Hi all. I dislike introductions since I'm never sure what to say in them. But I first got interested in Meyers Briggs theory a few years ago, and spent a long time trying to figure out what my type was. I originally tested as INTJ, and wasn't entirely sure that description actually fit me. For a while I thought I might be INTP, INFP, or INFJ. I also found that the type descriptions in MB are not very comprehensive and also started to wonder about the role of the other cognitive functions (or IM elements, take your pick) in personality type, and so decided to look into socionics. Socionics had always seemed somewhat complex to me, but after spending some time with the Meyers Briggs theory I found it much easier to digest. I have not taken an actual socionics test, however on reading the description of the ILI several months ago I have had 99% of my doubts about my type settled. Also, I have found it to have much explanatory power in terms of understanding my nature and how I think and feel about myself and the world around me, and how I relate to others. I'm looking forward to connecting with others on the forum.
