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Thread: Two subtype functional analysis - accepting and producing

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    Default Two subtype functional analysis - accepting and producing

    This is all based on observation. This analysis was construed with the aid of Hitta's interpretation of model B.

    Accepting subtype:

    *Energized base
    *Creative may be under-developed. Used ocasionally.
    *May be somewhat proficient at PoLR. Engages in it sometimes (especially in private).
    *Role may be under-developed. Due to emphasis on base, it is seldom used.
    *The need for DS is emphasized.
    *HA is naturally strong, but not as important for the user as in the other subtype.
    *Demonstrative is semi-valued.
    *Energized Observant, which is strong. However, infomation is not readily absorbed via it due to constant need of DS (and due to antithetical nature of DS and Observant).

    -Dynamics: Base and observant act together in a pack, constantly supplying DS. HA is used frequently to mobilize.
    -Development: Starts off with proficiency in Base, Observant, HA, and Demonstrative. Over time time learns DS, Role, Creative. Greatest potential at mastering DS.
    -Unhealth: User becomes fixated on their PoLR. Role might also "invade" the ego functions, replacing base. Demonstrative is also used inadequately.

    Producing subtype:

    *Base is “loose”, and may be not very proficient. Doesn’t possess the full skillset of the function.
    *Creative is energized, very important and used permanently.
    *PoLR is completely disregarded. Creative is used everytime in place of PoLR (the áreas that PoLR are supposed to cover, are covered by creative instead)
    *Role is emphasized and used permanently. The Creative-Role pathway dynamic of model A is strengthened.
    *Proficient at producing DS. Can go a long time without needing DS. Voices judgements in áreas pertaining to DS. Frequently these judgments are more accurate than the ones produced by others who have said function in the ego or demonstrative.
    *HA is not initially as strong as in the other subtype, but has much greater importance. It is energized and needs it more than DS.
    *Demonstrative is very strong and also energized. However, it is not valued at all (the focus is on creative+HA).
    *Observant may be like a second PoLR. However, due to not a great need of DS, information is readily accepted.

    -Dynamics: Creative, Role, HA and Demonstrative are used in a team, to further satiating the need of HA.
    -Development: Starts off with a very strong demonstrative and creative. Over time learns HA, Role. Has the highest potential for HA mastery. The remaining functions don’t vary by a whole lot.
    -Unhealth: User becomes fixated on their HA in detriment of all other functions. Develops phobia towards DS. No longer seeks equilibrium between Role and Base, and Base overtakes the functioning of the type.

    Overall the accepting subtype is a more stable type. Producing subtypes have more pronounced weaknesses.

    This diagram shows which functions are energized/linked in each subtype. Linked and unlinked functions have a different flavor in the usage (say, -Te linked behaves slightly different--with a different "flavor" than -Te unlinked. Same with all other functions). PoLR is always unlinked: in accepting is it unlinked, in producing it is nonexistant. Also, linked functions seem to have both +/- elements (the full element, i.e -Ti/+Te) and not only the valued +/- element.

    Last edited by mclane; 02-07-2020 at 06:37 PM.

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    Accepting subtype:

    *Energized base
    --Not sure
    *Creative may be under-developed. Used ocasionally.
    --I use my Ne quite frequently.

    *May be somewhat proficient at PoLR. Engages in it sometimes (especially in private).
    --No, I like to avoid it when possible.

    *Role may be under-developed. Due to emphasis on base, it is seldom used.
    --I used my role quite frequently. It's probably why I often confuse myself for LII.

    *The need for DS is emphasized.
    --Not sure. I feel like I don't always need DS Te.

    *HA is naturally strong, but not as important for the user as in the other subtype.
    --I consider my HA both strong and important. HA!

    *Demonstrative is semi-valued.
    --What does it mean for a function to be semi-valued? Is it intermediate between 'valued' and 'unvalued'? Which in that case, I suppose yes.

    *Energized Observant, which is strong. However, infomation is not readily absorbed via it due to constant need of DS (and due to antithetical nature of DS and Observant).
    --Energized observant-- what? Do you mean the ignoring function? My ignoring is Fe and yet it's quite energized at times.

