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Thread: Coming Chastisement/Cleansing of the World

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Default Coming Chastisement/Cleansing of the World

    I made mention of this topic on another thread, as I have been contemplating on what I have been reading lately about the coming changes in our world. This had nothing to do with the thread, and I was questioned on my sketchy reference to this, so I decided to post it here.

    This is a long post on a very important topic, full of long quotes. A lot of people won't read this because it is long, but I am posting it anyway.

    The book I have been thinking about, and from which I quote below can be read online in the free library (Under the "Resources" tab on the home page) at the Direction For Our Times website. That website represents just one of the many, many great graces God is pouring into this world through many sources, to prepare us for coming upheaval. He wants us to be prepared. Great, great upheaval is ahead in the world, as has been foretold by so many all over the world. There are false prophets out there who copy the things of God but change them just enough to derail us from truth. Yes, they are there, but there are many true prophets. The works at Direction for Our Times are true.

    All of the quotes come from Volume 8 in the free library mentioned above. The other Volumes are about spiritual growth and who God is, and were in print for several years, but Volumes 5 and 8, which address the coming upheavals and difficult days, were withheld from printing and distribution until rather recently.

    Rather than put what I read in my own words, I am going to quote various random parts that stand out to me. It would be better to read it in full context and if you want to you can read the whole volume online as mentioned above.

    The quoted words are in the columns here, and the words of Anne are in regular type, and the words of Jesus are in bold. Anything that is underlined is my underlining. Also if anything is in red, know that it was my making it that way - it is not that way in the original text.

    I am starting with this quote about how, sadly, some will respond to God in the coming hardships.

    "Today our Lord again talked about how some
    people would turn to Him in hardship, and how
    others would curse and blame Him
    . He has spoken
    of this before and it really is a no-win situation for
    Him. This is how the enemy works, though, in that
    when all is well, God is someone to be ridiculed
    and holy people are patronized. When all goes
    wrong, God is bad and people say the most terrible
    things about Him, as though they were following
    Him anyway
    . "

    Okay, here it is about the coming cleansing of the world. This is the "Age of Disobedience" I mentioned in that other thread, explained here, by Anne, who had it explained to her by Jesus.

    Our God is prepared to act in order to cleanse the
    . He would be justified in destroying the
    world, such is the level of rebellion against Him.
    Because of His great love for us, He cannot bear to
    do that, but He is allowing change and the angels
    prepare to act. Jesus says that in times past, even as
    near as the first half of the twentieth century,souls
    were generally obedient
    . This is not so anymore.
    During this time,souls are generally disobedient.

    Before this next part I want to explain that much has been written about these coming days. Here are more details. You may have heard of the "Rapture" - well, there will be no rapture. We will all be here, believers or not. There will be many difficult times on earth and they start when the moon turns red (more on that below) and when the moon turns red it will commence rapid, constant and huge upheavals in the world all the culminating in the great 3 days of darkness when hell will literally be unleashed on earth. Evil will kill itself off basically, and the earth will be cleaned and new and different. More is written about new age of obedience in Volume 8.

    Below are various quotes about the days of upheaval and about the 3 days of darkness which will be actually a good thing because the evil will be almost over. Here is more info on the terrible three days of darkness, from which ANYONE who is here, who has survived the previous events, will have God's protection if they want it:

    Today Jesus talked to me about the darkness. He
    said that it would originate in hell and for that time,
    the duration of the darkness, the world would be
    entombed in this darkness from hell.
    It originates in
    hell but is allowed to flow out into the world for this
    period of time, encircling the world until it meets
    and the darkness is total. This darkness is black and
    is the total absence of light. I keep trying to stress
    the blackness but that is because it is so total and
    complete that I am not sure if people can really
    grasp its density or completeness. I do not
    understand this concept of total evil but Jesus
    assures me that some people will welcome this
    darkness and exult in it. He said some will know
    demons by name because they have affiliations with
    them already
    . I heard an example of the most horrid
    screams and screeches, like a wild cat would make.
    These demons will perform the vilest of tortures
    upon people. These are not the people of the Light,
    by the way. I am to see our experience of this time
    later. During this time, truly hell has come to earth.
    Jesus does not want this or will it, but He definitely
    is allowing this and it is a part of His justice. The
    evil souls in the world are resting upon the grace of
    God, despite their mockery of it. They are laughing
    at God but it is God who keeps them protected and
    comfortable on the earth while they practice all
    kinds of sin and deception
    . In other words, while
    they are living like demons, they are enjoying the
    fruits of God’s goodness
    . This is so temporary and
    they will reap what they are sowing soon indeed. I
    am trying to think of a good analogy so that others
    can understand this.

