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Thread: 80 Questions (apologies in advance...)

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    Default 80 Questions (apologies in advance...)


    I know that it's not the first (or last) time that the dreaded 80Q questionnaire gets shoved down your throats, so I apologize in advance because my answers are long, dull and may leave you confused However, if you do find the time to read it (or, for your own sanity, skim through it) I would really appreciate anyone's insights into this.

    Frankly, I already posted this once on PersonalityCafe, but I figured that you guys are probably more well-versed in Socionics (and hopefully more patient ). For the record, some of the types I identified with were EII (what I get most often on tests), IEI (the description fits me much more), ESI and ILI.

    Someone on PC suggested EIE but I hardly see myself as Fe-lead let alone an extrovert.

    Still anything is possible...

    Anyway... here it is

    Block I Priority: * (low)

    General to specific, specific to general – what does it mean?

    General, in my opinion, means universal - Something that is true and will remain true forever. Specifics are parts that are derived from the universal truths.

    What does "logical" mean? What is your understanding? Do you think that it correlates with the common view?

    Logical, I think, means adhering to common sense. Thing is, there's the obvious, more objective idea what is logic "If a car hits you hard enough, you'll die", and then there are the more subjective interpretations that depend on the person and his beliefs/understanding of how the world works. So it's not all that cut and dry.

    (Kinda' awkward to read this, I admit...)

    How do you explain fractions on the dial of the clock?

    How am I suppose to explain them? They're just there so we know what time it is. I mean, it's just too simple a concept to explain in depth.

    (Funny thing is, originally I misinterpreted the question to mean some kind of metaphor for old age and death. God, I'm pretentious sometimes...)

    What is a rule? What rules do you have to follow?

    Rules are restrictions that keep us from hurting each other. I'd say the rules that one needs to follow are those relating to decency of behavior. Though my conscience usual does a decent job at making me a goody-two-shoes.

    I rarely see a point in acting badly towards others--although I still do it from time to time (emotional outbursts mostly).

    What is hierarchy? Do you need to follow it? Why or why not?

    Hierarchy arises naturally in a place where control is needed. But the hierarchical structure changes depending on context (You could be at the top of the ladder in one place, and at the bottom in another).

    it's a very shaky concept.

    Personally, I would follow someone above me as long as he doesn't abuse his power and overstep his/her authority.

    What do you think of instructions? Do you use them? Could you write an instruction manual? If so, what type of instruction manual would you most likely write?

    Instructions are pretty helpful I'd say. Sure, the dryness and lack of an emotional story-line makes it unappealing but I would still need them in situations where a more improvisational method wouldn't work .

    And if I were to write a manual? I would probably wouldn't. But maybe something similar to this? A typology dealing with how people act/think/what motivates them?


    Please explain: "Freedom is in complying with the laws, but not in ignoring the laws"? Do you agree with the statement? Why?

    No, laws, by their nature, restrict ones freedom. Again, my view on laws is that they should only deal with ethical concerns (Not killing/abusing each other/being fair, etc,...) But no, freedom is granted, in my opinion, by means of breaking away from societal expectations (so in a sense "breaking the law").

    Maybe what is meant is that, while pursuing your own personal freedom, one should never go against the law (using/hurting others) as a shortcut. Putting that kind of ethical spin on the question, I agree with the statement wholeheartedly.

    Tell us how about consistent you are?

    Umm... I really don't get this. Consistent in what ways? I mean, yes, I'm consistent in my views that people should respect each other and their boundaries. I'm consistent in my moods going from constant self-doubting to hyper-cheerful and bizarre.

    I guess I'm a bit sheltered so things are "consistent" but not by personal choice ( constant self-doubt keeps me in place some times...)

    What is a "standard"? Why do people need it?

    Standard is the means by which we measure ourselves. The comparison could be between the self and the imagined "ideal-self", between self and others, etc. Whatever those standards are, they allow us to change (and hopefully improve ourselves).

    You need to put your home library in order. How do you feel about this activity? How will you approach this task?

    I actually do enjoy it to an extent. I'm not obsessive by any means, but I get this weird satisfaction from categorizing things that I'm emotionally attached to - whether it be music, books, movies, etc,... usually by using weirdly specific and pretentious genres.

    Again, it's important that I have an emotional connection to the things I'm organizing (almost like my way of take caring of things I love or emphasizing ownership over them) or it'll just seem redundant.

    Block II Priority: *

    What is work in your opinion? Why do people go to work? Are there any parameters where you can distinguish whether you can do this work or not?

    Work is simply a mean of getting money or getting through, pure and simple. People usually go to work because otherwise they'd end up homeless. However, I do think that everyone should derive some satisfaction from their work so they won't feel dead inside.

    Now me? I'd prefer work where I could use skills that are natural to me in a free and preferably creative/innovative fashion. Really, anything that will allow me to be creative, hoping it will impact others on an emotional level.

    Also, I probably won't be doing anything too physical because that sh*t's tiring (Secretly, I'm also a bit paranoid about messing up my health so I'd prefer not doing something that could **** it up). I also happen to work as a cashier at a cafe, but dislike it, preferring non-service oriented work (smiling to costumers kills me sometimes. But I can suck it up, I guess.)

    And of course, I'd want everyone to be respectful to each other in the workplace, but that's a given...

    Is there any correlation between quality and quantity? Tell us if or how the price depends on quality?

    (Man, the questions on this block are draining me...)

    Umm, yes, there's a correlation since if you produce more, you'll spend less time on the quality of a product.

    Basically quantity = less quality
    quality > quantity...


    Now, from my experience, price depends on a need, so the more people 'need' something, the bigger the price. That's all I guess...

    How do people determine the quality of work? How do you determine such quality? How well you can determine the quality of any purchase, do you pay any attention to it?

    (Serious headache now...) Well, I'm not sure how others determine the quality of a work. If they like it - Good. If not? Too bad?
    However, there are many factors to consider as each individual is different.

    Now as for me, if I'd buy something, it would probably have to be aesthetically pleasing (basically interesting-looking). Maybe something ancient with a history behind it?

    Beyond that? Well, with practical stuff, if it does what I need it to do, and it's not too cheap or too expansive, I'll consider buying it probably.
    Usually I don't spend money on stuff besides rent and basic necessities. Sometimes something interesting/unique catches my eye and I might buy it regardless of price (but I'm quite frugal in general.)

    How do you feel if you didn't finish some work? Does it ever happen? What are the reasons?

    I do procrastinate often. I guess if it's something important to me, I'll feel guilty for not finishing it on time (if I finish at all). If it's an obligation, I'll probably be a bit upset too, because I can't seem to motivate myself to do necessary routine/mundane work most of the time.

