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Thread: Again. Back from some personal shit and with my head more clear.

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    Default Again. Back from some personal shit and with my head more clear.

    This questionnaire is for MBTI, I'll provide a link to it's "key" hopefully some can translate into Socionics a bit. I'll be filling out the tests/surveys here for scocionics specifically tomorrow when I have time. Some of you may remember my firsts posts here in "whats my type" I wouldn't say forget it all if you remember any of it. But keep in mind I was going through an emotional breakdown and suicidal thoughts. I was really fucked in the head, so most of what I spewed was garbage the first time, though that may provide insight seeing how an extremely Un-healthy "whatever type I am" operated/operates.

    So anyways this is a rather long post already so feel free to not read this post if you don't want to read a good bit . And take the time to judge it with the key ext. Please keep shit civil, I don't want any drama at all. If you don't like how long the post is that's totally fine but keep that to yourself or your friends anywhere else other than this thread. Appreciate it.

    PS. Scenario 7 wont make sense without context so I will link the original post and key here...



    Your significant other just ended your 2 year relationship quite suddenly and with no apparent explanation. Up until this point you had both been talking about marriage and last week you even went to look at rings together. Now he/she won't even return your phone calls or texts. After talking with his/her family you find out that he/she has just been diagnosed with terminal stage 4 cancer.

    - Describe how this scenario would make you feel as well as what sort of influences and motivations lie behind those feelings. Why do you feel the way you do?

    - In this scenario what would you honestly say the primary focus of your feelings would be?

    My feelings? Well I'd be very confused because I'd want them to be there for me if the roles were turned. And, I'd have pieced together what type of person they were before committing to them for that long. And in piecing them together with how I've observed them and their personality for two years ensuring that this would not be their reaction. - Nonetheless, I'd want to respect their wishes, and send a card/something that may change their wishes manipulating them to want me there with them as I would in their place.-



    You are in college and this semester both you and your roommate end up in the same class together. You and your roommate get along fairly well and the living situation works but you aren't particularly close. You both typically do your own thing and are rather indifferent to each other. As the semester progresses you excel and become one of the top students in the class whereas your roommate is struggling significantly to grasp the material. The professor assigns a fairly challenging take home test that is a significant portion of your grade. He/she makes it clear that while it is open book, students are to work alone. Later your roommate comes to you begging for help after struggling with the test most of the weekend. You have already completed the assignment and he/she isn't asking to copy your answers, just to help tutor and mentor them as they struggle to complete the test, so there is no way your professor would ever know. However, this is the first time your room-mate has asked you for help this semester. He/she makes it clear that how they do on this test could mean the difference between passing and failing this class.

    - How do you respond to your roommate’s request and why?

    - What sort of things in this scenario stand out to you as far as having a strong influence on your decision making and why?

    - Describe the flow of your decision making process.

    I would respond by saying okay I'll help if I'm not busy. The fact they didn't ask to straight up copy me but just asked for some guidance made the difference. Means they're interested in the class enough to ask for help the right way albeit, with terrible timing. I would suggest to them to ask for help earlier on in the semester next time when they are struggling. As long as I didn't have something planned "serious" I'd have no problem helping seeing as I'd been living with them for a while and they have not bothered me so far in our relationship. I like working alone, but this wouldn't be working for me, it would be teaching. They would get some help but ultimately all this would just strengthen knowledge as well by rehashing it. And if am interested in the subject alone I really wouldn't mind, but would tell them I need time to rest so it would not be all in one sitting.



    Your boss calls you into his/her office in order to assign you to a new project. He/she gives you a choice between two.

    Project 1 is a rather broad, expansive project covering multiple areas of company operations. It has the potential to have a very significant impact on company operations but it would require a collective effort and an extensive amount of group work where you would be logically thinking through the project together with the group of individuals your boss has also assigned to it.

    Project 2 has a much more specific and narrow focus and would require a significant amount of in depth individual analysis to work through the problem. You would be working alone and the completion of the project may or may not have much impact on company operations. However, after complete the process and problem you were working on will be streamlined and fundamentally understood.