    -Dynamics: Base and observant act together in a pack, constantly supplying DS. HA is used frequently to mobilize.
    --Can you give a specific example here? What would this look like in EII?

    -Development: Starts off with proficiency in Base, Observant, HA, and Demonstrative. Over time time learns DS, Role, Creative. Greatest potential at mastering DS.
    --Not sure what I started off with and what I learned over time. I think strong use of the base and creative were always there but that's well, duh!

    Producing subtype:

    *Base is “loose”, and may be not very proficient. Doesn’t possess the full skillset of the function.
    --Possibly true

    *Creative is energized, very important and used permanently.

    *PoLR is completely disregarded. Creative is used everytime in place of PoLR (the áreas that PoLR are supposed to cover, are covered by creative instead)
    --Maybe not completely disregarded. But definitely something I don't value I would prefer to avoid if possible. Or just use Ne or some other function like Si to compensate.

    *Role is emphasized and used permanently. The Creative-Role pathway dynamic of model A is strengthened.
    --Yes, I look alot like LII to people.

    *Proficient at producing DS. Can go a long time without needing DS. Voices judgements in áreas pertaining to DS. Frequently these judgments are more accurate than the ones produced by others who have said function in the ego or demonstrative.
    --But the DS is a 1D function so it makes me wonder how proficient it really is. Well maybe if you have alot of experience. Te- okay sometimes I'll try to produce it when required with very mixed results. I can't say my Te judgements are more accurate than those having it in the ego or demonstrative. That's like saying 1D is superior to 3D or 4D, makes little sense.

    *HA is not initially as strong as in the other subtype, but has much greater importance. It is energized and needs it more than DS.
    --Yeah, I think prefer HA even more than DS. HA!

    *Demonstrative is very strong and also energized. However, it is not valued at all (the focus is on creative+HA).
    --I think it is strong and SEMI-valued. Lets introduce some new socionics terms now because we can!

    *Observant may be like a second PoLR. However, due to not a great need of DS, information is readily accepted.
    --Sometimes I can easily get overwhelmed with Fe, especially when excessive. It seems to be moreso from EIE than with ESE. EIE- extinguishment type plus valued Se.

    -Dynamics: Creative, Role, HA and Demonstrative are used in a team, to further satiating the need of HA.
    --I'm not consciously aware of how they all work in a team but they all seem to be significant to me.

    -Development: Starts off with a very strong demonstrative and creative. Over time learns HA, Role. Has the highest potential for HA mastery. The remaining functions don’t vary by a whole lot.
    --I think this model of development makes more sense for me than the accepting subtype.

    Producing > accepting subtype for me.

    Overall the accepting subtype is a more stable type. Producing subtypes have more pronounced weaknesses.
    --Can I change my subtype to accepting? Who wants to be the subtype with more weaknesses? At least I have a better HA. HA!
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    --What does it mean for a function to be semi-valued? Is it intermediate between 'valued' and 'unvalued'?
    Yeah, I just coined the term for something that's not supposed to be among the valued functions, but turns out to be somewhat valued in reality.

    what? Do you mean the ignoring function?
    Observant = Ignoring. I find the former term more accurate.

    -Dynamics: Base and observant act together in a pack, constantly supplying DS. HA is used frequently to mobilize.
    --Can you give a specific example here? What would this look like in EII?
    For example in EII-Fi: The base (+Fi) and the ignoring (+Fe) are constantly used to scan data pertaining to these two aspects of reality, for the purpose of gaining knowledge of +Te. It's a bit hard to put into words. In accepting subtypes, the goal is always to further the DS.

    At least I have a better HA. HA!
    Better HA potentially.

