away from risks, and they’ll gravitate toward high-stakes endeavors rather than play it safe. Thanks to their insatiable curiosity and their highly developed intuition, Innovators are irreplaceable in situations that call for an agile mind or strong debate skills. They thrive in dynamic, constantly changing environments, and so they are naturals in the fields of politics, entrepreneurship, or even the performing arts.

    Although Innovators take pride in their ability to improvise and think on their feet, their attitude toward work tends to be perfectionistic rather than laid-back. Innovators don’t obsess over minor details, but they push themselves hard and hold themselves to high standards when doing work that matters to them. They aim to execute their ideas at a level that will attract recognition, acclaim, and prestige. When they don’t achieve these lofty visions of success, Innovators may criticize themselves unfairly for not being smart enough or for giving up too easily.

    Given their intellectual horsepower, Innovators excel at spotting patterns and applying their observations to important problems. Although they may not be confident in every situation, they love grand challenges, and they quickly recognize how to utilize whatever resources and options are available to them. This ingenuity makes Innovators highly talented troubleshooters, able to solve even the most arduous of problems.

    Alas, Innovators tend to be less perceptive when it comes to emotional matters. Emotions puzzle Innovators, who prefer logical solutions to the irrationality of feelings and sensibility. As a result, people with this personality type may come across as insensitive, shy, or hyper-intellectual. To compound the problem, Innovators become agitated under stress. Even if they try to mask their unease, Innovators may not be able to hide their anxiety, frustration, or anger from the people around them.

    That said, Innovators are typically fun to be around. Their curiosity, social skills, and independence give them a peculiar charm, reinforced by their ingenuity and their daring disregard for existing rules and conventions. Even the most steadfast defenders of order and stability may come to secretly admire Innovators’ boldness and creative talent.

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    peacemaker voi-s

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    Your personality type:

    Nature 56%
    Tactics 61%
    Energy 64%
    Identity: Challenging

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    Socionics mindtrackers.png

    Your Personality Type Is...
    Scientist (VOI-P)





    True to their name, Scientists are the most analytical and logical of all personality types. They are able to focus on just what really matters in a particular situation, tuning out all other distractions. Thanks to their desire for effectiveness, and their unrelenting perfectionism, Scientists are a formidable force wherever there is a need for a sharp and encyclopedic mind.

    These traits are clearly visible in Scientists’ everyday lives as well. Pensive and detached, people with this personality type may often seem so deep in thought that they do not really pay any attention to their surroundings. Scientists are fascinated by models, concepts and unexplained patterns, knowing no greater intellectual pleasure than to finally find a way to link two seemingly unrelated facts or events, or create order out of chaos.

    Similarly, Scientists cannot stand nonsense or illogical conclusions, especially if they concern matters they are familiar with. Despite being introverted and self-conscious, Scientists can devastate an opponent in a debate, juggling different ideas and strands of thought with admirable ease. On the other hand, people with this personality type are prone to self-doubt and emotional turbulence, often worrying that they‘ve missed something crucial along the way.

    This restless fear of possible failure is perhaps the most important obstacle holding Scientists back. While perfectionism can be a great driving force (few types are as hungry for knowledge as Scientists), it can also cause a great deal of stress and anxiety. However, these personalities are highly unlikely to reveal that emotional side of theirs to people around them. Their calm exterior often hides these very strong feelings.

    Similarly, Scientists often feel out of their element when it comes to recognizing and understanding other people’s emotions. Being as analytical as they are, these personalities tend to find emotions simply puzzling and illogical. This trait, coupled with Scientists’ occasional forgetfulness and preoccupation with their thoughts, makes dating and similar activities a challenge. However, Scientists also tend to be devoted, adaptable and undemanding partners, whose true depth and personality need time and effort to be understood and appreciated.

    Highly intuitive, open-minded and imaginative Scientists may not always be stress-free or confident, but they more than make up for that with their impressive reasoning skills, deep and varied knowledge, and willingness to work long and hard for intellectual advancement. If someone with this personality type also makes conscious efforts to become better-rounded by developing their empathy and diplomatic skills, their potential will be truly impressive.

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    What a fun test!

    I am VOI-M, Mediator.

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    Leader (VDE-M). Probably typed me as ENTJ that would be no surprise. These tests without actually telling the theory are worthless. It is surely some another flavour of MBTI.

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    I'm taking a lot of these today. Geez.

    Peacemaker. VOI-S.

    True to their name, Peacemakers excel at bringing peace and integrity to their environment and the people dear to them. Perhaps the most dreamy and idealistic of all types, these personalities never truly rest – their kindness, combined with high sensitivity and perfectionism, pushes them to do everything they can to ensure that good triumphs evil in all possible forms.

    That said, it may be quite difficult to decipher the true feelings and thoughts of a Peacemaker. People with this personality type are used to shielding their sensitive and idealistic inner core from outside judgment and criticism, often since early childhood. In order to avoid being misunderstood and isolated, Peacemakers try to curb their childlike enthusiasm and insatiable fascination with the world. Unfortunately, this also exposes these personalities to significant mood swings – they can feel on top of the world one day and become consumed with doubt about themselves the next.