    Now, if I feel I'm not capable enough to finish something, I'll postpone it or simply abandon it altogether (Although that usually relates to personal creative projects where the consequences are small) otherwise I'll attempt to push through.

    What is "interesting work" for you? Please explain in detail.

    Interesting work would involve either researching a subject of interest, or work that allows me to express myself creatively. Subjects of interest include anything from Psychology, to certain branches of philosophy, to art (now trying out graphic design, though it kinda' lacks the creative freedom I want)

    With regards to creativity? I guess I always wanted to get my ideas out to canvas/paper. It's just that nothing really feels satisfactory (as far as medium goes). Writing stories is fun, but I feel like I need to make a grand/surreal/art-house animated film about death or something. Something more visual basically...

    Sorry, it says to elaborate...

    You go to the store and see something you're interested in buying; there is a price tag on it. What parameters are you going to use to understand if it's overpriced, under-priced, or priced correctly?

    If it looks interesting/"pretty"/ has a unique history behind it I'll probably buy it, as long as the price tag isn't *outrageously* big. I'm pretty bad with handling money in general (and I always worry about spending too much)

    When you work and someone tells you: "You don't do it right." What is your reaction?

    I'll be hurt. I mean, I'm sitting right now, writing this, I don't see myself reacting too badly. But in retrospect, I usually become guilt ridden if someone tells me I'm not doing something right, and depending on the severity of the criticism or the harshness of tone, I'll probably become very upset and emotional.

    There is a professional right next to you. You always see that you can't perform the way they do. Your feelings, thoughts and actions?

    I don't expect myself to do as well as a professional really so I'll be glad if he'd showed me how to improve. Deep down, however, I'll probably be envious and feel like I've missed out on a chance to be as good as him.

    When you have to ask someone else to help you with the task, how do you feel?

    More ashamed than I'd like to admit. I'd welcome it of course, but I generally prefer doing things by myself since asking for help means I'm not competent enough to get work done on my own (This attitude usually does more harm than good, I admit...)

    You need to build a pyramid exactly like in Egypt. Your thoughts, feelings and actions?

    I'd probably screw up with the proportions, the shape and everything in between. Or I'll completely restructure the whole thing and create some weird, bizarre-looking Yeti thing made out of pyramid bricks...

    Or, more realistically, I'll get bored and forget about doing it, unless I'm some slave in ancient Egypt, where disobeying gets me whipped, killed or worse, yelled at...
    Kind of a weird question actually...

    Block III Priority: **

    What is beauty? Do you change your opinion about beauty? Does your understanding correlate with the generally accepted notion? What goes beyond the generally accepted notion?

    Beauty could be a lot of things. Generally, not all beautiful things need to be "beautiful" in a conventional sense. Not all art has to be pleasant, and even in darkness, I think, there's something hidden between the lines that make it highly appealing (Usually why I gravitate more to dark art in general)
    Honestly though, things that are simply defined, classically as 'beautiful' are usually bland in my opinion because they lack that "defect" that allows me to connect with the art/artist on a deeper level. It almost feel manufactured to me.

    Please describe your understanding of a beautifully dressed person. What is the core of beauty? How do you explain what is beautiful to a person who has never heard about beauty before?

    I don't put much emphasis on how a person dresses. Often I see those who "dress to impress" as hiding some sort of insecurity inside themselves that they do not want others to see.

    The core of beauty, I think, is in the response/creation of strong emotions, whether positive or negative. And I wouldn't explain beauty to another person because everyone's definition of beauty is different. However, I do stand by the fact that beautiful often elicits strong emotions out of a person, either positive or negative.

    Coincidentally, even artistic depictions of death could be beautif--

    And I'm being weird again...

    Is there a template of understanding what beautiful means for everyone to use? Is there such a term as "classical beauty"? If so, what is it?

    No, beauty is highly subjective to the person in question. Not only that, but also the supposed "universal" standards of beauty (i.e. lacking blemishes/"weird" features) doesn't always hold.

    Again, conventional (or "classical beauty") is often overrated and quiet boring to my eyes if it lack a certain distinguishing feature.

    What is comfort? What is coziness? How do you create your comfort and coziness? How do others evaluate your skill in doing so? Do you agree with them?

    I'm really not sure. it's tempting - comfort, coziness... It's, well, comfortable. But I don't think it gets you far. Also being as highly "in tune" with my own comfort zone, the need to get out of it is constant - though doubt and hesitation always keeps me stuck there (Which, in turn, creates more doubt and an even bigger need to break out of it - creating one hell of a vicious cycle)

    As for "creating" comfort? Well, I'm usually good at avoiding confrontations, and that's "comfortable", I guess. But is it getting me anywhere ,or is it just a limiting mindset, producing a stagnant life? Probably the latter. I sometimes associate being comfortable with wasting time, which causes me to feel ashamed that I'm not doing something more interesting with my time (I have actually considered myself to be Delta - specifically EII - but I realize that I don't value Si at all, so there's that I suppose...)

    As for others? Well, sometimes I can (in a way intentionally) make people uncomfortable by "weirding them out" (not intentionally - I just want to get a laugh out of them) Other times, I can be funny in a charming/cute sorta' way (so I've been told..)

    Also, I'm naturally curious about other people's perspective on things so I consider myself a good listener (though unconsciously I'm probably just trying to psycho-analyze them) In general though, I usually roll my eyes at anyone who puts too much emphasis on their own/others' comfort. It just seems unnecessary to me, or at least not a good way to spend ones time.

    How do you pick your own clothes? Do you follow fashion? Why? Do you know how to select clothes for different types of figures?
    I don't follow fashion. I just don't care. I generally prefer clothes that are darker in tone and are simple in design since I hate standing out (so no bright yellow/overly bright colors for me. Augh.) And no, I barely know how to select my own clothes, let alone for "different types of figures" (whatever the hell that means...)

    How do you cook? Do you follow recipes? What do others think of your skill?

    Depends, if it's something small and for myself, I'll improvise (usually to catastrophic results). However, if it's something more fancy or if it's for someone else, I'll rigorously (and I mean rigorously to the point of absurdity) follow a recipe so that I don't mess up.

    Are you good at color patterns and mixing them and matching?

    If we're talking clothes, I'm good enough to not look like an attention-seeking clown (no offense to clowns everywhere), and I do generally try looking presentable in a casual/simple sort of way. But nothing more.

    If someone is telling you what is beautiful and what is not, what goes with what color and what is not, do you agree with this person?