    - Which project appeals to you the most, as it relates to the way you prefer to logically process information? Why?

    - What sort of things in this scenario, across either project, stood out to you as having a strong influence on your decision? Why?

    Project 2, I have trouble thinking well in groups. My best work is alone with minimal interaction with other people. They are just distractions to me, and I work in a meticulously and very detailed fashion. Other people would just cause me too lose focus and my train of thought / my place ext. I don't really care if the work I'm doing has a bigger or lesser affect, I just care that I'm comfortable and the theories/ideas behind my work are the best. I do not mind tossing around ideas with one/maybe two other people before getting started but then splitting up. I don't work well in groups and myself not speaking up enough because i'm processing all the different ways the project could go with every single persons idea's giving me no time to come up with my own design for the project and expanding from it.



    Your college professor has assigned you to a group project with 3 other individuals. All 3 of these individuals have a good strong work ethic and desire to contribute to the overall success of this project. You are at the first meeting of your group and the other members are tossing around valuable ideas as to the nature and direction of this project.

    - Describe your behavior in this situation as you process and think about the ideas they are presenting.

    - Describe what major influences drive this behavior.

    If they are not close friends, I would be overwhelmed rehashing part of my answer above. While they are tossing around idea's be them good or bad I'm in my head trying to branch out on their concepts leaving me no time to find my own thread of creativity. I would get very tired and eventually stop listening to them at all just waiting for it to over and for them to give me their basic ideas after their verbal diarrhea has ceased. I would try to then once I'm alone work out from their perspectives the best I can but will come up with my own view and suggestions even if it totally disregards their work the next time we meet. I need the alone time to think or my work becomes messy and I become overwhelmed. I need a lot of alone time to think everything through and try and make what I come up with and suggest as full-proof as possible, and alone is the only way I can fully achieve this.



    It has been a very long week and you feel mentally and emotionally drained, but good news! It is Saturday and you have nothing significant that needs to be done. You FINALLY have some free time to yourself to recharge your batteries and do whatever you want.

    - Describe what sort of activities would help you to recharge. What would you enjoy doing after a long week and why?

    - What sort of things do you feel you draw non-physical energy from doing?

    I'd play WoW to distract my brain and relax from thinking constantly and trick myself into a mundane routine to relax and be alone with interaction available if I want it through chat ext. And I often find myself just watching lectures in my free time and researching shit that has no real effect on my life, I just want the knowledge for the sake of having it. The lectures are often philosophy and debates with politics and religion ext. I'm not particularly interested in either of those subjects its just something to think about and relax because I don't really give a fuck. I'd probably watch some documentaries as well and be as alone as possible the whole time I do this. I often don't feel like I can fully think till even the people I live with and are close with are asleep, it's like my brain can finally open and everything is quiet. If something inspire's me though I will work 24/7 even during my "off-time" especially once everyone is asleep and no one can interrupt me.



    You have a meeting with your college career counselor to discuss potential careers that interest you. He/she offers you a list of the following careers and asks you to pick your TOP 3. He/she asks you to take money out of the equation. Imagine all of these careers received equal compensation. Focus instead on where you would truly feel most happy and fulfilled.

    Artist, Scientist, Actor, Engineer, Musician, Lawyer, Counselor, Entrepreneur, Teacher, Manager, Psychologist, Computer Programmer / Analyst, Clergy, Child Care, Medical Doctor

    - What were your top 3 choices and what aspects of these careers appeal to you?

    - Was it difficult or easy to pick only 3 and why?

    - Prioritize the aspects of your career choices that influenced your decision, what things mattered most to you, where do you imagine finding the most fulfillment and why?

    Artist (*Classically trained-photo-realistic and Technical-Artist* I am one, make a living with my work/commissions.) I think musician should apply to "Artist" as well, but that's just me.)
    Psychologist (I already study this subject in my free time and find it interesting)
    Analyst ( particularly (Cryptography) Almost went into the military doing this very thing when I was younger.)
    No, it wasn't hard to pick really. Went back and forth a few times between psychologist and scientist ****arguably the same thing just a specific field of study with-in science.*** as well the third. I would find fulfillment in any of them. I don't really care about money anyway long as I can eat and have a place to sleep/work I'm fine.