    On the other hand, their innate creativity and eagerness to be the best they can be hands Peacemakers a rather unique set of tools to make their voice heard. First, people with this personality type care deeply about good, ethical causes. Peacemakers are unmistakably authentic, making them perfect candidates for any work that involves helping or encouraging others.

    Second, they are highly adaptable and intuitive, constantly scanning their environment for cues that something may be amiss. While this attitude may make Peacemakers quite anxious and self-conscious, their flexibility often proves very useful.

    Finally, Peacemakers are very creative, even poetic individuals, finding it not just easy, but deeply fulfilling to express their thoughts in writing. Many Peacemakers dream of being authors from a very early age, feeling fascinated by the symbols, metaphors and characters that a masterful writer brings to life. These personalities can be quite perfectionistic sometimes, endlessly polishing their articles or novels. But when they do let their thoughts reach a wider audience, it’s rather difficult to not be fascinated by the rich imagination and idealism that all Peacemakers share.
    Complex and mysterious personalities, Peacemakers are hard to get to know – they themselves sometimes find it difficult to truly understand what drives and inspires them. However, their kind, gentle and altruistic nature makes Peacemakers irreplaceable wherever there is a need for a deeply positive, healing and idealistic touch. A Peacemaker’s quiet enthusiasm, empathy and curiosity can sometimes do much more than another type’s firm, confident and rational approach. As the quote goes, “...not all those who wander are lost”.

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    Default hunny bear, munny bear

    71% realistic > visionary
    63% extraverted > introverted
    59% diligent > observant

    Executives are stalwart people who depend on rationality – as long as it’s in the context of fixed protocols and traditions. While they appreciate the occasional need for a new vision or a different way of doing things, Executives are rarely comfortable advancing in an unfamiliar direction. They thrive on creating or preserving order and like things to be predictable and certain. For this type, there is little tolerance for wandering off the beaten path. They work hard and are firmly reliable in all aspects of their lives.

    With their attention to detail, hard work and responsible nature, Executives often work themselves into management or other leadership positions at work. Government officials often come from this type. Executives’ leadership style is practical, and chiefly depends on how things have worked in the past. When in a leadership position, these hardworking and dedicated people lead by example, both their own and the examples of those who came before them, as much as by any other method.

    Executives’ 'take charge and get it done' attitude often proves contagious. It’s important to people with this personality type that they control their outer world, and being in charge satisfies this need. However, they do need to take care not to become too rigid, and to learn to appreciate alternative styles of thinking and contributing.

    Executives at home are just as focused on order and time-honored ways of doing things as they are elsewhere. They keep stable, organized, secure, even regimented households. Chores are to be completed, bills are to be paid on time and money is to be managed effectively. They are the pillars of their communities with well-kept yards and civic involvement with organizations, politics or religious groups, at least to some degree. While not all Executives are conservative, there is a high correlation between their personality traits and conservative stances.

    Executives are not always in touch with their feelings or the feelings of others, and they can be a little emotionally distant from their spouses and children. This shouldn’t be mistaken for not feeling deeply. It’s not an absence of feelings, just a matter of access to them and expression of them.

    Along those lines, Executives often display a blunt communication style. They are people of few words, and sometimes those words can come across as harsh, or even bordering on cruel or hostile. What others see as caustic, Executives see as honest and straightforward – and it is likely an honest and accurate reflection of their thoughts and beliefs.

    People with this personality type are confident in what they believe, and their conviction can trump diplomacy in conversations or presentations. Sometimes Executives process information by speaking it out loud and unfiltered, often leaving others thinking they have settled on an idea or an opinion before they have. This kind of miscommunication can be problematic to people who are eager to please them.

    Executives have to be careful to balance their natural assertiveness with a little sensitivity to prevent it from becoming aggressiveness. It can be difficult to lead, live with or work with people who feel constantly offended or wary. Balancing out their rational approach by boosting their emotional intelligence can help make things run smoother. This is hard work, but that’s never been something these types shy away from. Executives may do well to remember the old adage: 'It’s easier to catch bees with honey than with vinegar.'
    p . . . a . . . n . . . d . . . o . . . r . . . a
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    Your Personality Type Is...

    Inspector (RDI-C)


    Inspector (RDI-C) Realistic, Diligent, Introverted, Challenging

    79% Realistic > Visionary, 67% Diligent > Observant, 57% Introverted > Extraverted

    Inspectors combine their preferences for rationality and focusing on their environment to draw conclusions and make decisions that are practical and productive. These are tireless workers who push forward and don’t quit until they’ve met all their goals satisfactorily.

    Inspectors thrive on a sense of responsibility and take pride in accomplishment. Sometimes these personalities even sacrifice their personal lives to get a job done. They have no difficulty in highly structured and regulated work environments.
    Their purely evidence-based thinking process may make people with this personality type appear more rigid than they actually are. The fact is that Inspectors stick to the facts. Rather than push an opinion based on a summary of their conclusions, Inspectors rely on standing evidence to make their point. When they make decisions based on those facts and evidence, they rarely falter. Inspectors also gain new habits easily; the more they do a task a certain way, the more proven it is, and the more difficult it is for them to change.