    I'd probably ask for a quick look, to check if I'm not making a complete fool of myself, but in general, I like the way I dress (again, I'm nitpicky and stick to a low-profile kind of dress-style). Also, I don't trust other people's judgement because they usually pick out things that make me stand out too much (my family mostly...)

    Tell us how you'd design any room, house or an office. Do you do it yourself or trust someone else to do it? Why?

    Well, I'd probably avoid doing it because it's too much work for nothing. But I guess (eh..) if someone did all the dirty work, I'd probably fill the place up with some dark artwork, and give the place a kind of surrealist/gothic/grotesque vibe.

    But in general, I can do without decoration (My room is like the most boring-looking place ever. Except the Buddha statue on my desk. I love that little guy!)

    How do you know if a person has bad taste? Could you give us an example? Do you always trust your own taste or do you seek opinions from others?

    Well generally if the person's style is too "in your face" whether it's clothing (Again, yellow stuff), taste in music (Pop music about living a "glamorous" life style), etc,... I'd be scratching my head in confusion, or squeezing my temples in annoyance.

    Of course, I try being as accepting as I could since tastes differ. But again, sometimes I can't help but roll my eyes at some of peoples choices in dress/music/movies/books, etc,...

    Block IV Priority: *

    Can you line up human resources and make them do things? What methods do you use? Can you press people? If so, how does it happen?

    Ah, no, I can barely get myself to do things (Hell, I got stolen money in the bank that I need to reclaim. And I can barely motivate myself to do that!) Besides I don't "impose" myself onto others because of the possible conflicts that may arise in the process that I always wish to avoid.

    The one exception is when the situation is out of hand and we need to get things done fast, that's when I start ordering people around. But again, no aggression, just blunt, direct orders to get the job done with. Really, I become very quiet, pace myself faster, and become very "mechanical" until the job is done.

    And I'll still apologize a billion times afterwards. But only after the job is done...

    Otherwise? "Pressing" others just sounds malicious and manipulative to me. I wouldn't want someone pushing me around so why would I push others?

    What is incursion? How do you deal with this? Can you repulse? How easy can you do it?

    The Internet defines incursion as "an invasion or attack, especially a sudden or brief one" so I guess I'll take the Interent's word for it. Usually I snap at people that invade my person space or "attack" my beliefs (sorry if the phrasing is awkward, the questions are a bit too vague for my liking) Most likely, however, I'll try avoiding the person as much as possible, so that the fight wouldn't escalate further.

    Now repulse? I don't repulse (Although I'm not sure what is meant by "repulse") - I can act weird/stoned/crazy, but I don't like repulsing others, since it's, well, repulsive...

    What does "my people" and "strangers" mean? When do "my people" become "strangers" and why?

    Strangers are people I don't know well. I would also call 'acquaintances' strangers if it's a sort of brief, superficial, "hello-goodbye" kind of relationship.
    Honestly, I find that with some people I "click" with (a selected few I might add) and that's when I act more open and consider them "my people". Otherwise, I'm closed off, reserved and generally quiet around others.

    Are there strategies of attack? Can you use them? When is it justified?

    Strategies of attack? Like asserting yourself over others for a certain end purpose? Well, in a sense, everyone needs to push a little to get something. But I believe it's more about persistence than anything.

    Strategies of "attack" sounds aggressive and seems like stepping on others to get what you want. I generally prefer a more diplomatic approach myself, though if I sense I'm being disrespected, I can become very opinionated and critical of the oppressor.

    Do you think it's ok to occupy someone else's territory? In what situations?

    Only if the other person allows for it, or if it's something serious. I mean, I hate when people intrude upon my personal space (especially if it's just to ask how my day was) so I would assume doing so would piss off others too.

    Again, I believe communication and a diplomatic approach is key in a situations like this.

    What are the methods of volitional force? When is it most effective and in what situations?

    Sorry, I really don't get this one...

    How do you protect yourself and your interests?

    Well, if someone does something against me, I have a hard time not letting them know. I mean, even if I hold back, I can never hide it on my face.

    If I do let others know (and that happens in extreme situations only), it's usually in a very direct, almost authoritarian manner (sometimes I'll even swear if I'm pushed too far) If nothing works, I'll probably do whatever I can to avoid the person as much as possible, while still resenting myself for not having dealt with the situation less aggressively.

    Describe your behavior in the situations of opposition and if you have to use some force?

    Again, a glare, criticizing the oppressor from a moralistic standpoint (you are being very hurtful, inconsiderate and arrogant). After that I'll feel bad (for losing my sh*t, not because I may have been wrong) and avoid the person as much as possible...

    Do others think of you as a strong person? Do you think you are a strong person?

    Others definitely don't see me as a strong person. However, most had witnessed me during my more aggressive moments (which genuinely seem to surprise them each and every time) so usually they keep quiet. Still, I carry that air of detachment and gullible innocence about me that makes people assume I'm kind of dimwitted (weirdly enough, some think I'm incredibly smart, though I think it's because I keep quiet most of the time...)

    Now me? Personally, I don't see myself as strong (and definitely I'm a bit emotional and temperamental at times) but stronger than I am perceived to be...

    How do you understand if a person is strong? Are there any signs of a strong person? What is the core of any force? Why do people listen to one person, but not the other?

    A person is strong if he has an air of confidence about him, with regards to his strengths. Of course people can't be confident/strong in all areas of life (and those who believe that are being full of themselves and delusional) but a strong person has convictions that he strongly believes in (hopefully they are good in nature.)

    Finally, I think that a person who possess an understanding nature, patience, and generally a sense of humility is strong in my eyes.

    Block V Priority: *** (High)

    What is boorishness? Does your understanding of it correlate with the generally accepted notion? How would you explain what boorishness mean to a 10 year old child? How would you explain the same to an adult who does not behave ethically?

    Boorishness is insensitivity. It's overstepping boundaries when you're not welcome, especially if your intentions are bad. To a ten year old, I would explain it as something weak people do to hurt others (emphasis on the attacker being "weak" to get the point across).

    To an adult? Um.. I'd probably go on about how his behavior is inappropriate and that through his behavior he is hurting others (Though people tend to become stubborn with age, no?)

    Furthermore, I usually tend to think that if someone acts a certain way towards me, then it's a reflection of his personality/behavior in general, and I grow to detest the person because he probably acts that way to others.

    How would you improve the moral of the society?

    I really don't have any realistic solutions to that. I'm more ideological regarding myself and what "I" want out of life, rather than focusing on how I could "fix" society in any way.

    Can you justify somebody's bad behavior by thinking that he/she wasn't taught how to do so?