    You are eating the wonderful food from your host’s
    banquet, all the while making fun of and scorning
    your host, who continues to feed you. You abuse
    the host’s children terribly, in full view of the host,
    while laughing at him and as it were DARING him
    to act. You are taking advantage of the host’s good
    manners, as evil people so often do now. The host
    is about to act and the host’s enemies are about to
    get thrown out of the gathering
    . They will then no
    longer be able to prey on God’s good people who
    do not fight back in the same way because they
    follow Christ.

    They will not be able to practice their evil in the
    same way when they are surrounded by people like
    This will happen during the time of
    darkness. If they call out to Jesus, He will answer
    them. The really prideful people will not call out to
    Jesus because they hate Jesus
    . I cannot even fathom
    who these people are or why they would choose
    hell over Christ but He assures me that this is
    exactly what is occurring. The saints will be
    gathered before the Throne during this time, as will
    all of heaven, begging God to end the darkness
    quickly. There will be satanic sacrifices and
    offerings all over the earth during this time of the
    most abominable evil.

    About the chastisements, and then more about the three days of darkness:

    Jesus was heavy-hearted today and said that
    chastisements would come with great loss of life.
    He asked me to kneel down and pray for these souls
    who would be taken abruptly. Jesus is not happy
    about this, but we must move through the storm in
    order to emerge on the other side.

    Jesus told me that during the time of darkness holy
    souls will be gathered together and that souls who
    barely know each other will be placed together per
    His instructions. He said that much has been written
    about this time of darkness in the past, but that He
    does not want to generate fear and that fear is
    neither necessary nor appropriate if you are
    following His path.
    He said that young children will
    sleep and that adults will pray constantly, but not
    from terror
    . Adults will be experiencing union with
    Jesus, hearing His voice, so they will find it easy
    and will desire to remain in constant prayer. Jesus
    said that you would not go outside during this time
    in the same way you would not go outside during a
    violent storm because it would not be safe. He also
    said though that holy souls should not worry about
    being attacked by demons because demons are
    repelled by prayer, holiness, and holy souls.
    Demons will not want to be near those places where
    there are holy souls gathered in prayer
    . Because hell
    will be emptied
    and kind of loosed on the earth, it
    will be a conflagration of evil on earth, and that this
    is the big mardi gras of evil if you will, where evil
    on earth will destroy itself

    After the abomination, committed by the man Jesus
    spoke to me about, Jesus will end the darkness, the
    earth will be cleansed, and the time of the Great
    Disobedience will be at an end, giving way to a
    time of peace and obedience on the earth, which
    will last for a long time. A great many events will
    transpire before this darkness, including the signs
    that Jesus has referred to.

    Now Jesus speaks (the bolded parts). Please note that the paragraphs are from where I pulled various quotes from Volume 8 and may not be in order. Underlining is me. He starts here with what He desires right now:

    I am seeking a great
    detachment during these times
    . My words
    and the graces attached to them will help
    souls with this process. I am Jesus Christ
    and I am seeking out My children. I want to
    protect you.
    All who know Me, know that I
    am gentle, indeed the most gentle of men.
    My Divinity is also gentle and I desire that
    souls be at peace
    . It is for this reason I am
    so generous with My words and graces. I
    am sending everything your world needs to
    move through difficult times with
    confidence and joy
    . ...

    I personally love that last sentence because it reminds me of one of my first and always heroes, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, whose life showed how even being miserable in a concentration camp ones soul could soar. I would like my soul to be like that, and I know that God wants that for all of us, and that we achieve it by His grace only by asking for that gift.