    Click on the image below and pay close attention to the things that jump out to you, objects, thoughts, feelings, impressions, ideas etc. What do you see?

    Short Effective Scenario Questionnaire 2.0 (Self-Type)-paintedcanyon1fb.jpg

    - Describe the main things that stand out to you in this picture.

    - Why do you think/feel you focused on those things?

    - Describe the strength with which this photo did or did not appeal to you and why?

    I like the picture, it's well done 'set' artistically and flows rather nicely. I know I focused on the green lush trees as probably intended by the photographer to be the central focal point of the photo. I can imagine lots of things looking at this photo, I could go on for a very long time spitting up random thoughts it provokes anything from I wonder what the temperature was during that photo to how long it's taken water/wind to carve away the walls the it has. Then thinking about how it was probably a flat field or meadow or underwater completely at some point and time and what this exact spot will look in like 2 million years in the future.

    Using the key I got MBTI INTP. that of course doesn't mean i' 100% have to be INTp in socionics. Just asking for serious input without insults. Thanks if you take the time to read everything and provide insight. Also if you VI me based on my profile picture I was drunk, so that'll affect my expression. Here are a few videos of me playing the guitar and shit.
    <font color="#B22222"><span style="font-family: Verdana">
    I am the guitarist / clean vocalist in a old metal band of mine.

    This video was taken a while back when I was about to enlist in the navy for cryptography
    Last edited by Mactheknife; 09-14-2015 at 09:17 AM.
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    reserved for the tests provide on the forum here.
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    make a video to have normal chances for correct typing

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    make a video to have normal chances for correct typing
    I'll provide some, just a moment.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    make a video to have normal chances for correct typing
    added what I could until I get a decent webcam and extra time to film something.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mactheknife View Post
    until I get a decent webcam and extra time to film something
    To film you need digital photocamera or even smartphone if the model is not 10 years old, 10 minutes of bla-bla-bla and up 1 hour to upload it at videohosting or filehosting. You don't need webcamera or anything special.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    To film you need digital photocamera or even smartphone if the model is not 10 years old, 10 minutes of bla-bla-bla and up 1 hour to upload it at videohosting or filehosting. You don't need webcamera or anything special.
    Touche' I was actually just thinking about that, though what I do have to do is wait till tomorrow its 521 am here and I'm mad tired heh And I'm quite camera shy.
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    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    Hi Mac! Did I somewhat inspire this thread? LOL. Awesome guitar skills !!! I LOVE the acoustic video, wow. Honestly I'm in a rush so I'm not about to read everything you wrote just yet, but I stick by my first impression that you are an IEI likely NI subtype (INFp). I have an ex who is adamant he is INTP but it's because he also scores that on MBTI tests.

    Okay I did just scroll up and read some more.. hmm.. A lot of those questions aren't very useful for typing to be honest.. I will let someone else respond to you and ask you questions about the different functions you value, etc.

    If anything, SEI is also a very strong possibility. ISFp.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    Hi Mac! Did I somewhat inspire this thread? LOL. Awesome guitar skills !!! I LOVE the acoustic video, wow. Honestly I'm in a rush so I'm not about to read everything you wrote just yet, but I stick by my first impression that you are an IEI likely NI subtype (INFp). I have an ex who is adamant he is INTP but it's because he also scores that on MBTI tests.

    Okay I did just scroll up and read some more.. hmm.. A lot of those questions aren't very useful for typing to be honest.. I will let someone else respond to you and ask you questions about the different functions you value, etc.