    Wasn't taught how to do so? No, in fact, I think that makes it worse since he wasn't influenced by someone to act maliciously, but rather, it was his own choice to behave in such a manner - says more about his true character IMHO...

    Give us your understanding of love. Can you love and punish at the same time?

    Love is a flood of positive emotions you get from being with someone. In a sense, when you're in love, you'll share this strange connection that you cannot explain, and often you'll put the person on a pedestal, ignoring their flaws and in a sense, experience them on a deeper level.

    But hell should I know? Never been in love yet (or even had a decent relationship yet. sigh...)

    Now about love and punishment? Given that an intense connection such as this is bound to be accompanied by intense emotions, a sense of hatred or even a desire to punish your love interest could come up. Still, even in those moments, there's the sense that it's part of the whole deal, and the moments that follow (if it wasn't pushed too far) make the punishment worth it. Think of it as tension and release.

    Have you heard about the Southern hospitality? Everything is for the guest. There is also a German hospitality – the master of the house is always right. What method is the right one? Try to evaluate without the weight of any cultural aspects, traditions, nations etc.

    I think taking hospitality towards any extreme is kind of silly. I think all this Eastern/German hospitality stuff is pure anecdotal actually, just to paint a certain (exaggerated) picture of a given culture. Still my opinion is, it should be balanced: Treat your guest right, make sure he did not come over for nothing (or at least allow him to feel welcomed), but at the same time, the guest is still a guest and must respect the boundaries of the host and the place he's in.

    What is sympathy? When do you need to express it? When is it advised not to?

    Sympathy is understanding an individual's problem, by attempting to step into their shoes. Unfortunately (heh), I'm quiet susceptible to feeling sympathy towards others, even if I consider their actions to be reprehensible (it's not like I can't hold a grudge, it's just that I don't care to hold it for long) Still, you should express sympathy whenever you're sympathetic towards another. Simple as that.

    And I'm not really sure when you're not supposed to express it - I guess if the person did something terrible, one should avoid sympathizing with him to not have his judgement clouded - again, too general...

    Are there any norms of behavior in the society? Do you follow them? Do people always have to follow them? Why?

    I try following societal norms in general (mostly those relating to decency of behavior). Though I find some other, less crucial norms to be questionable (sorry, not elaborating here....)

    How do you know what attitude among people is right or wrong?

    An overly aggressive attitude that does not respect a person's personal space or his sense of being - anything that humiliates a person, or exploiting a person for personal gain. On the other hand, anything to do with virtuous behavior like open-mindedness, being respectful of others, being understanding, those are all components of a right attitude in my opinion (though I don't consider myself an arbiter on human morality/ethics, frankly...)

    What does moral mean? What is immoral? Does your understanding correlate with the others? How can you evaluate the correctness of your own understanding?

    I can only judge what is moral by looking first at the immoral. Anything that would inflict pain, insensitivity, and disregard for a person would be considered immoral. Now, again, the "being hurtful" part is important because while immoral behavior arises from a sort of clash in beliefs, disagreeing or dismissing said belief is not immoral (the person may be considered close-minded but not immoral). No, immorality has to do with deliberately trying to hurt a person. So while, for instance, saying something that the other person doesn't agree with is not immoral, constantly bringing up a painful subject with the intent to hurt the person (intent very important) would be considered immoral.

    Again, sorry, I don't really think in terms of moral/immoral most of the time. I get these gut feelings that just tell me when something doesn't feel right or when someone is doing something wrong or reprehensible, but I hardly see myself as the right person to define what is moral/immoral beyond the general idea of good behavior/bad behavior, cruelty/kindness, polite/impolite, etc,...

    Somebody is giving you a negative attitude – what is your reaction? Could you show your own negative attitude toward someone else? If so, how? Could you give a person the silent treatment? How easily do you forgive people?

    I've already mentioned a few times, that if someone is displaying a negative attitude , I would either confront the person, or avoid him. Regardless, it would follow feelings of shame or internal discomfort.

    And, while I don't mean to, I find myself giving people the silent treatment quite often, if I believe they'd done something wrong to me (although I could be wrong in my judgments). And again, it's not like I'm trying to teach the person a lessons (I'd be more direct in that regard), I'm simply trying to avoid escalating the fight or having my mood ruined by the other person. I just don't handle confrontations all that well.

    Block VI Priority: ***

    "Whole world does not cost one tear of child" – how do you understand this phrase? Do you agree with this opinion?

    Well, my understanding is that we hold certain people in higher regards than others, in this case, a child, who's life we value more because he/she's young and is more fragile. I guess I understand the idea that a child has so much potential to become something great in his life. However, I don't agree that one life is worth more than the other.

    I guess really, just because someone is young that does not mean that his life has inherently more value than someone else's - especially considering that childhood is a relatively short period of time in a person's life, and to imply that a person loses some of his value after the period is over just seems... weird to me.

    Maybe I'm taking the phrase itself a bit too literally, but I believe that, perhaps unless you know that you don't have much time left on this planet, then no life is truly less significant than the other, since we have no idea how any one life would unfold in the grand scheme of things.

    Is it acceptable to express emotions? Give examples of inappropriate expression of emotions.

    Yes, it is generally acceptable to express emotions. I believe that suppressing emotions is not only unhealthy, but also undermines the complexity of each and every one of us. I guess it saddens me that people often hide their emotions to either "get the job done", or to hide their vulnerabilities, because displaying emotions, both positive and (surprisingly) negative are really worthwhile experiences that allow one to grow and (arguably) feel more alive.

    However, I personally do tend to experience my emotions privately, mostly because I don't like the attention that my emotions would attract ("are you alright?") I tend to be a pretty private person, and, sometimes, admittedly, I indulge in my negative emotions. But explaining why I feel the way I do to others just feels a bit difficult for me (As though I'm ashamed of saying what's on my mind).

    Now, I think that expressing emotions is only unacceptable when such emotions are inept, given the context. For instance, laughing at a funeral...

    (Actually, come to think of it, I would be angry with someone laughing at a funeral, but not, surprisingly, when someone is feeling depressed at a fun gathering - I can understand that not everyone can adjust positively to a given place. And sometimes when people are troubled, you can't force them to stay happy.)

    Can you use negative emotions? In what situations?

    "Use" as in to my benefit? Well, negative emotions do come up often, and sometimes I even indulge in them (okay, indulge is a strong word, but I never repress them). However, I wouldn't use them to (at least consciously) manipulate something or someone. I keep most of my emotions to myself (releasing them only in the confines of my home).