    May I ask, have you ever considered a LII typing for youself (for example LII-Ne-- which would be similar in many aspects to EII)?. I think the analysis would make more sense in that case.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post

    Observant = Ignoring. I find the former term more accurate.
    Interesting. I guess I never perceived the ignoring as observant. How can it be observant when its ignoring?
    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    May I ask, have you ever considered a LII typing for youself (for example LII-Ne-- which would be similar in many aspects to EII)?. I think the analysis would make more sense in that case.
    That was my former self-typing. Who knows, I may go back to it again. The EII-LII line for me has always been rather blurred.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    This is all based on observation. This analysis was construed using Model B.
    That is not Model B.

    This is:

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    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    This is all based on observation. This analysis was construed using Model B. (...)
    The producing subtype here fits me surprisingly well for the most part.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    *Role is emphasized and used permanently. The Creative-Role pathway dynamic of model A is strengthened.
    --Yes, I look alot like LII to people.
    Because you Ti much more naturally than Fi.

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    What do you mean by Creative is used everytime in place of PoLR (the áreas that PoLR are supposed to cover, are covered by creative instead)

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheHiddenJack View Post
    What do you mean by Creative is used everytime in place of PoLR (the áreas that PoLR are supposed to cover, are covered by creative instead)
    Producing subtypes don't understand at all PoLR. It's like an aspect of reality that they are missing in their brains. So they need something to cover that absence; usually it is done with creative and the opposite sign IM of the same type that is in their HA (for example, in the case of LIE-Ni, they don't have +Si at all, but they cover it with +Ni creative and -Si that is in their HA).

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    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    Producing subtypes don't understand at all PoLR. It's like an aspect of reality that they are missing in their brains. So they need something to cover that absence; usually it is done with creative and the opposite sign IM of the same type that is in their HA (for example, in the case of LIE-Ni, they don't have +Si at all, but they cover it with +Ni creative and -Si that is in their HA).
    Well, if that's how it works, then let's use Model B. I keep hearing people say "you don't see your PoLR" and I'm like "of course you do because I haven't starved to death yet and don't entirely perceive reality via psychic powers". But if I don't see -Si but do see +Si at least that gives me something to exist in the physical world with. It's an aspect of I can't use, not per se. This model also explains some other things...

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    Added observations on "unhealth".

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    Havent gone through to nitpick at all, but id say most of this is accurate.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Because you Ti much more naturally than Fi.
    You know, I'm starting to think you're right.

    Quote Originally Posted by Verbrannte View Post
    Well, if that's how it works, then let's use Model B. I keep hearing people say "you don't see your PoLR" and I'm like "of course you do because I haven't starved to death yet and don't entirely perceive reality via psychic powers". But if I don't see -Si but do see +Si at least that gives me something to exist in the physical world with. It's an aspect of I can't use, not per se. This model also explains some other things...
    I am Se PoLR and I am definitely aware of my Se. When I'm using it, when other people are using it. The PoLR function is in the mental ring. We tend to be more consciously aware of the usage of the functions in the mental ring.

    For reference, mental ring functions are 1-4. Functions 5-8 are in the vital ring. They are more subconscious and tend to just 'do.' It's harder to verbalize our reasoning or the process of how we use the vital ring functions.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Helppp. I feel like I relate more to the Producing subtype. @mclane watchu thinking?

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    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    *Base is “loose”, and may be not very proficient. Doesn’t possess the full skillset of the function.

    What does this mean?

    adding also; is the producing subtype more productive?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Helppp. I feel like I relate more to the Producing subtype. @mclane watchu thinking?
    Not sure. You seem to have settled on IEE-Ne as your type, but are you completely sure of this typing? My theory could be not completely accurate also, mind you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerfadder View Post
    What does this mean?

    adding also; is the producing subtype more productive?
    I mean that base in the producing subtype only contains one part of the full composite IM. In the case of LSI-Se for example, they will only have +Ti as base, instead of the full -Te/+Ti they would have if they were the accepting subtype. This also happens with other functional positions whether they are "energized" or not, but I haven't quite figured out how it works yet.

    Productivity has nothing to do with the two-subtype theory. I guess it has more to do with being a Normalizing or a Dominant DCHN (if any).

