So, I am just wondering what my type is for certain.

I can say, that I have friends in both Alpha and Gamma and I get along roughly equally with each. However the Beta and Deltas are lacking, so I am finding it hard to ascertain just which of these I am in.

I am definitely an introverted individual. By no small stretch of the imagination could I be conceived as an extrovert. I am also quite definitely sensing and logical, and others' views of me echo this. I am focused on the present and the past, with a more linear and close-minded view of the future. However I am not too involved with the present, being more of an observer. I have fairly strong ethics, being considered a good/kind person and such, but am more strongly a logical person, offering a more detached input into things.

So, how would I go about determining if I am Beta or Delta? Or how could I help the members here to help me determine it?