    I do "use" my negative emotions as a sign to reflect on my current state/situation, analyzing what caused the emotions to manifest and, hopefully, fixing the problem.

    How do you express negative emotions? What does it look like? What do others think about it?

    (Kinda long...)

    Usually, I'd isolate myself from others, become highly irritable, especially when people confront me with the more mundane aspects of reality. I experience great difficult in expressing my emotions to others not because I can't understand them (I understand them too well), but because of the (perceived) mockery that I think I'll get when I tell others about my feelings (most people I know seem to repress their emotions more often than show them).

    Beyond that, I tend to develop an overall defeatist attitude to everything from time to time until something gives me hope (a new idea/insight/ perspective etc,...)
    With regards to how others perceive my emotional outbursts? Usually some either try (modestly) cheering me up, others (my family especially), think I'm just "playing the victim" and that others have way worse shit than I do. Some just avoid me because I can often be very moody, defensive and sometimes even aggressive with others (verbally, never physically).

    Another weird thing is I get angry when someone tells me to relax, take it easy or just "chill". I don't know why (It almost feels like relaxing is a waste of time and not really getting me anywhere.)

    Shallow emotions – what does it mean? Are there any other emotions?

    Is it weird that I associate positive emotions with shallowness and superficiality? It's like I have this belief that positive emotions are short-lived and constantly fleeting, and eventually we just go back to being our old miserable selves (Don't invite me to your parties, please...)

    Also, inauthentic emotions, like if someone is constantly happy in order to hide their insecurities and negative feelings.

    What are right or wrong emotions?

    Authentic emotions - right. Inauthentic emotions - wrong. Also, it's okay to express emotions as long as you don't act violently in spite of your emotions. That's all really.

    Can you change the emotional state of yourself? Of others? To what side – positive or negative?

    Well, I can change my emotional state when I can find the source of the emotions and tackle it in a way. Or when I can distract myself (going out, reading, watching dumb YouTube videos) However, distraction doesn't always work since the bad feelings usually come back with a vengeance after I'm done distracting myself.

    As of others? Well, I don't consciously do it, but yeah, often when I go out (for instance, with my friends) I often act as comic relief, who's upholding this sort of weird/quirky vibe in the group (so my type is 'Hipster' basically).

    However, I'm not sure if this "upholding of an emotional atmosphere" is something mostly superficial, or my preferred mode of interaction, or a way to hide my opinions, thoughts, and ideals from my friends, who (I believe) seem to judge me when I express my deeply held beliefs.

    What does it mean to "pour out your emotions"? How does it happen?

    It means letting the emotions you've bottled up come spilling out of you, either in small or big doses. Often it happens when you (or I) want to clarify the cause of the emotional state, and feeling that you can't do it alone, you start displaying them outwardly, hoping to attract someone who will listen.

    Me personally, I can't prevent my emotions from showing on my face. Whenever I'm angry, I'll always look at the source in hostility, when I'm sad, I'll usually become unusually quiet, have a sulky tone of voice, or even become teary-eyed - though when that happens, I'm uncomfortable in showing my emotions to others (since it attracts attention) and so I try avoiding talking to people, getting to close to them, or anything else to keep a low profile while I'm having my little breakdown

    Does your internal emotional state correlate with what you show externally?

    Not necessarily . In fact, no matter how happy I may look, there's always a big part inside of me that's deeply dissatisfied with who I am and that I'm "fooling" myself and others with my emotional displays. However, no matter how often I keep the facade of seeming happy, I can't ever fully conceal my real emotions - though I still try because I don't think my more "personal" emotions are anyone's business by my own.

    Do you track what mood you are in throughout the day? Do you notice the mood of others?

    With myself, I usually have no choice. My mood often plays a bigger part in how my day will unfold than I care to admit. Now with others? I guess I can pick up whether someone feels bad through their tone of voice, their facial expressions and such, and I'm often inclined to ask someone if there's something wrong with them (it's like an automatic response). Also, when I see someone's in a bad mood, I usually try keeping a slight distance between us because I don't want to upset the person further (though I'll keep wonder why he/she's feels this way.)

    However, that's only when I'm in a good mood. When I'm in a bad mood, I'm waaay too self-absorbed to notice anyone's emotions but my own.

    Block VII Priority: **

    Do you like surprises?

    Usually... no. Most of the surprises I get are not the good kind (Surprise! I need you to lend me some money "friend"!) And even with good surprises, I often am not sure how to act, and whether I should reciprocate (which I hate because... more responsibilities...?)

    How people change? How do you feel about those changes? Can others see the changes?

    Well, I believe that people don't change easily. Sure, they might but it doesn't happen over night and usually it happens after a major downfall (At least with me it does.) However, when I see a sudden (emphasis on sudden) change in someones attitude, I immediately suspect that they're either hiding something, want something out of me, or about to deliver some bad news. Or at the very least are putting on an act..

    Do others see the changes? I dunno, I'm not "others". I guess people are inclined to notice changes as well - most apparent are changes in appearance, but I don't really have much else to say (I can't get THAT deep inside peoples' heads)

    Is it true that whatever happens is only for the best?

    I don't think so. Sometimes shit just happens for no reason, or because of carelessness or anything else for that matter. I mean, sure, you can and often do "learn" and grow stronger as a result of something bad happening. But to say that everything that happens is only for the best? Yeah, I think that's kind of far-fetched. I do however, believe that things are all that bleak and that a better future awaits somewhere around the corner.

    What do you think of horoscopes, fortune telling etc.? Do you believe in luck, lucky fortuity?

    I take them with a grain of salt. I mean, sometimes some "omen" may appear and I'll start wondering if it will affect my day in any way. But I usually shrug it off after a while.

    With regards to horoscopes, again, I don't really buy it - they are too general and, while sometimes they can tell you something about yourself, often they're off the mark and don't say anything about any one specific person (something that typology at least attempts to do by observing an individuals behavior/motivation/ etc,...)

    Can you forecast events? Is it even real?

    Hmm... Usually I get this vague feeling that something might happen. Like for instance, a few times I was riding the bus and then, upon seeing a person who looked rather suspicious, I actually went off the bus because I thought that something bad was going to happen if I stayed. Another time is when I'm going somewhere and, upon seeing a group of people nearby, I would try "straying" off the path to avoid being seen by them (plain paranoia).

    Now of course usually my predictions are severely exaggerated , but I feel like they have a chance of being correct, so I keep my guard up. Of course I question anybody who says that they can predict the future, but at the same time, I think there are these "clues" in the environment that kind of allow you to draw such conclusions.

    None of that horoscope stuff though...

    What is time? How do you feel time? Can you "kill" time? How?