    When the
    moon turns to red, My child, the
    calamities will begin and there will be no
    break in the events
    . They will come one
    after the other. People who are prepared
    will feel the quietness in their souls.
    People who have rejected Me will either
    choose Me then, or take another step
    closer to hell. This time is near.”

    I have sent many signs to mankind
    but they are ignored
    . This level of
    rebelliousness will not continue. For those
    who tell you that man is no worse than he
    ever was, let Me say this. Never in the
    history of humanity was the slaughter of
    so many met with so little resistance
    . The
    taking of an innocent life through
    abortion can never be My will. Do not view
    these scenes as punishment
    because I have
    no need to punish man in this way. I do
    have a need to get man’s attention
    when I allow man to reap what he has
    sown, calamities occur
    . Man then begins
    to consider his eternal soul and his
    entrance to eternity. Men, even those who
    are not following Me, consider what will
    happen when they meet Me. I want
    changes in this world and changes will
    occur. Be at peace because the good souls
    who lose their lives in these incidents are
    martyrs to the times. Souls following
    darkness who are taken will have an
    opportunity to repent. Consider your role
    in the coming of the Kingdom and trust
    that I will care for everything.”

    Anne sees visions of some events, and Jesus comments:

    I use the word upheaval. The events you
    witnessed, which are representative of the
    many events that will occur, will begin
    . They will come quickly, one after the
    other and you will know that I have
    spoken of this as the time of upheaval.
    In response to your question of whether or
    not I want to clarify when soon is, My
    answer to you was “no.” I will not clarify
    soon to you,little servant, because you are
    heavily burdened as it is and do not need
    that additional weight.
    (I thanked Him very
    sincerely.) You are welcome.
    Can you see why I want My words
    distributed? I want to be with souls and I
    want souls to know that I am with them.
    They will face these events in peace if they
    have practiced relying on Me and trusting
    Me. They will face death differently...

    More sobering truth follows. A price is paid to usher in the new age of obedience. We all die sometimes. This is certainly one of the better reasons.

    Some will die during this time. We all face
    death if we are human and that is what I
    want you to stress to people when you
    speak. Refer to the message I gave to you
    when you asked to read the messages of
    another. This was very human of you,
    Anne, so do not be ashamed. You wanted to
    know what would happen. I told you that
    you would live for a time and then you
    would die. It was not My will that you
    knew more than that from someone other
    than Me, your Jesus. I do not like souls
    seeking information to frighten others.
    Warn others, yes.
    But you see that even
    when I am giving news that could
    frighten, I am gentle and loving and
    concentrate on the Truth, which is that
    heaven will be actively involved in the
    events on earth and in the lives of those
    who welcome us. I tell you again, do not be
    afraid. There is no need.

    Anne has a question, and Jesus answers:

    [Anne speaking]: He does not like this, clearly,
    but this is the way it’s going to go. I did say, “Lord,
    you are all-powerful. This darkness is not in charge.
    Would You not just appear in the sky and say,‘Here
    I am. I am God. Change

    He replied, “Anne, I have done that. I have
    appeared in many ways. My mother is
    appearing all over your world, begging
    her children to change. The world has
    Scripture, which many ignore
    . The world
    has prophecy, which many ridicule. The
    world has My presence in every holy soul.
    There are healers whom I have sent to
    inspire faith. You knew I was with you
    long before you experienced anything
    supernatural. How did you know? You
    knew because every soul knows that I am
    .Some tell themselves I am not here in
    order to secure license, which they use to
    sin and draw others from Me
    . No, My
    child. It is not I who have failed. These
    words will save many. I am sending
    warnings from every corner of the world
    during this time
    . I am doing My part. Let
    every soul do theirs. We will save many,
    but we will lose many, and that is why My
    heart is heavy. Be at peace with this as you
    are doing your part to comfort Me by your
    obedience and your presence in My

    [I just want to add, because of Jesus' strong words on the slaughter of abortion, that Jesus is very merciful and understanding of anyone who has gone through this. At the website I mentioned in that free library you can scroll down past the ten volumes to the booklets and click on the "Heaven Speaks About Abortion" booklet and see what Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and His Blessed Mother have to say on that to anyone who has taken part in this. You can see, it is all mercy.]
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 03-20-2016 at 04:12 PM.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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