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    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    I mean that base in the producing subtype only contains one part of the full composite IM. In the case of LSI-Se for example, they will only have +Ti as base, instead of the full -Te/+Ti they would have if they were the accepting subtype. This also happens with other functional positions whether they are "energized" or not, but I haven't quite figured out how it works yet.

    Productivity has nothing to do with the two-subtype theory. I guess it has more to do with being a Normalizing or a Dominant DCHN (if any).
    Sorry if too specific, but what is "full composite IM" vs "only contains one part"?

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    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    Not sure. You seem to have settled on IEE-Ne as your type, but are you completely sure of this typing? My theory could be not completely accurate also, mind you.
    Hm... ok ok, I'll figure it out somehow.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerfadder View Post
    Sorry if too specific, but what is "full composite IM" vs "only contains one part"?
    The hypothesis hitta discovered (, which I have tested and concluded to be correct. That IM's are composed of two parts, one + sign and one -sign. Sometimes, they only contain one part only, while other times they contain both parts.

    I want also to clarify what I mean by "energized". "Energized" functions have sort of a "flow" going through them, causing them to become linked with other energized functions, all of which together act in sort of a chain. "Loose" functions do not form part of this chain, and act sort of independently. The accepting subtype would have base, ignoring and DS energized, while the producing subtype would have Creative, role, HA and demonstrative energized. The remaining functions would be "loose".

    I really need to craft a diagram of all this. Anybody have a suggestion for a program I could use (I'd rather not use MS paint :/).

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    Alright, I did something in MS paint...

    An example with both subtypes of IEI of how the +/- signs would work in each:

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    I am so intrigued by this

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    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    This is all based on observation. This analysis was construed using Model B.

    Accepting subtype:

    *Energized base
    *Creative may be under-developed. Used ocasionally.
    *May be somewhat proficient at PoLR. Engages in it sometimes (especially in private).
    *Role may be under-developed. Due to emphasis on base, it is seldom used.
    *The need for DS is emphasized.
    *HA is naturally strong, but not as important for the user as in the other subtype.
    *Demonstrative is semi-valued.
    *Energized Observant, which is strong. However, infomation is not readily absorbed via it due to constant need of DS (and due to antithetical nature of DS and Observant).

    -Dynamics: Base and observant act together in a pack, constantly supplying DS. HA is used frequently to mobilize.
    -Development: Starts off with proficiency in Base, Observant, HA, and Demonstrative. Over time time learns DS, Role, Creative. Greatest potential at mastering DS.
    -Unhealth: User becomes fixated on their PoLR. Role might also "invade" the ego functions, replacing base. Demonstrative is also used inadequately.

    Producing subtype:

    *Base is “loose”, and may be not very proficient. Doesn’t possess the full skillset of the function.
    *Creative is energized, very important and used permanently.
    *PoLR is completely disregarded. Creative is used everytime in place of PoLR (the áreas that PoLR are supposed to cover, are covered by creative instead)
    *Role is emphasized and used permanently. The Creative-Role pathway dynamic of model A is strengthened.
    *Proficient at producing DS. Can go a long time without needing DS. Voices judgements in áreas pertaining to DS. Frequently these judgments are more accurate than the ones produced by others who have said function in the ego or demonstrative.
    *HA is not initially as strong as in the other subtype, but has much greater importance. It is energized and needs it more than DS.
    *Demonstrative is very strong and also energized. However, it is not valued at all (the focus is on creative+HA).
    *Observant may be like a second PoLR. However, due to not a great need of DS, information is readily accepted.

    -Dynamics: Creative, Role, HA and Demonstrative are used in a team, to further satiating the need of HA.
    -Development: Starts off with a very strong demonstrative and creative. Over time learns HA, Role. Has the highest potential for HA mastery. The remaining functions don’t vary by a whole lot.
    -Unhealth: User becomes fixated on their HA in detriment of all other functions.

    Overall the accepting subtype is a more stable type. Producing subtypes have more pronounced weaknesses.
    I agree with many of your points/findings.