    Time, I feel, is something that is constantly slipping by. I can feel time moving, with me slowly (but surely) disintegrating along with it. I guess time feels ominous to me , and I'm never sure if I have enough of it - though I sure act like I have too much of it, given how much I procrastinate...

    speaking of which...

    I often procrastinate on doing things, especially of a dry, "business-like' nature with excessive focus on small details. Furthermore, starting something important usually makes me very anxious - I'm often unsure whether what I'm doing has any significance at all, or if I'm just fooling around.

    Also, I'm often unaware of how much time I have on my hand to do something, so I may procrastinate til the very last moment to do something (if at all)

    Is it easy for you to wait for some important event? What if you don’t know when it is supposed to happen?

    I'm always filled with anxiety whenever some important event is coming up, especially if I don't know what is going to happen. For instance, a day before the event I'll usually have trouble sleeping because of all these thoughts about what "might" happen during the event itself, hoping I'll be able to "deal" with everything and not screw up.

    So yeah, usually I'm pretty anxious before an important event because I'm very conscious about how things could go wrong.

    Do you need help creating forecasts and determining how something will end? Do you trust those forecasts?

    When it comes to anything relating to managing time, I need help. If I'm not guided, I'll usually delay things, procrastinate or anything in between. However, I doubt anyone's ability to predict how something might end because of the unpredictable nature of, well, everything...

    Yeah, I know, sorry, bad answer. The future is kind of uncertain to me, though there's this vague ideal I have in my head of a better self - usually more artistic, insightful and important than I really am (something that causes me to be disappointed with myself on a daily basis unfortunately)

    Are you normally late? How do you react if someone is late?

    It depends - Sometimes I'll grossly overestimate the amount of time I need to get from point A to point B and arrive too early (that's what happens most of the time...) Or sometimes I'll believe I have more time than I do, and arrive a bit later than needed (Apologizing endlessly to the person I'm supposed to meet)

    However, it's very rare for me to be considerably late to an event (since at some points I'll get very nervous and may even start pushing others to get where I need to be on time)

    Sorry, it's an annoying subject for me. Knowing how much time it'll take me to do thing X or get to place Y is kind of an Achilles' heel of mine...


    Okay, now when others are late, I either think that something had happened to them, or they decided not to come. I'll usually wait patiently or hit them up on the phone to make sure they're okay, but the anxiety will start creeping up on me.

    Imagine the situation where you agreed to meet with someone. Your feelings and actions: a) 20 minutes before the meeting starts, b) 5 minutes before the meeting starts, c) it is time for the meeting to start, but the person is not here, d) 20 minutes after the meeting start time and the person is not here, e) more time and the person is still not here…

    Assuming it's a new situation where I'm not familiar with the person then it'll probably be like this:

    a) 20 mins prior - I'll start worrying about meeting up on time, while imagining what the person is like (again, if it's someone I hadn't met before). I'll probably already be on my way there - increasing my pacing with every pacing second.

    b) 5 mins prior - I start imagining how the conversation will play out, almost having an imaginary conversation with the person. Also I'll start thinking whether or not he/she might find me awkward/odd/annoying for one reason or another.

    c) meeting time - I'll be relieved that I came on time. I'll probably lean against a wall somewhere and just observe everything/everyone around me or continue imagining the conversation I'll have with the person.

    d) I'll start getting upset/annoyed, thinking about how I've wasted my time on some fruitless endeavor (Again, if I perceived the meeting to be meaningful for me). Gradually, moodiness and self-esteem issues may come up (I'm thinking to myself: "I believed this meeting will help clear things up for me/help define me, but again, I am left without answers")

    (Sorry, ignore that last part. God....)

    e) if he's still not there at a considerable amount of time passed, I'd go home, become moody, self-absorbed, inactive and hesitant to talk with anybody - that could last for a while, too...

    Block VIII Priority: ***

    Is there a meaning of life? In what? Is it the same for everybody?

    I think it means finding something that will allow for constant inspiration to go on. Really, it's about finding a goal for yourself that is most in sync with your beliefs and natural strengths. Naturally the goal will be different for everyone, but in the end, it's about flashing out the best parts of yourself and finding intrinsic value through meaningful goals.

    What should be done so people can be happy?

    People need to figure themselves out to be happy. Others can provide momentary/fleeting moments of happiness, but it's only when one finds his purpose in life, he'll become truly happy and content.

    In the situations with a lot of potential and volatility will you trust your own guts, logically calculating everything or will you ask people you trust what should be done?

    Well, usually my gut *knows* exactly what I want. However, my brain will talk me out of it eventually ("you don't need this", "It's useless", "it may not be what you want"). Same with other people - I definitely do my best to not be overly influenced by anyone. However, given my low self-esteem, it's definitely discouraging when others don't support me in my goals/desires (usually echoing some of my mind's concerns... or maybe my mind is echoing the concerns of others. Dunno...)

    One last thing - there's this thing I have that I have a hard time continuing doing something if I don't fully believe in it - even after an initial gut feeling that it could be interesting or good for me. I just tend to idealize experiences and when they aren't all they're cracked up to be, I'll often become disappointed and disengage...

    When you meet a stranger, what can you say about them right away? How do you know what this person is all about? Does it take long to understand someone's talents?

    I'm not too delusional in my abilities to read people. I'm probably not bad at it, I can definitely tell when somebody's in a bad mood, is worried, or anything else that pops up on the surface. However, I do often find myself trying to sort of "psychoanalyze" people based on their movement, tone of voice, habits, etc,.. (this is especially true with people close to me, where I often have the urge to figure out their way of thinking, their life motivations and all that (Gee, I wonder why...)

    Now, about understanding someone's talents? Well, I usually get a certain feeling from a person, like if the person has a detached look, or during speech he seems to wander (like me!) then I'd assume that he's thinking about something deeper perhaps, or perhaps imagining something in his mind. If someone's loud and abrasive, I'll believe he's probably good at managing others, but is probably not too prone towards self-reflection, and is a bit too sure of himself.

    But again, I'm not delusional - Often times my judgments are erroneous and when I assume something about a person, it takes just a quick conversation for him to disprove me. But not always!

    Remember an interesting person and call out 5-6 qualities you think are interesting in them. What makes an interesting person? Are you an interesting person? Why? What if someone calls you "boring" and "not interesting"?

    Woah, five or six? Umm, okay, said person 1) Has interesting/unconventional ideas 2) Possesses great intellectual insight into things 3) Lives his life confidently according to his own ideals 4) Is creative 5) is open-minded and understanding 6) Is modest (not full of himself)

    ... I may be making up a person in my head right now, but if it was a girl, I'd totally marry her right now...
    If she'd let me...

