Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
Well, actually everything was fine, but I was getting impatient because things wouldn't progress. I think he really needed things to be on his terms and it could very well have been an issue that has nothing to do with type. But when I can't have a crappy day and annoy someone without being told that he is "put off," I really can't help it. I don't believe in being on my best, most accommodating behavior for too long.

I think he felt like "this is how it's going to be, no way! Too pushy and intrusive."
I felt like "I can't have a crappy day and be temporarily annoying. Yeah, no. It's not all about you..."

I did find the severity of his reaction a bit ridiculous. He was all formal, jeez. A simple "I don't think we are a good match" would have been perfectly suitable, but I had to be scolded. Probably not type-related though.
See, things were not progressing. Same as in my case I described...

What did he say that was explicit scolding? You only quoted him on "I no longer want to communicate with you" and you mentioned he was "put off".

Definitely sounds like he had more problems than just that bad day of yours. It might've just all come out then. Not trying to defend him, just saying. And, what would you have wanted if not "formal"? What was the problem with that?