    However, these personalities readily change their positions under the right circumstances. It takes strong counter-evidence presented in a rational manner to make them reconsider a belief or a method, though. If the person presenting the alternative is an established and trusted expert, Inspectors accept a different way of thinking or doing something much more quickly. Purely emotional appeals have the opposite effect, looking to Inspectors more like a last resort with nothing to back it.

    Inspectors don’t always fully connect with the emotional needs of the people around them. For that matter, they don’t always have easy access to their own feelings. Sometimes they come across as cold and “by the book”. It may look like they’re ignoring human factors which might be relevant in a situation. However, it’s a sense of responsibility that motivates their actions. While Inspectors may not be warm, ultimately they act as they do because they care.

    Typical of all Introverts, people with this personality type also need some time away from others to recharge and are most comfortable alone, among family, or with a few close friends. This need for time alone, when paired with their outwardly rational style, may give the appearance that Inspectors are unapproachable. It might help them socially, and in business, to learn to make gestures that warm up this image some.
    However, what Inspectors may lack in emotional expression, they make up for in loyalty. Inspectors represent the type which will most likely be around long after most others have left.

    Usually more comfortable in conservative social, political, or religious settings, Inspectors regard traditions and fixed institutions with great respect. These personalities don’t always welcome change, and there is essentially no room for abstract and avant-garde ideas. Inspectors see a firm foundation when they look to the past and how things “have always been”.

    Because of this, more forward-thinking individuals may not appreciate or give Inspectors their due, but only if they forget the great service they provide. Most reasonably argue we need the past, a little tradition and a sense of continuity to hold society together. Inspectors are more than happy to preserve those things for us. On the other hand, people with this personality type might benefit from developing some tolerance and appreciation for those who think differently. They can go too far in their convictions.

    This is actually a rather good description.... Lol about the convictions etc. The one thing that doesn't fit fully is that I can actually have some (not too much!) room for abstract ideas here and there and that I do have conclusions I work by, not just pure facts though yes it's all very factually based.

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    It’s somewhat accurate but I see potential Barnum effect as it’s so general:


    Benefactor (RDE-S)

    REALISTIC (57%)
    DILIGENT (57%)

    Benefactors are hardworking, meticulous people who above all try to get it right, no matter what they find themselves doing. They have an eye for detail and usually have a reputation for getting the job done. These personalities work well with others and influence people through goodwill and friendliness. Benefactors often appear more confident than they are, having built a shell early in life to protect their more sensitive selves from the potential criticisms of others.

    Excellent at nurturing others and upholding standards, Benefactors do well in the medical community and in education. They make excellent and caring teachers as they share knowledge with enthusiasm and conviction. People with this personality type are also adept at administrative tasks of all kinds, and are not averse to doing routine and repetitive work when needed. They have a great eye for detail and little gets past them.

    Benefactors’ social nature, combined with their thoroughness, makes working in an office environment a reasonable choice for them. Because other people energize them, these personalities like it best if they are working in groups or on teams. They work using personal connections with their colleagues, who they often see more as friends than coworkers.

    Benefactors know “just the person for that!” when something is needed, and are likely to develop a network of people on whom they can call. When they do call on others for a favor, Benefactors return that favor by being loyal and helpful.

    Benefactors need to be careful that their perfectionistic nature does not hinder their success though. Conscientiousness, that need to meet expectations, can become obsession if taken too far. Perfectionism can lead to rigidity, procrastination and burnout. Benefactors do well to learn when “good enough” is indeed good enough.

    There are also times when Benefactors are oversensitive to criticism or lack of cooperation from others. These personalities want a supportive environment, and may not understand why others don’t value the same. Benefactors may take these things personally and, in overcritical or difficult environments, may find themselves in frequent conflicts – quite contrary to their natural inclination toward harmony.

    To further complicate matters, Benefactors sometimes jump to conclusions prematurely. It may be helpful for them to learn to wait a beat or two before speaking, to avoid judging a situation before all the facts are available. Misreading a situation can lead to more criticism and a potential downward spiral.

    Benefactors’ home lives are a little more stable than the politics of the office, and represent all that’s traditional in society. These personalities have a strong commitment to their families and they are probably involved in their community. Because they view the present as an extension of the past, they often lean toward conservative sensibilities in their social, political or religious affiliations. Those who are parents often attempt to structure their children’s lives quite heavily in order to prevent them from going astray. However, Benefactor parents typically balance their disciplined approach with a warm attitude and positive regard for their children.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    Peacemaker/Scientist (I took twice, but these percentages were kind of the same both times, but if I get to it I will analyze the difference)
    observant 72%
    introverted 81%
    visionary 79%

    Scientist result was "perfecting"
    Peacemaker result was "supporting"

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