    Also, about others not finding me interesting? Yeah, I can understand that. I mean I do have sometimes unusual/silly insights into things, and often I put more emphasis on things that don't really matter to others. So I can see why others might be put off by me.

    What opinions, from people who know you, seem: a) fair; b) not fair; c) hurtful; d) strange.

    a) "You need to find a direction in life and stick to it!" - Legitimate problem. I'm sorry, working on it. I'm simply looking for the best option so I don't regret it later.

    b) "You never take shit seriously" - Not fair, I take plenty of things seriously/personally. But I try hiding it from others by either being quiet or by means of humor (And even that fails often)

    c) "You're wasting your time "on pointless shit" / "being too idealistic" /"on artsy-bullc***"/ "not being productive!" - It's not really the content that hurts, but rather, the sort of direct/"down-to-earth" manner in which it is being said. I say that, unless you can offer some actual insight into the problems, don't stick your nose in other people's business (I'm actually mostly quoting a "friend" of mine, who's known his "no-bullshit" demeanor and his confidence in telling people how to live their lives, and inability to look at issues on a deeper/more human level)

    d) "Take it easy" - I find it both strange and a bit hurtful since I really don't see the point in relaxing, taking it easy or whatever. It just seems "besides the point" so to speak (Why relax when it doesn't get you anywhere?)

    d - II) "You're so smart!" - Again, I just don't see it. I mean, I don't think I'm an idiot - I do tend to over-analyze things and try understanding why things are the way they are - but I don't think I'm knowledgeable whatsoever when it comes to more concrete information (facts, definitions, logical ability, etc,...)

    Probably because I'm really quiet IRL...

    Do you fantasize? What kind of fantasies do you have?

    I wouldn't exactly say I fantasize, or at least not lucidly. I'm in my head most of the time, preoccupying myself with thoughts about something that happened, something that was said to me, future plans, doubts etc,...

    Often I'd switch back and forth between listening to someone talk and thinking about something entirely unrelated (usually they'll confront about it).
    I really don't get much satisfaction from the present moment and so envisioning a more exciting future just seems like a natural response. Or at least picturing something more exciting than what 'is' right now.

    But again, no grand worlds manifesting in my head or something (I wish), just this weird detachment from the current moment (Unless I'm at work, then I'm pretty darn focused most of the time)

    Also, as I've said before, I usually get this inclination to create "what if?" dialogues between myself and another hypothetical person (usually a love interest, though I rarely act on my desires in reality). The creepy part is that these dialogues are usually thought out-loud so people can potentially catch me in the act (never have yet.)

    What qualities should a person have to be successful and why?

    A person needs clarity in order to be successful. If a person truly knows what he wants, if he has a clear understanding of his own aspirations, and a desire to act, I think he will naturally be driven towards success.

    Unless your aspiration is killing people. Then you might wanna consider it only as a hobb--

    I mean don't do it... geez...

    What qualities can stop a person from being successful and why?

    Being delusional about himself and his aspirations, letting others decide what is important for him, a defeatist attitude (something I'm a bit inclined to suffer from), and no desire to reflect on yourself or learn from your own mistakes.

    What is more important in life – to be a good person or be a successful one? Why? Is a good person always successful? If not, then why?

    Well, being a good person is definitely more important than to be a successful one, but I think that's a given. And is a good person always successful? Well, if his definition of success is to be a good person, then yes. However, being good, in my opinion, is just the bare minimum of human decency, and should be independent of all other qualities - including success.

    Basically, I think a person is successful only when he's succeeding in realizing his own personal vision (though I guess some form of financial stability would be nice to go along with it so, you know, you won't starve to death...)

    Again, I know most won't bother reading this mess, but if someone does and a certain type rings a bell, feel free to tell me. Thanks!
    Last edited by VladNk; 11-29-2015 at 03:10 PM.

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    for typing a video is much better

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    Ethical ego for sure. Seems Fe valuing as well, and I'm leaning toward Ne/Si.
    I would say some kind of Alpha SF, dunno which one though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    I suppose it is more accurate that way. Still, I'm kind of skeptical about posting a video of myself. I like to keep my face private so to speak

    But I'll consider it

    Quote Originally Posted by Chacha View Post
    Ethical ego for sure. Seems Fe valuing as well, and I'm leaning toward Ne/Si.
    I would say some kind of Alpha SF, dunno which one though.
    Well, I do seem to value Ne and (surprisingly) Fe...

    However, if I understand Si correctly, then I don't value it whatsoever. I generally feel that things like comfort, pleasure and relaxation (among other Si-related things) aren't important since they don't get you anywhere or help you achieve anything in the long run.

    Also, there's this feeling of anxiety I experience whenever I feel that something is wrong with my body. For instance just a few days ago, I've been experiencing a strange metallic taste in my mouth. Almost immediately (well, okay, after a quick Google search) I started imagining myself getting treated for a serious illness at a hospital (one of the causes was liver failure and, of course, I thought I had that. )

    Really, I feel like, if I could permanently get rid of my body so that I wouldn't have to take care of it, I'd do it in a heartbeat...

    Thank you for replying!

    (Oh yeah, and the metallic taste thing went away on the next day. )

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    Quote Originally Posted by VladNk View Post
    Well, I do seem to value Ne and (surprisingly) Fe...
    I do feel like Fe is kinda obvious tbh. I don't see you expressing much attraction/repulsion, and in the way you interact with people you appear rather warm and accomodating to me. For example the way you answered to me or to Sol.

    Love is a flood of positive emotions you get from being with someone. In a sense, when you're in love, you'll share this strange connection that you cannot explain, and often you'll put the person on a pedestal, ignoring their flaws and in a sense, experience them on a deeper level.
    Here for example you kinda think firstly about the emotions that people can feel, and there's less emphasis on the relationship, that Fi would do. You are focused on the objective expression of ethics, and not really the implicit connections of introverted ethics.

    However, if I understand Si correctly, then I don't value it whatsoever. I generally feel that things like comfort, pleasure and relaxation (among other Si-related things) aren't important since they don't get you anywhere or help you achieve anything in the long run.
    Hmm, indeed that doesn't seem very Si valuing. But your Se block is very low as well.

    Also, there's this feeling of anxiety I experience whenever I feel that something is wrong with my body. For instance just a few days ago, I've been experiencing a strange metallic taste in my mouth. Almost immediately (well, okay, after a quick Google search) I started imagining myself getting treated for a serious illness at a hospital (one of the causes was liver failure and, of course, I thought I had that. )

    Really, I feel like, if I could permanently get rid of my body so that I wouldn't have to take care of it, I'd do it in a heartbeat...