    If anything, SEI is also a very strong possibility. ISFp.
    haha thank you glad you liked them I just dont wanna make a new video I wouldn't know what to say or anything but I may post one if people say it would be helpful. SEI was one I looked as well, few reasons it was off a bit and I understand MTBI INTP doesn't mean i'll be INTp here so I'm not "stuck" or insisting any type at the moment. Me along with a few other people were fairly certain of me being IEI-super heavy Ni before I took my break from the forums. I appreciate your input though and glad you like the videos, and maybe some the answer's interesting.
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    FML I think may actually have been right with IEI-Ni to begin with.....
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    I don't really feel like I have enough information here yet; those questions are surprisingly unhelpful (to me anyway). I'll post my preliminary conclusions though. One thing that stands out to me from the videos is that although you're obviously very involved in your playing, you show no emotion at all on your face. This makes me think cold-blooded communication style (LII,LSI,ILI,SLI). Meyers-briggs and socionics usually agree on clubs, so we'll say you're NT (LII,ILI). Your need for quiet sounds like valuing, leaving LII.
    Valued | Devalued
    < | < | Conscious
    < | < | Unconscious

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    Quote Originally Posted by tejing View Post
    I don't really feel like I have enough information here yet; those questions are surprisingly unhelpful (to me anyway). I'll post my preliminary conclusions though. One thing that stands out to me from the videos is that although you're obviously very involved in your playing, you show no emotion at all on your face. This makes me think cold-blooded communication style (LII,LSI,ILI,SLI). Meyers-briggs and socionics usually agree on clubs, so we'll say you're NT (LII,ILI). Your need for quiet sounds like valuing, leaving LII.
    I knew an ILI who played classical guitar beautifully and he wore the same stone face the whole time. I never saw an expression change even when I would get all emotional about his playing just for me. He did not like to play in front of anyone even though he was very talented. I tried not to make a big deal of it because he didn't respond much when I did. His mother would gush over his playing with pride. She was not very emotionally expressive and sometimes I was not sure if she was joking or not but his playing moved her.

    Si is role function of ILI and they are introverts so the need for quiet can probably apply to a lot of introverts.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by tejing View Post
    I don't really feel like I have enough information here yet; those questions are surprisingly unhelpful (to me anyway). I'll post my preliminary conclusions though. One thing that stands out to me from the videos is that although you're obviously very involved in your playing, you show no emotion at all on your face. This makes me think cold-blooded communication style (LII,LSI,ILI,SLI). Meyers-briggs and socionics usually agree on clubs, so we'll say you're NT (LII,ILI). Your need for quiet sounds like valuing, leaving LII.
    I appreciate the input, perhaps I should make a video on my phone or something. I would have zero Idea what to say it'd probably be short. I def need quiet big time.
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    short video of me talking... to my phone/self? That was super awkward for me but hope it helps in typing me.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    Hi Mac! Did I somewhat inspire this thread? LOL. Awesome guitar skills !!! I LOVE the acoustic video, wow. Honestly I'm in a rush so I'm not about to read everything you wrote just yet, but I stick by my first impression that you are an IEI likely NI subtype (INFp). I have an ex who is adamant he is INTP but it's because he also scores that on MBTI tests.

    Okay I did just scroll up and read some more.. hmm.. A lot of those questions aren't very useful for typing to be honest.. I will let someone else respond to you and ask you questions about the different functions you value, etc.

    If anything, SEI is also a very strong possibility. ISFp.
    added a video of me talking
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mactheknife View Post

    short video of me talking... to my phone/self? That was super awkward for me but hope it helps in typing me.

    Thanks for sharing the video but sorry, there isn't enough information to come a conclusion on your typing. A longer video would be useful and if you're looking for ideas of things to talk about, there is a questionnaire here:
    Personal concepts
    1. What is beauty? What is love?
    2. What are your most important values?
    3. Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?

    5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    7. What do you think of daily chores?
    8. Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    10. Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?

    Evaluation & Behaviour
    11. What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    12. What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    13. In what areas of your life would you like help?
    14. Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

    People & Interactions
    15. What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    16. How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    17. If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    18. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    21. How do you behave around strangers?
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    Thanks for sharing the video but sorry, there isn't enough information to come a conclusion on your typing. A longer video would be useful and if you're looking for ideas of things to talk about, there is a questionnaire here:
    Personal concepts
    1. What is beauty? What is love?
    2. What are your most important values?
    3. Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?

    5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    7. What do you think of daily chores?
    8. Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    10. Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?