    Here are some of the revisions I'd do:

    Accepting subtype:

    *May be somewhat proficient at PoLR if strong subtype. Engages in it once in a while if it is conducive to a goal connected to a valued information element. PoLR is "shielded", meaning less vulnerable.
    *Demonstrative can be on/off and more fickle.

    -Dynamics: Base and HA [I have found the "Observant" is actually more regulated and restricted by this subtype, in favour of the Base] act together in a pack, attempting to compensate for the lack of DS supply and/or proficiency. HA is used frequently to mobilize, potentially to unnecessarily frequent amounts depending on the strength of the subtype.
    -Development: Starts off with proficiency in Base, Observant, HA, and Demonstrative. Over time attempts to learn DS, Role,and possibly expand the Creative. Greatest potential at mastering HA [there is no way that someone with a "boosted" Base is going to reach the greatest mastery at their DS, the two aspects cancel each other out – you are either great at the former or the latter].

    Producing subtype:

    *Feels more or less proficient at understanding and receiving DS from the outside on their own. Can go a long time without needing DS. Voices judgements in areas pertaining to DS. Frequently questions or challenges the judgments of the ones produced by others who have said function in the ego or demonstrative.

    -Development: Starts off with a strong demonstrative and creative. Over time learns HA, Role. Has the highest potential for DS self-supply or self-sustenance. The remaining functions don’t vary by a whole lot.

    Overall the accepting subtype is a more unbalanced type, strongly lacking in their DS and being very slightly better at their PoLR which they do not even value. Producing subtypes are more "ambiverted" and self-sustaining (=not necessarily needing their DS from someone else), therefore better adapted to different circumstances or situations, and often more "internally whole" (because of "boosted" DS etc).
    Last edited by Olimpia; 04-14-2017 at 11:03 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    Producing subtypes don't understand at all PoLR. It's like an aspect of reality that they are missing in their brains. So they need something to cover that absence; usually it is done with creative and the opposite sign IM of the same type that is in their HA (for example, in the case of LIE-Ni, they don't have +Si at all, but they cover it with +Ni creative and -Si that is in their HA).
    I work with an LIE-Ni, and he's always dressed well for business, until you look at his feet. Instead of wingtips, he's wearing sandals with dark fuzzy socks. He says it's because his feet perspire too much in leather shoes, but I think he's just Si-clueless.

    Despite this sartorial faux pas, he's actually very good at business.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I work with an LIE-Ni, and he's always dressed well for business, until you look at his feet. Instead of wingtips, he's wearing sandals with dark fuzzy socks. He says it's because his feet perspire too much in leather shoes, but I think he's just Si-clueless.

    Despite this sartorial faux pas, he's actually very good at business.
    No, just no.

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    If you stop putting a value judgment about who is more stable, it might help people accept something like this
    Last edited by Chillaxe; 10-18-2018 at 08:36 PM.

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    Accepting subtype points towards irrational emphasis and producing subtype it points towards rational emphasis when it comes to irrationals. This is reversed in rationals. In DCNH sense this puts together D & N as well as C & H.
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    ^^ Interesting.

    I see myself as subtype of LIE, and C/H (most likely H).
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    DCNH sense this puts together D & N as well as C & H.
    Unlike the difference in the function balance, "DCNH" has no theoretical sense at all.

    That "accepting subtype" can be said as more accentuated variant of a type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chillaxe View Post
    If you stop putting a value judgment about who is more stable, it might help people accept something like this
    Accepting subtypes are more "stable" for the simple reason that they are not "missing" anything in their makeup. They can still use PoLR. Producing types can't use PoLR at all. No value judgment was present, merely functional (but perhaps the term lent itself for misunderstanding-- maybe "inclusive" would be a better term? Accepting subtype is more inclusive, while producing subtype is more exclusive.)

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    Yeah I would think the term lent it's self to be mistaken for a value judgment. I would imagine that people would all want ot be the "good one". I like that you tried to find a new term .... but I would have to ask if you could elaborate on what more "inclusive" and more "exclusive" meant. Just interested in the theory.

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    Accepting is more inclusive because it does not exclude any of the functions from usage. Producing is more exclusive because PoLR and Ignoring are sort of "disconnected".