    Thank you for replying!

    (Oh yeah, and the metallic taste thing went away on the next day. )
    This on the contrary looks Si valuing, because you kinda noticed what happened to your body quickly and worried a lot about it. I guess you must be SP as well, if you know about instincts. Well if you wish you could develop about how achieving things seems more important than comfort, because I guess we could kinda say it's Extroversion in a sense.

    No problem, if you have more questions I would be glad to help.
    Good to know that disappeared though, that doesn't seem very serious indeed. But if you google it, you'll sure think you have cancer or something ;p Never do that again.

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    Okay, so I've decided to post a video. However, it's a bit long (about 16 mins... sorry...)


    I had to split into two videos because of the stupid YouTube limit. Also, there's a slightly annoying lag/static sound in some parts of the video so I apologize.

    Here they are. If you feel like it, check them out. It's pretty pretentious at some parts (especially first half, oh god...), but it was a stream of consciousness kind of monologue so... yeah.


    Part one:

    Part two:
    Last edited by VladNk; 12-01-2015 at 07:09 PM.

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    INFJ (EII) or ENFP (IEE)

    It's better to create themes with titles saying they contain a video, - may give more interest to the theme. As it's impossible to change a title, you may create 2nd theme.

  8. #8
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    IEE you talk with your hands and you are a fluid talker with good rhythm that doesn't introvert

    Or ILE you might want to look into both
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chacha View Post
    I do feel like Fe is kinda obvious tbh. I don't see you expressing much attraction/repulsion, and in the way you interact with people you appear rather warm and accomodating to me. For example the way you answered to me or to Sol.

    Here for example you kinda think firstly about the emotions that people can feel, and there's less emphasis on the relationship, that Fi would do. You are focused on the objective expression of ethics, and not really the implicit connections of introverted ethics.

    Hmm, indeed that doesn't seem very Si valuing. But your Se block is very low as well.

    This on the contrary looks Si valuing, because you kinda noticed what happened to your body quickly and worried a lot about it. I guess you must be SP as well, if you know about instincts. Well if you wish you could develop about how achieving things seems more important than comfort, because I guess we could kinda say it's Extroversion in a sense.

    No problem, if you have more questions I would be glad to help.
    Good to know that disappeared though, that doesn't seem very serious indeed. But if you google it, you'll sure think you have cancer or something ;p Never do that again.
    A lot of people worry about their health. I don't think it's type related. The imagination of possibility of the worse is a consequence of our recognition of our mortality.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Hmm... I'm not so sure anymore. The thing Jeremy8419 wrote about me being an ISFp seems to make sense. I kinda read up some of the descriptions and ISFp seems to be describing me (suggestive Ne and role Ni seems pretty accurate) I am a bit skeptical about being Si-lead since the whole "desire to create physical/emotional comfort for myself and others.." doesn't sound like me

    But hey, who knows? Maybe you're right and he's wrong..

    I'll look into this. Thanks Maritsa

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    Quote Originally Posted by VladNk View Post
    The thing Jeremy8419 wrote about me being an ISFp seems to make sense.
    Magical force of smart words. As today there is no objectively proved methods of typing - all words are just speculations. From same facts different people do different resumes. To understand how few that words mean you need to know average typing match of that Jeremy8419 or any other with another ones - it's only <50%, mostly <30%.
    You've gotten several versions of your type from different members. Read types descriptions - wich types look closer to you, wich quadras you feel as home, try to type people around to compare intertype relations theory with what you get on practice. To check IR you may also use my famouses lists in the signature. In such way you'll understand your type. It's not fast, it takes monthes of observation. Without this you don't understand good the basics of typology: dichotomies, model A, etc.

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    Read types descriptions - wich types look closer to you
    That's the problem, really. I see myself in different types and in different descriptions. It's like I can't discern what is "more me?" and what is "less me?". But yeah, I'll definitely look further into this. I'm sure I'll find my type eventually though. Just need to study the whole thing more in depth

    Wish I was a bit more opinionated on the matter though

    Thanks Sol!

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    Quote Originally Posted by VladNk View Post
    I see myself in different types
    Sure, as a type is also a balance of functions. T types are such because have more T elements in consciousness, but they have F elements there too. The idea is to choose wich are closer, even if the difference seems as not big.
    There is Filatova's book in English - "Understanding the People Around You: An Introduction to Socionics". It's good for novices.

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    Quote Originally Posted by VladNk View Post
    Okay, so I've decided to post a video. However, it's a bit long (about 16 mins... sorry...)


    I had to split into two videos because of the stupid YouTube limit. Also, there's a slightly annoying lag/static sound in some parts of the video so I apologize.

    Here they are. If you feel like it, check them out. It's pretty pretentious at some parts (especially first half, oh god...), but it was a stream of consciousness kind of monologue so... yeah.


    Part one:

    Part two:
    The videos immediately reminded me of an IEE-Fi housemate. You have a similar kind-looking roaming look that doesn't seem to get focused on anything (contrary to ISxx types) and sort of floaty gestures that make it hard to see you as a type with expressed sensing. My 2¢ and another vote for ENFp.

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    The videos immediately reminded me of an IEE-Fi housemate. You have a similar kind-looking roaming look that doesn't seem to get focused on anything (contrary to ISxx types) and sort of floaty gestures that make it hard to see you as a type with expressed sensing. My 2¢ and another vote for ENFp.
    Actually, I'm already pretty convinced that IEE is, in fact, my type. Really, from the descriptions (especially the one on Sociotype) there's very little I don't agree with. This just confirms it.

    Though I'm still trying to understand how PoLR-Ti manifests itself in this type. Something about going into excessive, unnecessary detail when describing something?

    Eh, dunno. Gonna figure it out eventually. Probably even change my mind by tomorrow Thanks!
    Last edited by VladNk; 12-10-2015 at 10:21 AM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by VladNk View Post
    Though I'm still trying to understand how PoLR-Ti manifests itself in this type. Something about going into excessive, unnecessary detail when describing something?
    Lots of HA/polr discussions in here:

    I wouldn't say IEEs go into excessive unnecessary detail, quite the opposite they seem to forgo details in my view. They can ramble in conversation or in writing and seem to struggle with organization of both their words and actions (as well as career plans, and any kind of plans) but this could be traced to a variety of other type traits besides the polr.

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    this thread is left still where drama may continue

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    this thread is left still where drama may continue
    Whatever. Find your "drama" elsewhere.

    I'm done.

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