    Evaluation & Behaviour
    11. What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    12. What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    13. In what areas of your life would you like help?
    14. Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

    People & Interactions
    15. What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    16. How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    17. If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    18. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    21. How do you behave around strangers?
    Thank you for the reply I'll try and do another video answering those questions tomorrow or tonight If I can.
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    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mactheknife View Post
    added a video of me talking
    Lol that video didn't really show much ahahaha.. um, if anything the only thing i could conclude is that you used no

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    You seem like a friendly, personable guy who can be moody-ish. I approve. woot.

    as for typing. no idea.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    Lol that video didn't really show much ahahaha.. um, if anything the only thing i could conclude is that you used no
    Ugh it's weird talking into my damn phone like that I dont like it D:
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackburry View Post
    You seem like a friendly, personable guy who can be moody-ish. I approve. woot.

    as for typing. no idea.
    haha Granted I know I didn't provide a whole lot. Thank you though
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mactheknife View Post

    short video of me talking... to my phone/self? That was super awkward for me but hope it helps in typing me.
    types aside - you need to get more sleep from this video!

    where is your avatar from, and is it of any significance to you?

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    Quote Originally Posted by yeves View Post
    types aside - you need to get more sleep from this video!

    where is your avatar from, and is it of any significance to you?
    I have insomnia, lol It's a painting of mine I gave to a friend a while back.
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    ugh so tired of insomnia can't think straight my eyes are so blurry and I can't get tired. ;
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mactheknife View Post
    ugh so tired of insomnia can't think straight my eyes are so blurry and I can't get tired. ;
    I can relate. I had it for a couple weeks straight and was only sleeping a couple of hours at a time even on sleeping pills. When I did sleep I was having weird lucid dreams. I finally slept last night and dreamt but they weren't lucid, thankfully. I woke up with a new perspective. Things aren't as horrible as I thought they were for the past couple of weeks. Hope you get some sleep. It makes a big difference.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I can relate. I had it for a couple weeks straight and was only sleeping a couple of hours at a time even on sleeping pills. When I did sleep I was having weird lucid dreams. I finally slept last night and dreamt but they weren't lucid, thankfully. I woke up with a new perspective. Things aren't as horrible as I thought they were for the past couple of weeks. Hope you get some sleep. It makes a big difference.
    How'd ya manage to cure it @Aylen? I've been overcoming the problem with booze but we all know that isn't exactly a good thing. How do I cure my insomnia without resorting to some kind of drug?

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    How'd ya manage to cure it @Aylen? I've been overcoming the problem with booze but we all know that isn't exactly a good thing. How do I cure my insomnia without resorting to some kind of drug?
    I have been using binaural beats and I used to do chakra balancing which worked surprisingly well but I suck at meditation. Binaurals at least helped me sleep a couple hours. I was doing ok until recently. I actually had used sleeping pills and alcohol to sleep for almost 10 years starting in my teens.

    I had a another close friend die recently, plus some other stuff, so I was driving myself mad. Mostly I had to deal with the monsters in my head before I could sleep in my bed.

    Yeah, you gotta deal with the stuff that is keeping you awake. I have found no other way. Substances may knock me out but I don't feel rested after.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I have been using binaural beats and I used to do chakra balancing which worked surprisingly well but I suck at meditation. Binaurals at least helped me sleep a couple hours. I was doing ok until recently. I actually had used sleeping pills and alcohol to sleep for almost 10 years starting in my teens.

    I had a another close friend die recently, plus some other stuff, so I was driving myself mad. Mostly I had to deal with the monsters in my head before I could sleep in my bed.

    Yeah, you gotta deal with the stuff that is keeping you awake. I have found no other way. Substances may knock me out but I don't feel rested after.
    So, binaural beats and meditation? Thank you, will try that in the near future. What are binaural beats may I ask?

    My issue isn't inner demons (sealed those fuckers but good, didn't wanna kill em' because they might come in handy someday) more that it is I cannot stop thinking. I will lie there and think, think, think, then when I've finally started to cool down I get another vision, wake up (if I was lucky enough to have actually gone to sleep), then start thinking again. The cycle continues and I never get a solid 8 hours in without the booze. Worst part is it's cheap booze because I'm poor, can't even afford the good single malt to knock myself out with high class .

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