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    Updated first post with diagram.

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    Really like the drawing. Thanks for the update. Question, Isn't the ignoring more... disconnected in the accepting though? If information is more regulated in favor of the base in the accepting type, wouldn't that make them less interested in that information? Shouldn't the producing be more comfortable with Ignoring, if the information is more readily accepted? Also you should remove the in Polar from the producings part in the diagram if they do not have it, that would show the difference between them more. thanks for the ideas.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chillaxe View Post
    Really like the drawing. Thanks for the update. Question, Isn't the ignoring more... disconnected in the accepting though? If information is more regulated in favor of the base in the accepting type, wouldn't that make them less interested in that information? Shouldn't the producing be more comfortable with Ignoring, if the information is more readily accepted? Also you should remove the in Polar from the producings part in the diagram if they do not have it, that would show the difference between them more. thanks for the ideas.
    The accepting is better at the ignoring, but they don't like engaging in it (but it is done usually in a very subconcious manner). Producing is worse but you will see them often involved in areas pertaining to the ignoring.

    I noticed after I had done the diagram that I should have put an X on the PoLR in the producing, but then I realized that could lead to error because what actually happens in producing is that PoLR is sort of overlapped by the creative. Not sure how to represent that in the diagram other than explaining it in writing.

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    Could you provide some real life examples of an accepting subtype being better at their ignoring function the corresponding producing subtype?
    Last edited by Investigator; 12-29-2019 at 02:41 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Investigator View Post
    Could you provide some real life examples of an accepting subtype being better at their ignoring function the corresponding producing subtype?
    Why, do you think producing is better at ignoring than accepting?

    I can't think of any examples right now, but I have noticed that in accepting subtypes the ignoring is sort of "vital" while in producing it is more "mental". e.g. an ILI-Ni is +Ne by default, it is sort if integrated into the usage if their base function, while an ILI-Te can be very savvy with technological things and engages them more often, but is actually worse at +Ne (for example, not being able to grasp things quickly and intuitively, sort of needing a more systematized source of information to be able to digest it).

    In short: In Accepting subtype the ignoring seems Inert, Producing, and Vital (and it also contains both +/- elements of the determinate IM) . Producing's ignoring seems Contact, Accepting, and Mental (and it contains only the opposite vertness of the base IM element, in the case of ILI-Te, +Ne).

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    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    Why, do you think producing is better at ignoring than accepting?

    I can't think of any examples right now, but I have noticed that in accepting subtypes the ignoring is sort of "vital" while in producing it is more "mental". e.g. an ILI-Ni is +Ne by default, it is sort if integrated into the usage if their base function, while an ILI-Te can be very savvy with technological things and engages them more often, but is actually worse at +Ne (for example, not being able to grasp things quickly and intuitively, sort of needing a more systematized source of information to be able to digest it).

    In short: In Accepting subtype the ignoring seems Inert, Producing, and Vital (and it also contains both +/- elements of the determinate IM) . Producing's ignoring seems Contact, Accepting, and Mental (and it contains only the opposite vertness of the base IM element, in the case of ILI-Te, +Ne).
    I wasn't saying that I think producing subtypes are better at ignoring than accepting subtyes, I just wanted to know if you had evidence to support your theory (which I believe is well thought out). Not saying whether I agree or not, but I think if you want this to catch on to more people, you should have some real life examples to support it.
    Last edited by Investigator; 12-30-2019 at 05:57 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Investigator View Post
    I wasn't saying that I think producing subtypes are better at ignoring than accepting subtyes, I just wanted to know if you had evidence to support your theory (which I believe is well thought out). Not saying whether I agree or not, but I think if you want this to catch on to more people, you should have some real life examples to support it.
    Alright, will try to find some.

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    Wasn't this model overturned with Gulenkos DCNH subtypes?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dupuy View Post
    Wasn't this model overturned with Gulenkos DCNH subtypes?
    for some reason, many people on this website still use the two subtypes model, even though it's outdated.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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